A discussion about weekly strikes!
Yes and no. I have noticed that content under level 25 seems abandoned by players. It used to be that you could see a Synapse TF being put together at least once a night and now never. Even sewer teams are not as plentiful as before, but still pretty common.
But once you reach level 25 everything seems as before. TFs, trials and radio teams are as common as always.
My suggestion to you is to form a team to go on low level content. I was getting tired of not being able to do a Synapse or a Posi 1 so I decided to start one for the hell of it and to my surprise, a got alot of tells from people saying they wanted in. People still want to do that content but since few people start them it just seems like there is no interest.
Is any one else feeling the same aggravation I am. What I mean is 'The weekly strikes are killing all other activities in CoX'.
I got back into CoX late November for issue 19 and I only had two 50's at the time. With the introduction of weekly events I've seen regular events get pushed to the side. For instance the winter events, how many people took time out of their shard hunting and incarnate building schedule to do this. On 4 different servers is where I house my chars and on each it was a hassle to find people to do them with at any lvl. Move onto spring fling - Again people are to busy grinding away shards and such to really give their time for it. I had four separate times where I would join someone we would do their part of the mish and then they would find some excuse to quite or just log off (I chalk up most of these to people who are D*%^@). And the final annoyance - Task Forces that have nothing to do with shards! No one wants to do them?... Unless they are attached to a weekly strike, hence why Manticore was such a successful campaign again. Does any one else feel getting a group together for a TF (super groups not included) a royal pain! I have so many alts that joining a SG on one of the four servers would not be kind to them because sometimes I just don't come back to those chars for some time. And if I joined one on each server that's to much time i don't have to give to keep from being kicked out for inactivity. I think this all I have to say with out some feedback. |
Task Forces other than the WST or ITF are harder to get teams for, for certain, but joining a large public Global channel for your server definitely helps. I was able to organize a Sara Moore Task Force on one of Infinity's public Globals in under 30 minutes on Saturday, for instance. Becoming part of the community on one of those channels can also benefit you by putting you in contact with players who share your interests. By doing this, I was able to get 5 of the 8 people for a successful Master of Barracuda Strike Force run quite late on a Wednesday night, getting one other from a conversation a couple of days prior about the badge, another from my Global list that probably didn't care much for the badge, and the final from a random team search. That's a Strike Force that most players don't even like to do as a WST, given the time sinks built into it, and certainly doesn't hold much greater appeal for the kind of methodical play that a Master of attempt generally requires.
To sum up: The people that like to do the things that you do are out there. You just have to use the tools at hand to get into contact with them.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
I'm apart of the triumph channel and many times sent tells through it and regular broadcast for TF/SF. And would be ignored or receive comments like "we just ran one, where were you?" I tried getting on other channels for two lesser used servers and no one seems to know what I'm talking about there. And my fourth server is always full so I never have need of a channel since some one always is on and actively looking.
I've very recently returned to the game, and I think that the addition of a revolving TF to get these items is nice. It will aid me in getting more of my alts more TF badges, and high level goodies at the same time.
Sure, it would cut down on people taking part in spring fling and other holiday stuff, but after saving that baby time year after year... I might rather do a TF instead of grinding that.
Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome

True saving him can be a bear and a bore, but when your going for the costume piece or power given or what have you it seems such a waste to skip them!
agreed, the nice stuff is nice to get... and its a boar (/bore) to go it alone (if you're like me and mostly have buffing defenders that you play).
Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome

TL;DR version: Depends on the server.
More detailed response below.
Is any one else feeling the same aggravation I am. What I mean is 'The weekly strikes are killing all other activities in CoX'.
I mention "still leveling alts" as if it's something that doesn't occur on some servers. Clearly, it does. It's just the case that, the more people who are working on leveling, the more sub-50 TFs and SFs you'll see run. (More TFs than SFs because, as ever, devs hate villains. But that's a side issue.) I see plenty of Posi I and II and Synapse runs as well. They're still excellent ways to blow through the 10-20 band without touching AE. =)
I got back into CoX late November for issue 19 and I only had two 50's at the time. With the introduction of weekly events I've seen regular events get pushed to the side. For instance the winter events, how many people took time out of their shard hunting and incarnate building schedule to do this. |
On 4 different servers is where I house my chars and on each it was a hassle to find people to do them with at any lvl. |
Move onto spring fling - Again people are to busy grinding away shards and such to really give their time for it. |
And the final annoyance - Task Forces that have nothing to do with shards! No one wants to do them?... Unless they are attached to a weekly strike, hence why Manticore was such a successful campaign again. Does any one else feel getting a group together for a TF (super groups not included) a royal pain! |
I'm sorry your experience has been less than fulfilling for the past few weeks, but as I noted up-top I suspect that it's either a function of the server population, or not having managed to find the optimal global channels to be part of in order to locate non-WST things to do on a given server.
