Trickshooter's Probability Distortion
Curse you, thread title!
Edit: Thread title fixed! ;-). -Moderator 13
Looks neat, I like it.
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
I'd play it!
Looks neat. I'm not sure if I'd like the ~30% chance of no extra buffs on Roulette (nor the <1% chance of every buff), and I"m not really sure how the powers with the pseudopets are supposed to eb working.
But it's a neat concept.
Looks fun! It would be nice if it had a small +crit buff in there.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
Looks good, very well presented I have to say. Nice to see a set suggestion where someones gone the extra mile. =]
/Signed, I say
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I really like the concept On first glance though, seems abit overpowered, but i guess rech values etc would redress that, not looked at the nitty gritty yet. I'd play it
I like the suggestion but Roulette seems a wee bit overpowered for a Tier 2 power even with the random quality of the buffs. It's kind of like a suped up version of Fortitude which is Tier 6.
"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull
"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat

I agree with the potentially overpowered but it looks like it would be a great support set.
Would could be fun, and kind of follows the randomness of the Roulette, is if the debuff/buff values were randomly generated between quite a low value and a higher one.
Great Presentation Trickshooter ! Looks like alot of work went into this idea.
FYI, something like this could be done for a Time Manipulation set as well.
For some feedback;
JINX: This recharges faster than similar powers of this type. Perhaps should be 16sec
ROULETTE: Due to the Nature of the Tier 9 having +DEF, I would make the Recharge the constant and make the +TH, +DEF, +DMG the random effects.
LUCKY STREAK: Interesting Idea here, but due to its short duration, it would take alot of coordination between you and your allies, so It would be kinda weak overall. Perhaps just make it a Self-Boost.
FORTUITY: Seems on the Strong side, but cannot really pinpoint why. Other powersets have powers similar but better. This one combines a Buff and Debuff together though, so perhaps thats why. I like it anyway.
SNAKE EYES: Not sure I like the Knockdown in this, since your T9 also includes Knockdown. I would say to make it debuff damage and deal damage, or change the Knockdown to Fear.
SERENDIPITY: Nothing wrong with this power. As I mentioned on Roulette though, you are granting multiple +DEF boosts.
AGAINST THE ODDS: I like this power, but not sure that it can be done with the game engine. It might end up more like the Sonic Ally Toggle. EDIT: Hmm, just realized that this would not be available solo and is the only -TH buff here, nevermind all that I said about stacking.
BACKFIRE: I love Confuse powers. But having said that, I also know how powerful they are. Hehe. Would love to see Defenders get something like this though. EDIT: I suck at reading today, had to change my whole feedback on this power and the previous one.
TURN THE TABLES : Love this power. "Defensive Fulcrum Shift" Woot !
Overall, I really like the powerset. I do not think that it would get the seal of approval from the developers because of the ability to stack +Def (for yourself and allies) with -ToHit debuffs for enemies. It would certainly make me happy, but opposing Buff/Debuffs like this are (in general) only available by picking two powersets that complement in this manner (EX: FF/Dark, DM/SR). Probability/Dark Blast would be overpowered, most likely.
I like the random nature of Roulette, I think it would definately make the set unique.
Backfire might be lasting a little bit too long, 3 seconds is enough to get off about one shot, but World of Confusion tics every 4 seconds and has a 1.5 sec duration. While the chance to hit is much higher than the 8% here (which would still have to roll to hit, I'm guessing) it still seems to be enough to establish some sustained Confusion.
I think I would up the tic time, and increase the chance of roll. However, it might also work as a dropped pet that uses a single target Confuse with a really short duration, at a fairly frequent rate.
I like it.
I'd probably add a KB protection debuff of 1 or 2 mag to Jinx to simulate the odds increasing that the target would trip, fall, etc.
I've skimmed the rest of the set, love the randomness of Roulette, and will comment on everything else later.
Nice work so far.
Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.
A thought for Roulette.
Keep the 15% Defense buff and allow one of the other random buffs listed to be applied based on random number generation. That way your ally always gets two buffs but their combat strategy has to be flexible enough to change mid stream. Not as all or nothing as the original suggestion but more like a Tier 2 power.
"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull
"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat

A thought for Roulette.
Keep the 15% Defense buff and allow one of the other random buffs listed to be applied based on random number generation. That way your ally always gets two buffs but their combat strategy has to be flexible enough to change mid stream. Not as all or nothing as the original suggestion but more like a Tier 2 power. ^ |
What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?
PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes
This is quite probably the best powerset ever suggested at these boards.
Try swapping something more core to the set, like fortuity since heals are often tier 1s, with jinx so that the required tier 1 is something everybody wants. I like how you included unique effects like a team power boost and confuse. The targeted heal that does recovery and regen instead, the defensive fulcrum shift, the whole set is amazing.
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!
