How fast did you get your Common Boost?

Adeon Hawkwood



I had mine after about 3 hours.

Join a PuG LGTF. It was bad, the leader didn't get any holds, hadn't lead the thing in a while, and though they kept saying let's do this "fast" they basically wanted to clear everything.

Still during that LGTF in the first 3 missions I got 7 shards. Crafted one of the components I needed.

We failed at hami, people quit, had no holds etc, it took about 2 hours to get to that point and have it fail.

Started my own LGTF got like 6 more shards, and the Component for beating the TF, took around an hour. Crafted the third component I needed and it was done.

Then I crafted another component that I would need for my uncommong component, bought a grai matter with vanguard merits and ran Apex looking to get enough shards to craft the next component I needed.

Got the other component, then went to bed. Ran Tin Mage last night, got the last 6 shards I needed to craft the uncommon component, got my uncommon boost.

Total play time, maybe 6 - 7 hours. Though a good chunk of that time was stuck fighting tough AVs or Hami where I wasn't getting any shard drops.

Honestly, the whole thing is a little under whelming and I'm still hoping that future incarnate stuff is more closely linked to the content and story and challenges, rather than this New Arc, Old Content+ crafting, then new TFs.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Heh... I have the slots open on Ash and Kestrel.

Neither has their actual boost yet. Kestrel still only has one shard. Ash was "lucky" enough to pick up a second one last night.

This is going to take forever.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
Ha. Im still too busy doing respecs...
This. Figured i am just going to do this for one server. Just 5 more lvl 40 pluses to respec and then I'll probably want to do some crafting for the new powers I picked up. THEn I'll be ready to play.



Between respecs and leveling my MM to 50 I haven't even run the arc yet.



So it's now 3 days since Issue 19 release and I'm now sporting two Uncommon Incarnate Boosts.

Which is nice.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I got the Recharge/Heal Uncommon Boost, here's what I did:

1. Ramiel's arc. Got 1 Shard.

2. Bought G'rai Matter with Vanguard Merits. That's 1 Component.

3. Ran ITF. Got Ancient Nictus Component (2nd Component) and 6 Shards.

4. Crafted third Component from 4 Shards. (2 Shards left over)

5. From the 3 Components, I crafted and slotted my Common Alpha Boost.

6. Did a LGTF. Got a component and 5 Shards. (Now up to 7 Shards)

7. Did a Dr. Kahn TF. Got a component and 6 Shards. (Now up to 13 Shards)

8. Spent a Component and 8 Shards for an Uncommon Component. (5 Shards left)

9. Spent 4 Shards to create a Component. (1 Shard left)

10. Spent my Common Boost, 2 Common Components, and the one Uncommon Component for the Uncommon Boost and slotted it.

Then I did the two new Incarnate TFs.

One day.
Different TFs here, but similar story. Had an uncommon slotted by the end of a half day after doing three TFs. Have yet to do the Incarnate TFs though.



I got mine today half-way through an LGTF. I had bought the Gra'i Matter beforehand with V-Merits, and I accumulated enough shards by about the third mission to buy the other two pieces.

I was feeling amazing with my Spiritual Boost until after the TF when I realized I forgot to actually slot it. Hello, placebo effect.



Still working on completing the unlock story arc.

Work's been a bit... much... lately.

Only have 1 character respecced so far, too...

Maybe by I20 open beta I'll start seeing enough shard drops to craft something on my main...

Crap. Forgot... the winter event's coming up sometime soon, too... isn't it?



I've got my Spiritual common after one ITF and spending some vanguard merits in a Gra'i Matter



Musculature common after one ship raid, and one LGTF.

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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
After finishing the Ramiel arc, I dropped 150 Vanguard merits on a Gr'ai matter and headed to Cimerora. Put together a PuG ITF with a Scrapper, a Blaster, a Defender (me) and five Brutes. We SMASHed our way through the TF. Nine Incarnate Shards dropped for me in total. Grabbed the Nictus Fragment from the reward box, crafted an Essence of Incarnate with four Shards, crafted Spiritual Boost.

Even if I couldn't use Vanguard Merits I'd still have my Common Boost at the end, as it is I have 6 shards left over. One LGTF and one more ITF, and I'll have the Uncommon.

Fortunately I have six more level 50s all waiting for a slice of the Alpha pie, so I won't be too bored until the next two tiers are released. Oh, and I guess there's always the Apex and Tin Mage TFs.
Yep. Unlocked my alpha slot on my main yesterday.
Immediately bought a Gr'ai Matter in the RWZ.
Pulled the main-tank slot in an STF and had enough to build my Spiritual Boost. HEL-LO PERMAHASTEN!

Later in the evening, had a failed Apex (they just need a huge honkin' "Melee Need Not Apply" sign on it). Heck, we couldn't even kill the Hydra tentacles and wound up having to stand back and kill the pylons from range. Luckily we had enough damage output to do so.

