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  1. I understand mechanically how sets work, I just struggle a bit choosing the right sets to achieve the desired goal.
  2. Good Day to you all,

    I'm sure you've all seen this topic a million times over so please forgive me for repeating it. I've looked for builds on the forum but nothing seems to quite work for me.

    I have a DP/MM blaster that I love and is getting into the high 40's now and is getting ready for a build. I'm thinking that a S/L softcap build would be a good idea and I'm currently working on getting villain side for the scorpion shield patron power.

    Thing is I've never actually created a build of any kind before and I don't really understand how the whole sets thing works, so instead of just providing a build to work to, I was hoping someone might take the time to explain how these builds work and why they work. Also a bit of a primer on the best way to get the requistite recipes / enhancements would be nice too.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RaikenX View Post
    sorry to drag this one up again but....i got to thinking about something...

    AFAIK, the individual ticks on Rain powers have their own chance to hit...

    Each tick in HOB for DP has it's own 60% chance to hit...

    Granted...HOB doesn't tick NEARLY as many times as most rains do (and OMG just thought about blizzard too...ick...but beside the point)...but would the reactive work the same way in HOB as it does in rains?
    As far as I know, HOB only makes one tohit check at the start, if you roll a successful tohit check then you put a DoT on the target that ticks 12 times. Each individual tick has a 60% chance to do damage and a 40% chance to do nothing, this isn't influenced by a tohit check.

    If you fail the tohit check then the DoT isn't applied to the target and you don't do any damage.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Charming_Rogue_EU View Post
    I am find my first Dom in 63 months really squishy, I am playing on +0 x0 players finding him really dying alot. (I've played a few controllers and they don't die so much)

    Doms are even squisher than stalkers has anyone got any tips. Does this get any better.
    My Dom is a mind\pisonic assault btw.
    A mind Dom should be fairly easy to do, by level 6 you have all the tools you need to lock down a +0 spawn.

    What i usually do is:

    1) Confuse the Lieutenant
    2) Mezmerise a minion
    3) Dominate the other minion

    Then kill the dominated minion, dominate the mezzed minion and kill and finally dominate and kill the lieutenant. Depending how fast you kill, you may need to re-confuse the lieutenant before it's time to kill.

    If any of your controls miss.... well that's what inspirations are for. Keep yourself alive until the control recharges and you should be fine.

    Don't forget to use telekinetic thrust to get rid of anyone that get's too close.
  5. When I log in and click a server to play on, the game client often hangs for quite a long time, upwards of 30 seconds. This also happens when selecting different characters, it some times takes a minute or more to select a character, all the while the client is completely frozen.

    Anyone else experience this and is there any solution?

    Running on windows 7.
  6. Galaxia


    Quick question: Is it possible for all combinations of Primary / Secondary sets to achieve perma-dom or is it limited to some but not others?

    If it is limited, does anyone have a list of which combinations are possible or if not can anyone tell me if it's possible with mind/fire, mind/nrg and mind/psi.

  7. Galaxia

    Crab AoE Attacks


    I have a few questions about Crab Spider AoE attacks, I've never played a SoA but was looking at having a go, I like the look of Crabs and I've heard they are good at AoE.

    I've had a look in MIDs but I'm not sure where the crab's AoE comes from, I was hoping someone could give me a run down of the AoE powers and a what a typical chain would be.

    My confusion stems from the hodge-podge of melee and ranged AoEs and cones. Does a crab focus on a choice of either PBAoE or ranged AoE, or does he mix and match and use them all?

  8. Seen Sutter recruited for quite a bit on Defiant and I've run it myself a couple of times. Awesome TF, love it.

    And if you don't see anyone recruiting for it, recruit your own team.
  9. Leveling up a SS/Fire brute for farming purposes, currently level 27 so 1 level away from Burn.

    What's the best way to run farm missions? Does a Fire brute need any fire defense against firey enemies or is the 90% resistance enough to carry him through?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
    Be pretty neat if they could merge Speed Boost and Siphon Speed into a singular power, which acts functionally the same as the other two..

    If used on allies it would act like Speed Boost currently does. If used on an enemy it would act like Siphon Speed does. (So usable on both allies and foes, buffs allies, debuffs foes)

    Not sure if there's tech for that though.

    Then they'd have to think up an additional power as well...

    Also, while its true that Siphon Power is eclipsed harshly by Fulcrum Shift, it still has its uses later. Like if you're against a single AV or something, you can stack up a few Siphons to compliment your Fulcrum Shift.
    Don't really think there's need for siphon speed / speed boost to be usable on enemies and allies. Just make siphon speed give an AoE buff around the caster, exactly the same way that siphon power does now.

    In this age of leagues, something needs to be done about single target buffs, it's too much effort to keep buffing people all the time.
  11. Galaxia

    Most DPS?

    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    Currently a crab spider at over 1.2k.
    Sustainable dps is another question though.
    How do crab spiders get such insane damage output ?
  12. I think it'd be perfectly acceptable to merge siphon speed and speed boost into one power, give siphon speed the +rec boost, keep the to-hit check and 60 second duration / recharge time. I think most people would be happy with that rather than having to individually speed boost every single person on the team / league.

    But I disagree, siphon speed and speed boost are the same thing, just that one is for you and one is for your allies (though it's slightly better than your own which is paradoxical since you'd think the one where you steal it from your enemy would be better).
  13. Does anyone else feel that the Kinetics power set has some issues? Let me list what I see as problems with the power set.

