Judgment slot




If what you're saying is true about the Illusion/Cold controller having an effective 400+ DPS (I saw your other post), then I'm pretty sure that 'effective DPS' takes into account regen debuffs.

So what is the actual DPS under general conditions for that set-up?



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I really hate damage scale because it hides so much but in this case.

.75+(.75*.5)=1.125 = corruptor damage with -50% res (better can be achieved and no scourge)

How much did blasters do again ?
So, with your -50% Res you are reaching Blaster base damage? Impressive.

Now I'll take my base damage, that 1.125, then add in Build Up and Aim, both of which are currently on a 25s recharge, and that's without Defiance.

Look, I'm not trying to downplay Corruptors. I like Corruptors. I think they can do some really neat-o things and they can help the entire team do more damage and/or take less damage. My Blasters appreciate that, my Mastermind appreciates that, and my Tanker appreciates that (my Scrapper doesn't care because he is self-centered like any good Scrapper). With all that said, my Blaster is still doing more damage.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
The current best pylon time belongs to controller who got 409 dps effective. That is despite having a damage modifier of .55

This really shows how bad it is to just look at the damage scalar and say well that is that.
Controllers can do double damage all the time thanks to containment. That means their damage scale is a constant 0.55 * 2 = 1.1. That's as much a fringe argument as assuming everyone's damage capped all the time which is why musculature is a waste.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yes, let's start with the obvious.

500% of 0.75 = 3.75
500% of 1.125 = 5.625

0.75 doing double damage due to -RES = 1.5
1.125 doing double damage due to -RES = 2.25

There is not a situation where a Corruptor on the same team as a Blaster, with the same buffs or debuffs, would do more damage than the Blaster. In fact, even if the Corruptor has a very rare musculature and the Blaster does not, the Blaster is still doing more damage. Tossing damage on a significantly smaller damage scale means a significantly smaller return. So the Corruptor can waste his alpha slot on damage and still not do as much as the Blaster, while the Blaster can invest in spiritual or cardiac and get actual bonuses, all while still doing more than the Corruptor. Because that's his job.
This. Right here, Dispari nailed it.

While I am a huge proponent of Corruptors, and all their wonderful awesomeness, because they are all that, being able to leverage huge buffs, debuffs, and damage. A Blaster, without considering any other factors or buffs or debuffs, does indeed contribute less to a team than a corrupter 99% of the time. The problem with that statement though is that when there are large amounts of debuffs and buffs on the team already this is where blasters thrive.

You can only do so much -res, -def, and -regen to an enemy before more doesn't really matter anymore. Same with buffs, once you're at the damage cap you can't go higher, and when everyone is already running around with double the softcap on defenses you don't really need more.

When you have so much buffs and debuffs on a team already (where everyone is above softcap, capped damage, and the enemies are flatlining regen, and hitting 200-300 -res) the best thing isn't going to be a corruptor (hopefully assuming that you've gotten to this point with multiple corrs) it's going to be a blaster or a scrapper. And now with that blaster(or scrapper) on your team, not only is it dealing it's BETTER DAMAGE off of those massive buff/debuffs on the team already, it is (or should be >_>) 100% devoted to dealing damage, further widening the gap between how much more damage blasters will be putting out than if you added another corr to the team (as much as I love teams with 7-8 corrs, its true).



Looks like all this will make Melee characters obsolete because blasters will have killed them all before they can close in to fight. And who needs defense when everything is dead.



LOL! Don't worry Diggis, I always leave an enemy or two for the Scrapper. However, I've been known to kill steal while Headsplitter is going off. Scappers *really* hate that.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



I think people may be looking at damage contribution from too small a lense. I won't pretend to not have my own predjudices nor will I pretend to have all the answers. From where I sit, it really depends.

Consider that in order for Corruptors (and all buffer/debuffers) to deal optimal damage requires them to burn activation time on setup. Heat Loss, for example, isn't free. It costs 2.376 seconds to cast, time a Blaster (or Scrapper, etc) could be using to deal damage. The more active a set has to be to maintain its buffs/debuffs, the more of their damage output is lost.

On the other hand, dps ATs (like Blasters) bring an absolute amount of damage. Buff/debuff Ats, on the other hand, scale. A Blaster may out damage a Corruptor on a two man team, but the bigger the team gets, the bigger the damage contribution the Corruptor provides. This is because they're boosting the performance of everyone on the team. A 30% resistance debuff can increase the teams damage by 30%, not just the Corruptor's.

