Your favorite enemy groups?




Malta, because everyone else complains about them.

Knives of Artemis, because of the same reason (though I always dismiss the one tip mission with them, because they kill the hostage with caltrops if I don't pull them away first)

After that, I'm actually a bit saddened by the enemy groups. We have no real costume villains to battle.

Yeah, they havetheir uniform, but where's the dressed in tights supervillain groups?

Like the Brotherhood of Mutants! Legion of Doom?

We lack these groups and it's just sad

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
After that, I'm actually a bit saddened by the enemy groups. We have no real costume villains to battle.

Yeah, they havetheir uniform, but where's the dressed in tights supervillain groups?

Like the Brotherhood of Mutants! Legion of Doom?

We lack these groups and it's just sad
Arachnos. Nemesis. Fifth Column. Carnival. The Family. Tsoo. Not to mention all the Rogues Gallery villains.






1. Tsoo - Love the story and concept of the Tsoo, wish there was more!
2. Frekshow - Lotsa fun to beat up...and beat up again
3. Nemesis - Feels mighty beating up on venged foes



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Arachnos. Nemesis. Fifth Column. Carnival. The Family. Tsoo. Not to mention all the Rogues Gallery villains.
Besides some of the Rogues Gallery, where's the classic super hero/villains in tights?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Besides some of the Rogues Gallery, where's the classic super hero/villains in tights?
Tights tend to look goofy depending on how they're used. Plenty of villains wear costumes, however, but villains wearing basic tights just wouldn't fit into the universe of CoX that well as a serious threat. They'd get laughed out of the city before they could even pull off their scheme.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Tights tend to look goofy depending on how they're used. Plenty of villains wear costumes, however, but villains wearing basic tights just wouldn't fit into the universe of CoX that well as a serious threat. They'd get laughed out of the city before they could even pull off their scheme.
How so? The heroes are all tight wearing, but the villains no?

Freedom Phalanx? Tight wearers.

Longbow? Tights.

These two groups are considered threats. They wear tights.

What makes villains wearing tights, not a threat?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



My favorites:

1) Tsoo (neat costumes, powers, and story)
2) Freakshow (I love cyberpunk, wish there was more like them)
3) Circle of Thorns (call me crazy, but I like 'em)

My least favorites:

1) Longbow (seriously, I want my heroes to be able to attack them too)
2) Nemesis (they're just so very annoying)
3) PPD (for one reason only: glue grenades. oh how I hate PPD equalizers)



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
How so? The heroes are all tight wearing, but the villains no?

Freedom Phalanx? Tight wearers.

Longbow? Tights.

These two groups are considered threats. They wear tights.

What makes villains wearing tights, not a threat?
I sense a hint of anger. Anyway, those are only two groups, and are heroic in nature. They must inspire justice and hope throughout, and tights are pretty much heroic. The villain groups must inspire a different sense, however, and putting them in tights just tends to take away from that evil, threatening feel. Compare 1960s, tights-wearing Arachnos to modern day battle armor Arachnos and tell me which is more threatening looking, for example. I'm not saying it's impossible to wear tights and look menacing, as there actually are examples I will list below that do that. But for the style of CoH's universe, it's far more practical to wear something much more intimidating that actually provides function when it comes to your minions.

Here are a list of signature villains that do pull off tights.

Captain Mako, GW, Ice Mistral, Silver Mantis, and Scirocco. Although Mako is technically nude, I'm still lumping that into tights.
Maestro I would think applies, as well.
Viridian, although I'm not sure if you would classify his stealth suit as 'tights'.
And the Gold Brickers off the top of my head.



1. Crey - Pre-40, at least, when they still have sneaky agents in suits and scientists. What's not to love about an evil corporation with its own enslaved AIs and contrived world domination scemes?

2. Axis America - Dudes with no annoying tricks and a tendency to stand in tight formation. I could fight these guys all day.

3. Rikti - I usually find Rikti pretty fun to fight. They have enough tricks that it's rarely a snoozefest, but none of them are flat-out annoying like Carnies with their phasing.

4. Banished Pantheon - Evil gods from beyond the dawn of time raising zombies! Hell yeah. They also burn real good.

5. Rogue Robots - Seriously needs to just be a faction on its own. They could break off from the Council, thus giving the Council slightly less thematic overload.

6. Longbow - Longbow fall into a weird place for me. I love fighting them on my mezz/debuff characters, hate fighting them on my meleers. And they're just enough self-righteous goody two-shoes that I can beat them up by the hundred without feeling bad.

