Discussion: New Security Update on NCsoft Master Accounts




Nobody likes it, nobody wanted it, it's not helping - take it back.



Well I managed to get in on attempt 4, after trying 4 different variants of the "Girlfriends name" question and hoping I actually added it correctly 6 years ago.

So immediately the first thing I decided to do was get the system to email me those Serial Codes which aren't already in my Email logs (ie all the retail boxes) so if/when I do lock my system I can at least jump through the hoops like a good little doggie and retrieve my account.

Oh look. You can't do that!

As I've said before. This is an inane system dreamt up by someone with little idea of actually how to go about implementing a system like this and ensuring the transition doesn't cause undue hardship on the paying customer or lock valid accounts simply because someone can't remember the questions they filled in 6 years ago.

Hopefully the aforementioned designer(s) will be read the riot act, as this is no way to go about implementing and introducing such a system to a long standing customer base (and this is said as someone who designs E-commerce systems for a living).



If this was done to relieve the workload on support when dealing with hacked master accounts, congratulations: you've just increased your workload by a huge amount.

Roll this system back.

Because currently I'm fretting about trying to get all the information support needs, plus my first born child and some inherited silver just so I can access my Master Account.

I made this account in late December 2004 for a beta that I wasn't sure I was going to continue with. We got this announcement not only extremely close to the roll out of the system, but also with no clear instruction of how to change said questions beforehand.

The worst thing? I'm on recurring billing. So I'm dreading the possibility of being locked out of my master with no way to stop the billing. Because this move has dented my faith in NCSoft's competency.

And having it tied to IP Addresses?

Just pull a Blizzard and offer Authenticators. Give using them an in game perk, as the other game did with a minipet.

It'd be a damn sight more secure.



Great,now I'm now locked out on my first,main master account,just because I didn't get one of the secret questions right as I thought I did.
As for having all the codes for applied to the account.....I found out I only had 2(originally had a half a dozen of them but deleted them a while back.) Then this new security feature comes along and we're supposed to have saved them all or have it written somewhere just in case. Yeesh. I sent a e-mail to support but not sure how far it'll get if they wanted all the serial codes with just a couple supplied.

[Beta Testers]Zombie Man: Harlot is Swan's nickname too. And Dominatrix. And Sister Psyche. And Mynx. And Bobcat. And Synapse.



*checks back via his emails*

The oldest email that I have from NCsoft listing my email code is from 2007...

From that point on, pretty much every single code I have used has resulted in a email from NCsoft, from all of my games.

Note: Game Time Codes are not listed, but all of the costume codes/booster packs are listed. This could have been because i deleted them or what I cannot remember... If anything I have been keeping reciepts for *everything* since i moved over to Gmail full time



Double wammy! Can't log in to my master account. Can't send a support request because it refuses to accept I have an account.

This now, officially, counts as the dumbest idea I've seen implemented in ages.

Oh, I've tried to change the password on my master account three times in recent months and it while it says the password has changed, it never actually has. Perhaps NCSoft should get the BASIC security right before messing up the rest of it.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



No the *support* pages have always had a seperate accounts system set up.

This way, even if your main account was compromised you could still get in contact with them.



We continue to wait, let see if we can get our master account back today or this week. I can understand the security measures that must be take thanks tot the fraudulent activities by a lot of hackers, but we deserved a warning, so we can check our accounts and get ready. There some of us that have a lot of things going in life and we can forget about the smallest details about our pastimes.

I know it's not easy, but positivism is one of our keys right now.



WELL.now im screwed royally...THANKS GUYS FOR WARNING US.

my unique transaction ID- wtf is tht!!! i dont have any emails from 2005..who saves emails that long..seriously.

serial access keys? you mean our game activation key?

tho tbh, this is why im a box collector or i wouldnt even have my activation card numbers.. -.-



Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
my unique transaction ID- wtf is tht!!! i dont have any emails from 2005..who saves emails that long..seriously.
That's for PayPal payments. If you log in to Paypal, you can find the transaction ID at the top of the payment details page.

Just FYI. Still think this was a dumb idea guaranteed to give NCSoft Support a massive headache.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
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Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
Just went through this on one computer. Gawd... I totally forgot that I had answered Security Qs when I first set up my NCSoft account nearly 5 yrs ago.

Thankfully, they were Qs I could easily remember. As to what they are, one could be easy to crack, the other isn't as easy to know unless you knew me and my habits rather well.

So I should be good when accessing it from at least one computer. Still have to try one other Computer to see if I have to go through security hoops on it.

Thank you for the time...
Shudder, I am glad I am not the only one who had troubles. Mark set up my account for me all those years ago, as he was insistant I play and I didn't want to.

I knew the answer to the questions it asked me, but it was not accepting my answer to be correct..WTF??? I have known my dad's middle name all my life... after begging Mark to tell me how he spelled the name, and hearing that he forgot...I had an idea...was it case sensitive??? Holding my breath, I typed in the name in a manner alien to me and Bingo! I was in!

Whew. Just Whew.

Had Mark typed in a false answer and forgot..I would be totally locked out..so on one hand I can see the wisdom of false answers, and on the other hand, you have to stop and think..would I remember the correct false answer four years from now...and if I was smart and wrote it down, would I be able to find where I wrote down four years from now?

Hackers are why we can't have nice things


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winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Since this seems to be the place.

