"You need 8 heroes or villains on your team"
I would like to see TFs with a challenge setting option called "Incarnate Challenge". Essentially it would be the same TF but with significantly buffed mobs, team size requirements removed, no use of temps, and maybe some other fun surprises. Mobs would drop threads like in trials and maybe even Astral Merits for achieving certain objectives.
Think of D2 Nightmare/Hell mode. Higher difficulty, better rewards.
With many players approaching T4 status all around, there is the concern of existing content not as challenging and not as worthwhile as it used to be. Sure, I can set it to +4 for a challenge but it would be nice to have a more thought out option. Plus, the content is already there so it would require only some slight tweaks on the development part. Seems like a pretty efficient way to keep people playing the same content over and over.
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I agree with the OP. Making us require warm bodies to start TFs was always a bad idea. As the incarnate slots are making everyone much stronger, the pool of people who will be able to solo TFs - and who might want to do so - will increase.
Forced teaming is not necessary to ensure people will team. Take a look at what happens in regular missions or even farms. Even though it's more efficient in rewards/time to be solo, plenty of people team all the time for these tasks. Regardless, the iTrials have the forced teaming bit covered pretty well.
Free the TFs!
I would like to see TFs with a challenge setting option called "Incarnate Challenge". Essentially it would be the same TF but with significantly buffed mobs, team size requirements removed, no use of temps, and maybe some other fun surprises. Mobs would drop threads like in trials and maybe even Astral Merits for achieving certain objectives.
Think of D2 Nightmare/Hell mode. Higher difficulty, better rewards. With many players approaching T4 status all around, there is the concern of existing content not as challenging and not as worthwhile as it used to be. Sure, I can set it to +4 for a challenge but it would be nice to have a more thought out option. Plus, the content is already there so it would require only some slight tweaks on the development part. Seems like a pretty efficient way to keep people playing the same content over and over. |
On the subject of the original post, reducing all the minimum team sizes to 3 or 4 wouldn't inconvenience many people. I think LGTF is left at 8 to prevent a small team of SOd toons who know nothing much about the TF simply finding they don't have the firepower to complete it. A simple warning along the lines of "Minimum team size 3, but we recommend at least 7" in glowing neon letters should do it.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
Even if they are made soloable, (or duoable, since TFs will end if there's only one person left) most people will still team for them. After all, the minimum team size for the ITF is 6, and people usually fill the team anyway.
Free the TFs!!!
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Great ideas in here. Great ideas!
And I'd love to see badges for soloing the core TFs!
My idea was this:
Allow the TFs to be soloable, but the AVs will not downgrade, and the old minimum team size becomes the new minimum spawn size.
Want to solo a Posi 1? Fine, you still fight three peoples' worth of enemies.
Want to solo a Lady Grey? You better be able to handle x8 Rikti and all the AVs.
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
My idea was this:
Allow the TFs to be soloable, but the AVs will not downgrade, and the old minimum team size becomes the new minimum spawn size. Want to solo a Posi 1? Fine, you still fight three peoples' worth of enemies. Want to solo a Lady Grey? You better be able to handle x8 Rikti and all the AVs. |
Basically i agree with this, make the spawns the size of the minimum requirement and i'll be happy to go along with this.
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Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
I would like to see TFs with a challenge setting option called "Incarnate Challenge". Essentially it would be the same TF but with significantly buffed mobs, team size requirements removed, no use of temps, and maybe some other fun surprises. Mobs would drop threads like in trials and maybe even Astral Merits for achieving certain objectives.
Think of D2 Nightmare/Hell mode. Higher difficulty, better rewards. With many players approaching T4 status all around, there is the concern of existing content not as challenging and not as worthwhile as it used to be. Sure, I can set it to +4 for a challenge but it would be nice to have a more thought out option. Plus, the content is already there so it would require only some slight tweaks on the development part. Seems like a pretty efficient way to keep people playing the same content over and over. |
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A simple warning along the lines of "Minimum team size 3, but we recommend at least 7" in glowing neon letters should do it.
That way you make extra sure no one has a legitimate complaint when they get to the last mission of the STF or LRSF and find out they can't complete it.
"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick
My idea was this:
Allow the TFs to be soloable, but the AVs will not downgrade, and the old minimum team size becomes the new minimum spawn size. Want to solo a Posi 1? Fine, you still fight three peoples' worth of enemies. Want to solo a Lady Grey? You better be able to handle x8 Rikti and all the AVs. |
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
This is already the case, I thought. Aside from being able to start one solo, that is. You can already just invite enough to start, drop them, and fight spawns set at the TFs minimum. This was a change from several Issues ago (when Posi got revamped, I believe, but it might have been before that).
(Also worth mention: at least one of the fillers must remain on the team. They can log, but not quit team. If you have only one person on the TF team, the TF ends)
"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick
My idea was this:
Allow the TFs to be soloable, but the AVs will not downgrade, and the old minimum team size becomes the new minimum spawn size. Want to solo a Posi 1? Fine, you still fight three peoples' worth of enemies. Want to solo a Lady Grey? You better be able to handle x8 Rikti and all the AVs. |
"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."
My idea was this:
Allow the TFs to be soloable, but the AVs will not downgrade, and the old minimum team size becomes the new minimum spawn size. Want to solo a Posi 1? Fine, you still fight three peoples' worth of enemies. Want to solo a Lady Grey? You better be able to handle x8 Rikti and all the AVs. |
@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor
I suggested this on the I20 Beta Forums before it went live.
I suggested it three years ago.
It all started when a character of mine needed a respec years ago but I was on a slow server and working a weird schedule. I hade to wait for a freespec because I couldn't get a team together. Would I have failed solo? Likely. But that would have been on me.
I've seen posts from Beta where 7 Incarnates did a MS Raid and 3 did the ITF. Not sure about soloing Rommi but if my tooled-up 15 billion build Incarnate wants to try what's the harm?
We don't see many cries for fillers anymore. Let's get rid of the need for them completely.
"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
I agree with the OP. I've never liked that the Devs have locked content away from players because they don't have the correct team size. While gathering four players may be doable most times, trying to find a full team of eight is just a damn pain. Why should smaller teams be excluded from content just because of some ridiculous team minimum? Seriously, Devs, get rid of the TF/Trial minimums and allow everyone who pays for this game to have access to all the content.