    Two of the powers have functional duplicates. What I mean by that is power siphon and fulcrum shift are functionally identical and speed boost and siphon speed are also functionally identical. Both pairs of powers fulfil the same function.

    Repel is just awful.

    Inertial reduction.... who wants a group travel power in their primary powers?!

    These are the problems I see with Kinetics but what can be done to fix it?

    Move fulcrum shift to where power siphon is now but make the number of targets it affects scale with the caster's level. Replace power siphon with something else.

    Remove speed boost and make siphon speed give an AoE buff around the caster like siphon power does now and replace speed boost with something else.

    Replace repel with... anything else.

    Replace inertial reduction with something more interesting, perhaps an enemy resistance or defense debuff.

    Obviously this is all just my opinion, Kinetics is a great set even now but that's because it's being carried by a couple of incredible powers with some of very lack-luster powers.

    Please feel free to comment but no raging or frothing at the mouth please.
  14. I've always wanted to play a blaster, throwing energy or fire blasts is as iconic for heroes as smashing stuffs face in with super strength.

    Problem is the secondary has always felt out of place, like it doesn't really add anything to the blaster and leave's him weak and defenseless.

    Corruptors get the same awesome blastiness albeit slightly weaker but with an awesome and useful secondary to go with. Feel that blaster secondary sets should be completely overhauled and given new direction.
  15. Some very interesting points have been raised thus far.

    On a good team, with a good tank does a blaster need his own survivability? Not everyone was made to solo equally afterall.

    Do the reduced effectiveness of corruptor buffs compared to defenders make a big deal?
  16. Interesting points so far.

    Which corruptor secondaries would allow a corruptor to over take a blaster? I'm guessing that /Kin is fairly obvious.

    Which secondaries give good survivability ?
  17. Galaxia

    DP/?? or ??/Kin

    So i was thinking i'd quite like to be a dual pistoleer and was thinking of pairing it with kinetics. Any thoughts on this as a pairing for both solo and team usage?

    If not /Kin, what goes well with DP.

    I was thinking /Kin because it comes with some nice damage buffs, recharge buff, heal and big End recovery move all without any annoying toggles.

    Never played DP, it looks pretty but does it perform? I do worry a bit about the highly resisted lethal damage, but swap ammo helps? And the dmg buff from Kin should also help... right?

    Any thoughts appreciated.
  18. How do these 3 ranged specialists fit into the game? Blasters should do the most damage, but I've often thought their secondary sets are quite uninteresting.

    Can a corruptor come close to the damage potential of a blaster?

    Why have a defender when you could have a corruptor?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sloshed View Post
    Is the first power in Mind worthwhile? The single target damaging sleep?
    Levitate looks more interesting to me but I'm not sure how useful it really is.
    What will my main single target damage spells end up being?
    I find mesmerize to be a gift from heaven when soloing missions. It can take a boss out for 45 seconds with only 1 hit

    In a typical spawn 3 mob mission spawn, i confuse the Lt if there is one, mesmerise one minion and dominate the other.

    Total lock down allowing me to blast away with my energy assaults with impunity.

    My only complaint is i'm not very well prepared to deal any nasty surprises, if I get jumped by an ambush my only "emergency" power is Mass Hypnosis (only level 14 so far).
  20. Hi everyone, I'm seriously looking at a Mind/Nrg Dominator but I have a few concerns that I wanted to ask about before I commit. I hope no one minds indulging me.

    I often solo a lot, but I want to be able to contribute a lot to teams.

    1) There doesn't seem to be a lot of AoE repeatable hard-control. Mass confusion and Total Domination are on long cool downs. Terrify is on a short cool-down but enemies who are terrorised can fight back... on a team with AoE damage seems like it may as well not be there.

    2) A lot of the new top level content seems to feature robots as enemies, will a mind controller be gimped against them?

    3) On high level teams that steam-roll stuff is there any need for control powers? Will i be relegated to a gimp-blaster only using my secondary?

    TIA for your input.
  21. Why do defense based armor sets have clicky mezz / status protections whilst everything else gets toggle protections?
  22. but what sort should I go for?!

    I've got an elec / nrg domi to 16 in praetoria and I rather like it. The elec control set seems to offer a bit of everything including the ability to drain everythings end in 5 seconds.

    But how does elec stack against the other control sets, especially mind control which appears to be everyone's favourite at the moment.

    And what about secondaries? I rather like nrg but the knock back can be annoying when it throws them out of my conductive aura.

    tl;dr: how does elec control compare to other sets for doing high-end stuff probably solo.

  23. How does the concentrate strike recharging power siphon mechanic work? Does it only recharge power siphon if concentrated strike is a crit? Or is it 100%?

    Do brutes get the same effect?
  24. Galaxia

    Dark Armour

    Can anyone offer any practical insight into the efficiacy of Dark Armour? On paper, it looks good to me, good resistances, what looks like a godly heal (dark regeneration) and some other nice stuff like cloak of fear and oppressive gloom to keep minions nicely subdued.

    But like I said, that's my take on it on paper, what's it like to play for real reals?
  25. Galaxia

    Buff vs Debuff

    Having recently played a Rad defender and hating it, I've come to wonder which is better in todays teaming environment, buffing or debuffing.

    I found debuffing spawns to be troublesome in a fast moving team, my anchors got killed almost instantly even when placed on a LT or a boss. It seemed like my debuffs were ineffectual, the team would slaughter everything regardless.

    So if I were to choose a more buff set oriented set, which would be better? A more pure buff set like FF or Empathy, or a sort of hybrid buff/debuff set like sonic or cold?