Spiderman reboot teaser pic






Are those mechanical web shooters I see? Or just exit points for the webbing?

- CaptainFoamerang

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Eh, trying to update the costume smacks of trying to hard.

I'm not going to say it's a bad take on the costume, but the first 3 films got it 100% perfect, so anything will be a step down.

I still can't believe they are rebooting, rather than just forging ahead.



Too emo. Spider symbol looks wrong. It sucks.



Looks scaley to me. Will wait and see how it looks in a more dynamic setting.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
Eh, trying to update the costume smacks of trying to hard.

I'm not going to say it's a bad take on the costume, but the first 3 films got it 100% perfect, so anything will be a step down.

I still can't believe they are rebooting, rather than just forging ahead.


It's the principle for all franchises now and fuels the reboot-mania.

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It looks good to me.

I like how the picture shows him post-fight where he and the costume look banged up rather than the standard pose in a pristine costume.



This looks weirdly similar to the cover of that comic that rebooted Superman a while back. Same target audience, I'd imagine. (Plus, how many ways are there to show a guy just standing around in part of a super-costume just looking serious?)

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You see that look on his face?

That's because he just stepped in some Vulture poop.

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A bit busy for my tastes. Hard to believe that it's home-made. Of course the first three movies had that problem too, so that's not a huge deal.

It's good enough not to actively put me off, but yeah.... it DOES smack of trying too hard.



Glad to see they're continuing the tradition of having Spider-Man without his mask on in public.

Otherwise, costume looks fine.

Global name: @k26dp



Costume is over-texturized, but Hollywood always seems intent on overdoing that. Actor looks okay for the part, but he needs to keep his mask on in Spidey mode. And hopefully make quips.

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Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
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-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
I like the darker colour-scheme, I like the slight re-imaginning of the suit (the lattice and hexagonal texture of the Raimi-suit was very iconic). In my opinion they are just trying to disassociate from that.
I like the less obvious spider chest icon, I really despise they way they have felt the need to unnecessarily tinker with the gloves design and tried to be all contemporary. I imagine its from the same idiotic production design department that decided to put a flourish of red on Thor's boots and gauntlets.

But I absolutely disagree with web-shooters If they ever went down that path. Stan's original concept or not... It just doesn't make sense for a teenage schoolboy to be capable of inventing a scientific breakthrough like infinite supply of super-strong webbing and its practicle application through wrist-shooters in his bedroom. Totally dumb idea - just-don't-go-there. >.<

And yes, part of me too wishes Marvel didn't have this inate reboot compulsion if films don't perform as hoped. There is really no need for it whatsover in my opinion, cinema audiences can make the leap of imagination with another actor in a role and there is no guarantee that this the new cast will last any longer than Raimi's cast.

Silly Marvel, absolute folly. Andrew Garfield is 28 for heavens sakes, he may look younger than his years (as Maguire does / did) but for how long?, they going to reboot continuously to keep Spidey a youthful sub-thirty?.
I think they should do a trilogy, possibly a cameo in the Avengers film or a following Marvel film, (Namor, Dr Strange, whatever) ... but retire the character from the silver screen after that. He's have a far more enthusisatic audience as a live-action 1-hour weekly Tv series with cliffhangers that would allow multiple storylines and explore the character's many Nemesis' without flogging the franchise to death on the silver screen.

Thwip™ .o/

Edit: Three claw scratches on his left cheek? and on zooming into the X2 resolution picture linked at Superherohype.com you can definately see that a few of those stains on his suit have a dark green tinge to them (left glove/r.hand side on pic particularly). Lizard blood?.



Originally Posted by Mothers_Love View Post
And yes, part of me too wishes Marvel didn't have this inate reboot compulsion if films don't perform as hoped. There is really no need for it whatsover in my opinion, cinema audiences can make the leap of imagination with another actor in a role and there is no guarantee that this the new cast will last any longer than Raimi's cast.

