Anyone concerned that the abundance of IO softcap defense builds will cause blowback?

Adeon Hawkwood



I worry about the Winter Lady in this regard. Obviously, she is not Incarnate-level content, since she is available at level 20. He debuffs are particularly rough on melee characters.

Then again, it may just be an option so that ranged characters don't have to fight Snaptooth as often.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Praetorian DE: base 64% tohit, soft cap at 59%
So... my otherwise squishy widow who is soft-capped with only +5.5% global DEF bonus will be annihilated by any and all Praetorian DE who are hitting her every 5th swing. I was already hoping that later iterations of Incarnate would help me add things like RES or HP to her, because it's already to the point where every EB, AV, and level 54 critter from new TFs can trigger one-shot code on her by doing 1400+ damage in one hit. All she has going for her is the fact that she usually dodges. But if all the new enemies have +15% ToHit she's just going to die left and right. I'll have to take along another VEAT just to run regular missions.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Blowback has also started in the Incarnate tree. The Incarnate Alpha slot system boosts powers directly, rather than base-stats, so only power-sets with native defenses benefit from the Alpha Slot. Pool powers such as Maneuvers and Weave will show much less benefit on an Alpha-Boost than powers in the primary or secondary power slots.
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I have no idea what that is supposed to mean, but Alpha buffs affect all powers that can be slotted with their buffs. They have exactly the same proportional effect on Maneuvers and Focused Fighting as defense SOs. If the Alpha slot is slanted towards "native defenses" then the entire enhancement system has been similarly slanted since release.
Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
What it means is really simple.
  • On Nerve Uncommon 1/3 of 20% defense buff ignores ED: ~6.67%
  • On Nerve Rare 1/2 of 20% defense buff ignores ED: ~10%
  • On Nerve Very Rare 2/3 of 20% defense buff ignores ED: ~ 13.3%
Cross reference that with Leadership buffs and ED
The buff effects on pool powers such as Weave and Maneuvers are pretty low to begin with. I think Tanks get the highest Weave rating with something like 5% defense. According to ParagonWiki Defenders and Arachnos get the highest Maneuvers rating with 3.5% defense.
The concept of "native defenses" being introduced here is a concept here being applied as gospel. The biggest reason why leadership powers are low to begin with is because they affect more than one character.

PBAoE auras are notorious for being lower value, higher endurance drain than their single target buffing counterparts. It has less to do with the concept of being "native defense" or not.

A few simple examples that disprove the idea of "native defenses" are found in Steamy Mist and Shadow Fall. Even VEAT Maneuvers falls under "native defense", yet they all grant a measly +5% defense.

A high base value benefits more with slotting than a low base value. Has nothing to do with "native defense". This means that Steamy Mist benefits more from being "native" than Maneuvers, but both are very low defense buffs to begin with.



Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
We're already starting to see this with the new incarnate TFs. Battle Maiden has very little trouble hitting soft-capped characters.

Really though, a big part of the problem is that the current IO sets allow for building high defense, but building high resistance isn't nearly as easy. I'm not sure what the thinking was with this and I'm not even sure if they plan on releasing more IO sets (I haven't heard the slightest hint regarding this) so building RES will always be difficult.
It's been what? 10 issues now and no new IO sets have been released? There are still powers that don't have IO sets at all and some that don't have purple sets. I would seriously not expect to see any new sets at all.

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"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
It's been what? 10 issues now and no new IO sets have been released? There are still powers that don't have IO sets at all and some that don't have purple sets. I would seriously not expect to see any new sets at all.
At the last meet and greet someone asked the devs when or if new invention sets would be released. Their response was pretty much that they were waiting until the incarnate system was complete or mostly complete so as to see where and what new sets were needed.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
At the last meet and greet someone asked the devs when or if new invention sets would be released. Their response was pretty much that they were waiting until the incarnate system was complete or mostly complete so as to see where and what new sets were needed.
Well, those suggestions come up often enough.

