Chris Evans in Cap costume
A fair amount of straps, but overall it's not bad. We'll have to wait for a trailer to see what kind of tone they're shooting for, though.
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
I like!
Hm, kind of Ultimate-ish, but looks appropriate for him in WWII.
Perfectly alright with the look.
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
Hugo Weaving could play a villain in his sleep.
MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812

Looks a helluva a lot better than Spidey's new costume.
Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
Outfit looks pretty good to me as a big Cap fan.
Cautiously optimistic about this.
Now see, if people are wary of putting heroes/villains in spandex, this Captain America look is what they should have gone for. The colors and markings look pretty much like they should look, but it's more regular looking clothing, rather than the tights. X-Men should have gone for something like this, rather than the matching black leather. At least give everyone their unique colors and markings.
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
Pretty much what has been released so far re: the cossie.
Hugo Weaving looks pretty damn creepy as the Red Skull, and his secret lab headquarters (on the day i walked around it on-set) is really brilliant set design.
Tip: In the original post, see those Hydra soldiers in the background? - see that blue glow coming from their weapons apparatus/cossie? ..... OoOh!, I wonder what power-source could be powering said weapons!
(Get that and you'll get 'a' link between Captain America, Thor and the Avengers).
Looks a little busy, but overall, closer to the comic than I expected. Is this WW2 or present day?
Est sularis oth Mithas
Cuts to 'n fro - but a good 85%+ is in WW II era.
Thats not to say there is no technology, just that the tech is different, and retro (and possibly due to the Red Skulls plotting & machinations) somewhat sophisticated and 'out of time' for 1940.
Hm... they used genuine military surplus goods to construct part of that costume. The two straps on his abdomen are pistol belt webbing, dyed red, and those are the appropriate sliders (right below the hooks) used for sizing. The pouches look to be Italian or Austrian magazine pouches, officer's or dress gear (leather. most soldiers used cloth pouches (nylon after WWII)). The top straps (sewn into the leather chest piece) could be dress belts, shoulder bag straps or any of half a dozen other readily available, and easily adapted, surplus goods. The strap hanging across his chest is almost definitely from an officer's document/map shoulder bag. And if there isn't a pistol belt under all of those pouches, I'll be flabbergasted.
Using real surplus military equipment really makes that costume work for me. The helmet and shield obviously aren't period-authentic, but the rest of it actually looks like something a WWII soldier could cobble together with what was available at that time.
Oh, yeah, he is wearing a real pistol belt. The width and the material are dead giveaways. Not sure the buckle is surplus, I haven't seen one like that, but I'm not a collector or historian (i buy surplus military gear to use, not to study or display), so I wouldn't be able to say for certain.
I kinda like it, its not only superhero-ish or i should say super soldier-ish, but i think fits well within the time frame of the movie as being ww2. If for some reason they had gone all polly-batman with the costume it would have seemed out of place and somewhat silly against the back drop.
Im just kidna hoping the pull off the movie well, Cpt A isnt exactly the most flashy super hero to work with as far as powers go and could easily get lost or over looked when compared to green lantern and thor.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
I really like the look of this costume meself, and the way the movie seems to be turning out. I'm pretty sure that by the time The Avengers rolls around Cap will have a fancier outfit for modern day superheroics, but as a period piece that costume is perfect.
I feel bad that the poor guy worked out so much and this costume covers up all his hard work. Just kidding. I think the costume looks great, I think it has a good feel for the period and yet could stand the test of time in regards to bringing him into the present. I know the costume got much grief when it first came out but I think as an alternative to the strictly spandex it was a perfect change. Spandex just doesn't read well on camera unless you're Spiderman or Superman and even those are pushing it. I think Cap is probably one the best hero to make these type of adjustments to in order to appeal to the widest audience.
Chris Evans was my only likeable part about The Losers. If he hadn't been in it I doubt I'd have enjoyed it as much as I did. I don't want the campiness he usually brings with Cap, but I really think from interviews he gets what Cap needs. It's almost as good a match as Ryan Reynolds and Deadpool. I don't think I could have picked a more appropriate person for either.

I feel bad that the poor guy worked out so much and this costume covers up all his hard work.
Hey, using a flamethrower to cook your burgers and brats may be slightly more costly and inconvenient, but you DEFINITELY get points for style!
"It's an industrial-sized deep fryer. I got it from a decommissioned naval ship. It can flash-fry a buffalo in 45 seconds."
"Awww...45 seconds? But I want it now!"
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
Not really all that bad I don't think.
I'm still a little dubious about the film, but the outfit itself isn't really that bad.
MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812