7. Family - The Mafia is cool, therefore the Mafia with superpowers is also cool.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



1. Minions of Igneous

It's a shame they're only used in a low level zone nobody goes to anymore. I hold out hope they'll make a return some day and we get to see some of their advanced forms to menace our 50's.

I've always liked the whole underground civilization shtick. The idea that these guys could start suddenly pouring out from a fissure that erupts down town with no warning. Plus the Magmite Lord bosses look cool.

2. Arachnoids

These guys are fearsome and creepy looking. Sadly, they disappear by 50 and blue-siders don't ever really get to battle them (aside from Warburg, bleh!).

Considering their background, I have to wonder if they'll make a showing in the Incarnate content.

3. Devouring Earth

They're large, monstrous and usually a lot of fun to fight. I like they're both an extremely varied looking group, yet are also instantly recognizable. In my opinion, the Devoured Bosses are some of the coolest looking enemies in the game. My one grip is that aside from Monsters and Hami raids, they don't feature a lot after 45.

I'd love to see some more 'evolved' forms of the Devoured feature in Incarnate content. The one-off character Pyriss teases at their devastating potential; that meta humans that become 'devoured' retain their super powers. To me, that is an extremely frightening thought.




-Cimeroran Traitors
-Warriors (shame there's really so little about them)
-Knives of Artemis

My main hero is a katana scrapper, my main rogue is a Duel Blades brute. Do you sense a pattern with these choice foes?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Outcasts - the whole Frostfire Arc is a landmark and rite of passage for any player and really sets a tone. Now that it's not necessary to "do the Hollows" as an almost mandatory game experience it's really good to sometimes just run through the whole zone and its stories which remain some of the best in the game.

Clockwork - the Original variety seem initially just harmless but then when they are re-encountered at high level there's a very interesting story there and I cannot but help think that the Clockwork King has been poorly served by the flexible justice system in Paragon City.

Council - the fascists everyone loves to punch in the face repeatedly and a great home in Striga.

Circle of Thorns - one of the truly evil groups that actually present a contiguous challenge throughout the entire game.

Vazhilok - So badly under utilized. They should have a much broader level range.

Banished Pantheon - again evil and under used but they seem to have an underlying malevolence that the CoT don't quite manage

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
3. Devouring Earth

They're large, monstrous and usually a lot of fun to fight. I like they're both an extremely varied looking group, yet are also instantly recognizable. In my opinion, the Devoured Bosses are some of the coolest looking enemies in the game. My one grip is that aside from Monsters and Hami raids, they don't feature a lot after 45.

I'd love to see some more 'evolved' forms of the Devoured feature in Incarnate content. The one-off character Pyriss teases at their devastating potential; that meta humans that become 'devoured' retain their super powers. To me, that is an extremely frightening thought.
I just wish DE didn't become a group of nothing but Boulders past level 40 (at least they do for villains. Haven't fought them heroside for years.) That gets old.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Here are a list of signature villains that do pull off tights.

Captain Mako, GW, Ice Mistral, Silver Mantis, and Scirocco. Although Mako is technically nude, I'm still lumping that into tights.
Maestro I would think applies, as well.
Viridian, although I'm not sure if you would classify his stealth suit as 'tights'.
And the Gold Brickers off the top of my head.
Don't mind me if someone else pointed it out, but most of the Praetorain AVs wear tights.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
I just wish DE didn't become a group of nothing but Boulders past level 40 (at least they do for villains. Haven't fought them heroside for years.) That gets old.
I think around issue 15 or 16 they extended the level range of the enemy group so that stuff other that the rock guys can show up at 50. But there aren't actually any missions or zones using them aside from a couple hero Tip missions or player-made AE missions.




My favorite enemy groups...

Carnivale of Shadows, they are truly enigmatic as to their roots and have a certain class to themselves.

Malta, I really like their evil corporate background, also they have a nice variety of specialist classes. After all this is the group that make melee think twice and groan at the mere presence of a Zapper.

Snakemen red side, really wish CoV would do much more with them, they do have a great theme and source, be nice if they had an island to themselves. Perhaps the Goddess Medusa could be thier ultimate hidden sponsor? TF built around this would be awesome!



To Fight:
I absolutely LOVE fighting Freakshow. They are colorful and fairly easy, but best of all they are NOT monotonous looking clones like the Council. A horde of giant-blade-for-an-arm beats olive drab anyday. And, of course I like the surprise that comes from their somewhat random chance to rez.