Sucked it up and ran a back-to-back ITF/Khan. Wound up with enough fragments to craft my Spiritual Radial Boost. Gave me a nice little boost, as Health is currently the home of the Big Three Health Uniques.

Now my only problem is when I'm on teams that don't have a lot of mitigation or endurance supplementation. My recharge outstrips my EndRed on all my powers and it's entirely possible to button-mash myself dry through Three-Slotted Stamina, Physical Perfection, two PerfShifter procs and 60% EndRed on most powers.

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Had my common done the evening of the release day after one ITF which was very generous to me. I got enough shards where coupled with the nictus fragment, I was able to make my cardiac common.

Then a couple of TFs later, on the next day I was able to get my uncommon core cardiac done.

Too many alts to list.



On Tuesday I focused on unlocking the Alpha Slot on both of my Lv50s.

On Wednesday, I did a LGTF which netted me 7 shards, plus the Hero 1 DNA. That also gave me enough Vanguard merits to buy a Gr'ai Matter. I crafted a Musculature Boost (common) from that.

On Thursday, I did another LGTF, then the Apex and Tin Mage TFs. When all was said and done, I had 18 shards, another Gr'ai Matter (via Vanguard Merits), and the Hero 1 DNA. I could've crafted the Musculature Core or Radial with what I had, but I decided to go for the Cardiac Radial instead. Looking at the Alpha Slot tree, I figured that I needed either 2 more shards or the Nictus Fragment to create a Cardiac Radial boost.

On Friday, I did the ITF, which netted me 6 shards and the Nictus Fragment. That was enough for my uncommon slot. I also picked up another shard while doing tip missions. For now, I'm good with my alpha enhancements, but I'll probably prepare myself for i20 by getting the Cardiac Core as well, so I'll have an easier path towards creating the very rare enhancements.

Play my MA arcs!

Tracking Down Jack Ketch - ArcID #2701
Cat War! - ArcID #2788



It was about the same for me.. Finished the Mender Arc and hooked up on a ITF follwed that with a LRSF and I had more than enough for my common in about 3 hours time. One LGTF and a purchase of Gi' Kar (?) with vangaurd merits and I had my umcommon slotted.

Biggest thing I have noticed so far is some people just don't quite get that shard drops are NOT tied to mission complete. I ran several ITFs on Beta and in less then 2 hour hoiurs we killed just about everything on every map. I got 12, 10 and 11 shards that way. I did one the other day on live and the team was doing a real good imitation of a speed run and then couldn't understand why they only got 4 or 5 shards. I forget the breakdown someone did exactly but its something like 1000 minions = 1 shard 580 Lieutenants = 1shard
300 plus bosses = 1 shard. No one I saw even had figures on AVs or EBs but the point was skipping huge amounts of mobs to get to the end works fine if all you want is reward merits and a badge but if you want maximum shards KILL everything (forget the speed run).

It also helps to run different TFs not the same one over and over. You can only get one Hero 1 DNA sample every 18 (or is it 20?) hours by completing a LGTF. Same thing with the Nictus Fragment awarded at the completion of an ITF. Do it twice and you'll still get your shard drops but you only get the option to take reward merits not another fragment. So I am a Rogue I can do a LGTF, ITF, Dr Kahn TF, Statesman TF, Barracuda SF and a LR SF all in the same day and get a bonus at the end of each along with all my shard drops. Add in a Hami raid.. not sure but maybe even two, one red side and one blue side, and a Mothership raid and I could have uncommons of just about every kind built without repeating a single TF.

LOL NO I have not spent THAT much time on line doing back to back to back to... TF/SFs but at this point my Crab spider has several Uncommons crafted and enough shards for another common slot enhancer. I am now into saving shards for when the rare and ultra rares become available. Oh and working on commons and uncommons for some of my other 50s :-D

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I just got mine.

I unlocked the Alpha slot on the day after I19 went live. Just completed a single LGTF and picked up the extra 7 shards I'd need to make the common boost. I had enough Vanguard merits for the G'Rai Matter.

So basically on TF and had my common boost to Recharge. This will mean more Noxious Gas on my bruiser more often! Let the farts begin!!



Opened the Alpha slot on Tuesday afternoon and already had 525 V-Merits saved. Doing only solo TIP and Borea mishes with sporadic street fighting in RWZ, PI and Rikti Invasions, tonight, finally accumulated enough shards to craft a Spiritual Common with 2 shards left over to be used for the Uncommon.

Solo'ers take heart. You can get there - maybe not as fast as the TF'ers - but it can be done.



I've been working away solo on my SS/FA brute and (with the help of two Grai Matter along the way) I've just crafted my uncommon boost. I'm quite happy with the solo shard drop rate - it's not punishingly low but it does require some time investment, as it should.

Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen

In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!