Samuel Tow hates Tin Mage and all he stands for
Smurphy, come back!
Your deaths-per-minute doesn't even come close to what Smurphy could achieve on a regular +2 ITF. I believe we had 178 deaths in less than 2 hours. Maybe more.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
Wow well I just did it 1:15 around 15-25 deaths.
YA for PUGS!
geez, what were you guys doing? lol
You know, when I ran Tin Mage we had, what, 30 or some defeats namely because of the ambushes in the first mission where people failed to realize that only one person can click any given glowy?
I've seen lots of reports of people dying a LOT on this Task Force, but for the life of me I can't figure out why. Sure it's a lot of +4s, but unless you're a sloppy, haphazarded build running on DOs and six-slotting your Inherent Powers, you're not going to be terribly lacking in the combat department.
Are you telling me Samuel_Tow actually played with other people on a team?
Too bad he had such a lousy experience, though.
I pugged it once without any real difficulty. We did have a team wipe on Director 11 but we got him the second time and finished in 1:15 or so.
Are you telling me Samuel_Tow actually played with other people on a team?
Too bad he had such a lousy experience, though. |
It's just that I don't think he'll ever agree to another Tin Mage. :0
Currently listening to Frank Black's Svn Fngrs
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
Director 11 is wishy-washy to me >.> we ran the TF twice to try to get the badge for not setting off any of his trip mines...we didn't die a horrible lot the first time through, maybe 20-ish, but when we tried for a second time to get the badge...EVERYTHING went wrong lol.
Director 11 is wishy-washy to me >.> we ran the TF twice to try to get the badge for not setting off any of his trip mines...we didn't die a horrible lot the first time through, maybe 20-ish, but when we tried for a second time to get the badge...EVERYTHING went wrong lol.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Where's the long-winded post that probably took two hours to write, spell check, and edit?

Director 11 is wishy-washy to me >.> we ran the TF twice to try to get the badge for not setting off any of his trip mines...we didn't die a horrible lot the first time through, maybe 20-ish, but when we tried for a second time to get the badge...EVERYTHING went wrong lol.
Currently listening to Frank Black's the Cult of Ray
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
He was sending me tells while running the TF, telling me how horribly boring it is. Telling me that the developers need to put in solo content as well and being in an all around sour attitude.
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

Where's the long-winded post that probably took two hours to write, spell check, and edit?
Are you telling me Samuel_Tow actually played with other people on a team?

Nah, it's not the people, the slowness or the number of deaths that really bugged me, nor indeed was the apparent chaos and people yelling at each other from time to time. It's a TF. I know how those go. I've done four-hour ITFs and had a blast, I've done eight-hour Faating TFs and had a blast.
No, what ruined the Tin Mage TF for me was the Tin Mage TF itself and everything it represents. I believe bAss will tell you I sent him tells to the effect of "never again" and "any TF that scales to 54 while capping me to 50 can go to hell" and so forth, and this is the sum total of what ruined it. It's a long, boring slog through demoralisingly tough enemies and insultingly difficult situations that had no excuse to be nearly this difficult. And they were difficult in precisely the dumbest way: Just throw more stats at the players, that'll motivate them to try harder.
Director 11 could easily have been the dealbreaker for me and made me ragequit right on the spot if I didn't feel bad about abandoning teams on a tough TF. Why the triple F is a dude with a gun powerful enough to punch me for 1000+ points and to shoot me for 400+ in a four-five round burst? You take these freshly-baked Incarnates who just ran through an arc where we soloed Ruladak the Strong and became even better than regular enemies like Malta... And now you're putting me up against level 54 Malta who can punch me for half my health? Go to hell, Tin Mage. You and all you represent.
Maybe one day when I've acquired four level shifts so that the TF doesn't cheat, maybe. But PURPLE ENEMIES!!! Is not difficulty, and I have a purple patch to prove it. Purple enemies is just cheating, and I don't like TFs that cheat me out of a fun experience.
He was sending me tells while running the TF, telling me how horribly boring it is. Telling me that the developers need to put in solo content as well and being in an all around sour attitude.
