Discussion: 81 and 84 Month Veteran Rewards




These are fantastic! I have thought for some time that it would be really cool if L50s could "continue earning XP" and when they got the equivalent of "L51" they would get the ding buff. (I know you technically only need 1xp to get to L51, that's not what I mean and yall know it! ;]) This is even better! Even if it has a cool-down of a few DAYS, I still think it's really cool!

And the slash command, HOOOO BOY! FanTAStic!

These are both great, thank you so very much!!



I curious about one thing with Return to Battle.... Can it be used while alive? I suspect that the answer is no, just like other self-rez powers with useful side effects, but I can imagine that some people would find the once-an-hour huge buff more useful than the once-an-hour rez.

Though I suppose if you have to be dead first, and really want the buff, you can use Self Destruction first, if you have the Cyborg Booster. :P




On my BS/Fire Scrapper, if I'm low on end, and the only mob left is a boss with insane Lethal Resists, and my end bar reaches 25%, I'll just stop using my heal and turn off my armors and just coast on parry until I die. Then use RoTP and kill them with my full end bar.



Originally Posted by Darkonne View Post
I really like these abilities, but I really think they should be given to all players, not just those who have been playing the game for nearly two presidential administrations.

I understand that people enjoy the veteran perks, but I don't like restricting quality of life improvements to long term vets. Seven years is an exceedingly long time to expect a new player to wait. Unless the devs want to retrofit the system to let us pick items in any order, I sincerely hope these will be the final rewards in the system.
QOL improvements are not appropriate to gating behind high vet rewards.

Great vet rewards are bonuses like global tailor discounts, increased recipes, more inf, etc. that add to your abilities in a quantitative way.

These are pretty much game changing QOL improvements. In particular the command makes me ask what purpose is served by not giving it to everybody.

If the rewards are getting to 7 years and higher, the system could definitely use some way to pick what you want, or maybe boosters. Since 1 year rewards are biggest maybe you could only trade 1 years for other 1 years.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Signpost View Post
Just a question: will the rez be affected by recharge rate changes, like some other temp powers?
At the moment, no.

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For some reason I feel that I remember some dev posting something along the lines of vet rewards would not give major gameplay advantages when the vet rewards originally came out. At this point it's hardly true. (I really wish I could find the post, or equally likely find out that I'm just imagining it, but either way I still think that vet rewards shouldnt give major gameplay advantages)

The free respecs, obscene number of costume tokens, all the extra costume pieces, and even the extra attacks (sands of mu, blackwand, nemesis staff, and ghost slaying axe) we're all in line of "not giving a major gameplay advantage" imo. The base teleporter, assemble the team, and reveal powers make very significant differences in day to day play, it was borderline, as far as "major gameplay advantages" go imo. The level 6 travel powers SHATTERED any sense of vet rewards not giving a major gameplay advantage.

Other than City Traveller, the vet rewards on a case by case basis don't really break the "major gameplay advantage" deal. However, when you look at all 84 months together, all those rewards create a pretty massive difference between the status of an 84 monther and someone who has been playing for under a year. It won't be the same play experience. Usually someone who's been playing for 84 months, doesnt need alot of the vet rewards that could sigfinicantly help people that are new to the game. The free respecs are a good example of this. Newer people are more likely to make mistakes in their builds (I certainly made more power and slotting mistakes when I was a new player), they could probably make use of the free respecs alot more than a long time vet, outside of say, stripping all the IOs off of toons. The logic is flawed.

Personally having just gotten the Assemble the Team power about a month ago, I can certainly say it is completely game changing. With i19 I considered taking Recall Friend on a few toons, but OH WAIT, I have Assemble the Team! Because I have this vet reward I don't feel the need to take Recall Friend anymore, therefore I can take another power and become more effective because of said other-awesome-power. Infact I consider Assemble the Team /better/ than Recall Friend, the power that everyone has access to. You can nab the entire team with it, significantly cutting down the time you have to spend to save other people time, with smart usage, the longer recharge isn't a huge deal, it's rare that you need it more often than once everytime it recharges, and usually other people will have it also for when it is down.

Hmm. I wrote more than I thought I would. 0.o I should probably stop there.
tl:dr the vet rewards dont need to be increasingly better each time



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
At the moment, no.
If I switch builds will it recharge automagically?



1. Disable the self-rez in PvP zones.
2. Give non-84-month vets some way to access the AH remotely.

The self-rez is nice but not a really big deal, but the /auctionhouse command is huge. I should not need to be an 84-month vet to avoid the possible crashes or framerate drop that comes requisite with visiting the market. The /auctionhouse command nicely addresses the "OMG ALL THESE PEOPLE ARE RUNNING THEIR POWERS AT THE MARKETS" issue but it does absolutely no good if it's not available to more than a handful of players.

