Which Tips do you skip?
Depends on the character and powersets. On my current main (plant/fire dominator, hero) I skip all Nemesis and most Carnie missions. I also skip "You're a Cruel One Mr. Phipps" because it is just too long and the Jocasta one because I have trouble keeping her alive. I sometimes skip the Maelstrom mission just because I hate chained objectives.
The missions I love are the stealthy ones:
Shattered Jar of Flesh (stealth to two bosses)
Some Nut on Talk Radio (stealth to a boss, plus one glowie)
Doc Quantum's Moral Quandary (stealth to hostage, plus an ambush)
Blatantly Fake Malta Plans (stealth to hostage, plus an ambush)
A Biting Wind (stealth to a hostage, plus one glowie)
Scrawled Bark (stealth to room with boss and 4 hostages)
My question is, does anyone do the "One Good Spider" hero morality mission instead of "The Usual Suspect"? I can do "The Usual Suspect" in less than 5 minutes. The other one takes me 30 at least.
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow][U]Virtue Heroes (Serenity's Children):[/U] [B]@Eek a Mouse, The Devil's Mark, Outlaw Sniper, Gas-Soaked Rag Man, Amazon Prime, Friday's Child, Hot Blooded,[/B][B]Flower of the Moon[/B], [B]Rouge Demon Hunter[/B], Stimulated Emission, Animatronic Wench, [B]Lennie Small[/B]
[U]Virtue Villains (Serenity's Orphans):[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [B]Eek a Rat[/B], [B]Bomb Blondeshell[/B], Babe Brute, Jeanne Dark, Fallen Angle[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Depends on the character and powersets. On my current main (plant/fire dominator, hero) I skip all Nemesis and most Carnie missions. I also skip "You're a Cruel One Mr. Phipps" because it is just too long and the Jocasta one because I have trouble keeping her alive. I sometimes skip the Maelstrom mission just because I hate chained objectives.
The missions I love are the stealthy ones: Shattered Jar of Flesh (stealth to two bosses) Some Nut on Talk Radio (stealth to a boss, plus one glowie) Doc Quantum's Moral Quandary (stealth to hostage, plus an ambush) Blatantly Fake Malta Plans (stealth to hostage, plus an ambush) A Biting Wind (stealth to a hostage, plus one glowie) Scrawled Bark (stealth to room with boss and 4 hostages) My question is, does anyone do the "One Good Spider" hero morality mission instead of "The Usual Suspect"? I can do "The Usual Suspect" in less than 5 minutes. The other one takes me 30 at least. |
Over the time since issue 19 dropped and gave us that new morality mission I've had One Good Spider drop first about 20 times... Unusual Suspect has only dropped first twice. I guess the Dev's felt that stealth to the first room on the first floor, free the hostage and take out two ambushes was too easy... it usually took me 2 minutes to do on my Ill/Rad, BS/Shield or Fire/EM blaster... my main hero merit farmers.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
It seems that "One Good Spider" comes up much more often than "Unusual Suspect". The good news is you can keep killing level 20+ mobs and eventually the other morality mission will drop. I'll street sweep Talos for awhile and even go on and do other things waiting for the better morality mission to drop than run the damn spider. Yes, I can run it in about 10 minutes but it's another damn lead out... I avoid all of those.
Over the time since issue 19 dropped and gave us that new morality mission I've had One Good Spider drop first about 20 times... Unusual Suspect has only dropped first twice. I guess the Dev's felt that stealth to the first room on the first floor, free the hostage and take out two ambushes was too easy... it usually took me 2 minutes to do on my Ill/Rad, BS/Shield or Fire/EM blaster... my main hero merit farmers. |
Ive done the One Good Spider tip twice since its inception, and keep getting Usual Suspect.
I drop Longbow tips. Hate em.
I, unlike most here, LOVE the carnie missions. My Broadsword/Dark Amor scrapper rips through them like wet tissue paper. I can actually handle carnies on that character at +2/x8.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I like "One Good Spider." Attacking Grandville solo, getting cheered by the citizens and rescuing a condemned prisoner. It's what being a hero is all about!!
Edit: I forgot about being attacked by the Rogues Gallery at the end, more heroic fun!! (Thanks TankShock!!)
