Roy Cooling FTW!!!! *Possible Spoilers*




My friend and I duo'd our way through the new Roy Cooling arc last night, and may I say it is amazing. From the first mission, to the story, to the final epic battle, this arc is full of win. A final battle on the roof top of a burning building facing off against a Zeus Class Titan felt like something right out of the pages of a great comic. Our duo of elec blaster and Kin defender faceplanted a few times in that final face off, but anything worth doing isn't easy. Better than many TFs in the game. This is one I will be repeating many times over. Bravo devs, bravo.



I ran this last week. Fully agreed with the above. Definitely a high HSQ (Holy Moly Quotient). Particularly impressive was the way several maps were sewn together in each mission. And, love him or hate him, you have to respect Castillo's commitment to drama.

I'm looking forward to running the new villain arc now. Enough that I'm pushing through my Power and Crusader Praetorians double quick.

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I loved this story.

I just don't really agree with the decision to give the medi-porters to the elderly and handicapped. The medi-porters should have been given to children. If covering all Paragon's childern with medi-porters would have put too much strain on the system, then medi-porters should be handed out to schools, so the childern are protected when they all gather in big groups in easy to find buildings.

All those resistence fighters immigrating from Praetoria talk like good guys, but somebody willing to blow up a hospital to make a point is more then capable of blowing up a school in order to keep the kids off their lawn.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
All those resistence fighters immigrating from Praetoria talk like good guys, but somebody willing to blow up a hospital to make a point is more then capable of blowing up a school in order to keep the kids off their lawn.
People took their Resistance characters to Paragon City? Not me! Villain all the way!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post

This thread is now more daring.

You forgot the

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



I ran this arc for the first time this morning, and I must say that I loved it. I ran it on a Praetorian, but I think I missed out on the fancy Praetorian dialogue by keeping it to myself at the beginning. It just wasn't the sort of thing the character would blurt out. Looking forward to running it on prouder Praetorian some time soon, though.

I got a little bit nerd-excited when I saw that people who had already done Jenni Adair's arc could call in assistance from SAM. I couldn't take it, but the option is a very, very neat game mechanic. I think the only thing I would have loved more as an option would be calling Provost Marchand and reporting in what I'd discovered.

Edited to add: Laughed like hell when Castillo remade his entrance. Funny stuff.



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
I got a little bit nerd-excited when I saw that people who had already done Jenni Adair's arc could call in assistance from SAM. I couldn't take it, but the option is a very, very neat game mechanic.
It was totally awesome to have Keith Nance along on that last mission. My friend and I had a steady line of jokes and one liners going because Keith Nance was such a BAMF!

Don't f*** with Keith Nance!!



Originally Posted by Irish Fury View Post
It was totally awesome to have Keith Nance along on that last mission. My friend and I had a steady line of jokes and one liners going because Keith Nance was such a BAMF!

Don't f*** with Keith Nance!!
Or he'll send his elite government ninjas after you?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Or he'll send his elite government ninjas after you?
That, or just shoot you in the face with his giant freakin' gun, and look totally bad*** while doing it in his trench coat and sunglasses.

Keith Nance doesn't even have to loosen his tie to kick your ***!



By the way, I think it's quite clear now that Talos Island is being "stealth" revamped into the next stage of the Praetorian 1-50 path for people who choose to go blue side.
Keith Nance and Jenni Adair have their arcs their, and now Roy Cooling is there too - and each arc is linked to the situation in Praetoria, as well as using the newer game mechanics from GR.
They'll probably need a few more arcs to allow someone to play 20-29/30 only using new content, but it does seem to indicate that any new Paretorian zones won't start until level 30 at the earliest.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
By the way, I think it's quite clear now that Talos Island is being "stealth" revamped into the next stage of the Praetorian 1-50 path for people who choose to go blue side.
Keith Nance and Jenni Adair have their arcs their, and now Roy Cooling is there too - and each arc is linked to the situation in Praetoria, as well as using the newer game mechanics from GR.
They'll probably need a few more arcs to allow someone to play 20-29/30 only using new content, but it does seem to indicate that any new Paretorian zones won't start until level 30 at the earliest.
which makes for a shame in IP, given the place could be A LOT easier if they just included small boats you could catch that could take you to various parts of the port.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
I loved this story.