I'd still like to see some - like the majority of the Snipe recipes - shuffled out of the pool and moved to a vendor somewhere. They can be available then, if you REALLY want calibrated accuracy or executioner's contract - and won't just be an insta-delete drop. (And I'm saying that as someone who *likes* snipes.)



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
I expect to see a few more using -def debuffs rather than just the +tohit options. -def is not nearly as hard on /SR or /Shield since they have debuff resistance and builds who only use IOs do not. The Cims are a good example of new-ish content that makes it harder but not impossible on merely IO-based defense.

I also expect more challenges like the battle maiden fight where attacks are total balancers (IE autohit irresistable). No build has any advantage over any other against the fire patches. With the exception of some earth builds being at a disadvantage due to the speed penalties.

And I agree with Je Saist in that I'm pretty sure the Alpha Slot was deliberately designed to support builds with innate powers over those with IO-based bonuses.

If I remember they have stated the thinking. Having capped both Def AND resistance was too powerful. So they implemented mechanics to make it easy to do one but not both.

Additionally it seems (as in I have never heard anyone say the dev's stated this outright) they chose defense over resistance because defense debuffs are "safer" than resistance debuffs. In giant groups, there is little difference, but if you imagine the circumstanse of three enemies vs 1 hero, and the enemies debuff the hero. in the case of a defense debuff, the attack rate vs the hero isn't particularly high, most enemies have clear pauses between attacks. Even if defense debuffed into the negatives damage will be faster than before the debuff, but it will be spread out over time based on the enemy attack rate. With a resistance debuff there is a chance for the hero to be one-shotted. This is an enormous difference in the feel of the encounter and I'm pretty sure the devs thought about the ramifications of all sides of def vs resistance when they chose to let us only have defence bonuses in any quantity. I for one am grateful for the direction they chose to go.
so where does your idea of -def leave builds that are totally reliant on defense for protection and don't have any real defense debuff resistance such as the VEATS?

The devs could probably cap how low a resistance debuff could take you to prevent excessive damage I'm guessing.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Well, those suggestions come up often enough.

I'd still like to see some - like the majority of the Snipe recipes - shuffled out of the pool and moved to a vendor somewhere. They can be available then, if you REALLY want calibrated accuracy or executioner's contract - and won't just be an insta-delete drop. (And I'm saying that as someone who *likes* snipes.)
yeah, a weighting a bit more towards melee sets would be nice too as that seems to be the lion's share of the playerbase. I have yet to see a kinetic combat drop from all the characters i've played in the 30's

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
so where does your idea of -def leave builds that are totally reliant on defense for protection and don't have any real defense debuff resistance such as the VEATS?

The devs could probably cap how low a resistance debuff could take you to prevent excessive damage I'm guessing.
Well, the VEATs are interesting because of their flexibility. While you have the choice to build as a pure melee powerhouse, you don't have to. All of them have some form of mitigation that is not based on personal statistics (summoning pets, hard controls like holds and stuns etc).

My own fortunata has way better defenses than any of my Dominators for instance, and still packs the controls and blasts to put out damage. Stackign DDR on top of that seems unnecessary. Especially once teamed when I've reliably been sitting at over 150 defense to all positions thanks to stacked leadership and VEAT leadership buffs.

That said, I do think that some level of DDR would fit into the builds. Definitely not the 95% that SR can build for, but maybe 25% to 30%. My point of view is that not every build and every AT needs to be able to solo at +4/x8. DDR is mostly needed against very large groups solo. It is extremely helpful in other circumstances, but usually in an 8 man team, Aggro is spread out and/or you have buffs. 1 melee VEAT and 7 blasters is not something I've ever actually seen, and even then it's hard to believe cascade failure would kick in before everything was dead. So VEATs right now fit into the "if it ain't broke" category for me.

If some anti-def techniques start cropping in, I can definitely see the argument for giving them a DDR power, possibly added to one of the auto powers, possibly one of the others. Maybe 10 to 20% base DDR before enhancement.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Not worried, they can make the differences noticable with other routes...

This TF the Defense Softcapped could be a god.

But THIS TF Defense sucks, but Resistance based sets can be OMG!

