How fast did you get your Common Boost?

Adeon Hawkwood



After finishing the Ramiel arc, I dropped 150 Vanguard merits on a Gr'ai matter and headed to Cimerora. Put together a PuG ITF with a Scrapper, a Blaster, a Defender (me) and five Brutes. We SMASHed our way through the TF. Nine Incarnate Shards dropped for me in total. Grabbed the Nictus Fragment from the reward box, crafted an Essence of Incarnate with four Shards, crafted Spiritual Boost.

Even if I couldn't use Vanguard Merits I'd still have my Common Boost at the end, as it is I have 6 shards left over. One LGTF and one more ITF, and I'll have the Uncommon.

Fortunately I have six more level 50s all waiting for a slice of the Alpha pie, so I won't be too bored until the next two tiers are released. Oh, and I guess there's always the Apex and Tin Mage TFs.

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I wonder how long that'll take solo.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



after duoing the oro arc. we ran a lgtf and an itf. that was enough to get my common.

later on in the evening. ran the same 2 task forces, so i didnt get anymore salvage drops, but picked up enough shards to create my next enhancement, a Musculature Radial Boost (uncommon) and my plant/storm/stone controller can feel the difference

So far, I like the way it is set up

Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker



The two 50s I'm going Incarnate with both had 150 Vanguard merits (V-merits?) so I could buy the Grei Matter. Both times running an ITF gave me the salvage I needed to craft the basic boost.
On my 50 Kat/Invul I went with Cardio but I only have 2 shards left over to put towards the upgrade for the +20% resistance.

On my Sonic/Dark corruptor I went Spiritual and 18 hours from now when I log back in I'll have enough salvage to craft the upgrade for the 33% Healing. I'll probably start working on a Cardio boost for her before I play the Scrapper again. There were many many times on a Cuda tonight I would've swap out Spiritual for Cardio if I had the option.



Got my Musculature common within the evening with my main Tanker, Prince Bishop.

Ran unlock arc with my girlfriend and one of my Global friends fairly quickly. Took a while to get an STF running though. The drop was one of the components I needed and my girlfriend needed it for Spiritual plus she had not done the STF before.

TF took longer than it should have done but again the only problem was Super Recluse. Despite Bishops latest IO build with near HP cap and massive Regen off one enemy, he still knocked me down quite a bit with calls that I should have IO'd out and made a Granite Tanker my main (I do have a Lv 50 Granite Tanker that is due to be IO'd but for everything else in game my WP/SS IO'd Tanker reigns supreme)

Came out of the TF with 8 shards though which meant I could convert the other two pieces I needed and slot the first common.

Looking for the next one tonight. Aiming for the branch that will lead to the 45% Damage increase. Will start with a Kahn TF as I need that item and enough shards to upgrade. Already converted Vanguard Merits for one part and maybe fit in another STF for the item again to complete next enhancement if I don;t have enough shards to just make one.

So far though enjoying one shotting any minion with Knockout Blow and taking out 3/4 of most LT's HP with Laser Beam Eyes and a Knockout Blow. :-)

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

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Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



Ran a Shard-run ITF for the Ancient Nictus Fragment, but had bad luck with the drops. Got only 5 shards. Ran a speed-Khan for the Dimensional Keystone and crafted my Nerve Boost.

That took about an evening, and I've got a Dimensional Keystone to spare since the Khan was very generous with drops for a speedrun. 15 more shards, or 11 and an STF and I've got my Uncommon as well.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



I could have got the common Boost within two hours but I was saving shards so I could buy the two salvage I needed for the Uncommon and to upgrade one of those salvage (16 shards since I had already purchases Gr'ai Matter with Vanguard merits).

So I ran the STF (1 hour 30 minutes), the LGTF (1 hour 30 minutes) and Khan (1 hour) for the taskforces themselves, factor in waiting for enough people to get their incarnate slots to run a Taskforce (1 hour) and the breaks between taskforces, organising teams etc. (40 minutes) and I managed to go from no Incarnate boost to Uncommon Incarnate boost in 5 hours 40 minutes.

Shard Total for each taskforce:
Statesman Taskforce: 7 Shards.
Lady Grey Taskforce: 6 Shards.
Dr Khan Taskforce: 6 Shards.
Total: 19 Shards.



I got my Common boost after two ITFs and a LGTF. Mostly I just wanted the shards. I think I got 3 or 4 from each of the TFs.


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After doing Ramiel's arc, I joined a Mothership raid, got 5 shard drops and a Grei Matter from the Vanguard tables. Then joined a Hamidon raid for an extra of 9 shards (5 from drops, 4 from reward) and crafted my first common, Spiritual. My Plant/Emp/Stone Controller likes it a lot.



Well I earned enough vanguard merits before hand to purchase one component and did a single hami run which earned me 11 shards that I used to craft the last two components.



I got the Recharge/Heal Uncommon Boost, here's what I did:

1. Ramiel's arc. Got 1 Shard.

2. Bought G'rai Matter with Vanguard Merits. That's 1 Component.

3. Ran ITF. Got Ancient Nictus Component (2nd Component) and 6 Shards.

4. Crafted third Component from 4 Shards. (2 Shards left over)

5. From the 3 Components, I crafted and slotted my Common Alpha Boost.

6. Did a LGTF. Got a component and 5 Shards. (Now up to 7 Shards)

7. Did a Dr. Kahn TF. Got a component and 6 Shards. (Now up to 13 Shards)

8. Spent a Component and 8 Shards for an Uncommon Component. (5 Shards left)

9. Spent 4 Shards to create a Component. (1 Shard left)

10. Spent my Common Boost, 2 Common Components, and the one Uncommon Component for the Uncommon Boost and slotted it.

Then I did the two new Incarnate TFs.

