Protester not Rewarding




I just did the Nova Praetoria Zone Event with only me being the active participant. Therefore, I should have got the reward table with the badge and temp power. However, even though I defeated all the protesters and Destroyers with some help from PPD and no objects were destroyed, I only got the smaller reward table with only 3 possible selections. Since I am on a mastermind, does this mean that the zone event is "giving" the good reward table to my henchmen and not to me or is it bugged for everyone? I didn't have a problem with the other two zone events as far as getting the reward table with the badge.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Well I'd think that all three events should work the same regardless. Either you should be able to do all of them solo or none of them solo. Sounds like there's a bug there one way or the other.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



My wife was complaining about this same problem on her MM, she wasn't solo but she believes her pet damage was not going toward the badge requirements. She /bug'd it.



I duo'ed the Neutropolis event this morning with Dollmistress, and did not received the option for the badge at the end (just DO, Inf, or Insp). It was only the two of us, so it seemed strange to not have been given the option to select the badge.

On my second run (solo), I was granted the badge option.

Gremlins in the system, I suspect.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



From what I can tell, the Badge being a Reward Option is not only depenedant on how much you participate, but also on how much time is left before the Zone Event ends.

For example, during the CB, I went to Nova, and there was about 10 mins. on the timer. I managed to solo the entire Event, and got a small reward table in return, and no Badge option.

Earlier tonight, on Live, I popped in to Neut to see if the Zone Event was up, and it was down to 9 mins. 2 other people were on a team and doing it. When I got there, it had just gotten to the part where you have to defeat the bodyguards, and then 30 Failed Experiments. When it was over, I got a small reward table, and no Badge option.

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I do belive the indivdual particpation thing about these events to be true. During the Takedown event, I was not sure exactly where to go and what to do, and did not contribute greatly to the team, except during the end. Got a small reward table. Did the event again duo'd and did ALOT more of it and got the badge option,



Originally Posted by Spatch View Post
I duo'ed the Neutropolis event this morning with Dollmistress, and did not received the option for the badge at the end (just DO, Inf, or Insp). It was only the two of us, so it seemed strange to not have been given the option to select the badge.

On my second run (solo), I was granted the badge option.

Gremlins in the system, I suspect.
Maybe I just did 91+% of the damage, tee hee


The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
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Tee Hee!



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
Maybe I just did 91+% of the damage, tee hee

Ha ha ha!


It was the first time I ran the event, I suspect that period of time where I was "lost" doomed my final badge selection.

*shakes fist at Dolly*

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



The Protestor and Laureate Badges were not awarding to any of my Masterminds. As it seems, as someone mentioned, your pet's damage does not count for your damage, even if you score a kill via pets.

Tonight, I was able to get both badges by NOT summoning my pets and teaming with others that were able to handle me as a "petless" Mastermind.

For any MM's that are having this problem, I suggest doing what I did and teaming and going petless.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Do you get the option for the badge regardless of which path you take for the events, and successfully complete it?

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
Do you get the option for the badge regardless of which path you take for the events, and successfully complete it?
No. Different reward tables have different options on them. You need the large reward table to get the badges.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Reading through some of the posts, the people getting the small table got what they were supposed to based on the path they took, no?

I've already forgotten about most of you



These 3 praetorian events are going to be the end of me

I've actually gotten protestor, but it was because I was solo. The other two, I've gotten the small reward tables, I've gotten the large reward tables, and I've even gotten what seems to be the medium reward tables. Everyone in group is always like WOOT Badge, and I'm just looking at the list, no badge offerings.

I've done the Imperial and Neu missions more than 15 times each and have yet to get a badge for either one. Really dumb design, or just a bad bug. Just reward the badge to the people who actually participate from beginning to end. I personally think the reason I'm not getting a badge is because I'm an emp def and they probably just reward it based on something dumb, like total damage done.



my limited experience of the events to get the badge reward option you have had to have need there for the whole event, in fact I was early to all the ones I got badges from.

if you arrive and the event is in progress I don't think you'll get the badge.

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We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



I was messing around yesterday, ended up doing the Imperial and Neutropolis events three times while solo. I also soloed the Nova one twice, and then I came across it already in progress and joined in, barely. I killed one seer, punched a couple items, but only destroyed two, and then killed maybe five TEST officers. I got a reward table with several options, although the badge didn't appear because I already had it.

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Originally Posted by WingsOfGlory View Post
These 3 praetorian events are going to be the end of me

I've actually gotten protestor, but it was because I was solo. The other two, I've gotten the small reward tables, I've gotten the large reward tables, and I've even gotten what seems to be the medium reward tables. Everyone in group is always like WOOT Badge, and I'm just looking at the list, no badge offerings.

