Should XP be removed from AE?

Adeon Hawkwood



I'm positive I'm not alone in this, but if XP was removed from AE then I'd rarely use it. I don't care how good the arcs or stories are. If I wanted just a good story then I'd read a book by a real author. If I spend an hour in AE doing XP-less content then I wouldn't be able to help but think that I could have spent that hour getting XP, progressing, and doing some good content all together in the real game.

It's a wonderful place to get through the 1-20 levels. No traveling across maps, different zones, hospital is right there etc... And for the long time vets who are just tired of the 1-20 parts of the game. Not to mention it was and is advertised as a place you can do all your leveling from 1 to 50 in one place.

Now, IMO, if you ask me, as a whole AE is just too much trouble than it's worth. I'd rather them spend their resources on the actual game then having to deal with all the exploits that AE has come up with.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
They can't remove XP from the AE due to having printed on the City of Heroes: Architect Edition boxes that you can level from 1 to 50 doing nothing but AE missions. It would be inviting a lawsuit.
*cough* base raids *cough*

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Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Personally my opinion is to simply make a "farm" check-box to allow for farms to be easily filtered out and then make it an arc lockable offense to not use it on a farm arc (obviously farm arcs using exploits would still be subject to the current rules). Of course I can't see the devs actually going for this since they seem reluctant to officially condone AE farming but I think such a system would, long term, help people who want to use the AE for stories by allowing them to easily filter out farms.
You would never get a "farm" checkbox past anyone.

However, you could get a "combat only - no story" checkbox in there. The only problem is that you'd have to be careful not to be looking for a map full of pushovers, and accidentally walk into the scrapper challenge mission.

Technically speaking you could farm the scrapper challenge mission, but I don't recommend it.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
You would never get a "farm" checkbox past anyone.

However, you could get a "combat only - no story" checkbox in there. The only problem is that you'd have to be careful not to be looking for a map full of pushovers, and accidentally walk into the scrapper challenge mission.

Technically speaking you could farm the scrapper challenge mission, but I don't recommend it.
See this is why I could never go into politics, I calls them as I sees them. A "combat only - no story" checkbox might be more palatable to some people but from a practical point of view the design intent is the same: separate the farms from the story arcs. After all, you never see people complaining about challenge arcs crowding out the story arcs .



Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
Here we go again....
I know, asking this question should be a hangin' offense.



It's now an EULA violation for using the tools provided in game for gain? If that were the case, every mission, every arc, every strikeforce.. is a violation. It's not the players responsibility to know the intention of every implemented feature, we aren't mind readers. Yes, the monkey stuff was abit absurd.. but the reality is the players were not really doing anything 'wrong' - Making maps that had a mob that was bugged.. sure, not really moral.. but at the same time, not their fault for the mistake in coding. It was fixed, maps were deleted, everyone's moved on to Alpha stuff but still people wanna rage and im sure will continue to do so for weeks to come.

There's a large difference between abuse and exploit.. I suggest a couple of you look into it. What's happening is abuse, not exploiting. The term exploit has been diluted from it's real MMO meaning for awhile now. Go back to 1999 and read up on an Everquest guild named Conquest killing "The Sleeper" if you really don't understand the concept. (although sadly you will probably get the polluted "we are innocent!" version)

Personally I don't understand the devs adversity to farming when they make the games natural reward system terribly slow. They've tried to stop it at every turn since the beginning dumpster diving, auto-follow 5th col. sweeping, libTV/Demon door sitting, Ouro flashback merit bonanza, and eventually AE. Players are going to find a way, it's not their fault to be honest.

Any time someone levels faster than you for whatever the reason, you guys seem to lash out and whine about it. I level'd a few chars legit faster than some of these (well not the recent monkey stuff) AE babies have.. and yet.. some people would still complain.

Mission Arc farming gives too much xp!
Resetting missions for farming gives too many recipies and money!
Tanker burn herding is working too well!
Dumpster diving 60 mobs at a time is killing my gameplay!
Door sitters are ruining my game!