My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.
It's only very slightly aggravating to me. I never know what the WTF is on any given week, but I can always tell without even asking. Why? Because there's a call for said TF forming and looking for members every half hour or so, to the exclusion of almost anything else.
The WTF idea has indeed done a lot to get people together and get lesser-known TFs run, but at the same time it has made it so that you can only really hope to run one TF each week, and have to wait for the right week to run the one you may want.
Sure, it's probably possible to put together a non-WTF if you really tried, but I've put together more failed, horrible TF teams than I have good ones and TFs I lead tend to end up with grumpy people by the end, so I've given up entirely. No sense wasting people's time, after all.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I find that by Saturday evening the WST is old-hat and it gets easier to find teams for the off TF's by then. I got on Saturday looking for a Renault but ended up on a Citadel instead (I was on with a rogue). I got on just to do some maintenance on my tanker and got asked for both a Posi and a Numi which I had to turn down but not for a Manticore.
I think it is a lot easier to fill a team if you want to run the WST but it doesn't seem that much harder to fill for other things, at least by the weekend.
I've had some frustration with the weekly(this week I had challenges getting mine)but once you get your notices and favors....then you can stop. You don't have to run every one!
I think at the end of May I can stop. Just figure out how many you need for the higher slots you want and then calculate the time/weekly's you need. The newness of the WST is wearing off so things should get back to normal soon. Also, I think the WST was created to get users busy enough so they wouldn't visit DCUO too. Smart people at Ncsoft/Paragon Studio!
People on Pinnacle seem to run the WST from Tuesday when it starts through about Friday, then it's back to business as usual by the weekend (most of the time)
Good luck finding anything else to do for the next couple weeks, from what I understand I20 is going live either today or next Tuesday.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
The Events have been like that for the last couple of years. People run them very early, like the first week, then it becomes more difficult to get a team together for them. It doesn't help that the more recent ones, Banners and Lord Winter's Realm, take more people to complete successfully.
Task Forces other than the WST or ITF are harder to get teams for, for certain, but joining a large public Global channel for your server definitely helps. I was able to organize a Sara Moore Task Force on one of Infinity's public Globals in under 30 minutes on Saturday, for instance. Becoming part of the community on one of those channels can also benefit you by putting you in contact with players who share your interests. By doing this, I was able to get 5 of the 8 people for a successful Master of Barracuda Strike Force run quite late on a Wednesday night, getting one other from a conversation a couple of days prior about the badge, another from my Global list that probably didn't care much for the badge, and the final from a random team search. That's a Strike Force that most players don't even like to do as a WST, given the time sinks built into it, and certainly doesn't hold much greater appeal for the kind of methodical play that a Master of attempt generally requires. To sum up: The people that like to do the things that you do are out there. You just have to use the tools at hand to get into contact with them. |
Mesmer is totally right. Now I suppose it may vary a bit depending on which server you play on but there are still plenty of TFs and other things going on besides grinding (if you want to use that term) for shards. My Badger has done the Eden Trial, Abandoned Sewer Trial, Doc Q TF, gotten all the Spring Fling badges and all the Winter Event badges since the Incarnate system went into effect. Other characters have completed Posi 1 and 2, Synapse, Sister Psyche (when it wasn't the WST) and again found teams to work on the Winter and Spring events.
GLOBAL CHANNELS are your best friend... There may not be as many people just standing around a TF contact advertising in broadcast but on Virtue we have two task force channels (the first filled up so they had to start a second), two badge channels, at least 2 channels dedicated to LFT, along with several others that are all good sources to locate teams being built or to advertise if you are the team builder. I have seen team leaders advertsing for Citadel, Synapse, Posi, Katy Hannon, and even ToT teams over the 'April Fools" weekend. I did a number of Manticore TFs last week and there were as many players on them below 50 as their were 50s just after the Notice.. maybe even more.
