Blasters vs Corruptors vs Defenders
Blasters exist so that buffing defenders have something to do on a team.
Post invention system and Going Rogue there was no reason to roll a defender instead of a corruptor. The incarnate trials have changed that. The better Defender buffs are again useful (but only in that part of the game) and can be useful for the entire team and not simply for the squishy blasters.
Certain corruptor combinations can both outdamage and out survive a blaster.
Scrappers significantly out survive blasters, many of them can out damage a blaster too especially if you figure survivability into the equation. A defeated blaster's damage output is zero.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
On an individual level, corruptor damage can be competitive with blaster damage depending on the corruptor's secondary set. On a team level, a corruptor can pull ahead when you consider the corruptor's ability to act as a force multiplier and boost the overall team damage output. Defenders have lower individual damage, but can make better force multipliers in a team.
Personally, I have a hard time trying to play a blaster now, after having played a corruptor and a dominator (which you didn't mention but can also be competitive damagewise). IMO, when compared to corruptors and dominators, blasters just don't bring enough to a team.
Blasters need a buff, plain and simple. The minor damage advantage blasters hold over corruptors and defenders is nothing compared to the buffs/debuffs corruptors and defenders have.
My solution would be to remove the massive crash for all blaster nukes (and buff the ones that don't have the massive crashes now). This would signifigantly boost blaster aoe damage and increase the effectiveness of the at.
Interesting points so far.
Which corruptor secondaries would allow a corruptor to over take a blaster? I'm guessing that /Kin is fairly obvious.
Which secondaries give good survivability ?
Which corruptor secondaries would allow a corruptor to over take a blaster? I'm guessing that /Kin is fairly obvious.
Which secondaries give good survivability ? |
On an individual level, corruptor damage can be competitive with blaster damage depending on the corruptor's secondary set. On a team level, a corruptor can pull ahead when you consider the corruptor's ability to act as a force multiplier and boost the overall team damage output. Defenders have lower individual damage, but can make better force multipliers in a team.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
Blasters need a buff, plain and simple. The minor damage advantage blasters hold over corruptors and defenders is nothing compared to the buffs/debuffs corruptors and defenders have.
My solution would be to remove the massive crash for all blaster nukes (and buff the ones that don't have the massive crashes now). This would signifigantly boost blaster aoe damage and increase the effectiveness of the at. |
Well I can say this. I have an AR Device Blaster, Traps AR Defender and I am working on a DP Traps Corruptor at 31 atm.
My Blaster is doing 30 points of damage with Full Auto.
My Defender with Full Auto is doing 1/2 at about 15 points of damage. It is actually a bit less maybe 13 even.
Between the Corruptor and the Defender it was much easier to obtain full positional Defense Cap with the Defender.
I have not yet tried my blaster on the fire cyborg farm to see what he can handle. I do not think that my blaster though can handle the 4/8 setting or even 3/8 setting that my defender can. I do think just looking at the DPS though that my blaster will probably kill mob much faster and I might have some safety in the sense if I kill them faster I will have less to contend with in return. But I don't think there is much wiggle room if things go bad as there is with my Defender. I think with the defender I can literally turtle up waiting for my endurance to come back to do something, where as on my blaster I do not have that kind of luck. Of course I think all of that is because of secondaries.
The difference I think comes between obtaining defense a bit faster and less slotting with a Defender compared to a Corruptor. I think with a defender your giving up DPS but your gaining in other areas for example you can slot a power to gain you some regen or recovery or maybe a bit more hit points.
With a Corruptor your getting a semi nifty advantage of Scourge that kicks in below 50% health. But I see it being a bit more effective against big bosses, EB and AV then just regular rank and file. At lower levels I think Scourge does more to piss off a bunch of baddies and directs them at you and that sucks because at lower levels you don't have access to all the controls you would like and the tank / brute also is lacking so it does nothing but make you dead sometimes. It becomes an issue when you fire off an AOE and you scourge mobs at 50% mark. They are just enough alive to take there vengeance out on you.