I just don't really agree with the decision to give the medi-porters to the elderly and handicapped. The medi-porters should have been given to children. If covering all Paragon's childern with medi-porters would have put too much strain on the system, then medi-porters should be handed out to schools, so the childern are protected when they all gather in big groups in easy to find buildings.

All those resistence fighters immigrating from Praetoria talk like good guys, but somebody willing to blow up a hospital to make a point is more then capable of blowing up a school in order to keep the kids off their lawn.
What schools?

What children?

The only kids in the city are Penny and Penny. One is a reality-warping psychic and the other is a mutant with an army of other mutants she's boosted looking out for her. I agree that they should both have links to the mediport system (especially Yin, who's obviously more danger-prone), but doing so would not be such a huge matter that it would interfere with equipping the elderly and handicapped.

As to the arc--it's great...but the final mission drove me to an all-new level of hatred for Castillo. My main has to buff up substantially to fight an elite boss, and Castillo kept making me start over, the schmuck. (I have to admit that he's got style, though.)

The Titan was a good reminder of why mobs don't simply scale up and down seamlessly. At 50, Titans are not a big deal. Even an EB version wouldn't be especially scary for an EB. Exemped to 29, even with an extra 5 levels of powers, it was a serious threat.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



Originally Posted by Balanced View Post

What children?

Originally Posted by Sergeant Stanfeld,3377504
You supers don't know what it is like, walking around without your special medi-porter technology! Do you know what it's like to know that if you make one wrong move your kid isn't going to have a father? Or that your wife could die if some freak looks at her wrong, but that some super who can't be hurt in the first place will have that safety net for them?
Is Sergeant Stanfeld Penelope or Preanelope's dad?

The Rogue PPD are committing crimes to get their children and wives medi-port tech. Giving the handicapped and elderly medi-port tech is a noble deed, but compromise doesn't meet the Rogue PPD's goal unless all these fathers and husbands plan on crippling the family members they love the most.

Doesn't Baby New Year count as a kid as well?



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Is Sergeant Stanfeld Penelope or Preanelope's dad?

The Rogue PPD are committing crimes to get their children and wives medi-port tech. Giving the handicapped and elderly medi-port tech is a noble deed, but compromise doesn't meet the Rogue PPD's goal unless all these fathers and husbands plan on crippling the family members they love the most.
Actually nothing in what Stanfeld says specifically indicates children in harm's way.

"Do you know what it's like to know that if you make one wrong move your kid isn't going to have a father?"
This is concern that he (or some other officer) will be killed because they don't have a mediport link, leaving his child without a father.

"Or that your wife could die if some freak looks at her wrong...?"
This is concern for his wife's safety.

Both are entirely reasonable concerns, of course, and you would expect that if both parents are living in Paragon City, that the kid probably lives there, too. However, no children are in evidence in the city, except for a kid who sells Mutant enhancements and a teenage psychic. Maybe most parents have sent their children off to boarding schools or to live with relatives in safer locales.

Mostly, though, I was poking fun at the fact that we never see kids in the game.

Doesn't Baby New Year count as a kid as well?
No, ghastly abominations don't count.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



Baby New Year is more of a spiritual entity, the symbol of the New Year. He only needs protection from Snaptooth.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



It was a fun arc, with some interesting twists.

Also, there's a badge for saving all 12 cops in that burning building!



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
It was a fun arc, with some interesting twists.

Also, there's a badge for saving all 12 cops in that burning building!
And damn was I proud when I scored that badge on the first go-round.


