Art team doing costumes for players, anymore?




I mean, aside boosters. Ok, maybe even counting paid boosters!
Its nice to see the Incarnate powers and trials. Really cool.
Its nice to see all the new designs for mobs, like IDF AWESOME costumes, the AWESOME Victoria Clockworks, etc... but... What about new costumes for players?
Its been a while since David N./Noble S. last post about costume pieces.
I want to have something to wait for... Even if is not I20...
Like things they suppose to be working on, like:

(DN said "Stay tunned", but then someone said "No soonish", I think... What is soon enough for something we asked to have from day 1?)
Updated Hi-res pieces
(Getting old outdated pieces to have something similar with better textures and higher resolution)
NPCs conversion costume sets
(Carnies, Ouroboros, more roman stuff, Ritki alien stuff... We want it!)
IDF costume set
(New mobs group would have a costume conversion for players)
New boosters
(There is a rumour about a Steampunk pack upcoming. Funny because I think theres plenty stuff to create Steampunk costumes, including the GR Resistance costume set. We also had a lot of new tech pieces. I think we need more classic tights and new mask with new textures, Golden age, medieval, fantasy and magic stuff.)

Aside Animal pack, there was no mention to new costume pieces for players. Not at PAX, not at forums, not at producer letters...
Can any art dev throw us a bone?
Whats coming for players?



This is a question I would also love an answer to. I would even add to it.

Are they still doing new animations for old powers?

Types of Swords
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You'll get stuff when you get stuff.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
You'll get stuff when you get stuff.
Thanks! That solved all my doubts.

No, really. Im not asking for an exact date of when a new costume piece is added to the live servers, Im not that stupid.

What I mean, all the information about new stuff is around Incarnates powers, Trials, new environments and marketing stuff.
And thats great, but costumes in this game are as important as new powers or TFs. At least for me. And a lot of people.
I just want to get some info about the new costumes pieces coming.



you most likely wont see squat for anything but the trials anytime soon.



They've already said as they introduce new groups, they'll try to make most of the pieces available for players. Not all NPC pieces, some will remain unique.



I'm expecting at least a few new pieces with i20.

It is a rare issue where we don't get at least a couple new costume pieces.

I don't, however, necessarily expect them to tell us about them too far in advance though.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



You can never have too much steam punk. Also we only have 3 steam punk costume parts.


Not that I'm bitter about that or anything...

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post

I don't, however, necessarily expect them to tell us about them too far in advance though.
You mean less than a week ahead of time?



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I'm expecting at least a few new pieces with i20.

It is a rare issue where we don't get at least a couple new costume pieces.

I don't, however, necessarily expect them to tell us about them too far in advance though.
Dude, it's coming out next week. They've had an open beta to all active accounts that lasted several days.

Smell the coffee cause what's in it is what you're getting.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I'm expecting at least a few new pieces with i20.

It is a rare issue where we don't get at least a couple new costume pieces.
"Rare?" Probably more like 50/50. Given the art team work on things like the ships and whatnot, not to mention the last booster, I'd be surprised to see any.

And I'd expect to have seen them on test by now.



This is a very real concern as most new players will be mislead to think that it is some kind of free 2 play scheme when they figure out all the new costumes require purchasing boosters.



I doubt we'll see all that much new. It seems they've been focusing almost exclusively on content they can sell above-and-beyond the subscription fee, because they know there are people rich-enough (or foolish-enough) to buy the packs.

If this were a F2P game, or if there were other in-game means to acquire said items, I'd not have a problem with this.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
They've already said as they introduce new groups, they'll try to make most of the pieces available for players. Not all NPC pieces, some will remain unique.
That remains to be seen with the new IDF troops. More to point, then the question becomes when they'll introduce new groups

Personally, I've always found the speed of introduction of new costume editor content to be bafflingly slow. From the game's very inception, I always thought that this would be something that would receive a lot of focus, with many costume pieces and new functionalities added all the time. Instead, outside of a couple of large pushes (weapon and power customization), costumes seem to be stuck on a perpetual backburner, getting new stuff whenever they get around to it, or whenever they can sell a Booster.

I'm still not ready to cry foul since David Nakayama did go FAR out of his way to make peace with the playerbase and include them in the process, which makes him one of the few remaining developers I trust implicitly. And there's that whole Incarnate fad going on. Yet still I can't help but feel that costumes should have a higher priority than they currently do.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Dont get me wrong, a Steampunk booster would be awesome. Specially if its based on those Steampunkish Resistance sketches from GR previous designs. There was nice stuff on those drawings.
I just want to know whats next?