I love the concept of the set. However, I think I'd seriously changing some things around.
Jinx is okay.
Roulette, I'd do some serious reworking on this, or it's going to become something akin to SB. Looking at it, I'd hate to see it become a "ROULETTE ME NOW!"
Lucky Streak as an idea sounds good, but I can't say I care for it, because I hate having a power that I can't use while solo (it's one of the reasons I hate Sonic's target ally resistance debuff).
Fortuity I'd say turn into a toggle debuff. You have the first power as a click, give the Weapon Sets a break!
Snake Eyes, something interresting to do here (may not be possible) and another thought on how to give the weapon sets a break...targeted location TOGGLE! Be akin to Tar Patch, but it stays in place as long as it's toggled.
Serendipity, I'd personally like to see low level mez protection of the Mag 4 protection variety, but that might be OPed, so it wouldn't be bad as is.
Against the Odds, again reliant on a teammate to be used. :/
Backfire. Could be interresting.
Turn the Tables, meh...I see it's benefits, but the long recharge seems to make it not as useful, and really I think I'd like it more as a self toggle, that encourages getting into melee or staying back with a bunch of ranged types who need to stay close to the Corr/Def/MM/Troller.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Few small number tweaks made:
Jinx Increased recharge time from 12 to 16 seconds
Roulette Increased chance of Resistance buff from 20% to 25%
Roulette Increased chance of Tohit buff from 15% to 20%
Roulette Increased chance of Recharge buff from 15% to 20%
Fortuity Reduced duration of debuff and buff aspects from 45 to 30 seconds
Backfire Reduced Confuse duration to 1.5s
Backfire Increased recharge time from 90 to 120 seconds
Yah I know I'm Necroing..this..but. Wow...I've wanted a set like this since I started playing COH...
And when Mystic Fortune was introduced, I was very enthused!!! I would suggest at least one other power besides 'Roulette' that has a random nature. I like the idea of a randomized debuff.
Perhaps 'Snake Eyes' could offer a chance for a random debuff or effect:
+ chance of knockdown
+ chance of confusion
+ Chance of slow...
Great suggestion..I think Probability Distortion set would go over well in-game
My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi
Yah I know I'm Necroing..this..but. Wow...I've wanted a set like this since I started playing COH...
And when Mystic Fortune was introduced, I was very enthused!!! I would suggest at least one other power besides 'Roulette' that has a random nature. I like the idea of a randomized debuff. Perhaps 'Snake Eyes' could offer a chance for a random debuff or effect: + chance of knockdown + chance of confusion + Chance of slow... Great suggestion..I think Probability Distortion set would go over well in-game |
I'd love to see this get some more attention.
Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.
Totally coooooooool. Gives me the same wow! factor I got reading the names for teh demon summoning powers for the first time, and to some extent pain domination too.
Some really cool ideas and icons too. Different enough from other sets but also fits for a super powered person. Really like the power giving a +special effect..neat unique buff
I love it! This is a very unique idea which I think has promise.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
Looks fun to me!
Great power from what I see. I like it.
Well done, Trickshooter. This is a great combination of concept, playability, and well thought out powers. In addition to supporting most of the comments above, my only other suggstion is to include the chance for an ally DEBUFF on Roulette. I know there is a lot of gnashing of teeth surrounding this with the debuff aspects of Mystic Fortune, but that's what Roulette is to me thematically. It could be good, could be bad. It could be a really small chance for debuff, like getting turned into a monkey from Secondary Mutation, but it would add something extra to the power.
Justice Superteamer
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Come out and join us Fri/Sun 8pm ET on the "Justice Superteamers" channel.
All players welcome!
My first time suggesting a powerset, so be kind, please. :B
Probability Distortion
You manipulate the fate of your battles like no other. You sway the outcome of any fight by directly, or sometimes indirectly, moving the odds in to your favor. Probability Distortion features buffs and debuffs that have the potential to greatly turn the tide in any fight.
Single Target Foe -Defense, -Resistance(All)
You jinx a single foe, burdening them with a streak of bad luck that leaves them more easily injured. Jinx debuffs a targets Defense and Damage Resistance, making them easier to hit and more vulnerable to your attacks.
Type - Click
Accuracy - 1.2
Range - 80ft
Recharge time - 16s
Endurance cost - 7.8 (9.75 MM)
Attack types - Ranged_Attack
Effect area - Character
Radius - -
Arc - -
Max targets hit - -
Entities affected - Foe
Entities autohit - -
Target - Foe
Target visibility - Line of Sight
Notify mobs - Always
Single Target Ally +Defense(All), Chance for +Resistance(All), +Damage(All), +ToHit, +Recharge
You randomly alter the probability fields around a single ally, potentially making them unstoppable. Roulette has a chance to buff an ally in many ways, including increasing their damage, tohit chance, attack rates and damage resistance, though none of these effects are guaranteed. Roulette will always grant a moderate defense buff.