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The one disappointing thing about the arc was I don't think they ever did say what the actual reason was for not allowing everyone to use the system. I mean, I thought I read every clue and piece of mission text, but didn't see the reason explained. Closest I saw was "for reasons I'll get into later" at the beginning.

Otherwise, fun arc.



Originally Posted by Irish Fury View Post
My friend and I duo'd our way through the new Roy Cooling arc last night, and may I say it is amazing. From the first mission, to the story, to the final epic battle, this arc is full of win. A final battle on the roof top of a burning building facing off against a Zeus Class Titan felt like something right out of the pages of a great comic.
Burning BUILDING? I think you mean "burning mercenary floating fortress"!

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
The one disappointing thing about the arc was I don't think they ever did say what the actual reason was for not allowing everyone to use the system. I mean, I thought I read every clue and piece of mission text, but didn't see the reason explained. Closest I saw was "for reasons I'll get into later" at the beginning.

Otherwise, fun arc.
I think it's implied that the grid couldn't handle that many people.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I had a terrible experience with this and quit 5 spawns into the second mission. What level were you when you people ran this?

I ran it with a fresh level 20 scrapper and quit five groups into the second mission. Mobs spamming -50 hit debuff and -35 defense debuff that lasts a minute? While throwing +100% recharge debuffs and slows? Really?

Debuffs in this game have gotten out of hand.

At high level sure, but I don't even have SOs yet. I'd rather stab myself in the eyes than play through a mission at level 20 at 1/4 speed with my attack chain having 30 second wait periods while I have a 27% to hit.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
I had a terrible experience with this and quit 5 spawns into the second mission. What level were you when you people ran this?

I ran it with a fresh level 20 scrapper and quit five groups into the second mission. Mobs spamming -50 hit debuff and -35 defense debuff that lasts a minute? While throwing +100% recharge debuffs and slows? Really?

Debuffs in this game have gotten out of hand.

At high level sure, but I don't even have SOs yet. I'd rather stab myself in the eyes than play through a mission at level 20 at 1/4 speed with my attack chain having 30 second wait periods while I have a 27% to hit.
I see somebody just met PPD Ghosts and Equalizers for the first time!

Yes indeed, Flashbang Grenade is a cheap as hell power. So is Glue Grenade. And they've had it for years, at precisely that level range, ever since City of Villains first got proper Mayhem missions. PPD are vicious at that level. You're just finding out about it now because you never played villains. And I knew, I just knew the instant I saw them in the arc that hero-only players would be screaming bloody murder the very first time they got nailed by a Ghost or Equalizer!

Red side makes you strong like bull! *chest thump*

(But seriously, I hope that now that people are actually running into them they get toned down a tad. Or learn to appreciate your friendly neighborhood stalker/troller/dom...)

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You can run that mission at level 20?!? That's insane. Those debuffs that Malta tosses around is the very reason why they are a level 40+ faction. Has any sense of game balance remain in the designers?

A level 50 Enemy scaled down to level 20 is not the same as an Enemy designed for level 20. There is a big difference. Players aren't equiped to handle that kind of strong enemy.



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
I had a terrible experience with this and quit 5 spawns into the second mission. What level were you when you people ran this?
I feel your pain. I ran this with a 26 Bots/FF MM (0/x5) and those PPD were hard. Each mission on the first PPD map left me resummoning my pets at the end and I only made it through the arc by toning it down to x3 and making judicious use of Teleport Foe to pull the Equalizers to me and smack the crap out of them in a six bot beatdown before they could glue/acid mortar me.

I talked to Nance and he told me to contact him within the mission and he'd come help. But I didn't see anything to contact him with (at first I assumed it was the computer you download the chip to but nope). What did I screw up?

Speaking of screw ups, I also couldn't figure out the fire/rescue thing. The elevators up didn't work and I used the stairs to go down but there was nothing down there. Eventually I just stood outside and sang "The roof is on fire!" as thirteen men were burned alive inside. Good thing my MM changed from villain to hero because being a villain doesn't give you opportunities like that!