CoH Wishlist for 2011
I think that the way Praetoria has been set up, and the concentration of new blue and red side content in the 20-30 bracket seems to show that the escape from Praetoria will be kept as a major feature of the Praetorian storyline, with any new Praetorian content coming at 30+.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
not my idea but the powerhouse in CO is a great idea. Also goodbye whirlwind, group fly, team teleport and acrobatics (thanks to IO's its no longer needed) and add attacks to the travel powers and INCREASE THE CAP FOR FLY SPEED. That is all, for now.
Full load out for Praetoria is ... ambitious. I'd like to see it, but I doubt it.
For Base construction, perhaps look at doing something that EQ2 has, and make the base layout exportable to an xml file. And later importable [following same rules]. That way procedural placement is far easier (ie, I want these to line up exactly). And we could actually make/use tools that are better suited for room design than a video game engine [not faulting it, just saying, it's a video game engine not a layout designer].
The Shard needs a revamp. I'm hopefully it's coming with the Storm, but wouldn't be surprised if it just fell by the wayside.
Let's Dance!
One of Six, Cannibal 6
Fix PvP...
Oh hang on, you said wish list, not miracle list... never mind.
A one-on-one correspondence course of understanding ragdoll physics in democode.
Failing that, the removal of the War Walls so Paragon City flows like Praetoria does.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
A one-on-one correspondence course of understanding ragdoll physics in democode.
Failing that, the removal of the War Walls so Paragon City flows like Praetoria does. Michelle aka Samuraiko/Dark_Respite |
- New DEMORECORD (Editing) Commands: MOV_RD, MOV_RD_IMPACT, etc. I'll make a huge assumption that objects have defined ragdoll behaviors and are rendered as such. Syntax may be something like: objID# MOV_RD x z y AngleDegreesAsDoublePrecisionFloat VelocityInFtPerSecAsDoublePrecisionFloat. objID# is the initial object identity set up at the beginning of the demorecord, MOV_RD is the command, x z y are the coordinates from which to start the action, AngleDegreesAsDoublePrecisionFloat is the angle to move (as in to "throw") and the last is the velocity in feet/sec. Simple physics could calculate a general arc. MOV_RD_IMPACT would be used to do an abrupt stop of the moving ragdoll object and have it render the effects of flailing arms and legs (if actions are defined). So, a full line might look like: 917 MOV_RD 170.3 -331.3 90.11 67.3333 70.000
Makes sense?

I'm Tanking / Bruting so get familiar with my hand signals.
Make the Villain Respec more challenging.
Fix Temple Of Pain once and for all and make it soloable so I can get Items of Power for my Solo SG because all content should be soloable.
Add zones red side and Preat until they have the same number as Blue side.
Fat body type. Tee shirt options should not adequately cover belly.
5 new power sets that are completely incompatable with everything else in the current game.
4 legged body type.
4 armed body type. Four armed is forewarned.
Fat 4 legged and 4 armed body type with 2 heads all of which can be outfitted separately.
Disney Costume options.
A Pony Power Pool. Pony Kick, Pony Punch, Pony Gallop, Pony Whirlwind.
I pay my $15 most months and expect this to all be done by end of year. LOL Looking forward to anyother year of fun whatever we get.
You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Change/Fix MoG in Paragon Protectors. This...
...isn't "more challenging", it's just amazingly tedious. Which isn't what I'm looking for in a game.
@Jophiel, I do /e batsmash, it does about the same
Anyway, If we are talking about power pools. How about rearrange a few?
Like, I dunno, Presence?
Swap Provoke, and Intimidate. That's all I ask. Maybe someone would get that power pool now
If you can't remember what they are here is a link:
Wouldn't a single target fear, and a single target taunt make sense? then do the AoEs as the next ones.
I want to play with fear, but I'm not never getting Provoke or Challenge.
If fitness was the most taken pool, then presence has to be the lest. It need s a fix.
That is all.
1. Above all, I want an end to the base teleportation power being interrupted by the ouroboros portal use. This is the single most irritating thing in the game for me just because it happens quite often.
2. Power Pool color customization.
3. A mission arc or TF that has a mission instance in the mission leader's base. (ie. some non PVP reason to have/use base weaponry)
4. Make superdyne raids in Skyway more like the Rikti Invasion or Zombie Apoc. Not with enemy spawns on characters in the zone but with the universal level effect and a broader area. It could be a fun event but as it stands is only a little badge oddity.
5. Make the Ghost ship mean something. Give a small award to the character that kills the most ghosts before the ship is gone or make the ship targetable. Or even make it so that touching the ship sends you to a simple kill-all ship mission.
6. Give Boomtown a contact similar to Bloody Bay. Something like "Escort this Council defector to these five computers in Boomtown alive." It would make Boomtown fun to have some unique trick-missions available right at the gate.
7. Get rid of at least half of the AE buildings.
8. Make Eden trial less speed-able and expand it to include objectives that force one to linger in the beauty of its great maps. Increase reward accordingly.
9. Put a group of named villains at the end of Citadel TF. Similar to posi1 but a static villain team that could include Hopkins.
10. Revamp %50 of the enhancement sets. Most are totally worthless and are simply not used by anyone who knows anything about the game. Why have so much devoted to a player demographic that is small and inherently shrinking. Here is a ton of junk for you to figure out that its junk. I'm not saying make them super awesome but at least give them a single thing that makes them desirable. Something!
(I started writing down on scratch pads and then started posting these to my Facebook, but the audience for those two media is rather limited. So, I'm posting here to hopefully get feedback and possibly start a thread of ideas that we, the players, would like to see added or fixed in the game.)
SynapseOverload's CoH Wishlist for 2011
That's a bulk of what I can decipher from my scribblings at the moment. If I can find more of my notes, I'll add to this post. Feel free to constructively comment and add to this list in this thread. |
Edit: I couldn't agree with this more, so I just beat on the keyboard with my face until I was content.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

Begin to re-write some of the old CoH contact stories...Janet Kellum (absolutely VILE arc) would be a good place to start...many of the legacy story arcs are really poor.
Give me the option to remove unwanted contacts from my active contact list. I am NEVER going to use most of the for new player contacts/tutorial contacts...i.e. the AE contact, the crafting contact....etc....yet they sit forever on my active list.
Now that Dev Castle is gone (sadly)...can we re-attack the human form only PB/WS getting some status protection debate?
One idea would be to make Stimulant an area effect/team/ including self power...instead of a targetted to a teammate only power.
Another possiblity would be creating an IO set that could go into Resist Damage or Defense powers...that had various status/mezz protection effects.
It has always bothered me that human form PBs have shields to make them somewhat durable.....yet can be EASILY chain stunned/slept/ etc etc virtually any minion with status effects. Even with Kheldians unlocked at level 20....I very rarely see them around...likely because they are the most gimped AT in the game.
Some base love....any base love.
Scaleable TFs that can be done by 2 people. I very rarely team beyond a the Groups Grinding for Gear (GGG) design direction this game is wandering into, with all the constant TF emphasis, is leaving me out.
I wish we had the ability to "save" NON AE missions to our favorites.
Say there is a particular type of radio, paper, contact mission that everyone loves, they could save it as a favorite, complete the mission and still have it saved to their "favorites" folder.
What would be really cool and innovative is if we could share said favs with other players.
Like AE without the tickets and hassle of tying to get a "dev choice"
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
At one time we used to be able to mouse-over enhancements (while purchasing them) and the info would pop up. Made it much easier, faster and less likely to make a mistake. I wish we had that back.

All I want is to be able to set a RANGE to TAB TO NEXT ENEMY.
Really, when I'm in the midst of combat against the Trolls, why do I care if there are Circle of Thorns WAY OVER ON THAT HILL ...
American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew
Something I would like to see as a person how plays alot of Brutes and Tanks is a small increase to the aggro cap. Nothing to high just a small 5 to 10 person increase incase something goes wrong and a second group gets pulled or a mob get knocked into another one.
I agree with you as far as the changes to Dark Armour and Dual Pistols and a revamp of the Shard, not so sure about the rest.
With Praetoria at the beginning and now at the end, I'm already sick to the back teeth with it. Let me fight Rularuu for my Incarnate status, not guard towers!
For me, merging the server list between EU and NA would be enough to make my year.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

A Costume Creator Pass, to add the following:
Items and Patterns that should exist, but don't -
Wrists Option for Male/Huge/Female Hands. Colour pattern that goes from the top of the forearm to the wrist, leaving the rest bare. I recently tried to create one of those... polo shirt? style tops, but had to leave the forearms bare.
Adding in pieces to sets. Angelic Plus for example has no glove/boot options. There exist others like this.
Fixing the Bridal set. The skirt can take a second colour. There exists a pattern on the gloves and top, but no option to colour it. Same goes for Shoes.
A reduction on the amount of items not given because they 'may clip'. We have items already that clip. We just have to work around them and find what works. It's annoying when I get an idea but can't impliment it due to it not being available in the right area.
The addition of a second colour for make up, so you can have different coloured lipstick and eyeshadow.
An extension of the patterns and textures to all available areas. Same goes for options. Since the Introduction of Sneakers, did you know that Male/Huge characters cannot have sneakers without the huge knee socks? Only females get the option without socks.
Fixing the VEAT Costume Creator, it's missing a load of options.
Porting the old Alpha/Omega aura options from VEATS and giving them to everyone eligable for the pack.
Removing the Aura mission and implementing it from level 1, as every booster pack aura is available then.
Enabling the Capes from level 1, and having a special reward Hero-1 (or even a few nation capes) for the Hero Cape Mission, and Arachnos capes or something for the male option.
A pass on the powers available, tweaking them and bringing some up to standard. Non-Granite Stone powers, for instance. Energy Aura, Regeneration, Gun Drone, Time Bomb, Serum, Blaster Secondaries. Look at the feedback given by people who know the numbers and make good suggestions, and see about implementing them.
Continued Powerset Proliferation:
Ice Melee (Hopefully with Ice Sword Slash/Ice Sword Circle from Icy Assault), Ice Armour, War Mace, Battle Axe, Super Strength, Energy Melee, Energy Aura.
Tankers: Broadsword, Claws, Martial Arts, so on.
Don't let the power sets speak for the AT. Give the ATs the power set options available, and then tweak them for the AT. Rejiggle Tanker Dual Blades so that combos are available from before level 16. (Scrappers get Dual Blade Combo Options at 4, 8, 26, 32. Tankers from 16, 20, 35, 38. Dual Blades needs those combos, really. It's what the set was designed around. It's why I also have issue with dual pistols and the 'utility' of the Swap Ammo power.)
Introduce the craved for, logical extensions of powers.
Dark Control, Dark Assault, Dark Manipulation. (for Controllers/Dominators, Dominators, and Blasters respectively.)
Martial arts set for Blasters. Maybe even a weapon set.
Add art elements that already exist to the base editor:
CCTV Cameras, jukeboxes, bars, pinball machines, pool tables, TVs, radios, Praetorian computers.
The art exists already, after all. Just a case of porting them.
Begin revamping the old content instead of focusing on the new and shiny. Old TF's, story arcs.
Purge the boring, grindy missions from CoH contacts.
Make the notification of new contacts a pop up, rather than a mission. This can be seen between Roy Harding (i19) and Stephanie Peebles (i...3?)
Use the player MA talent to introduce new missions to the game. People have redesigned the initial hero story arcs. See about giving them to the players. have votes, use the talent rather than keeping it to the AE system.
New Tip Missions and Morality Missions for all ranges.
Make Paragon and the Rogue Isles more... lively. Use the new Event system to make interesting zone events for the zones. From gang stand offs in Perez Park to robberies. Introduce the little small things in zones that make them seem more real and add character.
Continue work on power customization. The new Fire/Frost Breath animations to Firey melee/Icy Melee, as a point. Epic and Power Pool customization as well.
Items and Patterns that should exist, but don't -
Wrists Option for Male/Huge/Female Hands. Colour pattern that goes from the top of the forearm to the wrist, leaving the rest bare. I recently tried to create one of those... polo shirt? style tops, but had to leave the forearms bare. |

Do you mean you want to be able to pattern the blue sleeves? I could see that but I guess it's the same issue as patterning any other bare skin & clothes area.
A polo shirt is short sleeves but, what you're describing, sounds like the "Sleeves" option under Smooth/Bare. Unless I'm understanding wrong.
![]() Do you mean you want to be able to pattern the blue sleeves? I could see that but I guess it's the same issue as patterning any other bare skin & clothes area. |
EDIT: Just checked, and yep, on my huge character, there is no Sleeves options. This is the kind of stuff that annoys me.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
(I started writing down on scratch pads and then started posting these to my Facebook, but the audience for those two media is rather limited. So, I'm posting here to hopefully get feedback and possibly start a thread of ideas that we, the players, would like to see added or fixed in the game.)
SynapseOverload's CoH Wishlist for 2011
That's a bulk of what I can decipher from my scribblings at the moment. If I can find more of my notes, I'll add to this post.
Feel free to constructively comment and add to this list in this thread.
I'm Tanking / Bruting so get familiar with my hand signals.