To be fair, there are times when the entire team doesn't focus on a single target and instead spreads out its damage out. (Either by trying to speed a TF, or by trying to kill split up adds, or whatever else.) In these situations, a Blaster would bring more damage.

Also, Corruptors deal more damage the harder the target is. The longer the target lives, the longer they're in "Scourge range." Minions and Lieutentants (on teams) could die before a Corruptor gets off a single Scourge. However, on a slug-fest like Reichsman, Corruptors could be Scourging him for minutes.

My personal opinion is that buffers/debuffers bring more to a team than a dps AT - not just in terms of damage, but in terms of survivability. For trash or AoE fodder, Blasters are better, but as content gets harder (longer lasting AVs, +4 adds, etc) the buffs/debuffs just do more good. Do I think Blasters are worthless? No. Is bringing a Blaster crippling to a team? No way. Would I team with them? Absolutely.

Note: As always, not all sets are equal. A Cold brings far more firepower than a FF, for example.



For the record, I love Corrs. They're one of the things I look for first when putting a team together. But there are several things that keep me from just filling the entire team with Corruptors and calling it a day (not that I haven't done that before as a joke; did it with MMs too and even did an all MM ITF).

One is that not every Corruptor is a damage dealing maniac. I'd find it hard to locate a Blaster who isn't that interested in dealing damage, but I could find plenty of Corruptors who are more buff/debuff centric with sets like Dark Blast. Not that there aren't a fair share of Fire Blast Corrs out there, just that not every one is. If I take a Blaster I know what I'm getting.

Two, not every Corruptor dishes out huge amounts of -RES or +DMG to make the team a damage-dealing steamroller. It's interesting to note that every Corr set has either some form of +DMG or -RES. But not all of them hit huge amounts, like Dark Miasma or Traps. And even the good ones don't come until 38.

Three, considering how many people just steamroll on +0 content for shards now, there's no need to take a bunch of Corrs to buff everyone up. Consider if you're doing an LGTF and you have a bunch of Corrs ready to drop damage patches and do Fulcrum Shift so they can use their AoEs. Or, you know, an unbuffed Blaster could just kill the enemies since they're +0. I just ran an LGTF on my DP/Dark Corr last night. I switched to fire ammo over my usual chem because enemies died too fast to bother debuffing. I usually do fear and then patch and then nuke, but by the time I used two powers everything was dead anyway because we had two Blasters. Is there really a need for all these hypothetical buffs when the enemies are already dead by the time I finish animating?

And finally, once you get to a certain amount of buffs and debuffs, you start to wonder if it might be a good idea to take along someone who can REALLY take advantage of those, instead of people with lower damage to start. Yeah, enough taps on the glass can break it, especially if you up the firepower, but at some point it might be fun to just use a sledgehammer and see stuff really explode.

I don't think any amount of math on the forums will convince people that Blasters are useless. If that sort of thing were even possible, I'd be more concerned about melees first, once buffs get to the point where everyone is unkillable instead of just the melees.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
Looks like all this will make Melee characters obsolete because blasters will have killed them all before they can close in to fight. And who needs defense when everything is dead.
I have a solution to this. My brute just skips a spawn. While the blasters and the rest of the team are killing that, I am killing the next one by myself.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Controllers can do double damage all the time thanks to containment. That means their damage scale is a constant 0.55 * 2 = 1.1. That's as much a fringe argument as assuming everyone's damage capped all the time which is why musculature is a waste.

The typical base controller attack is about 30 points, 33 points for fire. Damage scale doesn't just hide the details under the rug, it does a tarantella on them after they are there.

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Two, not every Corruptor dishes out huge amounts of -RES or +DMG to make the team a damage-dealing steamroller. It's interesting to note that every Corr set has either some form of +DMG or -RES. But not all of them hit huge amounts, like Dark Miasma or Traps. And even the good ones don't come until 38.

Three, considering how many people just steamroll on +0 content for shards now, there's no need to take a bunch of Corrs to buff everyone up. Consider if you're doing an LGTF and you have a bunch of Corrs ready to drop damage patches and do Fulcrum Shift so they can use their AoEs. Or, you know, an unbuffed Blaster could just kill the enemies since they're +0. I just ran an LGTF on my DP/Dark Corr last night. I switched to fire ammo over my usual chem because enemies died too fast to bother debuffing. I usually do fear and then patch and then nuke, but by the time I used two powers everything was dead anyway because we had two Blasters. Is there really a need for all these hypothetical buffs when the enemies are already dead by the time I finish animating?

