Judgment slot




Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
You are likely more correct than you think. Between inherent fitness and the limited alpha we have now, I am already seeing tfs that shouldn't succeed, succeed and Tfs that should have been interesting runs become snooze fests.

It was bad enough that with a good keyboard you didn't need to be playing the game to play parts of the game. Its getting to the point you don't need to be there at all.
I'm interested to learn what you think is a TF that shouldn't succeed. As long as the players are competent it usually doesn't matter what you take. People have done all-Scrapper LGTF and Apex. What do you feel is required for a TF to succeed? You seem to be very heavily invested in character stats.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Toss in 50% damage for -res that 7.16 becomes 10.74

Wow in that example the corruptor got the exact same bonus as the higher Damage mod AT, but wait don't corruptors have something else happening ?? Why yes I think they do the get this thing called scourge that contributes extra damage to their damage. I think the number the forums use for it is an average 15% and that is of the total

So the effective bonus for the -res corruptor ~=12 extra points of damage as opposed to the blasters 10.7
So you used extra powers beforehand to reach the Blaster's damage? Then you added Scourge, assuming the enemy is low on health. If that is the case, do the same math and add Build Up to the Blaster an another 30% for Defiance. Thank you, come again.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I'm interested to learn what you think is a TF that shouldn't succeed. As long as the players are competent it usually doesn't matter what you take. People have done all-Scrapper LGTF and Apex. What do you feel is required for a TF to succeed? You seem to be very heavily invested in character stats.
Demonize me instead of destroy the argument ? Well enough

Task forces that had people that didn't bother to slot their powers, taskforces where people were afk for the entire time. STFs where people would stand next to ghost widow and attack without having any defense and not bothering to pop lucks.

Just for the record I am invested in skill not stats. It doesn't matter if that skill is in maximizing stats, working movement, good use of powers or any combination.



Originally Posted by Cyclone_Jack View Post
So you used extra powers beforehand to reach the Blaster's damage? Then you added Scourge, assuming the enemy is low on health. If that is the case, do the same math and add Build Up to the Blaster an another 30% for Defiance. Thank you, come again.
You have no idea how this works do you ?

Build up and defiance are bonuses off base damage. They are purely additive the musculature slot does nothing for either one.

-Resistance and scourge work on the total damage and are multiplicative.

Whatever damage the blaster is doing due to buildup and defiance is the same with or without the musculature slot.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Demonize me instead of destroy the argument ? Well enough
What argument? The argument is that an attack power from incarnate will reduce or eliminate the need for teams to take Blasters. There's already no need for teams to take Blasters. There's no need for people to take anyone. A good 3-4 people can carry a team of 8 even if half of them are "less than optimal" ATs or builds. Heck some single players can do +4/x8 by themselves while everyone else doorsits. The game just isn't designed in a way that would ever make it possible for people to not take Blasters, or anyone else, based on any addition.

Judgement will not marginalize damage dealers. Destiny will not marginalize support characters. Lore will not marginalize MMs. Vitae will not marginalize tanks. Nothing will happen except that people will get some extra bonuses in a game where none of those bonuses are mandatory to begin with. Maybe if this was WoW, where suddenly the healer can DPS and now you don't need dedicated DPS anymore, but this is CoH. Even if you could write a novel about why Blasters are unnecessary and got all the devs to sign it, people would still take Blasters on their teams. AR/Devices ones too. With Whirlwind.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
people would still take Blasters on their teams. AR/Devices ones too. With Whirlwind.
Woah, woah, woah...let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Originally Posted by Cyclone_Jack View Post
Woah, woah, woah...let's not get ahead of ourselves here.
Okay, maybe just Flurry.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Its getting to the point you don't need to be there at all.
It's been that way ever since I6 gave us Masterminds.




Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Demonize me instead of destroy the argument ? Well enough

Task forces that had people that didn't bother to slot their powers, taskforces where people were afk for the entire time. STFs where people would stand next to ghost widow and attack without having any defense and not bothering to pop lucks.
I fail to see how inherent fitness and any of the currently available Alpha powers could cause so dramatic of a shift that these situations would be significantly altered. For example, I don't see how inherent fitness or any Alpha could affect whether a team has such overwhelming damage and buffs or debuffs that they could defeat Ghost Widow even without attempting to starve her PBAoE heal of targets.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I fail to see how inherent fitness and any of the currently available Alpha powers could cause so dramatic of a shift that these situations would be significantly altered. For example, I don't see how inherent fitness or any Alpha could affect whether a team has such overwhelming damage and buffs or debuffs that they could defeat Ghost Widow even without attempting to starve her PBAoE heal of targets.
They die and the rest of the team kills her. The increase in other peoples builds are more than enough to compensate



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
They die and the rest of the team kills her. The increase in other peoples builds are more than enough to compensate
Of course, now that there're masterminds on hero side, if their minions die they can always spawn more..



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
They die and the rest of the team kills her. The increase in other peoples builds are more than enough to compensate
Are you saying that alpha slot and inherent fitness now allow teams to do something they couldn't do before: kill Ghost Widow without a team of 8 attacking her?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
They die and the rest of the team kills her. The increase in other peoples builds are more than enough to compensate



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Are you saying that alpha slot and inherent fitness now allow teams to do something they couldn't do before: kill Ghost Widow without a team of 8 attacking her?

No the statement you are making has little relation to what I am saying at all. Its much too broad a statement. I am speaking of specific observed instances. Someone would have to be off their rocker to make such a sweeping generalization about all teams, all additional power selections and combinations.