![]() |

The Tin Mage TF put me in easily the worst mood that any game has put me in for... Pretty much as far back as I could remember, and I know why. The TF turned me off pretty much the moment I set foot in the first instance and exclaimed "So, we're not running at -4, but the enemies are still capped at 54?" Normally, I'd have had the presence of mind to just walk away and play something I liked, but you don't really walk out on a TF just on a whim. I don't know how much I actually contributed (I'm thinking "not much") but I always feel responsible to stick a TF through to the end, as I know that we depend on each other in these, and I didn't want to let people down. But this was a horrible experience that I did not want to do right from the get go, and it just got worse with every passing hour.
The Tin Mage TF pissed me off worse than the first time I tried riding the Hamidon and had to spend the bulk of my time sitting on my hands listening to childish bickerings and unfunny jokes for about four hours straight. And after that, I swore I'd never do a Hamidon raid ever again. And I haven't, though seeing what the new one might be like from the Lady Grey TF, I might have to reconsider.
Also what I said was that "if this is what end game is like, then I want nothing at all to do with it," and would much prefer to play regular story arcs. Since Incarnate story arcs do not exist, that's one of the things I really want to see, and I mean more than just one arc to unlock the slot. The Tin Mage TF yanked me right out of my World Wide Red story arc, for instance. In addition to already beating up on Malta and doing so just fine solo, the arc itself is interesting, well-written and on a really grand scale. Something like that, but on an incarnate scale, would be very appreciated. I20 looks to be really big, but if I had to put money on it, I would bet dollars to doughnuts one of the things it WON'T include is much of any soloable content.
One primary reason I was so pissed off is because this does indeed appear to be what the future is about: a future where we gain ever more power and become ever weaker against our enemies. I could fight my own fights alone and come out victorious before I became an Incarnate, but once I became one, then all the new Incarnate content put me as a completely helpless chump who needs seven other people to do anything and even then die about a thousand time in the process, three of which being getting hit by Bobcat for 7300+, 4800+ and 3500+, all on a hit points bar of around ~1800. Of all the ways to make me feel that something is epic, grand and exciting, having an enemy hit me for many times my total hit points three times in a row ain't one of 'em. Especially not when I slapped Bobcat around in a mission the day before.
"Epic" may be a lot of things, but Epic ain't this. Epic ain't an indistinguishable soup of colours like I'm having kaleidoscope dreams. Epic ain't a cacophony of colours like I were listening to music remixed by Neuron humself. Epic ain't a two ficking hour slog though resistant high-level enemies that take ages to kill where I spent half the time one hand on the keyboard and my head resting on my other hand. This is not Epic. This is BORING. It makes me feel like one of the grunts in that Stalingrad level in Call of Duty. It makes me feel like one more Marine in a StarCraft unit. It makes me feel like an insignificant gnat and the fights aren't even any fun because I don't know what the hell is going on.
Thank you, but if that's what Incarnate Content is going to be like, then I'll sit this one out and wait for something that makes me feel stronger, rather than making me feel like a wimp.
There's your long post. Happy now?
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Morning Sam.
I hate the new TFs for much of the same reasons. Here's a cut/paste of what I had to say in the Tanker forum.
Really, for me this is what it boils down to; they say stuff like this:
Our goal with all of this is to make the player feel like an important player in the grand scheme of the universe, and not feel like the universe is stringing him along. With this power, your character will be on par with our most powerful NPCs, but that's not to say there will no longer be challenges for you. |
So what did the devs do? They give Bobcat uber Vengeance that can two shot my Tanker and give Battle Maiden a rapid fire unresistible nuke that will put any of the Judgment attacks to shame even when they unlock.
But I get a minor boost to recharge.
These two TFs are intended for the Alpha slot. They should have been tailored to demonstrate how the Alpha has improved us. Instead, IMO it backslides me back to level 25. I'm fighting the same enemies as before, the same NPCs, but they're amped way up and we only get a minor improvement. How is that supposed to make you feel powerful? In fact, if you removed the artificial -8 debuff, having the Alpha would help you very little on these TFs. It surely wouldn't make the difference on its own.
And don't say "wait for the rest of the Alpha". Even level shifted, the sword bombs are still going to slaughter anyone. I highly doubt the modest resistance and defense you'd get from the Very Rares are going to do much against Bobcat.