And finally, once you get to a certain amount of buffs and debuffs, you start to wonder if it might be a good idea to take along someone who can REALLY take advantage of those, instead of people with lower damage to start. Yeah, enough taps on the glass can break it, especially if you up the firepower, but at some point it might be fun to just use a sledgehammer and see stuff really explode.

I don't think any amount of math on the forums will convince people that Blasters are useless. If that sort of thing were even possible, I'd be more concerned about melees first, once buffs get to the point where everyone is unkillable instead of just the melees.
One its not a question of useless its a question of less useful. Taking your example of a shard run lgtf if you want shards you need to kill the map quickly. Having subteams killing multiple spawns simultaneously or similar strategy is more effective than the single grouped team. Can a blaster serve as the damage dealer and tank in that situation ? yes can it do as well a brute, scrapper or even a stalker ? not really.

Just as a better example look at the itf. You aren't going to send out blasters to solo the sybil spawns, the cyst spawns etc

Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
I think people may be looking at damage contribution from too small a lense. I won't pretend to not have my own predjudices nor will I pretend to have all the answers. From where I sit, it really depends.

Consider that in order for Corruptors (and all buffer/debuffers) to deal optimal damage requires them to burn activation time on setup. Heat Loss, for example, isn't free. It costs 2.376 seconds to cast, time a Blaster (or Scrapper, etc) could be using to deal damage. The more active a set has to be to maintain its buffs/debuffs, the more of their damage output is lost.

On the other hand, dps ATs (like Blasters) bring an absolute amount of damage. Buff/debuff Ats, on the other hand, scale. A Blaster may out damage a Corruptor on a two man team, but the bigger the team gets, the bigger the damage contribution the Corruptor provides. This is because they're boosting the performance of everyone on the team. A 30% resistance debuff can increase the teams damage by 30%, not just the Corruptor's.

To be fair, there are times when the entire team doesn't focus on a single target and instead spreads out its damage out. (Either by trying to speed a TF, or by trying to kill split up adds, or whatever else.) In these situations, a Blaster would bring more damage.

Also, Corruptors deal more damage the harder the target is. The longer the target lives, the longer they're in "Scourge range." Minions and Lieutentants (on teams) could die before a Corruptor gets off a single Scourge. However, on a slug-fest like Reichsman, Corruptors could be Scourging him for minutes.

My personal opinion is that buffers/debuffers bring more to a team than a dps AT - not just in terms of damage, but in terms of survivability. For trash or AoE fodder, Blasters are better, but as content gets harder (longer lasting AVs, +4 adds, etc) the buffs/debuffs just do more good. Do I think Blasters are worthless? No. Is bringing a Blaster crippling to a team? No way. Would I team with them? Absolutely.

Note: As always, not all sets are equal. A Cold brings far more firepower than a FF, for example.
Just a side note. When a blaster is hitting aim and build up they aren't doing damage either and that's 2.34 seconds vs the 2.37 that heat loss takes.



Yawn I still see that AF is tilting at that old windmill.

Face it, no matter how you state it folks aren't going to buy that anything makes blasters less useful.

And Judgment won't do jack shite to marginalize anyone.

There have been so many pronouncements that this AT or that is dead since 3 years ago it's just a joke now.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Yawn I still see that AF is tilting at that old windmill.

Face it, no matter how you state it folks aren't going to buy that anything makes blasters less useful.

And Judgment won't do jack shite to marginalize anyone.

There have been so many pronouncements that this AT or that is dead since 3 years ago it's just a joke now.
If I had a nickel every time someone brought an absolute statement to a discussion, I'd have a lot of nickels. There's never a shortage of folks whose arguments are nothing more than 'because I said so'.



Originally Posted by Cyclone_Jack View Post
LOL! Don't worry Diggis, I always leave an enemy or two for the Scrapper. However, I've been known to kill steal while Headsplitter is going off. Scappers *really* hate that.
Meh. Build-up + Shield Charge + Lightning Rod (+ thunder strike + fireball, melt armour as a prelude assuming +4 mobs) = mostly dead spawn. Someone else can pick off the half-dead bosses.. Assuming we're both comparing with buildup + aim, since lightning rod and shield charge just so happens to have the same recharge time... (and AAO better damage bonuses than Aim)

(on that note, why hasn't anyone considered that Blasters would probably do more damage than other archetypes with that Judgement attack anyway?)