As I mentioned and you somewhat commented on.. It really does depend on the secondaries. I think you could make your statement just within blasters persay. My Archery Energy Manipulation blaster is much better then my AR Device. Both have Range Defense cap but boost range and the ability to obtain range defense cap much easier with my Arch EM allows me the ability to pick up Aid Self. So I can run away and heal myself, where as my AR Device has no such luck. He can run away but still needs a green inspiration regardless. I do not think they can ever make it where everything is a good as the other set.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
I think everyone laid out the roles, but I will say one thing, it really comes down to what you like. I am recently back and ran my first lam last night. So much firepower and even tough groups went down so quickly, that it seems you either had time to debuff or deal damage, but likely little time to do both, except for Maurader at the end. If this is the end game like content, I will certainly rethink what characters to bring forward. I cant imagine playing a melee toon, both me and my lapttop are too slow for it.
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An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
Try Rise of the Phoenix. Defeat is merely a way to shirk the nuke debuffs.
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What a bunch of blaster haters...If you had my fire/ice with permahasten [actually 8 sec overlap] on your team, you'd understand why you want her on your team.
No defender can do what she does. No corruptor can.
For buffs, I hover with stealth, use fire shield, lay down a bonfire under me sometimes, and when the health goes south I phase. If I die, RotP, then I stay on the ground and buzzsaw Blast, Ball, and Blaze, or just Ball and Blaze if I can get some speed buff. [I'm usually rather irritated after I've been killed.]
Tell me which defender is dishing the pain like a fire blaster, huh?
If you're going to diss blasters, do it with dominators, but that's a different role too.
And I have nothing against scrappers, 2/3 of my 50s are scrappers.
[note: Yeah, I throw out the AoE to the point I do need an aggro magnet on the team. After all, RotP only recharges every 79 seconds.

I played defenders for a long time. My first three characters were defenders and two were kins.
Defender damage is not good. It's never been good. By the time I finished my rad debuff animations all of the minions in a group were long dead if a good blaster or two were present. Then, thanks to me, the bosses would melt, but wiping out the 2-3 bosses in each group hardly required my debuffs.
When people say that defenders outdamage blasters they seem to be assuming 100% buff and debuff uptime, which simply isn't possible, and even if it were you'd be spending so much time focusing on that aspect of your character that you wouldn't be spending much time blasting.
The really frustrating part is that Controllers end up outdamaging defenders. I honestly don't know why people still play non-dark defenders.
If you want to blast, play a dom or a blaster. If you want to buff/debuff, play a defender, if you want to keep a team alive, play a controller, and if you want some middleground, play corruptor.
I played defenders for a long time. My first three characters were defenders and two were kins.
Defender damage is not good. It's never been good. By the time I finished my rad debuff animations all of the minions in a group were long dead if a good blaster or two were present. Then, thanks to me, the bosses would melt, but wiping out the 2-3 bosses in each group hardly required my debuffs. When people say that defenders outdamage blasters they seem to be assuming 100% buff and debuff uptime, which simply isn't possible, and even if it were you'd be spending so much time focusing on that aspect of your character that you wouldn't be spending much time blasting. The really frustrating part is that Controllers end up outdamaging defenders. I honestly don't know why people still play non-dark defenders. If you want to blast, play a dom or a blaster. If you want to buff/debuff, play a defender, if you want to keep a team alive, play a controller, and if you want some middleground, play corruptor. |
It's never the archtype at fault, it's how you build and even more-so, how you PLAY them.
In response though that depends on the player and the defender build. A Very high recharge speed defender/corruptor has little difficulty doubling up fulcrum shift. My kin/energy defender, using ENERGY blast has little difficulty out-damaging some blasters purely because of two factors; I'm willing to move in close range to fulcrum shift up, and at the same time, I have nearly maximized the amount of recharge speed in her. Even some of her incarnate powers are designed around that, some cover for her weakness of low damage mitigation, but in the end, she's able to devastate things like a blaster.
Many blaster players likewise, are simply unwilling to move in close range, likewise, when IMO, every blaster should be willing to get up close periodically, not be purely a blapper that never attacks at range, but I almost never see blasters mixing it up to truely take advantage of what my kin can do; max EVERYONES damage out in seconds. Scrappers and brutes often far out-damage me, cause I'm able to buff there damage up to the maximum within very little time.
