A Remarkable Issue




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You're missing the point - the ofesnive part is associating someone's physical appearance with their morality.
Think of the different ways that can - and has been - interpreted.
But that's where you have it backwards. We're not looking at any random large-breasted woman and calling her "slutty". If that were the case, I'd totally agree with you. We're just saying how we would create a "slutty" character.

It's no different than saying I would put big muscles on an American-football player character. I'm not saying that everybody with big muscles is a football player, or even that every football player has big muscles. That's just what my preference would be. You don't have to agree with it.

In a thread made specifically about character appearances, you'd think people would be more understanding when it comes to fictional creativity. If that offends you (or anybody else), I truly am sorry for that. I just don't understand why.



Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
Well, I'm pleasantly surprised by the amount of replies, but I'm not so pleasantly surprised by the amount of people telling me that they know people with big boobs.

Ok, then. Those who know endowed females. Tally up everyone you know withOUT boobies the size of trucks, then compare it to the person you know.

Satisfied? Saying you know an outlier doesn't make it less of an outlier. Ready for an actual update?


Ok, sorry, again, but bringing my personal bias into this post was a choice I made myself. And yes, I have small boobs. But that has nothing to do with why I feel uncomfortable with the amount of cleavage that can be displayed. I know, I know, I KNOW this game is based off of comic books, but there are plenty of people in comic books that aren't so endowed. I just wanted more... manly not-males. A tomboy, or even just a person with a female head but a male body. I wanted an unstoppable badass, not a person unreasonably thin. And I'm all right with the changes not happening, as long as it was possible to create such effects without cookie cutter ways. And a recent poster, I forget your name, yes, that is a great female body. But, the pose is not available in the creator, and the shoulders seem too small. Not that I'm critiquing your costume, I think it's awesome, but I just... want more, I guess.

Thanks for the support, guys! And a happy holidays!!!
But that's the point. There are outliers. So it exists. Therefore seeing it in CoH is nothing out of the normal.

Look at it this way. The majority of people in the CoH universe aren't superheroes/villains, but Paragon has so many it might seem it's normal, because they all gathered there.

As for you wanting to create a "not unreasonably thin badass" then adjust the physique and waist slider.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
But that's where you have it backwards. We're not looking at any random large-breasted woman and calling her "slutty". If that were the case, I'd totally agree with you. We're just saying how we would create a "slutty" character.

It's no different than saying I would put big muscles on an American-football player character. I'm not saying that everybody with big muscles is a football player, or even that every football player has big muscles. That's just what my preference would be. You don't have to agree with it. In a thread made specifically about character appearances, you'd think people would be more understanding when it comes to fictional creativity.
That's not the same thing at all - a football player is muscular because they train a lot - and it has nothing to do with morlaity either.
Saying that big breasts = "slutty" is linking morality to genetics - the size of our breasts is decided before we're even born.
Thinking that morality and geneitcs have anything to do with each other is a very old fashioned mindset.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's not the same thing at all - a football player is muscular because they train a lot - and it has nothing to do with morlaity either.
Saying that big breasts = "slutty" is linking morality to genetics - the size of our breasts is decided before we're even born.
Thinking that morality and geneitcs have anything to do with each other is a very old fashioned mindset.
My point is, I'm not saying "big breasts = slutty". You're just incorrectly reading it that way.

On a side note, there are no genetics in a video game.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
My point is, I'm not saying "big breasts = slutty". You're just incorrectly reading it that way.

On a side note, there are no genetics in a video game.
I'm reading it as someone saying that if they wanted to make a "slutty" avatar, they'd use their physical appearance to show their morality.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm reading it as someone saying that if they wanted to make a "slutty" avatar, they'd use their physical appearance to show their morality.
Then you are still reading it backwards. It's not the breast size that shows morality. It's the morality that accentuates certain features to get attention. If I wasn't into big breasts, I could make a "smaller" character and still make her slutty. That wouldn't mean all "smaller" toons are slutty, and I don't think that should be offensive to anybody either.

We're talking about preference here, not prejudice. If I were to make a slutty character, I might prefer to give her a bigger rear end too.. not because I think people with bigger rear ends are slutty, but because that's what I might prefer in a woman. Maybe I'd want her to have black hair, or to be Asian. None of those features have anything to do with being slutty. They are just features I might find attractive. When making a "slutty" character, I'd make something I find attractive... which all boils down to my own personal opinions and preferences.

You are just incorrectly drawing lines between a specific physical appearance and specific morality because it's already an existing prejudice. The whole basis of what makes somebody "slutty" is sex, and what drives sex, is what somebody's preference is. What one person thinks is slutty might be completely different than another. Some people might even make her blonde. Would that be offensive too?

