What can a Mind/Fire Dom do solo?
solo MoLRSF was about the hardest thing i have seen a mind/fire dom do solo lol
solo MoITF is acually fairly easy with a mind/fire too

solo ITFs can be done be a few other ATs, but mind dom is easiest
solo LRSFs are baically impossible without using a mind dom |
I didn't realize mind dome were so good at solo. So they are one of the better soloers? What do they have trouble with that other archetypes can do?
And what secondary sets work well with mind? Fire is decent?
Fire's great because it's really superb AoE damage. Mind is okay soloing, but it's not the greatest. It's mostly Confuse stacking and the AoE sleep that lets them solo Strike Forces, whereas these powers tend to have more limited uses as far as soloing goes. I mean, you're one of the safest soloers out there, but you're also pretty slow and it's a lot more dangerous if you want to up the ante. By comparison, a Plant/Fire Dom will rip through everything and be basically invincible.
Fire's great because it's really superb AoE damage. Mind is okay soloing, but it's not the greatest. It's mostly Confuse stacking and the AoE sleep that lets them solo Strike Forces, whereas these powers tend to have more limited uses as far as soloing goes. I mean, you're one of the safest soloers out there, but you're also pretty slow and it's a lot more dangerous if you want to up the ante. By comparison, a Plant/Fire Dom will rip through everything and be basically invincible.
Hrrm... how does a Plant/Fire compare to a Mind/Fire? Mind/Fire works a bit better for the theme I have in my head but I could probably work up something for Plant/Fire if it is that much better? What makes a Plant/Fire Dom so much more powerful?
-Seeds of Confusion is (for non-specialized circumstances) the hands-down best Blow Up The Group Of Dudes control power in the game. It's a huge cone Confuse that lasts a long time right out of the box. Due to how the AI works, most creatures will inherently bunch together to melee eachother, which lets you throw down Roots and then blow them up easily.
-Fire is the best AoE damage-dealing set that Dominators have. Combine bunching everything up into a tight ball with your massive AoE damage and things will die super fast. You also have the advantage of having an offensive secondary that comes without any controlling effects, meaning the Confuse effect will be even more pronounced.
/Psi also works great as a secondary, since Drain Psyche in a full group can knock your Regeneration up into the 160 HP/second zone, and you get some good AoE once you hit Tier 9.
That's not to say that Mind is bad, by any means. It's got a lot of great tricks and, as mentioned, is highly welcomed on the two major Strike Forces. It's lackluster on normal map-clearing teams because it doesn't have the cool up-every-fight AoE control powers of every other set. Most of your strength on map-clearing teams will come from being able to stack up Confuse on a boss really, really quickly.
So plant/fire uses more confuse abilities than mind/fire?
This is making it all the more difficult! I love confuse. I want to be able to solo things like a wide variety of challenges as well. And still be useful/wanted in groups. Any thoughts on what might suit me for that? Even in other archetypes.
So plant/fire uses more confuse abilities than mind/fire?
This is making it all the more difficult! I love confuse. I want to be able to solo things like a wide variety of challenges as well. And still be useful/wanted in groups. Any thoughts on what might suit me for that? Even in other archetypes. |

*blinks surprised*
I didn't realize mind dome were so good at solo. So they are one of the better soloers? What do they have trouble with that other archetypes can do? And what secondary sets work well with mind? Fire is decent? |
For example, my SS/Shield Brute is a much faster soloer overall than my Mind/Fire. Can't solo an AV, but outside of that is able to rack up defeats faster.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
Plant/Fire/Fire remains the Brute of Doms.
Now with APP for added firey goodness!!
Seeds + Roots + Fireball + Rain = even more win.
Went plant/fire and liking it so far.
Playing him as a Praetorian. He was a scientist who studied chemistry and plants but one day suffered trauma to 92% of his body in a near-fatal horticulture experiment.
Thankfully he was well known in his fields of research and was 'saved' by transplanting his surviving organs (and his head) into a sort of cyborg/clockwork body. He has made slight modifications to aid him in his studies and can produce a variety of chemicals and plant samples from his mechanical gloves. Have to love a mad scientist look combined with a clockwork body!
Basically I've recolored all the fire spells to look like he is spewing acid from his hands instead ^.^
Doctor Herald Torti is now... Doctor Horti
So plant/fire uses more confuse abilities than mind/fire?
This is making it all the more difficult! I love confuse. I want to be able to solo things like a wide variety of challenges as well. And still be useful/wanted in groups. Any thoughts on what might suit me for that? Even in other archetypes. |
Plant/fire is definitely going to be a monster when it comes to AoE control and damage in normal play though. Seeds + creepers + fire breath = dead groups. It only gets better when you get to the APP pools and add in fireball + Rain of Fire (both of which are boosted by Embrace of fire) or Sleet + Ice Storm.
I have both a plant/fire/fire dom and a mind/fire/ice dom and find them both fun, but I am also afflicted with terminal alt-itis, so given the choice of toon a or toon b, I will always go for both :-).
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