Originally Posted by Signpost View Post
Meh. Build-up + Shield Charge + Lightning Rod (+ thunder strike + fireball, melt armour as a prelude assuming +4 mobs) = mostly dead spawn. Someone else can pick off the half-dead bosses.. Assuming we're both comparing with buildup + aim, since lightning rod and shield charge just so happens to have the same recharge time... (and AAO better damage bonuses than Aim)

(on that note, why hasn't anyone considered that Blasters would probably do more damage than other archetypes with that Judgement attack anyway?)
Facts like that are shed like water off a duck in these threads. You can show people other ATs killing more faster and with greater safety and it just doesn't register.

Anyway the damage seems to be constant across ATs


That thread has shots of the power, the scrapper numbers are the same as the controller numbers etc etc. 1713 points of aoe damage with a hold @ level 50. Inferno with aim and build up does what 1500 pts ?

You can check by typing [Ion Radial Final Judgement] and clicking on it. Its overpowered in the extreme.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Anyway the damage seems to be constant across ATs


That thread has shots of the power, the scrapper numbers are the same as the controller numbers etc etc. 1713 points of aoe damage with a hold @ level 50. Inferno with aim and build up does what 1500 pts ?

You can check by typing [Ion Radial Final Judgement] and clicking on it. Its overpowered in the extreme.
Overpowered? We don't even know the recharge, accuracy, end cost, or anything like that. It could have a 2 hour recharge for all we know (it probably doesn't though).

Also it being a chain power, it doesn't report damage with one hit ([Jolting Chain] does not in fact do 171 per hit; it does 171 assuming it hits 15 targets). It reports multiple hits, which could be 2, 4, or 15 depending on what number it's actually returning. Which could mean 1700/15 = 133.33 damage per target. That doesn't sound very overpowered to me. That's pretty much just Fireball (less in fact), but with a hold.

Alternatively, if the detailed information below is more accurate, it does about 428 per target, which is pretty good, but it also says it has a very long recharge. In that case, its damage is about as much as unslotted Inferno, but without BU, Aim, or whatever, and the recharge could even be longer. Pretty early to claim it's overpowered if we don't know enough details.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
If I had a nickel every time someone brought an absolute statement to a discussion, I'd have a lot of nickels. There's never a shortage of folks whose arguments are nothing more than 'because I said so'.

Because all those ATs that folks claimed would be obsolete when GR came out and allowed side switching soooo can't find team now . . . oh wait.

EDIT: Also I find it hilarious that folks are saying a power of which we don't know MOST of the details for is suddenly going to marginalize an entire AT. Talk about arguments of nothing.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
That thread has shots of the power, the scrapper numbers are the same as the controller numbers etc etc. 1713 points of aoe damage with a hold @ level 50. Inferno with aim and build up does what 1500 pts ?

You can check by typing [Ion Radial Final Judgement] and clicking on it. Its overpowered in the extreme.
Unless for osme reason your using Scrapper numbers for a Blaster attack, then Inferno with BU and Aim at level 50 with common IOs 3 slotted with damage does a maximum of 1757 damage. And that's without taking set IOs into account at all, or stuff like Assault or team buffs.

Oh, and you can get Inferno at level 32, effective best at level 34. Thats effective 16 levels before level 50, and that's also not taking into account that you likely have to unlock Alpha slot and THEN get the Judgement slot.

So, this whole thread is a bit of a strawman, really.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Just as a better example look at the itf. You aren't going to send out blasters to solo the sybil spawns, the cyst spawns etc

Just a side note. When a blaster is hitting aim and build up they aren't doing damage either and that's 2.34 seconds vs the 2.37 that heat loss takes.
My blaster can solo sybil spawns and cysts just fine, and I can drop them significantly faster than I can solo on my fire/cold corr.

Difference between the need to use Heatloss and Aim/BU:
Heatloss needs to be used in combat ; Aim/BU can be used outside of combat while moving between spawns, except for long fights like AVs Aim and BU shouldn't be cutting into your attack time the majority of the time.

Heat Loss will always have a need to be used. Aim/BU aren't always needed. If you're already at a certain amount of damage buffs you can get by just using 1 to bring yourself to the cap, or you can ignore the powers totally if you've got a good kin.



you know I think AFs right here, I mean all corruptors get those debuffs regardless of secondary right? and all blasters combos have BU+aim right?

oh wait a minute

I admit that corruptors may get a bit more of a boost from going with a damage alpha in looking at the statistics from a purely percentage based view point but the actual extra damage per attack has gone up way more for a blaster than for a corruptor.