Founder/Leader of the JUSTICE F0RCE
a couple of notes, you can be in a tf completely by yourself and it will not end, like 3 months ago i solo'd the ITF with my mind/fire dom, i got 5 pads and all of them quit and i got to run the tf by myself
also if you get pads and they quit, the tf adjusts to the new team size, so in my above example when i solo'd with only myself still on the team (because the other 5 quit) the spawn sizes were set to 1 person or whatever my difficulty was (which was x1)
the AVs were still AVs as they should have been, but other than that the solo tf was basically just a mish arc.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
I'd like to see them all put up in Ouroboros via flashback just like the original Positron was.
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...t-sarcasm.html
a couple of notes, you can be in a tf completely by yourself and it will not end, like 3 months ago i solo'd the ITF with my mind/fire dom, i got 5 pads and all of them quit and i got to run the tf by myself |
I soloed so many TFs over the years and it never worked like this for me, ever. Most likely someone who you thought quit just logged off keeping the alt in.
the spawn sizes were of a team size of one too, every group was about 3 minions, or 1 minion 1LT and very very few boss ranked baddies (i think they were only objective targets usually)

Unless they changed things very recently, you're mistaken. The TF automatically drops if there's only one player remaining.
honestly i think soloing tfs is kind of boring, i do have fun running duo tfs though so i havent heard anything of this 1 person left in tf it drops kind of thing

The quote in the title sounds familiar, I'm sure. That is what the Lady Grey will tell you if you talk to her with less than 8 people in your team.
Well, now that the Incarnate system is here, we have finally the big trial, clearly made for group(s) content that many always wanted. We are also getting a lot more powerful.
And yet, whenever we want to try and do a Task Force with less than the "required" number of people, we still have to scramble around and find "fillers".
Isn't it about time we got rid of this relic? Let us start the Taskforces with whatever number of people we want! If we fail, then sucks to be us. Let the contacts warn us about our folly, let the minimum spawn size be set for the minimum number of the Taskforce. Let the LFG tool (if it's ever expanded to these) make teams with whatever minimum you want for the TF in question.
But we have big, nasty, team sized baddies now, and they're in trials. Free the Taskforces!
(And get rid of the 4-people simulclick in the Shard while at it).
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