Now, my blaster? I rarely play her, but I was never afraid of moving in close range for a quick blap hit or two, and back off quickly to continue pounding them with distance attacks. I'd always be moving with her, diving in and out ripping mobs up so fast, people would notice. And people often noticed very fast. Many blasters don't get that, they get heavier melee attacks in there secondary for a reason; so they can completely annihilate any minions/lieutenents or even lower-damage bosses within seconds or even instantly. Bad blasters don't destroy there enemy, they try wittling them down instead of completely slamming them within seconds, so the enemy mobs don't do anything to them, and then they wonder why they aren't bringing much to a team.
Corruptors are more a mix, but strongest against heavier enemies, as their scourge has more chances to kick in which means more critical strikes. When it does, it can out-damage a blaster(far out-damage them against archvillains.). Before-hand though, blasters far out-damage them. And of course they have buffs/debuffs in the secondary, but it's overall 20% less effective then defenders. Corruptor attacks likewise are barely stronger then defenders at the base. They do have a higher max damage cap though.
It's really not the archtype's at fault, it's far more-so how you play and build them. Use the wrong attacks all the time on the wrong mobs(like fireballs on lone isolated bosses when you can see a pack of lieutenents/minions surrounding a tanker), or fire the wrong debuffs off(like rad infection when the team is already hitting them like crazy and have plenty of defense) as examples, or not take advantage of Fulcrum Shift yourself as a defender, then your damage is gonna plummet regardless of the AT your playing.
Blasters need a buff, plain and simple. The minor damage advantage blasters hold over corruptors and defenders is nothing compared to the buffs/debuffs corruptors and defenders have.
My solution would be to remove the massive crash for all blaster nukes (and buff the ones that don't have the massive crashes now). This would signifigantly boost blaster aoe damage and increase the effectiveness of the at. |
in all likelyhood i'm more inclined to think that we'd see a nerf to force manipulators before a buff to blasters.
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
i don't think you can do this though. because if you do it to just blasters, then you'd get an outcry from corrupters and defenders that theirs doesn't. I think the devs are in a situation were if they do do(heh) something like this, i'd be an all or nothing thing. which would ultimatley decrease the value of the buff for blasters in the first place.
in all likelyhood i'm more inclined to think that we'd see a nerf to force manipulators before a buff to blasters. |
Now? After seeing what Interface and Destiny can allow ANYONE to do . . . I don't think it's the same dev team of old.
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

Comparing the various ATs is akin comparing different fruits.
A Sonic/Kin Corruptor with IOs is going to out-damage an Electric/Devices Blaster with -1 SOs.
A Fire/Em Blaster is going to out-damage a Forcefields/RadBlast Defender by such a large factor it's not even funny.
A Dark/Dark Defender is probably going to get more mileage (not necessarily do more point-for-point damage, but will be far more survivable and useful) than an Ar/Pain Dom Corruptor.
The comparisons are mostly between Corrs and Defs. Defenders have higher buff/debuff numbers, but Corrs do more raw damage, which is more important solo than on a team.
Blasters -usually- put out more damage than either AT, but short of a few self-defense abilities and panic buttons, don't bring much to a team. The only exceptions might be some AV fights where the rest of the team doesn't have significant regen debuffs and the Blaster's damage is the only thing keeping the AVs health dropping.
The fairest comparison to make would be to roll one of each with similar power-picks. The closest I can come up with would be Energy Blast coupled with Devices/Traps. I'd even give a nod to Psi Manipulation for its debuff and control potential, but Corrs and Defs don't have anything thematically similar.

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
Blasters need a buff, plain and simple. The minor damage advantage blasters hold over corruptors and defenders is nothing compared to the buffs/debuffs corruptors and defenders have.
My solution would be to remove the massive crash for all blaster nukes (and buff the ones that don't have the massive crashes now). This would signifigantly boost blaster aoe damage and increase the effectiveness of the at. |
The survival tools that a blaster has are active mitigation. That means that the blaster has to stay active or be defeated. Mez means the blaster is no longer active and even now most of my blaster defeats are due to mez.
Let's see where do I get mez protection.... It's not in my primary..... Not in my secondary, gee its not in my epic either, can't get it in pool powers (ok a bit in acro but it's not worth all the power picks required or the endurance cost), can't get it from IOs. Guess I have to use the insp tray for that.
Now how about defenses..... nothing in the primary..... Nothing in the secondary (well a tiny bit in devices), a little bit in the pool powers, not enough to really make a difference, one Epic power has a moderate amount but only against 2 damage types, it comes way too late in my career, and it supresses if I get mezzed. I can get quite a bit from set IOs but it takes lots and lots of time and influence to do so.... Guess I have to look at the inspiration tray again.