One day.

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Common boost? I had my Uncommon boost before going to bed last night.

- Started playing at 17:15 UK time
- Remiel arc first, then redside explore badges
- Blueside explore badges (except Terra Volta)
- Quick LGTF, ITF and STF. By the end of the ITF I created my common boost (roughly 10pm) By the end of the STF I had 11 shards
- Finished blueside explores and began Praetoria badges
- Apex TF and crafted uncommon boost (about midnight)
- Soloed the Protest and Syndicate Takedown. Grabbed all the Praetoria defeat badges
- Tin Mage TF
- Finished all the Praetoria "above ground" explores (4am)

Collapsed from exhaustion at around 5am, with 1138 badges

Worst part was the Shadow Shard and Sewer explores, blueside. I did those first because I knew they would be mind-numbingly tedious.

Tonight I'll be finishing the Praetoria badges then trying for the Master badges on the new TFs!

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



I didn't get to play long. Only enough time for the arc and a non speed beat up everything you see LGTF. Got 12 shards from that. I crafted a GM with merits and coverted the shards for a spiritual. I have 5 shards and 1 Hero 1 componet left.

Tonight, the plan is one ITF and I should be able to upgrade to the uncommon. That is if I get the type of shard drop I got from the LGTF last night. After that, ill look for an Apex and Tin Mage. Then its on to the next alt.

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



Originally Posted by Rieze View Post
I didn't get to play long. Only enough time for the arc and a non speed beat up everything you see LGTF. Got 12 shards from that. I crafted a GM with merits and coverted the shards for a spiritual. I have 5 sharts and 1 Hero 1 componet left.

Tonight, the plan is one ITF and I should be able to upgrade to the uncommon. That is if I get the type of shard drop I got from the LGTF last night. After that, ill look for an Apex and Tin Mage. Then its on to the next alt.
Hmm. Maybe weakened Hami and his Mito friends are dropping regular Hami quantities of shards? That makes the LGTF quite useful

I was very surprised at how easy it was to accumulate shards. From the Beta chatter it sounded ike I'd maybe get a total of 1 or 2 last night, but in fact I got 20 from 5 TFs.

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



It will still be a couple more days before I even unlock the Alpha slot on one of my characters...

After that, I might collect enough shards to build a common boost. Someday. Playing the character now and then, doing standard missions, it should take a very long time I would think.



Didn't have a ton of time last night.

Log in to my DA tank.
Duo the incarnate arc with friend's plant/rad. Maybe an hour.
Respec'd tanker to pick up Oppressive Gloom, Quicksand, and Teleport. 20 minutes.
Spend 150 of my 500 saved Vanguard merits on one ingredient.
Form up a +2 LGTF to be run by the standard ruleset. Twenty minutes.
Play through the +2 LGTF, killing anything in our path. Got another ingredient and a total of 10 shards. Two hours.

Crafted the Cardiac boost and tried to solo a Pylon. Still not enough damage to overcome regen, but at least my attack chain is endurance sustainable.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Ha. Im still too busy doing respecs...

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
Hmm. Maybe weakened Hami and his Mito friends are dropping regular Hami quantities of shards? That makes the LGTF quite useful

I was very surprised at how easy it was to accumulate shards. From the Beta chatter it sounded ike I'd maybe get a total of 1 or 2 last night, but in fact I got 20 from 5 TFs.
Actually, no one on my team got any shards that mission. For me, it was 5 on the first, 3 on the 2nd, 2 on the 3rd, 0 on the 4th, and 2 on the last. I think the last could have dropped more if we stayed for all the abushes and cleared the last room.

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



Got it this morning after running an LGTF, getting 7 shards and crafting a Gr'ai Matter (lolbrain) last night. Group fell apart because... I fell asleep. D:

I ran a solo +1/x8 mission before I clocked in to work and got my last shard. Crafted my Cardiac. It's made my Dark/Dark/Soul so much more sustainable. I plan to craft my uncommon, then work on either Musculature or Spiritual.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
It will still be a couple more days before I even unlock the Alpha slot on one of my characters...

After that, I might collect enough shards to build a common boost. Someday. Playing the character now and then, doing standard missions, it should take a very long time I would think.
I... actually disagree.

After I unlocked the slot, I did one tip mission, and then did the arc again with my wife, so she could unlock her slot.

We run at +2x6, but by the end of the evening, I had four Incarnate shards and a Grai Matter in my inventory (had some leftover Vanguard merits.)

I think that, even solo, it shouldn't be all that onerous.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
I... actually disagree.

After I unlocked the slot, I did one tip mission, and then did the arc again with my wife, so she could unlock her slot.

We run at +2x6, but by the end of the evening, I had four Incarnate shards and a Grai Matter in my inventory (had some leftover Vanguard merits.)

I think that, even solo, it shouldn't be all that onerous.
That would be nice. I don't have nearly that many Vanguard merits on hand, but I could always get lucky with the shard drops.



Back to back Hami raids last night got me 15 total shards. 1 of those was from unlocking the Alpha slot. 15 seemed to be the limit as quite a few people that stayed for both Hami's had exactly 15 shards and no one had more.



I accidentally left a Hamidon reward window open from about a week ago, so when I logged in to start, I was able to get a four-shard head start. Grabbed a Gra'i Matter and joined an ITF, where I earned eight more shards and life was good. I actually forwent the common, joined a Lady G later in the evening, got seven more shards on that, and went straight to uncommon. And people say you can't be productive when you're on vacation!

I'm not expecting that sort of speed with my other 50s (not sure I'd even want it), but I admit, it was a highly gratifying way to start using the system.