Is Mind/Psi so much worse than Mind/Fire?
I see a lot of posts on plant/psy, fire/psy and mind/fire. Even some on fire/fire. But I haven't really seen one on mind/psy. Is there a reason for that? Does Drain Psyche not work well with it?
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Made the Plant/Fire dom. Thinking I will make a Mind/? Dom as well. I love characters that focus on controlling crowds. Loved my Illusion/Kin controller back in the day.
I like that mind controllers can confuse so well and have such lockdown.
How hard are they to get permadom (relatively). And is it worth trying to softcap defenses?
Do they benefit a lot from permadom?
Do plant/fire benefit a lot from permadom?
Liking the idea of being able to solo by causing chaos amongst the enemies.and still being very useful in groups.
What other dome are fun and a fair bit powerful? Maybe something with a more visceral or melee feel to it?
Mind is one of the easiest sets to permadom with due to having both a sleep and a confuse( confuse and sleep purples are cheap), plant and mind both benefit greatly from perma dom. As to defense, I dunno.
For the record I just got through ioing out a lvl 34 plant/thorn dom to be perma. Not cheaply mind you.
Mind and Plant are both pretty straightforward to perma because they both have sleep and confuse powers, the sets for which are always pretty cheap and good for recharge. I don't know what your budget is, but the purple sleep and confuse sets are really, really cheap. If cash is tight, put in some lowball bids on all the recipes as you're leveling up.
There's a lot of benefit in softcapping, but much more in getting permadom. You can get permadom and softcapped defenses, but it'll be very pricey.
Plant/Fire will benefit immensely from permadom. Since Seeds of Confusion is your go-to mez power, being able to confuse bosses with it too is awesome. Plus the recharge required for permadom will bring SoC and all your other great powers back faster.
As for other Doms, I'm a big fan of my Fire/Fire. Damage out the wazoo, very fast paced gameplay. For something very visceral/melee, I'd recommend something like Fire/Earth. /Earth has a lot of melee powers and is very stompy and smashy. Fire because you're gonna be right in melee anyway, might as well be running Hot Feet to melt them too
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Thanks very much fOr all the info! Will keep working up my plants/fire and thinking I will make a mind/energy next. Not the damage of fire... but Power Up looks very nice for even more insane lockdown.
Any advice on powers to avoid or must take for mind/ or /energy?
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Is the first power in Mind worthwhile? The single target damaging sleep?
Levitate looks more interesting to me but I'm not sure how useful it really is.
What will my main single target damage spells end up being?
Is the first power in Mind worthwhile? The single target damaging sleep?
Levitate looks more interesting to me but I'm not sure how useful it really is. What will my main single target damage spells end up being? |
In a typical spawn 3 mob mission spawn, i confuse the Lt if there is one, mesmerise one minion and dominate the other.
Total lock down allowing me to blast away with my energy assaults with impunity.
My only complaint is i'm not very well prepared to deal any nasty surprises, if I get jumped by an ambush my only "emergency" power is Mass Hypnosis (only level 14 so far).
Thanks much, thinking I may leave off levitate at the start. Really starting to enjoy mesmerize in my rotation. Liking that I can use it both as damage or as a lock down in fights.
My big choice now is trying to decide between /energy or /psi. Pretty much it turns out to be Power Up + being able to do energy damage vs Drain Psyche.
Any thoughts on which secondary might be more useful when attempting to solo/group different situations?
Trying to decide my next archtype and power set and am very tempted by Mind/Fire. I have heard they do well in teams, but how good are they solo?
What are the most difficult tasks they can manage?
Trying to decide between this or a Demon/Dark Mastermind for my magic themed character. So comparing what they can do.