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Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
On the other hand, if everyone got an /auctionhouse command then what would actually be the point of having the physical wentworths/black market areas in the game?
The point of the auction house is not it's location, but rather the service that it provides, which it will continue to provide in light of this vet reward.

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

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Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
If any seven year vets b**** about this power, I will smack them.
Oh they will have no fear I,ll hold them you smack deal lol

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
On the other hand, if everyone got an /auctionhouse command then what would actually be the point of having the physical wentworths/black market areas in the game? The only other way I really see them having implemented this would have been it being tied to an accolade like the MA one is.

In any case I've never really thought our auction houses were terribly hard to get to, not like they are in some other games at least.

And no, I'm not just saying this because I'll be getting the thing a week or so after it hits live. It's just never been a huge issue for me.
it's not a huge issue, but it's still would be a nice QoL thing to have, and it saves the trouble of having to go to the AH/BM between missions.



Ahhh....I love USEFUL vet rewards. I always prefer function over form. Both of these are very, very nice.

Basically too many 50's to count, but I'm generally a brute/scrapper/tank kind of guy.



Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
I wonder how many serious farmers have been playing this game for 7 years?
I wasn't thinking of farmers. Just...endless mobile inventory.

EDIT: Actually, what would be really awesome, is if somehow it set up a clickable interface for everyone else. Like the mobile field crafting station.

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Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
but what these solutions don't give you is the ability to bring up the AH interface in your base next to your salvage/IO storage and take care of business. ... I do hope that this means there will be base access to the AH in future. otherwise I am very jealous and feel extra silly for quitting for a year.
They also don't give you the ability to quickly store some salvage and/or recipes, or snag some stored inspirations and/or enhancements in the middle of a mission, task force, etc.

That is probably what I would use the /auctionhouse power for 90% of the time.

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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
63 months here so thats ummm . . . . yeah im signing up for life aint i
I'm in line right behind you bub...

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These rewards suck. I am never going to use them. They are about as useful as boxing gloves or discounts on costume fees.

Ok, not really. I think they are both awesome. The problem is that we already had the requisite complaints that they should be available to everybody and it wasn't fair that only people who had played forever get them. The one thing missing was having a long time vet complain that they were useless. I kind of felt like I was in the Praetorian forums or something.

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Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Actually, what would be really awesome, is if somehow it set up a clickable interface for everyone else. Like the mobile field crafting station.
Hmm that would make an awesome alternative to the wentworth teleporter inspirations. I wonder if the devs can create a craftable one use pet that also has a recharge, so that you cant just buy another one from the market pet that you have up. Or even a market pet that can only be bought from a real market not a pet.

You could combine the Bot/HVAS delivery crate animation and have it drop a short life salvage rack that acts as a market.



Given that [Return to Battle] provides ten seconds of Untouchable, is it time to revisit Regeneration's [Revive]? It still lacks any sort of Untouchable grace period, making it hazardous to use in 95% of combat situations that are likely to result in a defeat.

It's been so long, I'd almost think the power's glaring flaw has been forgotten.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Access to a salvage vault and craft table in (the back room of) WW/BM is something I'd love to see for a Vet reward. The upcoming rewards are AWESOME..I love it!

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Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
Given that [Return to Battle] provides ten seconds of Untouchable, is it time to revisit Regeneration's [Revive]? It still lacks any sort of Untouchable grace period, making it hazardous to use in 95% of combat situations that are likely to result in a defeat.

It's been so long, I'd almost think the power's glaring flaw has been forgotten.
I don't see why anyone with return to battle would bother taking any self rez.



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
Yeah, not the same as remote access. I have the day job powers, and I'd still prefer avoiding zoning times. I'm not ********, mind you. I'm just saying they missed out on some extra $ opportunities by making it a vet reward and not a booster pack item. No need for snarky remarks.
Where, exactly, was I snarky? You complained about something you did not like, I made a suggestion that would help alleviate that problem to some degree.



Originally Posted by Jawbreaker View Post
Is that extra slot ABOVE the slot max? I have three unclaimed character slots as it is because I've been at max for ages, and my 2nd acct. is about to cap as well.

No biggie,, not ********, just wondering.
Per server is 36 slots. If you have all 36 right now, you can throw the slot onto an alt server. You don't get 37 (although that'd be wicked nice if they bumped that one day, but I'm spoiled rotten).



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I don't think you can emote while dead, but finally, someone catches on to what I was thinking of. My characters' personal inventory space has just skyrocketed.

Oh crap, I get it. Hmmmmm. Let's hope there's not a ridiculous timer on it...



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
I don't see why anyone with return to battle would bother taking any self rez.

Because some rezzes (like ROTP, Soul Transfer, etc) do more than simply make you get back up.

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