Kyle Al'Mordu - Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrap
Fusion Force!

Lead outs definitely get tedious, and I don't even grind tips (WAI?). The debutantes aren't really any worse than the others, though. You just do the mish and lead all 3 out at once.
One Good Spider is definitely fun. It got me a whole level last week (from 1 bubble into 47 to 48), which gives it a special place in my heart. I lost track of all the Rogues Gallery who got put in jail that day.
I skip carnies on my mind/kin controller. Swapping mez's with a master illusionist who doesn't seem to be able to hurt me much beyond my heals and I don't seem to be able to get her health bar down either isn't fun. When it got too tedious I pulled some strongmen with TK just so i could die. I died from boredom induced suicide. So yeah, no thanks.
On melee characters I am leery of DE missions. The increased ToHit can be dangerous, and if you have Guardians dropping Quartz, look out.
Oddly, I don't really mind Sister Jocasta or the Knives.
Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level
I avoid Sister Jocasta big time.
I've found a new "never again" mission - a hero tip mission given to rogues, where you have to escort General whatshisname (Aarons?) through through a bunch of praetorians. Unlike the debutantes, who follow you unless you move too fast, the good general, when foes stand in his path, just STANDS there, refusing to move. You have to defeat each and every mob on the way back. They're not too bad solo, but the more team size scales up, they get dramatically harder.
Malta gunslinger is a bummer now that they've slowed down the ambushes. I know there were complaints but really, just make sure FrostFire is a boss and he will do the mission for you. Literally. I've dcd while doing that mission and logged on to find it completed. Since I do my tips for speed, this one now puts a cramp in my mission/minute ratio. It used to be very good for that.
"Rescue the Debutants" is one I avoid if possible, but will do it reluctantly, if it's the only one in my inventory. MIs as lieuts aren't too bad. I tip farm with a scrapper who has Char so I watch for the phase out, then the second she phases back in it's Char and kill (so no pets get spawned, Phantom Decoys slow things down since hostages won't release as long as he's around). I speed through the map to scout out where the debs are so I can avoid doubling back. Yes, this mission takes longer than most others but it's not TOO too bad.
On the other hand, I LOVE starting off a session with "Doc Quantum's Moral Quandry". Ravenstorm is an outstanding ally who is self sufficient and can kill a x/8 spawn point all by himself. I typically keep difficulty (both level and spawn size) low for raw speed, but this is one I turn to 11 whenever I get, since to Ravenstorm the mission is 0/8 (he's at mission difficulty level). I know I'll have a full docket when I do this mission.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
If I'm trying to just knock out a few tips for the alignment merit, there are a few I avoid.
-Anything with Circle of Thorns.
-The high-level villain one where you have to destroy three power nodes or whatever. The ambushes always get lost in the twisty Council base passages and take forever to hunt down.
-The one with all the Miss Thystle fights.
If I just want to kill stuff, though, that Miss Thystle mission is like my #1 goal. Having four SS/Invuln bosses pounding on you is fun and hectic, if you can weather it. It keeps things interesting on my Dom.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
Are there two villian alignment switch missions now too? I seem to have a choice of two, one had a title something like "Every Day Hero" and I don't recall the other. I am wondering which one would be faster, as I usually have to do these in about 15 minutes before work in the morning.
I never skip any of them, but then I probably haven't run them as much as some of you.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
It's nice to have a choice.

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StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
If I am on a character without good (energy defense OR -end resist) AND (reliable mez OR high burst damage) any mission with Shock Treatment. End drain and a god mode, very annoying. Not impossible but spending 10 minutes jousting her on a tanker to try to keep some end for your tanker's toggles and then sitting through 2 minutes of not being able to scratch her is a bit much. Now when my tanker with Energy Melee got stun, energy transfer and total focus she got a lot less annoying as I could take her up to the god mode point, pop reds, hit stun and then let ET and TF finish her off while stunned. Other than Shock Treatment any mission that has a chance at the Arachnos map with the huge room of lag. My computer is old and normal Arachnos maps drop the frame rate to slideshow levels but this map takes that lag and level shifts it up.
Leadouts. My main is a stalker and they're annoying.