Resitances pretty much the same, none in the primary, none in the secondary, I get a low to moderate amount in my Epic but to mainly to just 2 damage types again. I can get more resistance to that 2 damage types by taking a Pool power but it wastes a power pick to get there and I start getting to the point that I'm wasting so much endurance running toggle resistances that I can cripple my damage output, besides that it supresses if I get mezzed. I can't really get any extra resistances with IO sets. (Well I "can" get some to Psi, Fire, and Cold but only from the most rare and expensive IO sets). Guess I have to look to the inspiration tray again.
So it's pretty well established that I'm going to be taking some damage. So where do I get some hit point recovery from..... Nothing in the Primary, No heal in the secondary.... oh, wait, I forgot rest but.... that's on a really long recharge, makes me vulnerable for far too long, and can't be used in combat. It reduces my damage output to 0 for far too long to be seriously considered. Ohhh look there's one in the pool powers again. That means I have to waste a power pick to get to it. It's got a pretty long animation and it can be interrupted so have to be careful using it as I can take more damage during the animation time than it heals. Looks like the best way to use it is to run away (that doesn't seem very heroic to me) and drop my damage output to 0 for a few seconds to recover halfish of my hit points. One Epic gives me a non-interruptible self heal but its on a really really long timer. It won't be available nearly as often as I'll need it. I can get a tiny bit of healing from some IO set procs but the math shows that I'm better off building for Regen than depending on them. I'll probably wind up dipping into the insp tray again.
What about rescue powers? Hmmmm nothing in my primary, nothing in my secondary. Oh look there's a couple in the Epics. Hibernation.... Hmmm reduces damage output to 0 and it's a level 47 power comes quite late to be useful. It lets me heal without taking any damage or being interrupted, takes a while to recharge, and leaves me potentially stuck in a swarm of bad guys when it wears off. AH wait PFF, recharges quick, low slot consumption.... Shoot, reduces damage output to 0 again, but at least I can get it at level 41. I can use aid self while in PFF, of course I can still take damage, get interrupted, and if I get mezzed I'm hosed. I can move away from a swarm of bad guys but that still sounds suspiciously like bravely running away again. What about Pools? Cool look at that, Phase Shift. I can get that at level 20 but it costs 2 powers to get there, I can use aid self with out risking being interrupted, still reduces my damage output to 0 though and it takes a while to recharge, solves the mez problem though.
Long and short of it is, unlike every other AT out there, the blaster's most reliable source of mitigation is the inspiration tray. All my blasters gobble insps faster than kids eat candy. All of my other toons can usually ignore the insp tray.
In my opinion there's something intrinsically wrong with that from a design standpoint.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Some very interesting points have been raised thus far.
On a good team, with a good tank does a blaster need his own survivability? Not everyone was made to solo equally afterall.
Do the reduced effectiveness of corruptor buffs compared to defenders make a big deal?
On a good team, with a good tank does a blaster need his own survivability? Not everyone was made to solo equally afterall.
Do the reduced effectiveness of corruptor buffs compared to defenders make a big deal? |
In some cases the buffs are so powerful, the weaker Corruptor value doesn't mean much. (e.g. Fulcrum Shift)
In some cases debuffs are based on pseudopets, so Corruptors get the same value as Defenders (e.g. Sleet)
Oh yeah, well my dad can beat up your dad.
I tend to compare Blasters to Dominators, myself. Just as Corruptors and Defenders can be described as ranged damage/support and support/ranged damage respectively, Blasters and Doms are paired as damage/active mitigation and active mitigation/damage.
My personal preference is for Doms, these days; the damage is somewhat less (for the most part, though I believe the current theoretical highest sustained ST DPS is on a Fire/Fire Dom), but the active mitigation is much, much better (again, with exceptions - Son/EM blasters are sick puppies). Blasters need looked at, in my opinion.
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Why MA ratings should be changed from stars to "like" or "dislike"
A better algorithm for ordering MA arcs
How do these 3 ranged specialists fit into the game? Blasters should do the most damage, but I've often thought their secondary sets are quite uninteresting.
Can a corruptor come close to the damage potential of a blaster?
Why have a defender when you could have a corruptor?