I love the look and style of Wyvern. I like the Freaks and Arachnos... but my all-time favorite looking enemy is a Greater/Lesser Devoured. I really wish we could have tentacle beards/faces on PCs.

Conceptually, I think one of my favorite groups is Arachnos. They are a hugely varied group all trying to live up to a survival of the fittest mantra (my favorite Marvel villain is Apocalypse, so this isn't surprising). Also, they are fun to fight and look pretty nifty too.

I really think that Wyvern wins the day for me. I like that they are a 'secret' group funded and founded by Manticore because he thinks other organizations are a bit too wussy. I love their look... and I really love how they got tied into Chimera's missions in Praet via the costumry of the Project Phoenix folks. And, to top it all off, they are one of the few groups to use bow and arrow (and theyhave friggin' quivers!). My only desire is that they appear on blueside and that they appear MORE on redside.



Praetorian Protesters, the fact that I can just jump into a protesting group and wail on them with fire, ice, bullets, electric blasts is hilarious and fun. What makes it even better is when the only they fight back with is brawl and throwing rocks. I know that there's a zone event with protesters, but haven't encountered that yet.

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Rogue Isles Villains and Paragon Heroes.

I always complained that we didn't run into them enough, especially blueside. Pre-issue 18, the only time you fought someone in a wild costume or with a name like 'Evil Man' or something were archvillains and safeguard missions. (You could count the villain group in the STF, but a lot of people skip past that part) This wasn't as much of a problem redside, as costumed heroes and villains appeared A LOT.

Now with tip-missions we get to see more of them. There were blueside players who didn't know those two groups even existed!
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



My 10 faves:

Snakes -- the main reason I stuck with CoV despite the hideously horrendous starting zone. I'd really like to see more toons developed using the snake body (Medusa, anyone?)

Syndicate -- one of the few human gangs that really piques my interest. I love how their slick, modern Japanese aesthetic contrasts against the older Tsoo (whom I also like, just not as much). And I'd love to see the something like the Syndicate in Paragon proper.

Seers -- awesome look and awesome concept, straight out of "Minority Report."

Freakshow -- as much as I think they're overused, they've still got such a unique look that make them perhaps my favorite techie group.

Devouring Earth -- great looking, unique villains that are truly freaky. Loves me some mushroom heads!

Fir Bolg -- flaming pumpkin heads? Loves me them, too. Awesome!

Arachnos -- as much as I completely hate how Arachnos dominates the CoV storyline, I still find them a fun group to fight. Mu Mystics are a real fave, but Fortunata, Crab Spiders, Spider Robots -- a diverse group that still makes sense together.

Rikti -- mental aliens, and I never tire of the invasions. And monkeys! Love the monkeys!

Carnival -- Simply georgeous, very dangerous, and they still feel like comic book villains. LOVE the Illusionists and their hoop skirts. Perhaps the best villains in game.

Rularuu -- Wow! Some of the most "alien" encounters in the game. They make me feel like I'm not being "forced" to team, but that the threat is so big that I "need" a team for our world to survive. More, please.
My Least Favorite:
Gangs -- Skulls, Hellions, Outcast, Warriors, Mooks, Family

Military/Paramilitary -- Council, 5th Column, Longbow, Crey

While each of these groups has a boss or two that I find pretty interesting, it's hard for me to think of them as much more than generic street gangs with powers, or gun-wielding guys who matching military suits. They don't really feel "super," and do almost nothing for me. (The Nemesis would have been among these least faves if not for their awesome outfits and the War Hulks... LOVE the War Hulks.)

Oh, and a special "least favorite" mention for the Council Vampires (and to a lesser extent Werewolves). I get the concept that they're not "real" vampires, but they still feel completely wrong as part of the Council, and they're especially out of place in the Halloween event. I mean, those outfits? Ugh! Can't we get some REAL vampires for Halloween instead of these super soldier pseudo-vamps?



Red Caps - They are such a pain, that it feels so good be beat them down.

Trantula Mistresses and the Fortunas: the ones with the Psi attacks. With no Psi resistance these are always a challenge so it makes for a good fight.



Ghouls. I love the ghouls. Can't explain it really, but I get giggly when I fight them.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Freaks hands down!



Originally Posted by Gobbledygook View Post
Ghouls. I love the ghouls. Can't explain it really, but I get giggly when I fight them.
I think it must be the absolute fit they throw when you defeat them that amuses me the most. I got that emote on my latest Praetorian the other day and I just can't stop using it.