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If I am on a character without good (energy defense OR -end resist) AND (reliable mez OR high burst damage) any mission with Shock Treatment. End drain and a god mode, very annoying. Not impossible but spending 10 minutes jousting her on a tanker to try to keep some end for your tanker's toggles and then sitting through 2 minutes of not being able to scratch her is a bit much. Now when my tanker with Energy Melee got stun, energy transfer and total focus she got a lot less annoying as I could take her up to the god mode point, pop reds, hit stun and then let ET and TF finish her off while stunned. Other than Shock Treatment any mission that has a chance at the Arachnos map with the huge room of lag. My computer is old and normal Arachnos maps drop the frame rate to slideshow levels but this map takes that lag and level shifts it up.
Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level
I don't skip any. There's so few tip missions already, I don't need to make them even more repetitive.
I used to skip the Malta Action Figure tip but not since they fixed it. I also used to skip the Knives missions but as long as the character has Hover/Fly or the Winter's Gift proc I've started doing them again too. So now there isn't anything I skip although the hero tips vs longbow go to the bottom of the list just because some of those feel contrived.
I guess if you run 5 a day in the same level-range for the A-merits I can see why you'd want to do only the fast/stealthable ones. I tend to only run 1 or 2 tips every few days for a variety of alts/alignments/levels so I'm not there yet.
The only one I skip is "You're a Cruel One, Mr. Phipps," just because it makes me go to IP instead of whatever zone I'm doing tips in.
I'll generally avoid "Malta Gunslinger Action Figure", but will take it if I don't have any other tips. The Carnie one doesn't bother me as I usually clear the map anyway, so the lead-outs don't take much longer.
I don't get why people hate Knives so much. They're kind of a joke really. They never get close enough to me to use their popcorn, er, caltrops, and if I get ambushed most of my toons have teleport or superspeed. The only ones that pose a threat at all are the bosses with stun grenades. Of course I rarely play melee-oriented characters so that may be why.
I don't skip any anymore but the ones with longbow and arachnos I go from x8 to x1-3 just because I dislike them.
The more people I meet, the more I'm beginning to root for the zombies.
I've found a new "never again" mission - a hero tip mission given to rogues, where you have to escort General whatshisname (Aarons?) through through a bunch of praetorians. Unlike the debutantes, who follow you unless you move too fast, the good general, when foes stand in his path, just STANDS there, refusing to move. You have to defeat each and every mob on the way back. They're not too bad solo, but the more team size scales up, they get dramatically harder.
I eventually said hell with it and taunted the mob so that the -range would force it to follow me, and led the ambush - with him following them and not me - back to the beginning after the third time it happened. I also petitioned the mission for griefing me.
Edit: also, why is it that the only Knife of Artemis that can't see through stealth is the one that we have to lead out through the map?
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
It depnds on what AT type I am playing, if I am in a melee, I have little reason to skip any content. But if I am playing a support caste, then I have all kinds of reasons to avoid certain content:
1. Carny is avoided due to excessive mez, and lack of effective protections versus it.
2. Any escort mission, they force me to turn off my stealth in order to escort the victim thru many ambushes. Sadly many of my powers that gives me defense, also gives me stealth, so I have to turn-off the few defensive powers I have, that is like asking a tank to detoggle their resistances...
3. Jocasta missions, filled with knives of artemis, they deploy way too many caltrops and these stay up for way too long too. They are not challenge, they are just boring player time sinks. Also look at reason 2.
4, Spoon fed missions, where you have to do one target at time for another target to activate. All too often, you go find a person to be told destroy the artifact you walked by at the entrance of the map, then you destroy it and have to go back to the person at the far end of the map again. Maybe this is fun, if your IQ is measured in the double digits.
The only one I skip is "You're a Cruel One, Mr. Phipps," just because it makes me go to IP instead of whatever zone I'm doing tips in.
I like the Mr. Phipps mission except for one thing - if you don't pull the guards away from the hostages there is a distinct possibility of them getting killed off by the Arachnos AOE's (at least the rikti is vulnerable to this, not sure about the others). If any of them die you cannot finish the mission because the glowie won't spawn. Then you have to either reset the mission, use the complete function if it's available, or call a GM.
I tend to skip the first one I get every three days
Enjoy your day please.