Your looking for a discrimination in the system which really isn't there, and trying to bend the statistics to back up your point, but heres some plain numbers to show your wrong

(assuming ~13% boost from uncommon musculature to already ED capped for damage power)

Dual wield for blasters - 82.58 base damage = 10.74 extra damage

Dual wield for corruptors - 55.05 base damage = 7.16 extra damage

thats over a 25% more extra damage the blaster has gained per attack than the corruptor! I know who I'd be picking if I wanted extra damage on my team. If I wanted extra control on my team then I'd pick the corr.... oh wait no, the blaster has more control options than the (non dark) corruptor. Now if I wanted a debuffer/buffer/healer with some pretty good damage on the team then I'd pick a corruptor over a blaster

Legion of Valor / Fallen legion



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
My blaster can solo sybil spawns and cysts just fine, and I can drop them significantly faster than I can solo on my fire/cold corr.
That's nice and so can mine. That hardly makes having them do that the smart choice or the speedy choice.

Difference between the need to use Heatloss and Aim/BU:
Heatloss needs to be used in combat ; Aim/BU can be used outside of combat while moving between spawns, except for long fights like AVs Aim and BU shouldn't be cutting into your attack time the majority of the time.
Works very well when soloing, less well when teaming, especially when in a fast moving team.

Heat Loss will always have a need to be used. Aim/BU aren't always needed. If you're already at a certain amount of damage buffs you can get by just using 1 to bring yourself to the cap, or you can ignore the powers totally if you've got a good kin.
Well that goes back to the entire judgement slot marginalizing blasters. When everyone has a crashless aoe the will kill lts and below why did you bring the blaster ?

Originally Posted by vampyrus_ddg View Post
you know I think AFs right here, I mean all corruptors get those debuffs regardless of secondary right? and all blasters combos have BU+aim right?

oh wait a minute
Let me get this straight you make a post accusing me of distorting statistics and you start with that ?

Out of 60 possible blaster combinations there are 2 that have neither Aim nor Buildup

There are 8 that have Aim but no Buildup

And 10 that Buildup but no Aim.

If you actually read the original thread that came from you would see that not having Aim and buildup was even addressed.

Then you go on to look at straight damage from a set and not the performance of the combo ? Well done.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
That's nice and so can mine. That hardly makes having them do that the smart choice or the speedy choice.

Works very well when soloing, less well when teaming, especially when in a fast moving team.

Well that goes back to the entire judgement slot marginalizing blasters. When everyone has a crashless aoe the will kill lts and below why did you bring the blaster ?

Let me get this straight you make a post accusing me of distorting statistics and you start with that ?

Out of 60 possible blaster combinations there are 2 that have neither Aim nor Buildup

There are 8 that have Aim but no Buildup

And 10 that Buildup but no Aim.

If you actually read the original thread that came from you would see that not having Aim and buildup was even addressed.

Then you go on to look at straight damage from a set and not the performance of the combo ? Well done.
1) You totally missed the point. The point was not that it is impressive or whatever that a blaster can solo the sybils or cysts it was that they can do it faster than corruptors can. Smart or speedy choice? Of course it would be most optimal if the team splits into groups of 2-3 in the cyst mission if the map is a 3 way split, but that really isn't the point here now is it?

2) It works just fine in both solo and team settings and while speeding content. Do you even understand what hitting aim and bu between spawns means? Even speeding content you have plenty of time to hit Aim and/or bu between groups.

3) A blaster is not a 1 trick pony. If you think all a blaster has is a nuke you shouldn't even be talking about what blasters bring to a team. And if everything other than the bosses are dieing in one shot from rotating judgement alpha slot attacks then it really doesn't matter what anything on the team is, now does it?

4) A) The first part of his post was sarcastic, you missed that I guess. B) His real numbers case in point could be applied to any set. AT's with higher damage modifiers do get more mileage from the musculature alpha slot. (as shown in his example)



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Then you go on to look at straight damage from a set and not the performance of the combo ? Well done.
I looked at straight damage because thats what the arguments about.