These things all have something in common. They don't really affect you and the way you want to play the game in your care-bear-huggy-roleplaying-sit-under-the-Atlas-globe-and-dance world.

What if I wanted to make a really fancy story arc of my own and it just happened to have alot of XYZ mobs in it that happen to be tailored to my /ELA brute's strengths? Do I get a strike? Am I gonna get banninated?

It's really rediclious how uppity people get about AE, farming, and leveling in this game.

In short, yes, if EXP was removed from AE, it would die it's already slow coming death.



In response to the OP:

First off - if they removed Rewards: No way in **** would I play it! Unless: *new* and *cool* features were added that I couldn't get anywhere else (in addition to whats there) -- THEN I would consider playing AE

If they removed JUST experence - I MIGHT play it with 50s - falling back on reasoning above.

If they removed JUST experience and increased other rewards -- I'd still only do it with 50s most likely - more so than previously stated. Depends on the reward upscale.

Would I still create something, yeah maybe. Who is going to play it though, besides me??


Banning without warning is silly -- I think first offense would just be communicating "Hey - Stop ____ or else" -- Second offense = lock account out of AE permanently. -- 3rd would be like bye bye, permanent or extended amount of time will 2nd's stuff.


Sure every system has problem... Question is who the heck tested that issue?? Just thinking back to launch was like wow!
Things always slip through the cracks, and they have made progress. (1.5years later lol)
Though I don't like some of the band-aid fixes that place stupid restrictions on things.
The continue to make those band-aid fixes and end up having to follow it up, which is what is the most aggravating, needs to work on that.


I don't care what kind of missions people make -- Proper filter systems and make use of them.


If you really think about it... your character is actually doing something - honing skills - which is literally gaining experience. Your accomplishments earn you influence and infamy, and prestige - just like the regular world. You aren't fighting real objects, so I totally can see why you don't get loot. Your loot is digital, like arcade tickets, play it, learn,have fun, earn a reward medium, and cash in the medium for real rewards.

Makes perfect sense to me.


My solution? Patch the holes as you find them. Try and let as many people who want to experience it do so. Always seek to do for the greater good in all things. If it doesnt directly effect your play experience, try not to let it bother you.
I agree...

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Originally Posted by Xorgoth View Post
[snip] What I'd get rid of is Inf, since how is fighting a fake enemy in a hologram giving you real money to spend out in the world..

I'd also remove Prestige.. Again, while you might learn something fighting a holographic enemy, I doubt playing what is essentially an advanced video game would make your group seem very prestigious.. Same for inspirations and the like.. You get them in the MA, and they should work in the MA, but once you exit the hologrammy goodness, items produced in there wouldn't exist on the outside.
The problem with this view is that you're perceiving the AE as strictly an entertainment system within a superhero setting - holographic television, and nothing more.

A great many of the AE writers I know (myself among them) don't see it this way. The system was implemented in this way because (apparently) it was easier than creating a system for using existing contacts to give out missions or, worse, somehow generating CUSTOM contacts for people to go visit out "in the real world". But most AE story writers like to see their stories as events that ARE occurring out "in the real world" of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. The AE building is a "necessary evil" that many have simply chosen to pretend is not, in fact, part of the process of their story enveloping the "viewer". As such, the rewards should be just as "real" as the events in their stories.

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Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



As for the folks that want to be able to screen farms out of their searches, try my method, acquired by asking myself a simple question: How many farms are more than one mission in length?

Seriously. I simply don't search ANYthing there with an arc length of less than 'medium'. Have yet to encounter a single farm that way. Granted, some of the arcs still stink, but the amount is only slightly higher than the percentage of low-quality fiction on the average bookstore shelf.

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Originally Posted by Securitron XI View Post
It's now an EULA violation for using the tools provided in game for gain?
No, but it is against the EULA (that you and every player agreed to when you joined, I might add.) to exploit a bug in the system. Which AE ExFarms are created with the express purpose of doing. It's cheating, plain and simple.