Does it do so for some, yes undoubtedly.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
They die and the rest of the team kills her. The increase in other peoples builds are more than enough to compensate
Compensate for what? Lack of damage? The odds of a team having just the right configuration such that the combination of inherent fitness and the Alpha slot increases their damage by more than a whole player's worth of damage, which is what is implied with the above statement, makes me very comfortable in betting its something you've never actually witnessed. It would be non-trivial to even contrive such a scenario on paper, much less see it in actual normal play.

There's just not enough performance swing between the two to definitively swing a situation from a definite loser to a definite winner due to those factors in the situations described. I'm sure it converts losing to winning situations all the time in small, difficult to spot ways. But in such dramatic fashion: highly unlikely to happen, even less likely anyone could spot it happening analytically while it happened.

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I love this thread!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Compensate for what? Lack of damage? The odds of a team having just the right configuration such that the combination of inherent fitness and the Alpha slot increases their damage by more than a whole player's worth of damage, which is what is implied with the above statement, makes me very comfortable in betting its something you've never actually witnessed. It would be non-trivial to even contrive such a scenario on paper, much less see it in actual normal play.

There's just not enough performance swing between the two to definitively swing a situation from a definite loser to a definite winner due to those factors in the situations described. I'm sure it converts losing to winning situations all the time in small, difficult to spot ways. But in such dramatic fashion: highly unlikely to happen, even less likely anyone could spot it happening analytically while it happened.
Discounting the fact that your position is arbitrary its fundamental assumption is also wrong. Currently you do not need a full team to take down ghost widow at +4, so your use of a full players worth of damage is just a case of making further assumptions on top of the initial assumption.

It would be non-trivial to even contrive such a scenario on paper, much less see it in actual normal play.
7 leadership pools running, the endurance discount alpha to make it possible. For something that was non trivial that seemed pretty trivial.

But in such dramatic fashion: highly unlikely to happen, even less likely anyone could spot it happening analytically while it happened
All that's required is a team that is currently barely able to take down ghost widow and has everyone respeced into inherent fitness and with an alpha slotted, hardly difficult to observe.

At this point it would seem you are making assertions to cover your initial error.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
7 leadership pools running, the endurance discount alpha to make it possible. For something that was non trivial that seemed pretty trivial.
That's just keys on the keyboard until you create a scenario where that makes the difference between a team you know should fail and a team you've seen succeed.

Until you do, that's no different than me saying I can solo Hamidon by just "slotting the right inventions to kill him, tada."

As for the rest, you know I've reread my post, your post, and every other post. I'm pretty certain I'm not making any false assumptions. The rest is left as an exercise for the reader. Or you can ask me to point it out in excruciating detail, in which case I would be happy to properly oblige the request of a forum poster who was making a specific voluntary request for me to do so in writing.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
That's just keys on the keyboard until you create a scenario where that makes the difference between a team you know should fail and a team you've seen succeed.

Until you do, that's no different than me saying I can solo Hamidon by just "slotting the right inventions to kill him, tada."
No that is any team where the added DPS from the leadership and the expected decrease in hits from ghost widow allows them to win

As for the rest, you know I've reread my post, your post, and every other post. I'm pretty certain I'm not making any false assumptions. The rest is left as an exercise for the reader. Or you can ask me to point it out in excruciating detail, in which case I would be happy to properly oblige the request of a forum poster who was making a specific voluntary request for me to do so in writing.
Why should I deny you, your exercise in self justification ? I am sure you will find endless ways to say you didn't say what you said. You will come up with ways to prove its virtually impossible to note the dps a team is doing or you will argue its impossible ascribe it to any particular source.

I have seen you argue that obvious errors in simple differentiation you made were correct and argue endlessly over it.

In the end as in the past when someone points out an error in calculation or provable logic in my part I will correct and learn from it. In your case you will argue or claim the person doing so is either "illiterate, simple minded" or any other derogatory term you care to use as you have in the past. To use your phrase "I will leave it to the reader to decide" who gains from such an exchange.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
They die and the rest of the team kills her. The increase in other peoples builds are more than enough to compensate
I'd say what your seeing is more people using IO sets to cover their weaknesses.

Really? The Alpha Boost doesn't make this dramatic change in effects in a lot of people's builds.

what I have notced, is a lot more people also taking Leadership buffs, now that Fitness is free. I was on a TF today with 6 Manuevers and 6 Tactics going at once.

Let's not also forget that people could just be learning that, oh hey, I can do this or that.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'd say what your seeing is more people using IO sets to cover their weaknesses.

Really? The Alpha Boost doesn't make this dramatic change in effects in a lot of people's builds.

what I have notced, is a lot more people also taking Leadership buffs, now that Fitness is free. I was on a TF today with 6 Manuevers and 6 Tactics going at once.

Let's not also forget that people could just be learning that, oh hey, I can do this or that.
Agreed, I am sure both improved play and greater IO use contribute. I wish I could come up with some way to measure them but the task is beyond me. As you point out there is lots more leadership around being run and people don't seem to have end problems doing so. You also see shielders running both grant cover and maneuvers where I can't recall ever seeing that pre I19



Now they should make Leadership pool inherent too.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
No that is any team where the added DPS from the leadership and the expected decrease in hits from ghost widow allows them to win
Oh: you're right in any case where you're right. Forgot for a second who I was talking to. Carry on.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Now they should make Leadership pool inherent too.
I think you are on to something

All Defenders and Masterminds get Inherent Leadership,
Tankers and Stalkers get Inherent Presence,
Scrappers and Brutes get Inherent Fighting,

Just kidding here




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
I think you are on to something

All Defenders and Masterminds get Inherent Leadership,
Tankers and Stalkers get Inherent Presence,
Scrappers and Brutes get Inherent Fighting,

Just kidding here
Yeah, it should be tanks and brutes getting presence and scrappers and stalkers getting fighting!