Silly Marvel, absolute folly. Andrew Garfield is 28 for heavens sakes, he may look younger than his years (as Maguire does / did) but for how long?, they going to reboot continuously to keep Spidey a youthful sub-thirty?.
I think they should do a trilogy, possibly a cameo in the Avengers film or a following Marvel film, (Namor, Dr Strange, whatever) ... but retire the character from the silver screen after that. He's have a far more enthusisatic audience as a live-action 1-hour weekly Tv series with cliffhangers that would allow multiple storylines and explore the character's many Nemesis' without flogging the franchise to death on the silver screen.

To clarify:
* Marvel does not retain the film rights to Spiderman or the X-men movie franchises. Spiderman is owned by Columbia Pictures, the X-men is owned by 20th Century Fox.
* It is not Marvel that is rebooting Spiderman it is Columbia Pictures.
* It is not Marvel that is rebooting the X-men it is 20th Century Fox.
* Spiderman will not be meeting the Avengers or any other film property that is owned by Marvel because they are different film companies. This includes and applies to the X-men since they are owned by Fox.
* The reason Spiderman is being rebooted is because Columbia needs to bring out a Spiderman movie by <X> date or else the contract would automatically revert back to Marvel and they can no longer make any Spiderman movies. (The X-men fall under the same deal which is why they are making X-men First Class).
* Neither Columbia nor Fox care that they reboot the movie or if the movies end up making the Marvel comic characters look bad, they just want money and also know that almost all of the movie public are going to relate the bad rebooted movies to Marvel and not them (as seen above).
* When Spiderman and the X-men's film license are up and the properties revert back to Marvel, expect Marvel films to reboot the series again



Ahh yes I forgot about that!, the same reason the Superman reboot is being rushed out the door - expiring rights.

Thanks for clearing that up Talia.

When Spiderman's (and the X-men) license is up and the properties revert back to Marvel, except Marvel films to reboot the series again
Good grief, It makes you wonder why Marvel hypes up the film as much as it does in conjunction with Columbia. If the studio ever does get back the franchise I wonder what they'd do with it differently as a 100% Marvel property, I mean... Avi Arad, Kevin Feige, Stan Lee, Gale Ann Hurd and the usual crowd are usually involved anyway in one way or another as executives whatever studio is producing, and I remember those guys hyping up the Ang Lee 'Hulk' as revolutionary and the best thing since sliced bread, the definative version... before it flopped, only to be involved in the subsequent reboot as well. A lot of the same people from Marvel are involved every.single.time.



Oh and looking through the Marvel films.

20th Century Fox owns:
Fantastic Four

Columbia Pictures owns:
Ghost Rider

So they could throw Ghost Rider into a Spiderman movie if they wanted and the Fantastic Four, Daredevil and/or Elektra into a X-men movie.



No, sir, I don't like it.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Still not Donald Glover.

Still want it to fail so hard Sony stops making Spider-films.



I don't know... I can't tell that much of a difference between that and the costume from the other films. Though I haven't seen the others in years.

I'm sort or torn between thinking they should just make a 4th installment since it's like a world record turn around from last movie to reboot...

On the other hand Spiderman 3 was so bad I don't know how you'd forge ahead from that....

Not terribly excited for this either way. Spiderman 3 left a horrible taste in my mouth

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Hmmm...I don't think it looks that bad.

The actor looks WAY better than I expected.

The suit change. Eh. You know it's going to happen, and it doesn't look that bad.

Personally looking at that picture, I think his build fits Spidey more than Toby.

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I'm looking forward to the next Spider-Man movie reboot. Maybe we'll get the full Ben Reilly costume then!

You're not super until you put on The Cape!



Originally Posted by Mothers_Love View Post
Good grief, It makes you wonder why Marvel hypes up the film as much as it does in conjunction with Columbia
Because if it does well, Marvel gets a truck load of money?

We wouldn't be getting the recent Marvel created films if it wasn't for the money off of the Spidey and X-Men films allowing Marvel to set up their own studio.