It's much like playing backgammon (or most any other dice-using game) but instead of rolling the dice, you simple set the dice down to whatever you want them to read each turn. Sure, the dice don't prevent that action, after all its just "using the tools you were given." But, do that with any player, any organized league, whatever and you'll be asked stop or to leave. Why should cheating be dealt with any differently in this case?

Originally Posted by Securitron XI View Post
There's a large difference between abuse and exploit.. I suggest a couple of you look into it. What's happening is abuse, not exploiting... ...get the polluted "we are innocent!" version)
... and you'd be wrong. It *is* exploiting. Why, because the devs specifically say that it is. I'm sure the term has roots somewhere, most do, but this is a specific conversation about a specific cheating issue that is considered a violation of the EULA of the City of Heroes product.

Originally Posted by Securitron XI View Post
Personally I don't understand the devs adversity to farming... ...merit bonanza, and eventually AE.
They aren't and they've said so many many times. What they are against is people cheating. Farming isn't cheating, exploiting a bug is.

Originally Posted by Securitron XI View Post
Players are going to find a way, it's not their fault to be honest...
Actually, it is.

There are people that specifically look for game issues and then report them. These people are called are troubleshooters (as well as other flattering terms)... they even get a badge for that in CoH. Many honest fun-loving people with an interest in the game proudly wear the "Bug Hunter" badge.

Then, there are the others, people that specifically look for game issues and then instead of reporting them, use them to circumvent the established function and format of the game. These people are called are cheaters (as well as other not-so-flattering terms), and it is very much their fault. Theirs and whoever in their formative years never impressed upon them that cheating is wrong.

Mores that pity that many of these people tend to use the "we're just using the tools" argument to justify the cheating. It ranks right up there with "Honey, she meant nothing to me," "I didn't realize I'd had that much to drink, officer," and "I was cleaning it and it just went off.... 6 times"

Originally Posted by Securitron XI View Post
Any time someone levels faster than you for whatever the reason, you guys seem to lash out and whine... ...These things all have something in common.
Yes, what they have in common is that the examples you gave aren't exploiting a bug in the rules. Some people may feel they don't like that method of leveling, but as far as the devs are concerned it's all good. if not, they'd have patched those by now.

Originally Posted by Securitron XI View Post
... They don't really affect you and the way you want to play the game...
No... you're examples don't. However I noticed you left out any past AE Exploit issues. I think you did that because you know those things do actually affect the way we all play the game, in this case using AE. We don't get rewards in AE like we used to because of the Exploiters. We're also limited to many options because of those very same cheaters and thier innocent "don't-hurt-anyone" Exploit Farms.

Originally Posted by Securitron XI View Post
... in your care-bear-huggy-roleplaying-sit-under-the-Atlas-globe-and-dance world.
Ah. Now you're just being silly. It sounds like somebody needs a hug. We'll all be dancing underneath Atlas when you want to collect.

Originally Posted by Securitron XI View Post
What if I wanted to make a really fancy story arc of my own and it just happened to have alot of XYZ mobs in it that happen to be tailored to my /ELA brute's strengths? Do I get a strike? Am I gonna get banninated?
If you do it within the rules, not at all have fun... it's your legitimate mission arc after all.


If while making your super-de-dooper custom you use an exploit to make it work faster and better, instead of reporting it in a petition so the issue can be resolved, then a resounding yes... you should get a reprimand, a strike, banninated, tarred, feathered, spackled, scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, diced, peppered AND capped.

Originally Posted by Securitron XI View Post
It's really rediclious how uppity people get about AE, farming, and leveling in this game.
I agree

Originally Posted by Securitron XI View Post
In short, yes, if EXP was removed from AE, it would die it's already slow coming death.
Again, I agree. Nip the problem in the bud. Don't remove the rewards... remove the cheaters.

But that's just my opinion, you're welcome to yours. Isn't this a great country or what!

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



QR, did not read any of the thread nor do I care what the reasoning is for the request. The answer to the question in the title is NO.



Remove the XP? Baby... bathwater... you know how that saying goes.



Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
From the start we've seen the well known problem of the "AE babies" powerleveled in AE with no clue about the actual game.