The fact is the mad rush to do the WST is fading a bit.. all anyone needs to get a character to tier 4 is FOUR Notices of the Well. Now the attraction of double Merits is still making it popular but most of the dedicated badgers have even gotten the final badge for "assisting" with a WST after doing their first for the week so people are getting back into doing other things. Sure for the 50+ crowd that means the usual TFs and such but that also includes, on Virtue anyway, doing Hami Raids, Rikti Mothership Raids, Cathedral of Pain Trials, along with the usual STF, KTF, ITF, LGFT, LRSF, and BSF. People are still forming team and doing hero, villain, vigilante and rogue tip missions and I even see people advertising for radio/newspaper teams.
Keep in mind the game is 7 years old and has players that have been here for SEVEN years. They have a lot of 50 levels that were pretty much retired prior to the incarnate stuff so of course its very popular and seems like all that is going on at times but trust me its not.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
Truth be serious, for months I thought Pinnacle was dead or dying. Then I discovered everyone was just organizing TFs and Trials in a global channel. I joined it and never looked back.
Since returning full time after ISP problems, I have been able to amass my own sub-global channel/cult of personality of friends and well wishers and we've managed to have a fairly packed weekly schedule where we do a special TF or Trial 5 out of 7 nights a week. When WTFs hit, some of those nights became dedicated to them, but we were at the point where none of the people in the channel really needed anything. We have managed to run Posi and Citadel for those who needs Task Force Commander and Lady Grey or ITFs for those who need shards. We even managed to find 8-14 players two nights out of three that wanted to do Halloween banners in a full fledged raid-type set up.
So my advice to anyone finding it hard to find teams? First, forget any guide in the guide section about finding teams that require you to stalk the LFG menu with notepad open. That's borderline OCD and unnecessary. Just ask around on your server or do a global channel search and get into the ones that seem the most populated based on your server. *SERVER NAME* Badges or *SERVER NAME* TFs is a good place to start.
Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser
King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast
I read thru all and I have been getting better results now that the newness of WTf are wearing off. But then I20 hits and I might as well just stay on a 50!
As I stated in my last posting "Might as well stay on a 50!" I've done more trials then lower lvl msh's aside from sutter and kal when that was the weekly.
I read thru all and I have been getting better results now that the newness of WTf are wearing off. But then I20 hits and I might as well just stay on a 50!
I'm getting the feeling that the introduction of end-game has split the player base once more. Hopefully not for good, but only time will tell. This rather bugs me as I'm not so all-fired to only play my 50s; altoholics playing in my time frame (or on less populated servers) are kind of screwed by this.
Is any one else feeling the same aggravation I am. What I mean is 'The weekly strikes are killing all other activities in CoX'.
I got back into CoX late November for issue 19 and I only had two 50's at the time. With the introduction of weekly events I've seen regular events get pushed to the side. For instance the winter events, how many people took time out of their shard hunting and incarnate building schedule to do this. On 4 different servers is where I house my chars and on each it was a hassle to find people to do them with at any lvl. Move onto spring fling - Again people are to busy grinding away shards and such to really give their time for it. I had four separate times where I would join someone we would do their part of the mish and then they would find some excuse to quite or just log off (I chalk up most of these to people who are D*%^@). And the final annoyance - Task Forces that have nothing to do with shards! No one wants to do them?... Unless they are attached to a weekly strike, hence why Manticore was such a successful campaign again. Does any one else feel getting a group together for a TF (super groups not included) a royal pain! I have so many alts that joining a SG on one of the four servers would not be kind to them because sometimes I just don't come back to those chars for some time. And if I joined one on each server that's to much time i don't have to give to keep from being kicked out for inactivity. I think this all I have to say with out some feedback. |
Well keep in mind that a lot of players have pulled old 50s out of retirement now that they have something meaningful to do with them. Sure its probably affected things but another thing to consider was prior to Issue 20 many of those players were, as you mentioned, working on shards and slotting characters. Unless a mission was level 50 it didn't drop any shards at all so that impacted participation a bit. Now also remember that most of those 50 levels out there shard and now thread hunting were sitting idle some place and already had all those event missions and badges a long time ago. Historically they'd be showing up with lower level atls to get the badges and rewards for them.. Well if they haven't created any new alts because they are playing their old timers .. they didn't need to do the event they already had all that stuff! It varies from server to server but I do know on Virtue things even slowed down on the April Fools Day weekend while players Trick or Treated ..instead of running the WST or the I Trials. Maybe Pocket D wasn't as crowded at Christmas as usual but there were still plnety of teams there facing Lady Winter and/or SnapTooth.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
Yes and no. I have noticed that content under level 25 seems abandoned by players. It used to be that you could see a Synapse TF being put together at least once a night and now never. Even sewer teams are not as plentiful as before, but still pretty common.
