Praetoria, you double edged sword!




As much as I love Praetoria, I'm afraid that after four characters, I'll stop using it. See, I'm a 99% villain player, and I love Praetoria because I can finally play Blasters, Scrappers, etc through content I enjoy. I was ecstatic at this opportunity and new development. Sadly though, even though I'm not a badger, I do still care about accolades. +Health, +Endurance, an awesome shield that's like a t9, all good things that I like having my characters enjoy. Sadly, there's one accolade that will be pretty hard to get with my Praetorians; Invader.

Please make mayhem missions doable through Ouroboros! I would love to be able to enjoy Praetoria with more characters, but once I go through all four branches, that will be it. I love fighting the new groups, but that doesn't outweigh the very inconvenient Invader limitation. Sure it's only one accolade, but at the end of the day, 5% health is still an extra 5% health. I'd love to go blueside and get the equivalent, but the content there is simply not fun and the contacts boring.



Originally Posted by Rikis View Post
I'd love to go blueside and get the equivalent, but the content there is simply not fun and the contacts boring.
Blueside makes me smile and be happy! I joined yet another complete PuG of people I had never met and had fun there. It's an awesome place and I can't wait for more fun blueside stuff!



Just find a lowbie team running a mayhem when you get to the isles?



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
Just find a lowbie team running a mayhem when you get to the isles?

That'd be the problem, I've no doubt that they are being run; just that whenever I go to Port Oakes to look for someone running mayhems, no one bites. Not everyone uses global channels. I do have a work around in mind, but it's tedious and not something I'd look forward to doing for every character who starts in Praetoria. Now, it's only 3 mayhem missions (5 on my new main cause I completely forgot about them), but making them available through Ouroboros would fix a lot. And I'm sure heroes wouldn't mind it either for their Safeguard counterparts.



I haven't had any problem getting Invader on my Praetoria native characters. Just head to the appropiate zones and spam in broadcast, maybe offer a million or two as a 'tip' and you'll get the badge in... a day or two.



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
I haven't had any problem getting Invader on my Praetoria native characters. Just head to the appropiate zones and spam in broadcast, maybe offer a million or two as a 'tip' and you'll get the badge in... a day or two.

I'm a cheap ******* and the thought of bribing people to let me in never occurred to me. You know, that probably is a great idea making my whole rant moot. Gonna try that out. Luckily the Incarnate content finally galvanized me into IOing my brute and she can now farm competently.



Originally Posted by Rikis View Post
I'm a cheap ******* and the thought of bribing people to let me in never occurred to me.
You only play villains, and you'vbe never though about bribery? What kind of super-criminal are you?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Bribery is such a Rogue thing to do. If you're a true villain what you do is kidnap an aspiring hero's loved ones, then proceed to tell the hero to walk right into that Paragonian Bank, distracting the PPD and local hero presence while you calmly go get your badge.

Then you kill his loved ones anyway because the hero didn't even blow up any cars while you were there, that spoilsport



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
Bribery is such a Rogue thing to do. If you're a true villain what you do is kidnap an aspiring hero's loved ones, then proceed to tell the hero to walk right into that Paragonian Bank, distracting the PPD and local hero presence while you calmly go get your badge.

Then you kill his loved ones anyway because the hero didn't even blow up any cars while you were there, that spoilsport

Ooooo thats a classic villain mistake! If you have leverage over a hero, you dont then kill them and thus leaving him with nothing to lose and going on a rampage to get to you! Dont you watch any movies?

A true villain would get the wife and kids as you said, but then convince the kid to turn into a life of villains. You then keep the hero alive since he is powerless to stop his own child from fear of killing him.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I was running a stalker when Mayhems first came out and still rather avoid them. The accolade is nice I'm sure, but never having gotten it and still somehow managing to play and survive, I don't think they're all that important to have. I wouldn't mind if they made them available in Ouro, but I probably still wouldn't bother.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
I was running a stalker when Mayhems first came out and still rather avoid them. The accolade is nice I'm sure, but never having gotten it and still somehow managing to play and survive, I don't think they're all that important to have. I wouldn't mind if they made them available in Ouro, but I probably still wouldn't bother.
Because Mayhem missions hate Stalkers and laugh at them behind their back. Then they proceed to stab said stalkers in the eye.



Originally Posted by Rikis View Post
Please make mayhem missions doable through Ouroboros!
And the hero versions

It makes sense to. There big flashback worthy events in my opinion.



Originally Posted by Rikis View Post
Because Mayhem missions hate Stalkers and laugh at them behind their back. Then they proceed to stab said stalkers in the eye.
If you can't scrap with 2-3 Longbow minions then you shouldn't be playing a stalker.



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
If you can't scrap with 2-3 Longbow minions then you shouldn't be playing a stalker.
I assume he meant i6 when Mayhems came out, and Stalkers were completely different back then. They had a pretty bad damage mod, no criticals, no fear on their Assasin Strike (though not that it mattered since the ambushes zero in on them). Before level 22 or so when Stalkers had 2 attacks besides AS, it was pretty bad.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Ooooo thats a classic villain mistake! If you have leverage over a hero, you dont then kill them and thus leaving him with nothing to lose and going on a rampage to get to you! Dont you watch any movies?
See, that's the fun part. The moment the vengeful vigilante starts to step over bodies to get to you, there'll be another idealistic hero who's going to stop him because it's so wroooong what he's doing, all while you watch and laugh as the hero community turns on itself for every minor transgression.

And if he does make it to you, well, you won't exactly make it as a villain if you can't take care of all the angry idiots that'll be after you because your doomsday laser happened to fry the kindergarten their kids were in.



Originally Posted by Rikis View Post
I assume he meant i6 when Mayhems came out, and Stalkers were completely different back then. They had a pretty bad damage mod, no criticals, no fear on their Assasin Strike (though not that it mattered since the ambushes zero in on them). Before level 22 or so when Stalkers had 2 attacks besides AS, it was pretty bad.
Pretty much this; I think I was at something like level 15 when I tried my first one. Sure, sure, I can do them these days (I am a better player and all by now), but they still feel forced on me, like a nasty chore I have to deal with.

On the other hand, when I'm playing an MM, they're often great fun.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You only play villains, and you'vbe never though about bribery? What kind of super-criminal are you?
Bribery seems like petty criminal stuff to me, Super-Criminals should set there sights much higher.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Bribery seems like petty criminal stuff to me, Super-Criminals should set there sights much higher.
Yes but how do you black mail a player?

Save a Pocket D log?



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Bribery seems like petty criminal stuff to me, Super-Criminals should set there sights much higher.
Like knocking over parking meters and mailboxes?



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
See, that's the fun part. The moment the vengeful vigilante starts to step over bodies to get to you, there'll be another idealistic hero who's going to stop him because it's so wroooong what he's doing, all while you watch and laugh as the hero community turns on itself for every minor transgression.

And if he does make it to you, well, you won't exactly make it as a villain if you can't take care of all the angry idiots that'll be after you because your doomsday laser happened to fry the kindergarten their kids were in.
That's crossing the line that is...killing his wife, I can except that but going after word man, you may be a villain but have some standards!

So now you've gone and upset me, ME! I rarely get upset but now I have to turn my own mad science against you, it's going to be a science're not the only one in town with a Doomsday laser...mine happens to do the laundry as a means of charging but it can still fry a small village (and gets my whites whiter than white).

That's the one thing you've clearly forgotten to take into account with your plan, even Evil has standards.

So be prepared to be bought down by the one, the only, Doctor Mechano. I've been away but I'm back baby and ready to set the world on fire, starting with you!