Type - Click
Accuracy - 1
Range - 80ft
Recharge time - 60s
Endurance cost - 10.4 (13 MM)
Attack types - -
Effect area - Character
Radius - -
Arc - -
Max targets hit - -
Entities affected - Friend
Entities autohit - Friend
Target - Friend
Target visibility - Line of Sight
Notify mobs - Always
Single Target Ally +Special
You dramatically boost the luck of a single ally, increasing the strength of the secondary effects of many of their powers, including defense buffs, tohit buffs, mez durations, heals and endurance drains.
Type - Click
Accuracy - 1
Range - 80ft
Recharge time - 60s
Endurance cost - 7.8 (9.75 MM)
Attack types - -
Effect area - Character
Radius - -
Arc - -
Max targets hit - -
Entities affected - Friend
Entities autohit - Friend
Target - Friend
Target visibility - Line of Sight
Notify mobs - Always
Single Target Foe -Regeneration, -Recovery, -Endurance, Ally +Renegeration, +Recovery
You stricken a single foe with misfortune, draining a bit of their endurance and stripping away some of their ability to regenerate their wounds and recover their endurance. Some of your foe's lost regeneration and recovery will then be granted to either a single ally or yourself if you're close enough to the targeted foe.
Type - Click
Accuracy - 1
Range - 80ft
Recharge time - 90s
Endurance cost - 10.4 (13 MM)
Attack types - Ranged_Attack
Effect area - Character
Radius - -
Arc - -
Max targets hit - -
Entities affected - Foe
Entities autohit - -
Target - Foe
Target visibility - Line of Sight
Notify mobs - Always
Cone Foe -Damage, -Special, Knockdown
Your gaze curses your foes in a wide arc in front of you with bad luck. Snake Eyes will cause all your enemies attacks to be weaker and will also reduce the strength of some of their secondary effects, while some enemies may even slip and fall.
Type - Click
Accuracy - 1
Range - 60ft
Recharge time - 45
Endurance cost - 15.6 (19.5 MM)
Attack types - AOE_Attack
Effect area - Cone
Radius - 60ft
Arc - 90 degrees
Max targets hit - 16
Entities affected - Foe
Entities autohit - -
Target - Foe
Target visibility - Line of Sight
Notify mobs - Always
PBAoE Team +Defense(All), +Protect(Knockback)
You warp the probability fields in a large area around yourself to be in your favor. You and nearby allies will find yourselves evading some attacks without even meaning to and will be less likely to lose your balance or be knocked from your feet.
Type - Toggle
Accuracy - 1
Range - -
Recharge time - 15s
Endurance cost - 0.26 (0.325 MM)
Attack types - -
Effect area - Sphere
Radius - 25ft
Arc - -
Max targets hit - 255
Entities affected - Friend
Entities autohit - Friend
Target - Caster
Target visibility - Line of Sight
Notify mobs - Always
Targeted AoE Foe -Damage(All), -Defense, -ToHit, Ally +Damage
You target an ally surrounded by foes and change their odds of winning. Nearby foes will have reduced damage, defense and chance tohit, and each foe has a chance of granting a small damage buff to your targeted ally and any other allies nearby, including yourself.
Type - Click
Accuracy - 1
Range - 70ft
Recharge time - 120s
Endurance cost - 10.4 (13 MM)
Attack types - AOE_Attack
Effect area - Sphere
Radius - 15ft
Arc - -
Max targets hit - 10
Entities affected - Foe
Entities autohit - Friend
Target - Friend
Target visibility - Line of Sight
Notify mobs - Always
Location AoE Confuse
You manipulate the probability fields at a target location, occasionally causing your foes' attacks to hit each other.
Type - Click
Accuracy - 1
Range - 80ft
Recharge time - 120s
Endurance cost - 15.6 (19.5 MM)
Attack types - -
Effect area - Location
Radius - -
Arc - -
Max targets hit - -
Entities affected - Caster
Entities autohit - Caster
Target - Location
Target visibility - Line of Sight
Notify mobs - Always
PBAoE Foe Knockdown, -Defense, -ToHit, Ally +Defense, +ToHit
You dramatically distort the probability fields directly around yourself, draining luck from your foes and channeling it in to your allies. All foes within this area will have decreased defenses and chances to hit, and will occasionally slip and fall if they remain within your altered probability field. All allies nearby when you activate Turn the Tables will have increased defenses and greater tohit chances for each foe within range for a good while.
Type - Click
Accuracy - 1
Range - -
Recharge time - 300s
Endurance cost - 15.6 (19.5 MM)
Attack types - -
Effect area - Character
Radius - -
Arc - -
Max targets hit - -
Entities affected - Caster
Entities autohit - Caster
Target - Caster
Target visibility - Line of Sight
Notify mobs - Always