Your case is blasters won't be wanted by a team because other ATs can do damage, the example you used was corruptors because they also have ranged damage. Generaly a team is going to have a mixed make up, especialy for the high end TFs, a debuffer is almost a given, you want one to be able to take down hard targets, so almost any team a blaster is on is going to have a debuffer who is going to increase everyones damage output, slow regneration, etc. so you can lay debuff aside, everyone gets the benefit from those

now who is going to be doing more damage:

the blaster with a constant attack chain, uniterrupted by buffing/debuffing/healing, higher base damage, and because of that higher base damage more effective use of buffs to damage which bypass ED (i.e. set bonuses, alpha musculature, aim, BU, red insps, buffs from the team, hero alignment power)

If both get buffed to the damage cap, and the target is debuffed to hell the blaster is going to doing a lot more damage, and won't even need to interrupt his chain for aim + build up.

The only problem a blaster has is competing against so many damage ATs (Brutes, stalkers, dominators, soilders, widows, scrappers, some controllers) but even then I'd still pick a blaster over most of them because they are more consistant and are probably the easiest to play well.

Corruptors do not directly compete with blasters for spots on teams, although they have the same primary sets they are miles apart, they may have similar damage levels solo due to corruptors being a force multiplier (generaly, obviously not all corr secondaries work well solo) but blasters do a shed load more straight damage.

Legion of Valor / Fallen legion



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
1) You totally missed the point. The point was not that it is impressive or whatever that a blaster can solo the sybils or cysts it was that they can do it faster than corruptors can. Smart or speedy choice? Of course it would be most optimal if the team splits into groups of 2-3 in the cyst mission if the map is a 3 way split, but that really isn't the point here now is it?
Actually that was the point. We were talking about speediest and most effective.

2) It works just fine in both solo and team settings and while speeding content. Do you even understand what hitting aim and bu between spawns means? Even speeding content you have plenty of time to hit Aim and/or bu between groups.
You waste time on the aim and buildup when you do that or needlessly pre commit yourself.

3) A blaster is not a 1 trick pony. If you think all a blaster has is a nuke you shouldn't even be talking about what blasters bring to a team. And if everything other than the bosses are dieing in one shot from rotating judgement alpha slot attacks then it really doesn't matter what anything on the team is, now does it?
I am sorry I didn't realize we were abandoning the rest of the thread about how superior and needed the damage of a blaster was. That was the topic, that the judgement slot was marginalizing blasters because their big contribution was damage.

4) A) The first part of his post was sarcastic, you missed that I guess. B) His real numbers case in point could be applied to any set. AT's with higher damage modifiers do get more mileage from the musculature alpha slot. (as shown in his example)
You managed to be wrong on both points. The first part of his post was clearly meant to make it seem I was deliberately playing games with the numbers which really seems to be his game.

Especially when you consider his example.

Dual wield for blasters - 82.58 base damage = 10.74 extra damage

Dual wield for corruptors - 55.05 base damage = 7.16 extra damage
Toss in 50% damage for -res that 7.16 becomes 10.74

Wow in that example the corruptor got the exact same bonus as the higher Damage mod AT, but wait don't corruptors have something else happening ?? Why yes I think they do the get this thing called scourge that contributes extra damage to their damage. I think the number the forums use for it is an average 15% and that is of the total

So the effective bonus for the -res corruptor ~=12 extra points of damage as opposed to the blasters 10.7

I looked at straight damage because thats what the arguments about.
No it isn't. After that line I didn't bother with you telling me what I was trying to say. I am pretty sure I have a better handle on that than you do.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I am sorry I didn't realize we were abandoning the rest of the thread about how superior and needed the damage of a blaster was. That was the topic, that the judgement slot was marginalizing blasters because their big contribution was damage.
I just thought I should mention that one of the incarnate levels is a team buff, one is a proc that adds debuffs to all your attacks, and one gives you pets that buff/support. I suppose that means we'll be marginalizing support classes after we marginalize damage dealers, and then nobody will be able to play anything because everyone got marginalized off the edge of the world.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I just thought I should mention that one of the incarnate levels is a team buff, one is a proc that adds debuffs to all your attacks, and one gives you pets that buff/support. I suppose that means we'll be marginalizing support classes after we marginalize damage dealers, and then nobody will be able to play anything because everyone got marginalized off the edge of the world.
You are likely more correct than you think. Between inherent fitness and the limited alpha we have now, I am already seeing tfs that shouldn't succeed, succeed and Tfs that should have been interesting runs become snooze fests.

It was bad enough that with a good keyboard you didn't need to be playing the game to play parts of the game. Its getting to the point you don't need to be there at all.