And I don't know about the rest of the forums, but I've run with a lot of people who don't have these UBER Optimal Builds.

Or people give up DMG for better defense, because they don't want to or just can't figure out how to make their build UBER.

I've seen quite a few players who just don't bother with IOs.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
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Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
What it means is really simple.
In other words, what I said:

If the Alpha slot is slanted towards "native defenses" then the entire enhancement system has been similarly slanted since release.
All you're saying is that power pool defenses tend to be numerically lower than primary and secondary power defenses, which means anything that affects them proportionately will show a larger numeric benefit on the stuff with the bigger numbers. But that's a highly non-standard way of designating bias. That would be like me saying that the Alpha slot is preferentially designed to benefit total focus more than power blast.

Moreover, this part of your statement was the part I have no idea what it means:

The Incarnate Alpha slot system boosts powers directly, rather than base-stats
And I mean that literally: I have no idea what this statement is supposed to parse into, because it has no connection with the game mechanics I'm aware of.

The Alpha buffs function like enhancement buffs, which is to say that for the most part they are strength buffs. Strength buffs "directly buff base stats" if you want to put it that way. Nothing buffs "directly *instead of*" buffing "base-stats" because in that sense base stats (intrinsic power values) can't be altered by anything in the game. They can only be, well, buffed.

One more thing: simply looking at digits isn't always a fair way to judge "benefit." All three SR passives have a base 5.625% defense to one type. For scrappers, weave offers 3.75% defense to all types. Its arguable that Weave is stronger, and each slot put into Weave helps more than each slot put into the SR passives (excluding the effects of enhancing the defense debuff resistance in the passives).

The buff effects on pool powers such as Weave and Maneuvers are pretty low to begin with. I think Tanks get the highest Weave rating with something like 5% defense. According to ParagonWiki Defenders and Arachnos get the highest Maneuvers rating with 3.5% defense.
  • 5+58%= 7.9
  • 5+70% = 8.5
  • 3.5+58% = 5.53
  • 3.5+70% = 5.95
As you can see, the numbers really haven't gone anywhere.
Actually, I see that weave increased by 0.6% whereas in your Kinetic Shield example it increased by 1.5% (Kinetic Shield is 12.75% defense, by the way, but that's not significant here). And Weave is defense to all types as I mentioned. Is 0.6% to all really miniscule compared to 1.5% to only smash/lethal? Or even the 1.8% defense to fire/cold/energy (and less to negative) of Power Shield? It actually seems in the general ball park.

This is not just hypothetical number crunching. There was a time, before defense debuff resistance and the scaling passive resistances, when it was a legitimate topic on the scrapper forums to ask whether Weave was a better choice than taking all three passive powers in SR, because while all three passives combined were stronger (and didn't burn endurance) you could get more than half their strength with just one power and two discretionary slots: the passives required three power choices and six discretionary slots. Triple the effort for double the gain.

In any case, implying that this was an actual deliberate decision on the part of the devs is false: its a consequence of the numbers that they really had no choice on. But since most of us would not say that a defense SO is specifically designed to benefit power pool powers less than primary and secondary powers, I think its misleading to say the same for the Alpha slot.

Oh, one more thing:

One of the reasons why I suspect that the developers grafted defense against the accuracy was to limit the usefulness of Incarnate buff effects to archtypes chasing after soft-cap.
Unlikely. When I asked about that, the only thing I think that was deliberate was tier 1: Accuracy, Damage, Endurance, and Recharge. Those are the four most popular enhancements slotted. The second tier which is composed of the three primary mitigators and a filler (defense debuff) was assigned more or less randomly.

Moreover, that would not be an especially good way to do it anyway. You can already soft-cap with the invention system, just sometimes at the expense of underslotting other things. So someone wanting to soft cap doesn't have to take Nerve: they can just build with inventions to the soft cap and then if they are underslotted with damage due to slotting just take Musculature to compensate. The biggest benefit to a soft-capper - because its the biggest benefit to everyone - is to take the Alpha that buffs the aspects you most want that are the most underslotted in your build. So a soft-capper doesn't stack Alpha onto their defenses if that is inefficient: they build to the soft cap making sacrifices elsewhere and then lets Alpha fill those in.