I can remember my main NCSoft Username an P/W . I can't remember my 'question' answers, so I tried to go through the support website process. Problem here is , as someone mentioned it's not the same info as the main login, so all i've been able to do thus far is ask for my password to be reset, as nothing else works.

Essentially, I am currently full of rage and will be taking it out on any squirrels that cross my path today.

I'll try something again, later when I've calmed down. As for now...Bah.

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Originally Posted by KemLi View Post
Since this seems to be the place.

I can remember my main NCSoft Username an P/W . I can't remember my 'question' answers, so I tried to go through the support website process. Problem here is , as someone mentioned it's not the same info as the main login, so all i've been able to do thus far is ask for my password to be reset, as nothing else works.

Essentially, I am currently full of rage and will be taking it out on any squirrels that cross my path today.

I'll try something again, later when I've calmed down. As for now...Bah.
For those who *dont* have an NCsoft support account, they are actually NOT linked to your NCsoft master account...

This way, if you were suddenly locked out of your main account, you could still setup a support account and recover it....



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
For those who *dont* have an NCsoft support account, they are actually NOT linked to your NCsoft master account...

This way, if you were suddenly locked out of your main account, you could still setup a support account and recover it....
Yea that's kinda part of my problem, when I followed the steps an let me create the account, it said it had my email on file already so it couldn't create the account. I must have created it at some point in the far far past , lol. Ah well . I'll have to figure it out. Thanks for the info. confirmation.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



You can set up another support account. Infact I *HAD* to when i lost access to one of my ISP email accounts (changed providers).



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
You can set up another support account. Infact I *HAD* to when i lost access to one of my ISP email accounts (changed providers).
Well, that makes me a bit happier =] . Thanks a lot. I'll wait a bit, then try that.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



It also REALLY DOES NOT HELP that I can't even submit a support request through that half-***** support website.

I put in my e-mail address and then I am prompted that I have to register it. Not sign in, REGISTER.

When I try to do so, I'm told that the e-mail is already registered.

WAY TO ******* GO! So now I have to call NCSoft for every stupid friggin problem!

Please. Phone the guys in Korea and ask them to hire someone who actually KNOWS how to implement a support and authentication system!

This is absolutely unforgivable!

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I entered the the childhood nickname my grandpa gave me and my high school for primary and it said it was wrong. NO THEY'RE WRONG!! Now I'm locked out of my account unless i use the origianl computer...........which got destroyed!

NOTE TO DEVS!!!! You need to give us a 2 week warning like you always have done, not a 2 second warning!

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Well apparently the date of birth they have for me on my master account, is not the one I actually have or use anywhere.

Oh joy!

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



OK, for those who are having issues...

The NCsoft support website *REQUIRES* a seperate email address to the one linked to your NCsoft master account.

Once you have set that up, you can add your ORIGINAL email address to the NCsoft Support links so that emails get sent to both, but initially the *SUPPORT* email address must be seperate.

@CB did you try both EU and US versions for dating?



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
OK, for those who are having issues...

The NCsoft support website *REQUIRES* a seperate email address to the one linked to your NCsoft master account.

Once you have set that up, you can add your ORIGINAL email address to the NCsoft Support links so that emails get sent to both, but initially the *SUPPORT* email address must be seperate.

@CB did you try both EU and US versions for dating?
Some of us cannot even access our NCSoft account.........now!

If they do not reverse the problem, I may have to find a new game to play!!!

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I did, hence why I'm now locked out.


Does anyone know how you go about contacting your bank for fraudulent charges?

Because if I can't log into my master account, I can't cancel my subscription.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
It also REALLY DOES NOT HELP that I can't even submit a support request through that half-***** support website.

I put in my e-mail address and then I am prompted that I have to register it. Not sign in, REGISTER.

When I try to do so, I'm told that the e-mail is already registered.

WAY TO ******* GO! So now I have to call NCSoft for every stupid friggin problem!

Please. Phone the guys in Korea and ask them to hire someone who actually KNOWS how to implement a support and authentication system!

This is absolutely unforgivable!
This is my experience, too. I know I answered the challenge question correctly. After about 5 tries, it locked my account.

When I tried to use the 'reset my password' route, that was blocked because... my account is locked. (Never mind that this is the industry standard for verification.)

I've used Support before, so, I have a Support Account already... which has my main email on file. But I can't get into my Support Account because... it has locked my account which is associated with that same email.

It did give me the opportunity to reset my password for my Support Account... and never sent me the email with the new password.

So now, I've created a new Support Account with a different email (really, I need to maintain extra email accounts to deal with Customer Support?) and am waiting to hear from them.

This should be good... the level of utter incompetence displayed so far should provide some continued entertainment.

Though, nothing would be as entertaining as trashing NCSoft's name through the mud in every gaming website in existence if this doesn't get fixed. Great way to appear as stupid as SOE.

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This is going to sound petty. Hell, it IS petty, but I am kinda tempted to just ragequit CoX over this idiocy.

I know Paragon Studio is not responsible for this, but it's not like it matters when NCSoft tries to make it impossible for you to renew your subscription (or god-forbid if you want to cancel an automatically-renewed subscription but cannot access your account!). It's like the higher-ups saw [insert MMO here]'s RealID and thought, hmmm, that system was already intrusive and horrible. How can we make it worse?

That said, I hope this goes the way of RealID. Then again, Blizzard is a US company. NCSoft is a Korean company and we're predominantly European/American users. I fear NCSoft just will not give a damn.