I've done the Imperial and Neu missions more than 15 times each and have yet to get a badge for either one. Really dumb design, or just a bad bug. Just reward the badge to the people who actually participate from beginning to end. I personally think the reason I'm not getting a badge is because I'm an emp def and they probably just reward it based on something dumb, like total damage done.
That's not WAI. The Devs specifically said that buffs are supposed to be tracked and count.

Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
my limited experience of the events to get the badge reward option you have had to have need there for the whole event, in fact I was early to all the ones I got badges from.

if you arrive and the event is in progress I don't think you'll get the badge.
I've arrived after an event started and got the large table reward. It wasn't too far into the even, tho.

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The first time I ran through the Great Escape event in Neutropolis, I had one teammate and we were the only players who participated in the event. We formed our team before the event started and were waiting at the event location before it began. At no time during the event did I disconnect or leave the team. My teammate, who had done the event once before and had the badge, was offered the large rewards table with the emotes, but I was offered neither badges nor emotes.

After having to run not just this event but both the other Praetorian events twice to get the larger rewards table, I put in a /petition to figure out if something was up. I was told that my "participation level didn't meet the requirement for the top-tier rewards and so they weren't offered. When you ran each of these a second time, your participation level was higher than before and, as such, you were offered the highest tier of rewards for your efforts. This is working as intended."

I asked what the standards for "participation level" were, but the GM was unable to provide a response as "That is a question of design and, as such, is best asked of the Development Team through the City of Heroes forums."



I just got this after a petition and discussion with GMs:

At this time, this aspect of gameplay is functioning as intended by the game developers. Mastermind pet damage will not count toward badge credit in Praetorian zone events.
Really? Working as intended? I really doubt the devs are that numb.



Originally Posted by Alpha-One View Post
Really? Working as intended? I really doubt the devs are that numb.
Same here. However, considering the OTHER issues that Masterminds are having to put up with alone (in addition to the usual cadre of bugs to squash)... I can easily see this being very low on the priority list.

I mean, I can partially understand the reasoning here... they don't want someone to just summon a Shivan/HVAS/Snow Beast and have it just go to town while they wait at the side. Its negative impact on Masterminds is just another unintentional slap in the face.

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Yeah, I prefer to believe it's a technical problem and not just the devs wanting "no badge for joo MMs!" It may not be possible to distinguish pets from other critters that just may wander up and get involved in the mess.

The MM's participation as a buffer/debuffer SHOULD earn him the rewards. However, in many cases the resiliance and buffs of the henchmen themselves provide as much or even more to the MM's participation.



Originally Posted by Alpha-One View Post
I just got this after a petition and discussion with GMs:

At this time, this aspect of gameplay is functioning as intended by the game developers. Mastermind pet damage will not count toward badge credit in Praetorian zone events.
Really? Working as intended? I really doubt the devs are that numb.
Damage, in itself, is not part of the reward criteria. Otherwise, we'd have situations where Scrapper vs. Defender would almost always yield smaller rewards for the defender.

The guys who built the scoring system have gone to extreme lengths to ensure that everyone who is actively participating gets a fair share of the rewards.



That is still a bit confusing for me. I mean for scrappers and direct battle people, but what about the buffers, trollers and pets?

Also first post after a red for me =D



I ran these this week on my Necro/Dark MM, and succeeded in getting all 3 zone event badges.

The Nova event I got on the first try, and was solo for it.

The Imperial event I got on the first try, and was solo for it.

The Neutropolis event I got on my second attempt. The first I was duo'ed with a Brute, and I suspect that the Boss escaped at the end. (I'm not sure either way.) I only got a small reward selection screen, so I chose merits. The second attempt I was solo, and defeated the boss. This got me the large reward table, so I got the badge. Did it again a third time for the Failed Experiments badge, defeated the boss again, and got the large table again.

My MM rarely uses any attacks; I only have the one from my PPP and my 2 vet reward attacks. I usually use debuffs, heals, etc. So, it is possibly to receive it just based on pets taking down the critters.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
Yeah, I prefer to believe it's a technical problem and not just the devs wanting "no badge for joo MMs!" It may not be possible to distinguish pets from other critters that just may wander up and get involved in the mess.

The MM's participation as a buffer/debuffer SHOULD earn him the rewards. However, in many cases the resiliance and buffs of the henchmen themselves provide as much or even more to the MM's participation.
In my experience a lot of MM's don't use their buffs and debuffs all that much. They just let their pets do all the work.

If pet participation isn't tracked than that might be the cause of MM's not getting propper rewars.

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Alpha is a Merc/FF MM. He bubbles at the beginning of the battle, pops Dispersion bubble and that's all he CAN do to participate. :P He rebubbles when needed..other than that, what else can he do?

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