We decide our own breast size in this game, which seems to be the whole point of this thread. All we are saying is that whatever our preference may be, for whatever reason, the game allows us to do it. Do I have a "slutty" toon, or have any desire to make one? Not at all. But I support the ability for somebody else to make one if they choose to, and it may even have completely different features than I might choose for it. You never know.

Regardless of your argument about genetics, it's no secret that people get breast reductions and breast enlargements for various reasons all the time. People even regularly dye their hair. I guess thinking that somebody's appearance and their genetics always have something to do with each other is becoming an old fashioned mindset too.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
big breasts...
bigger rear end too..
Aren't these stereotypically un-Asian though?



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Aren't these stereotypically un-Asian though?
I wasn't putting them all together on the same toon. I was simply listing different individual traits that I or somebody else might find attractive. Maybe somebody has several preferences and would make more than one "slutty" toon that don't look anything alike. The point was, I completely agree that no physical trait directly points to "slutty", so there is no reason for a slutty toon's features to offend anybody. They don't reflect the person's morals, they reflect the persons personal preferences.



I would continue this line of conversation but I suspect it will go south rapidly so instead I'll say I like breasts that are neither flat nor bigger than one's head.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
I would continue this line of conversation but I suspect it will go south rapidly so instead I'll say I like breasts that are neither flat nor bigger than one's head.
Maybe we should see if the Devs could make more dramatic head sliders so we can make larger heads instead. That might make the larger breasts look more "reasonable". lol j.k



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Maybe we should see if the Devs could make more dramatic head sliders so we can make larger heads. lol j.k
Oh dear lordy... the many directions this could go...


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
Well, I'm pleasantly surprised by the amount of replies, but I'm not so pleasantly surprised by the amount of people telling me that they know people with big boobs.

Ok, then. Those who know endowed females. Tally up everyone you know withOUT boobies the size of trucks, then compare it to the person you know.

Satisfied? Saying you know an outlier doesn't make it less of an outlier.
You said they don't exist. Now you're being all snotty with "Well, fine, they're a tiny outlier". That's not really the case either. While they're not the majority, they're also not the rare oddity that you're suggesting. Face the fact that some women do have such breast sizes and get the hell over it already. No one's saying that to argue against the option for smaller sizes. Just to point out that your perceptional bias is skewing your...er, figures. >.> It's not like it's a slight against you to say that there are a reasonable amount of women with naturally large breasts out there.

And yes, I am snarky. If you did a little research, it's because I'm 14, turning 15 tomorrow btw
This might explain your perceptional bias. Your peers are high school students either going through or barely out of puberty...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
You said they don't exist. Now you're being all snotty with "Well, fine, they're a tiny outlier". That's not really the case either. While they're not the majority, they're also not the rare oddity that you're suggesting. Face the fact that some women do have such breast sizes and get the hell over it already. No one's saying that to argue against the option for smaller sizes. Just to point out that your perceptional bias is skewing your...er, figures. >.> It's not like it's a slight against you to say that there are a reasonable amount of women with naturally large breasts out there.

This might explain your perceptional bias. Your peers are high school students either going through or barely out of puberty...
And that can be varied by location!

All we need to know is...GG likes her chest just the way it is!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I have always been bothered (and am still bothered) by the fact that Eiko cannot be as flat chested as she (as a Japanese schoolgirl) should be. A boyish body is part of her concept, and it's not one that can be recreated very well in this game because the lowest setting on the "chest" slider for women is still pretty well endowed. I think the low side needs to go at least 10% further down, preferably more. I know there's only so much morphing the model can take before it looks distorted, and it's possible that what we have is already the lowest it can get, but I'd still like to see the option exist for smaller breasts.

Also, GG, you're going overboard here. No one called you slutty, or implied you were slutty because of the size of your chest. Taking offense at nothing doesn't help.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You're missing the point - the ofesnive part is associating someone's physical appearance with their morality.
Think of the different ways that can - and has been - interpreted.
That is HILARIOUS coming from the person who once told me that it was obvious she was a hero, because she dressed like one.

If that's not a textbook case of "associating physical appearance with morality", I don't know what is.

Hypocrisy is funny.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
That is HILARIOUS coming from the person who once told me that it was obvious she was a hero, because she dressed like one.

If that's not a textbook case of "associating physical appearance with morality", I don't know what is.
How you dress is not the same thing as how you look.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
How you dress is not the same thing as how you look.
...would you care to explain the difference to me?



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

...would you care to explain the difference to me?
People can choose what types of clothes they wear - but they can't choose how tall or short they are, or what color their eyes are, or what shape their nose is, or what size their breasts are, or how broad their shoulders are, or what texture their skin is, and so on.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
That is HILARIOUS coming from the person who once told me that it was obvious she was a hero, because she dressed like one.

If that's not a textbook case of "associating physical appearance with morality", I don't know what is.