But once you reach level 25 everything seems as before. TFs, trials and radio teams are as common as always. |
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
It is killing free gaming but you can change that right now. First, calculate how many notices and favors you need. Then add +5 to your number. Second, calculate how many you have now. If the number is the same then you can quit running them.
Personally, I have stopped running them because I have enough. I may run them once or twice a month in the future but not weekly.
Some of that is probably because people are doing 1-20 in praetoria now, with no access for sewer teams or synapse and such.
I was disappointed in it. I made an Kin/EA Brute, played everything at +0/x0 and still missed something because I was one special mission short of the badge. I was trying to enjoy the content and still outleveled it. And since there is no Ouro for Praetoria content, I'll never get the last one. Something is definitely screwy there.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
I think it's multiple issues, actually.
The player population stays pretty static. No huge increases but no major losses either.
The popular concept for "improvement" is "expansion" which gave us City of Villains, Praetoria and a plethora of new zones since the game first came out. Indeed, the last few Issues have been new Trials and tasks and the next one has been announced to have a new zone as it's focal point.
The problem is that if you keep increasing the number of things players can do and the number of places they can be, then the population will automatically begin to seem less because that same number of players is stretched thinner and thinner.
Then you run into the problem of "ooh SHINY!" where you get a glut of people all trying the newest content before they get bored with it and begin looking for something else to play with.
Since the new shinies in question are pretty much all concentrated in 50th level character range, the early level stuff has become a ghost town. When the Devs were turning out new power sets and archetypes it was the exact opposite; there were hundreds of first level Demon Summoners and Dual Pistols characters looking for teams.
I am not against the Weekly Strike Forces for one reason; they encourage 50th level characters to organize or join TF teams. I don't have a 50(yet) but I've run my existing characters through more TFs over the past few weeks than my entire game time prior to that. I've been having pretty good luck with it so far, even on the lower population servers.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
Since the new shinies in question are pretty much all concentrated in 50th level character range, the early level stuff has become a ghost town.
The problem I see is they're promising us a new 50th-level sugar cube each and every issue which means that a certain number of the ants will always be playing their 50s (ok, so I can't sustain the metaphor, but you know what I mean), or at least there will be an upsurge in them each time a new issue comes out; the devs are obviously focused on end-game right now and will likely continue to be so for the foreseeable future.
Now when you look at it from the way some players (by which I mean me of course) may want to play - not 50, low-pop servers, non-prime-time hours - they're a bit marginalized by the whole process.
Is any one else feeling the same aggravation I am. What I mean is 'The weekly strikes are killing all other activities in CoX'.
I got back into CoX late November for issue 19 and I only had two 50's at the time. With the introduction of weekly events I've seen regular events get pushed to the side. For instance the winter events, how many people took time out of their shard hunting and incarnate building schedule to do this. On 4 different servers is where I house my chars and on each it was a hassle to find people to do them with at any lvl.
Move onto spring fling - Again people are to busy grinding away shards and such to really give their time for it. I had four separate times where I would join someone we would do their part of the mish and then they would find some excuse to quite or just log off (I chalk up most of these to people who are *****).
And the final annoyance - Task Forces that have nothing to do with shards! No one wants to do them?... Unless they are attached to a weekly strike, hence why Manticore was such a successful campaign again.
Does any one else feel getting a group together for a TF (super groups not included) a royal pain! I have so many alts that joining a SG on one of the four servers would not be kind to them because sometimes I just don't come back to those chars for some time. And if I joined one on each server that's to much time i don't have to give to keep from being kicked out for inactivity.
I think this all I have to say with out some feedback.
:edit, also originally posted on page 2:
I want all here to know for those who continue to read this thread and post here that some time yesterday this thread was officially moderated. My original title was "A rant(discussion) about weekly strikes!" Is now as it is named. I feel that forum moderators (not just here) seem to be creeping into our threads more often changing our original intentions of threads to their own.
"This rant thread was meant to be for those who needed a place to relieve the pent up frustration of grinding with weekly strikes taking away teammates".