And don't say "wait for the other Incarnate slots after the Alpha". I know what four of other slots do. So far I am not impressed. Even with the Judgment, Interface and Destiny slots, I would be hard-pressed to call any player character a peer to these NPCs as they are now.
They made us 5% better and made the enemies 300% better. There's nothing to suggest that the two curves will be any different moving forward.
Director 11 could easily have been the dealbreaker for me and made me ragequit right on the spot if I didn't feel bad about abandoning teams on a tough TF. Why the triple F is a dude with a gun powerful enough to punch me for 1000+ points and to shoot me for 400+ in a four-five round burst? You take these freshly-baked Incarnates who just ran through an arc where we soloed Ruladak the Strong and became even better than regular enemies like Malta... And now you're putting me up against level 54 Malta who can punch me for half my health? Go to hell, Tin Mage. You and all you represent.
You realize, that you are infact, not an incarnate right now right? Your working towards it.
That arc you soloed Ruladak the Strong, was a memory of a future self, not your actual character.
All your character is right now, is a hero/villain who's strong enough to become an incarnate, and on the path to doing so.
Could just help that mentality of yours.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Yes, forums, kindly do remember me, please.
It's this part that gets me.
You realize, that you are infact, not an incarnate right now right? Your working towards it. That arc you soloed Ruladak the Strong, was a memory of a future self, not your actual character. All your character is right now, is a hero/villain who's strong enough to become an incarnate, and on the path to doing so. Could just help that mentality of yours. ![]() |
The War Walkers I can get. Bobcat I can sort of get. But Malta? Since when are their Minions so damn strong? The game can scale a Hellion up to level 54 and stick me with a -4 level debuff and that Hellion will indeed be very difficult to fight, but it won't make the thing feel more epic. All it would do is make me feel more like a loser, like the rest of the TF didn't do a good enough job already.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Yes, forums, kindly do remember me, please.
Yes, I realise that. I'm not saying I should suddenly become this unstoppable juggernaut of destruction. But since when are MALTA tough enough to one-shot punch me? Like I said - I'm doing World Wide Red now, and I'm kicking their *****, yet all of a sudden I can't even beat up an Operations Engineer? Why? Why are THEY so strong all of a sudden? Why am I so much weaker? Even in Reichsman's TF, that Grim Falcon guy isn't THAT insane, and he's supposed to be the made-up leader of the Malta Group, and all of a sudden this guy is god damn Super Man? The War Walkers I can get. Bobcat I can sort of get. But Malta? Since when are their Minions so damn strong? The game can scale a Hellion up to level 54 and stick me with a -4 level debuff and that Hellion will indeed be very difficult to fight, but it won't make the thing feel more epic. All it would do is make me feel more like a loser, like the rest of the TF didn't do a good enough job already. |
From a story perspective, when you last faced the Malta (and not likely at +4 difficulty), they were at a certain power level and you were at a certain power level.
Time has since passed, what makes you think your enemies aren't gaining powers and getting tougher, just as you do?
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Go to hell, Tin Mage. You and all you represent. |
I also think he's going to love the new Winter Event mission. Because I know I loved having my entire Primary power set negated and getting to see the devs start to use GM code for 'level-less' EBs and AVs to negate Incarnate Level Shifts as part of the 'Incarnate arms race' they're starting with players (guess who's gonna win).
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Yeah... When we did Tin Mage for the first time I think we had what, two deaths? Three?
Admittedly we had a fairly optimized gang and we were on vent, but not really fully optimized.
"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."
The TFs are newest content.
From a story perspective, when you last faced the Malta (and not likely at +4 difficulty), they were at a certain power level and you were at a certain power level. Time has since passed, what makes you think your enemies aren't gaining powers and getting tougher, just as you do? |
But Malta? What in the world could make them this much stronger? I can maybe see Director 11 if he was really special and all, but why were HIS MINIONS level 54? Why is an Operations Engineer this strong? With his PUNCHES?
It just really cheeses me off when the "epicness" of a task comes not from the epic storyline, but rather from the "epic" enemy starts.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Just thought I'll start the thread for Sam... He's going to be sleeping for another eight good hours.
2 hrs 15 minutes
144 or so deaths
Currently listening to Big Country's Come Up Screaming
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.