We had the spammers on and off.

We have had a nonstop string of exploits including the most recent one causing all kinds of problems on the heels of the I19 launch.

We've had the devs wasting time trying to patch the loopholes but always seeming to be two steps behind, or in some cases starting PR disasters by just not being clear enough about what's banable, what's not and the punishments have been spotty at best anyway.

And then one of my SG mates pretty much said it best, why not just remove XP? After all that would pretty much stop every exploit past present and future right in its tracks, and to me would go a long ways towards making AE what it should be, a place to enjoy stories and player created content, not an exploit haven full of exploit map missions to cheat your way to 50. Perhaps as a trade off boost the influence or ticket gain within?

So I thought I'd ask the question here, there's my reasons above, and what do you all think about the impact that it would have pro or con?
Not to sure what is more annoying "AE Babies" or people like YOU complaining about it!
as for AE Babies not knowing the actual game, change the record already how many times does this need to be posted! How many times do we (The forum readers) have to put up with bs posts like! I get it, you were bored when you made this post! Here is a suggestion, why don't you and your "SG" mates get some Magic Markers and color some wood chips and spear us from further posts like this!!



Originally Posted by Old_Macdonald View Post
get some Magic Markers and color some wood chips
lol, how do you respond to someone who tells you to color wood chips? O_o

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Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post

They should just have an internal marking system that will note how many times a particular toon is repeating the same mission over and over again in MA. Once it reaches a certain threshold it gets flagged for review and automatically starts lowering the xp gained (by that toon) from the critters in that mish to a lower value until it gets unflagged.
NO just NO
I see AE getting hit with this all the time, yet does anyone here thinK people are not farming itf's and other tf's for shards now? This game promotes farming and while maybe AE wasn't created for farming the bottom line is this is no different then the real content game which is farmed a lot!

It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
My unscientific impression is that the bulk of the audience for MA are rewards-driven. Not just during these periodic frenzies, but in general.

I also think that a greatly improved interface would even that out quite a bit by making it easier for the 'story' crowd to find stuff. As noted, I get nearly all of mine off the forums. Aside from the HOF and Dev's Choice stuff, it's really tedious trying to find a 'good' arc with the in-game tools.

If I want rewards I can find a great map in a minute or two by searching for "ticket farm". If I want a great story.....I'm on my own.

I'd like to see players that create high quality arcs given as many slots as they can fill.
At last, a post of yours I can agree with.

The OP's suggestion is not practical, but I can certainly understand their frustration. At this point, it sometimes seems like nothing less than that, or even taking AE out of the game entirely (rather than just de facto, by removing xp), will stop the abuse and arguing. When the children simply will not play nice with the toy, sometimes all that's left is taking it away.

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Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
I know people spend a lot of time lovingly crafting their custom enemies' costumes, but I almost always find them vastly more difficult to fight than standard critters, for generally less reward. So, I want to play arcs that don't have custom enemies. This cannot be done automatically. I have to manually flip through who knows how many listings.

What's particularly vexing about this one is that I explicitly am able to search for arcs that have custom groups, but yet not arcs lacking them.
The highlighted bit stands out to me as a big part of the problem. Not only is it discouraging to try making a real AE story with actual creative content only to find it nigh impossible to properly balance difficulty with xp returns using any kind of custom critters (and nobody will play it if the mechanics are sub-par), but it actually has you and others searching for the stock content.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
When the children simply will not play nice with the toy, sometimes all that's left is taking it away.
You ain't mah daddy!



My suggestion, have an event that nukes all the AE buildings from orbit.

In the same issue, allow story writers to put their stories as part of existing in world contacts. Let me explain: If a player walks up to a contact, and clicks "What else is going on" a list of MA story arcs opens up that are level appropriate to the contact. For ex, Azuria would only be allowed to be the contact for lvls 1-5 content, and would only display levels 1-5 mission arcs. Put in a "suggest a contact button" for MA authors who aren't familiar with the level ranges of every zone and contact, which would suggest a contact and a zone for an author's story.