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
I mean, aside boosters. Ok, maybe even counting paid boosters!
Its nice to see the Incarnate powers and trials. Really cool.
Its nice to see all the new designs for mobs, like IDF AWESOME costumes, the AWESOME Victoria Clockworks, etc... but... What about new costumes for players?
Its been a while since David N./Noble S. last post about costume pieces.
I want to have something to wait for... Even if is not I20...
Like things they suppose to be working on, like:

(DN said "Stay tunned", but then someone said "No soonish", I think... What is soon enough for something we asked to have from day 1?)
Updated Hi-res pieces
(Getting old outdated pieces to have something similar with better textures and higher resolution)
NPCs conversion costume sets
(Carnies, Ouroboros, more roman stuff, Ritki alien stuff... We want it!)
IDF costume set
(New mobs group would have a costume conversion for players)
New boosters
(There is a rumour about a Steampunk pack upcoming. Funny because I think theres plenty stuff to create Steampunk costumes, including the GR Resistance costume set. We also had a lot of new tech pieces. I think we need more classic tights and new mask with new textures, Golden age, medieval, fantasy and magic stuff.)

Aside Animal pack, there was no mention to new costume pieces for players. Not at PAX, not at forums, not at producer letters...
Can any art dev throw us a bone?
Whats coming for players?
I'm sorry, but I just have to do this:

Congratulations! You've managed to come up with a unique thread topic. None of these ideas have ever been brought up before. No one has ever complained about not getting enough costume pieces. The Developers were just waiting for someone to ask before they told us, and here you are, saving us from a lot of sleepless nights wondering about this very thing. This thread was totally necessary!


I think I broke my sarcasm bone.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post

IDF costume set
(New mobs group would have a costume conversion for players)
The IDF should absolutely be a free costume set with i20. I'm quite surprised that they haven't done that. Very unfortunate.

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Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
I'm sorry, but I just have to do this:

Congratulations! You've managed to come up with a unique thread topic. None of these ideas have ever been brought up before. No one has ever complained about not getting enough costume pieces. The Developers were just waiting for someone to ask before they told us, and here you are, saving us from a lot of sleepless nights wondering about this very thing. This thread was totally necessary!
I think I broke my sarcasm bone.
Your post was totally necessary too!



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
I'm sorry, but I just have to do this:

Congratulations! You've managed to come up with a unique thread topic. None of these ideas have ever been brought up before. No one has ever complained about not getting enough costume pieces. The Developers were just waiting for someone to ask before they told us, and here you are, saving us from a lot of sleepless nights wondering about this very thing. This thread was totally necessary!

I think I broke my sarcasm bone.
I suspect more and more threads like this will pop up until the question is answered. Not just with nice posts, but with actions.

How large are the costume request threads now? How often do we get new costumes (for free)? Has power customization been finished?

Threads about this stuff pops up constantly, and yet they seem to not realize how important player costumes are. New NPC costumes are great, but I want new costumes for MY characters.

There is a large contingent of posters who are annoyed that the NPC have always gotten costume options that are requested, and desired by the players. Even David realizes it is an issue, he told me so.

Giving the IDF costume to us this issue, instead of waiting, would have been a great idea. I guess it isn't too late, but I have little faith much will be added before it goes live next week.

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As for costumes, my two most-complimented-in-game ones (ie, my only complimented-in-game ones) are both pretty much just tights. Just your basic Golden-Age Tanker and Scrapper looks. With the current tendency for people to go overly ornate/complex with their looks, breaking it down to basics and making a strong statement about the character with a simple but distinctive costume is a good way to stand out.

But yes, new pieces are always welcome, with-Issue pieces even more-so.

Reflective tights being #1 on my personal wish-list. (Don't forget the reflective gloves, boots, and masks!)

The best comics are still 10�!
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WARNING: I bold names.



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
As for costumes, my two most-complimented-in-game ones (ie, my only complimented-in-game ones) are both pretty much just tights. Just your basic Golden-Age Tanker and Scrapper looks. With the current tendency for people to go overly ornate/complex with their looks, breaking it down to basics and making a strong statement about the character with a simple but distinctive costume is a good way to stand out.
I tend to ignore costumes like those. Nothing says humdrum to me more than spandex.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
I tend to ignore costumes like those. Nothing says humdrum to me more than spandex.
You must be a Villain player

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You must be a Villain player
The number of heroes and villains I have is actually equal at the moment.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
The number of heroes and villains I have is actually equal at the moment.
Probably more Vigilante types than real Heroes

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Zyphoid: How large are the costume request threads now? How often do we get new costumes (for free)? Has power customization been finished?

Threads about this stuff pops up constantly, and yet they seem to not realize how important player costumes are. New NPC costumes are great, but I want new costumes for MY characters.
I would take that further: I really don't give a frankly-my-dear about NPC costumes, the only costumes that matter to me are ones I can put on my characters.

I can't remember the last time we got a great included-with-subscription-fee costume, I really cannot. Perhaps the addition of the new faces, might be the last thing I can think of. That was a while back.

I remember when boosters were new, and people were roundly pooh-poohed for worrying that the era of costumes included with new issues was over, and now we would pay for any interesting costume parts. So far from that prediction being wrong, it seems like that day came to pass a while back.