Not everyone is thinking that way yet, but I'm sure its only a matter of time. Either way, Alpha's attribute combos aren't even a small speed bump to soft-capping. Heck my MA/SR soft-cap build is taking Spiritual because that's what's not maxed out in my build: recharge. And outside of my defenses, my strongest mitigation power is Aid self. What would I want to make Aid Self stronger... Recharge and Heal I guess.

Way to go on making Alpha less useful to soft-cappers. Are there many soft-cap melee builds out there that cannot make good use of Recharge/Heal? I guess perma-hasten Willpower melee will just have to take Musculatures.

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Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
At the last meet and greet someone asked the devs when or if new invention sets would be released. Their response was pretty much that they were waiting until the incarnate system was complete or mostly complete so as to see where and what new sets were needed.
Sorry, but that's a lousy cop-out.

We have about a zillion sets that provide recharge boosts (including specific SINGLE IO's that provide the boost). Yet we still got an alpha slot that enhances global recharge.

There's no reason you can't have parallel tracks to enhancement.

I'd like to see more PBAOE sets that focus on end consumption rather than just whacking max damage and recharge.

I'd also like to see more sets that provide boosts to resistance (in the same manner there are sets that provide defense boosts). Right now, if you want to bump defense, you have tons and tons of options. But if you want to boost resistance, you have almost nothing outside of the random "You six-slotted, congrats, TOXIC resist" type bonuses.

I'd like to see purple sets that can overcap Acc, End, Range, etc rather than just the Dam/Rech dynamic duo.


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Originally Posted by Arcanaville
And I mean that literally: I have no idea what this statement is supposed to parse into, because it has no connection with the game mechanics I'm aware of.
I think what was meant that instead of being like a set bonus or inspiration I.E. luck giving a bonus directly to the defense types that it was done as what we got instead (a global enhancement).

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Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
It's been what? 10 issues now and no new IO sets have been released? There are still powers that don't have IO sets at all and some that don't have purple sets. I would seriously not expect to see any new sets at all.
Now now we DID get accurate healing, to hit buff and defense buffs sets..

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I still don't know where these Praetorian DE are...never seen 'em before in the game...

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I still don't know where these Praetorian DE are...never seen 'em before in the game...
i said as much myself earlier in the thread. i just want to know where i can find them. Regular DE are already very nasty to my def-based characters when they drop those quartzes, but add higher base tohit as well... *shudders*
Which for some perverse reason makes me want to fight them even more.

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I still don't know where these Praetorian DE are...never seen 'em before in the game...
I believe they are referring to the DE in the new versions of Maria and Tina's arcs.



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
But point per point, def seems to provide better mitigation in most situations.
For a troller, recharge will probably give you better mitigation unless you are already near the def cap. Same thing for a resistance based melee character with decent knockdown. Or if a resist tank is near the cap but not at it for resist, but far away from the defense cap, then even a couple of points in resist will be much better mitigation.

For a lot of characters, hitting the defense cap isn't a "what will I pick up with this extra slot for a new set bonus", but instead something the entire character must be built around - including strange power choices that negatively affect the character in other ways.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I believe they are referring to the DE in the new versions of Maria and Tina's arcs.
Ah. i don't think i've fought them yet, but i do have an alt currently running one of the arcs, so i will keep an eye out for them. A character who coincidentally enough is a Night Widow that usually has around 60% positional def.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I'm not concerned, but mostly because anytime someone uses the term 'blowback' I get an image of Ralph Wiggum with soap bubbles in his eyes. And that makes me smile.

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Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
We're already starting to see this with the new incarnate TFs. Battle Maiden has very little trouble hitting soft-capped characters.

Really though, a big part of the problem is that the current IO sets allow for building high defense, but building high resistance isn't nearly as easy. I'm not sure what the thinking was with this and I'm not even sure if they plan on releasing more IO sets (I haven't heard the slightest hint regarding this) so building RES will always be difficult.
The OP is late.

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