Make it so that All MA stories must be at least 3 missions long. Normalize all xp so that it's the same xp you get from regular missions. For custom critters, put in a slider for authors: one side says "customized" the other side says "100% xp". The more you move from one side of the slider to another the more you lose the other option.

Keep tickets as is. Keep inf as is. Mark clearly when an MA story is a custom critter fest. Perhaps use the old "this might be tough without friends" line.

Hire a full time team of GMs to specifically watch for when exploits are used. (Anyone who thinks the current customer service team is of adequate size to do anything about the exploit issues is fooling themselves.) Use the 3 strikes you're out system.

Farming should be left as is. If someone wants to farm, as long as they ARE NOT using exploits let em. Just put in a button in the contacts window I mentioned above that says "do not show farms", or "do not show combat only". Not going to dwell on this part of my suggestion as i couldn't care less if someone farms or not, as long as they aren't using exploits.

Get rid of stars, HOF, and other stupid dev awards. Just put in a thumbs up or thumbs down system. Those stories with high thumbs show up higher in the "what else is going on" menu for contacts. You MUST complete at least the FIRST mission of an arc (remember I suggested all arcs be a minimum of three missions above). I used to be against having to complete a mission before rating an arc, but no longer care if it improves the AE.

Reward authors who get many thumbs up. For every 10 give them a free AE story slot. Allow all authors the ability to earn up to 10 free ones. Once they get to more than 100 free AE slots, and get the 110th one, drop a random Pool C in their email. (Remember you have to complete at least one story in an AE arc until you can rate it.)

Disallow all the old auto complete tricks that allowed a person to finish a mission by just walking into it, killing one mob (unless it's an EB, AV), clicking one glowie to auto end a mission, etc, etc.

Those are my suggestions. Have at them.

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For the 100th time, remove AE exp or other rewards for that matter would make the system irrelevant and ignored by the vast, vast, vast, vast, vast majority of players. It would be the final death knell for the MA feature. What was the point of spending months or maybe even *years* developing such a "ground breaking" feature (as the devs put it) only to have it become an afterthought? It would also validate the pre-MA-launch opponent's stance of players will be finding ways to abuse the system which in turn will cause its demise.

My primary goal for playing MMOs is the advancement of my alter-egos. As such, I personally wouldn't touch AE unless it has decent rewards. I certainly don't give a hoot about the stories, much less player generated ones. For really good plots or stories, I prefer to pick up a good book, read an online article, watch a stimulating TV program or catch some foreign films. MMOs probably won't even crack the top 10 of my list. Maybe my standards are a bit high due to my artistic background but the point is that I, like many others, do not come to MMOs to search for good fictions. Let's not try to get all fascist about the "interpreted" primary intent or usage of the MA shall we.



It is possible to PL outside the AE you know
Remove XP from all content, that will fix it.... duh!

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



As many times as this has been discussed, I always express the same view.

As long as exploits can be stamped out, the AE system needs XP/rewards to provide incentive to use it. Ideally, I would prefer these be equivalent rewards for other content. As it stands, non exploit using players receive moderately less rewards for running AE content.

I miss back when the AE was new and all the talk/focus about exploits wasn't as big, and the AE was simply a fun alternative place to run content. Still is, albeit less appealing these days.

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Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
As it stands, non exploit using players receive moderately less rewards for running AE content.
How do you figure?

I can run a "legit" MA farm map and cap out at 1500 tickets in less than ten minutes. It has been my experience over months of farming that rolling 1500 tickets worth of bronze recipe rolls in the 35-39 range will earn me between 50-100 million inf, assuming I take the time to craft 'the good stuff'.

Even if I were running "real" story arcs, or dev's choice or HOF stuff, the way tickets are structured would guarantee me far more loot-based profit than running comparable 'real' content, where drop potential is disseminated among a range of financially underperforming options (generic recipes, salvage, etc) rather than being concentrated where the big money is (set IO recipes).

MA's payoff is greater than the 'real' game by a huge margin, however you approach it. As long as you're doing something that earns tickets, you're out-performing anything the 'real' game has to offer.

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