Hypocrisy is funny.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
How you dress is not the same thing as how you look.
Say what?

That makes no sense AT ALL.

The clothes you are wearing is one of the main things that determines your physical appearance.

You told me that everyone should assume you are one of the good guys because of your clothing, which is a factor in your physical appearance.

That would be associating someone's morality with their physical appearance, no two ways about it.

I also note that you did not deny saying that. Too late to try denying it now, since responding to my post the way you did is as good as an admission.

Then you come in this thread and say it is offensive to make assumptions about someone's morality based on their physical appearance.

That makes you a hypocrite. End. Of. Story.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
People can choose what types of clothes they wear - but they can't choose how tall or short they are, or what color their eyes are, or what shape their nose is, or what size their breasts are, or how broad their shoulders are, or what texture their skin is, and so on.
Yes. And?

Both those categories define a person's appearance and image as a whole. If you're a big-breasted woman and decide to show off your cleavage at every turn with the clothing you wear, it gives off a different image than if you were a big-breasted woman and decide to wear enough clothing to look like a nun. Both examples are stereotypes.

No one is calling anyone here slutty. People aren't saying "Big Breasts = Slutty". People are saying "Slutty => Revealing, skimpy clothing; long, glamorous hair; exotic skin tone; long legs, narrow waist; big breasts; and probably clothing that highlights the curves of body". Do note the distinction between an equal sign (=) and a unidirectional implication sign (=>).

It's called stereotyping and generalizing, something that is used frequently in fiction to make characters easily recognizable and make them stand out.

See what you've done, GreatRock? It's all your fault!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
People can choose what types of clothes they wear - but they can't choose how tall or short they are, or what color their eyes are, or what shape their nose is, or what size their breasts are, or how broad their shoulders are, or what texture their skin is, and so on.
They can in Paragon

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Wow has this thread gone downhill.

Let me just say that if there are people who are serious about asking for females with a more teenaged chest shape, then what you need to be asking Noble Savage/Sexy Jay for is a new UPPER BODY MODEL. Something similar to the Armored top.

The slider can then be adapted to that chest shape to allow it to more realistically tend towards the "flat" side.

The same goes with wider shoulders/more muscular arms. I'm not sure that would be a different upper body model, or a new arms model, but you want one of the two.

Continuing to ask for the slider to just get smaller is not truly what you want. Although I do feel it could go smaller for the cases where there is a shirt over it.

Actually, I personally would like an upper body that goes more with the Monstrous Legs option. It seems to be a little odd to me to have this strange, reverse bend leg configuration, and then the body is ramrod straight above it. I'd like to see the body more barrel chested, and hunched forward, to provide a better sense of balance. The Huge body style, at least, is a little closer to that already. And the Monstrous legs option does show that if this is wanted, the art department can adapt a part of the model like that, instead of having to come out with a whole new "kid" model.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
People can choose what types of clothes they wear - but they can't choose how tall or short they are, or what color their eyes are, or what shape their nose is, or what size their breasts are, or how broad their shoulders are, or what texture their skin is, and so on.
You know, it's posts like this that tend to make me think that we reside in different worlds that somehow link to the same forums. Because in the world i live in everything you just listed can be altered if you're willing to pay enough. In fact people can even change gender to the point that it may require a physical exam by a doctor to tell whether it's their original gender.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
You know, it's posts like this that tend to make me think that we reside in different worlds that somehow link to the same forums. Because in the world i live in everything you just listed can be altered if you're willing to pay enough. In fact people can even change gender to the point that it may require a physical exam by a doctor to tell whether it's their original gender.
Well, maybe not height and skin. But there are certainly ways to give the illusion you are taller or shorter than you are.

Honestly, one of the main reasons women have breast implants is to more closely fit a stereotype they feel they ought to fit. I think it's sad, personally, but there's a lot of pressure to conform to that. Particularly in girls the age of the OP. And honestly, I'm not against anything that helps someone's self esteeem.

I guess it comes down to whether you view that kind of stereotype in this game as a healthy fantasy, to indulge in "what if" and maybe achieve some catharsis, or as an unhealthy extension of that pressure that's put forth by society in general. The truth, as with any media, is probably a little bit of both.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Say what?

That makes no sense AT ALL.

The clothes you are wearing is one of the main things that determines your physical appearance.

You told me that everyone should assume you are one of the good guys because of your clothing, which is a factor in your physical appearance.

That would be associating someone's morality with their physical appearance, no two ways about it.

I also note that you did not deny saying that. Too late to try denying it now, since responding to my post the way you did is as good as an admission.

Then you come in this thread and say it is offensive to make assumptions about someone's morality based on their physical appearance.
Deciding someone is a villain by the way they dress is not the same thing as deciding someone's evil because of their physical apperance at all.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork