Winter event up on test.




The new mission is so cool but the boss is hard. (((Bring help.)))
I was a lvl50 tank and got swatted. Not exactly a well built or slotted one but still.



Interesting.. must try with my scrapper!

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Very interesting. The level on the EB is hidden, like a GM or invasion mob, but she appears to spawn at the player's level, unlike those mobs, based on the hit points she has. The mission has the same reward choice table as the Baby New Year mission, which is fantastic, since it gives us some variety. Plus this is an all new winterized instance map.

New badge for her is Cold as Ice. Nothing new in the Candy Keeper's list that I see. The badge for logging in is Festive, which was also last year's badge.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



*Stabs EU Test server visciously and repeatedly*

Piece of junk...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
New badge for her is Cold as Ice. Nothing new in the Candy Keeper's list that I see. The badge for logging in is Festive, which was also last year's badge.
So sounds like the only new Winter Event badge is Cold as Ice?
That's fine - I have a feeling I'll be too busy with Incarnate stuff in the next few months to worry about a huge update to this year's Winter Event.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



has this been disabled? who gives the mission? I don't see father time anywhere at all :/ on test or beta servers

EDIT Ok i just logged in again and father time is now showing on my map. Does he have the same issue that the costume turn in npc (halloween salvage) for praetorians has with not showing up at times due to the way he's flagged?

Bug! Acantha seems to fade in and out of appearing on the map. (This bug may because she is on the static NPC timer instead of registering as a contact.) If players cannot find her at her location, they should move outside of drawing distance and then return (repeat a few times if necessary).

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
The new mission is so cool but the boss is hard. (((Bring help.)))
I was a lvl50 tank and got swatted. Not exactly a well built or slotted one but still.
It's her, not you. I think it's a combination of her melee attacks doing heavy damage and her debuffs exacerbating them.

She'll quickly kill even Tankers if you fight her toe-to-toe, but at range, she's got nothing. Hovering I took her out with Blackwand and EMP Glove and she did negligible damage to me. I'll type that again: Blackwand and EMP Glove!

FFS, that's extremely stupid.

Either she's broken and doing way too much melee damage or this is just further evidence of the devs giving the shaft to melee classes, just like in the Apex TF in i19 and just like the Protean fights.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
It's her, not you. I think it's a combination of her melee attacks doing heavy damage and her debuffs exacerbating them.

She'll quickly kill even Tankers if you fight her toe-to-toe, but at range, she's got nothing. Hovering I took her out with Blackwand and EMP Glove and she did negligible damage to me. I'll type that again: Blackwand and EMP Glove!

FFS, that's extremely stupid.

Either she's broken and doing way too much melee damage or this is just further evidence of the devs giving the shaft to melee classes, just like in the Apex TF in i19 and just like the Protean fights.


just fought her on my non io'ed out MA/Regen scrapper and got the crap kicked out of me. ended up having to use some insp and temp powers to kill her...set as an eb. Hits far too hard for my regen to take care of even with IH+DP+recon as she slows the recharge down to nil. An IOed out toon won't have much problem with her I think but she's going to kick the **** out of normal folks.

EDIT 1: Fought snaptooth and he was far easier. I feel that it's the fact that I can KD snaptooth to help mitigate incoming damage and didn't knock down the Lady of Winter at all. Going to try in a bit on my bs/sd io'ed out scrapper and see how it is.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
just fought her on my non io'ed out MA/Regen scrapper and got the crap kicked out of me. ended up having to use some insp and temp powers to kill her...set as an eb. Hits far too hard for my regen to take care of even with IH+DP+recon as she slows the recharge down to nil. An IOed out toon won't have much problem with her I think but she's going to kick the **** out of normal folks.
What's her Greater Ice sword hitting you for? It was doing 940+ Lethal/Cold to an Invul Tanker. I can only imagine it to a Regen. Again, another run and she smokes me at melee range, but can only do piddly little 100 damage ranged attacks.

That's fail. And I'm not implying her ranged damage should be increased if a dev is reading this.

As an aside, I don't like how her "hidden level" bodes: IMO, the only reason for her using the GM code is to make sure Incarnate Level Shifts don't work against her. This means the devs are already starting an arms race against Incarnates that's splitting over into normal content. You know, you're not really "making players moar powerful" if you also make all the enemies "moar powerful" too and cancel out/nullify progress players make.

This is a holiday event mission for crying out loud.




That may be doom mongering. They may have made it like that so people don't run the mission on a level 15 and bring in a level 50 to pwn the EB's face for the badge.

I'm not saying I like that precedent either, but I think you're jumping to conclusions about it being because of incarnate level shifts. We can't even create them yet.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
What's her Greater Ice sword hitting you for? It was doing 940+ Lethal/Cold to an Invul Tanker. I can only imagine it to a Regen. Again, another run and she smokes me at melee range, but can only do piddly little 100 damage ranged attacks.

That's fail. And I'm not implying her ranged damage should be increased if a dev is reading this.

As an aside, I don't like how her "hidden level" bodes: IMO, the only reason for her using the GM code is to make sure Incarnate Level Shifts don't work against her. This means the devs are already starting an arms race against Incarnates that's splitting over into normal content. You know, you're not really "making players moar powerful" if you also make all the enemies "moar powerful" too and cancel out/nullify progress players make.

This is a holiday event mission for crying out loud.


Ok these were her hits on my next run. I'm sure she's debuffing cold resistance of which i have none....I do have tough vs the lethal portion with like 2 resistances slotted in it or so.

ice blast = 96.6+241.71
ice sword 1 = 201.27+434.66
brawl? = 27.03
greater ice sword = 234.49+626.46
ice blast 2 = 131.3+307.63
blizzard 2 ticks of 0.01 damage+4 tickes of 0 damage
ice blast 3 = 154.43+351.58
brawl2? = 41.49 smash dmg
ice blast 4 = 166+373.56
greater ice sword 2 = 325.09+819.22
ice sword 2 = 345.84+671.76
ice blast 5 = 177.56+395.53
brawl3? = 44.38
ice sword 3 = 369.93+711.27
greater ice sword 3 = 325.09+819.22
and then i died....

I used dull pain, reconstruction & instant healing. they were not refreshed by the time she killed me. no insp at all this time. got her down to about 50% health. I don't have hasten which would have helped but hate relying on that power to play.

her biggest hit it seems was for a total of 1144.31 damage...I have 1537.7 hp at L50 with an accolade or two, 3 sloted fast healing & health etc...

Bug? You knocked Lady Winter from their feet with your Air Superiority attack! yet she did not fall down same with stunning her. I take it she has some sort of status protection running. Squishies are going to hate her unless they can just snipe her from range and not close at all.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Ok just ran it on my mostly soft capped IOed out bs/sd and I had to use one small green due to a string of lucky hits from ice blast and she only hit me once with ice sword for...

Lady Winter slashes you with their Ice Sword for 314.32 points of lethal damage!
Lady Winter freezes you with their Ice Sword for 551.79 points of cold damage and slows you!

so 866.11 total damage as the worst hit. My bs/sd scrapper only has about 1670 hp or so as I don't have the +hp accolades yet and my bonuses are mainly aimed at +def/+rech

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
Bug? You knocked Lady Winter from their feet with your Air Superiority attack! yet she did not fall down same with stunning her. I take it she has some sort of status protection running. Squishies are going to hate her unless they can just snipe her from range and not close at all.
It always says that when powers with status effects (or knock effects) hit, whether or not it's enough to overwhelm protection. She has normal EB rank protections plus purple triangles, so I assume she can spawn as an AV with proper difficulty settings/team size.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
That may be doom mongering. They may have made it like that so people don't run the mission on a level 15 and bring in a level 50 to pwn the EB's face for the badge.

I'm not saying I like that precedent either, but I think you're jumping to conclusions about it being because of incarnate level shifts. We can't even create them yet.
I think my concern in completely justified. Just like the i19 TFs they've added another bit of content that's hard just for the sake of being hard. She drops freakin' CANDY CANES, not PvP IOs. It's supposed to be a fun part of the Winter Event. We have difficulty settings for people who want a harder fight, it shouldn't be forced on everybody, and having a disclaimer in the flavor text doesn't excuse it.

I don't like the trend I'm seeing here: missions that dump all over melee ATs, are hard for the sake of being hard (while we have difficulty settings for that) and that don't have rewards proportionate to the increased effort.




In the hopes of providing something the devs will read, here's my concerns and points without the ranting:

-She's highly deadly in melee range and a joke at range.

-I don't think she shouldn't be highly deadly at all. It's a throwaway mission from the Winter Event, why shouldn't it be easily solo-able by all?

-While this new mission is little shorter than a Snaptooth run because the number of enemies you have to go through is smaller, I don't think the rewards are proportionate to the increased effort needed.

-Also the fact of the matter is, for an Incarnate, I don't consider the mission being potentially shorter a plus. Speed runs are hopefully going to be a thing of the past because people will want more opportunities for a Shard to drop.

-I'm also highly concerned that this isn't getting/going to be tested or datamined enough because everyone will be distracted by Incarnates and i19.




I just ran the "Lady of Winter" mission on the Test Server (it can be had from Father Time, in case anyone else is a little lost there). Having been suitably forewarned by the thread, I came in forearmed with a plan: the tried-and-true "wall of purple Inspirations" gambit. I wound up using two big Lucks and Eye of the Magus. That, coupled with my self-protection set's mitigation (a /Dark Armor Scrapper, for the record) was more than enough.

The gimmick to the fight is [Crystallized], as I recall: it's an autohit aura lowers Resistance to darn near everything by 10%. The icon stacked some 8 times in my buff/debuff tray, but I didn't have Combat Attributes on, so I don't know if I was stuck with one non-stacking -10% malus or a half-dozen or so of them.

Regardless, Resistance-based sets will find their inability to withstand her blows startling; a melee character with no native Reistance will likely be obliterated with only two or three hits. For instance, the odd hit she did poke through my defense buffs did do a high amount of damage. This is not an enemy I'd want to solo with a melee character that didn't have a lot of purple Inspirations in their tray and some form of self-heal.

I'll leave commentary on ranged combat for others to make. I did not make use of the NPC allies, so I can not say how well or poorly they would perform.

I'll say this: it's a single mission with only one exclusive reward, and that's a single badge ("Cold as Ice"). Everything else it gives can be had other ways, including street-sweeping. Badgers, even those who aren't well-equipped to take Lady Winter, will probably form a team on day 1 of the event, check the box off their checklist, and only go back to the mission for nostalgia's or comraderie's sake. I don't think the developers put much time into designing it, and I'm not entirely sure they should.

One more random bit of feedback: a map would be nice. This isn't a Trial, after all. And "malus" would make a good name for a character...

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



I soloed her on my Claws/Invuln Scrapper who is not anywhere near softcapped with Unstoppable and some inspirations. It was quite close, though... and only afterwards did I find the Tuatha that you can send to patrol. That would have been handy...

Still, I'm pleased to see some variety. Had fun ice skating circles around Agincourt.

Originally Posted by vulpish_one View Post
And "malus" would make a good name for a character...
I've got an evil lawyer who uses black magic on Freedom named Juris Malus.

Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!

Full, detailed character list



Originally Posted by vulpish_one View Post
The gimmick to the fight is [Crystallized], as I recall: it's an autohit aura lowers Resistance to darn near everything by 10%. The icon stacked some 8 times in my buff/debuff tray, but I didn't have Combat Attributes on, so I don't know if I was stuck with one non-stacking -10% malus or a half-dozen or so of them.
That's the ticket. It stacks quickly and lingers fairly long. If you don't have Hide Auto Powers turned off the icon doesn't show up and you can't even see how much it's stacking or even where the debuff is coming from. That's pretty effing cheap, devs. And again, it's massively biased against melee ATs.




I just ran it on my level 25 copy of my Claws/WP Scrapper and managed to take her down without dying. I used some insps and hit and ran. Staying in melee with her is a bad idea. I can't muster up a lot of outrage over this since AT neutering effects like purple triangles have been in this game since Issue 1.

I wanted to try it out on an even lower level character, but it wasn't available to my level 14, much to my surprise. If the copy tool is working, I'll try on something between 15 and 20, and maybe something between 20 and 24. My initial assumption is that it's a level 20+ option only.

Edit: I tried it on a level 17, and it wasn't available, then on a 22 it was. That pretty much confirms level 20+ for the new mission. Looks like my lowbies can sit this event out, since I had all of the old stuff, save for Lord Winter's realm, on them all.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I think my concern in completely justified. Just like the i19 TFs they've added another bit of content that's hard just for the sake of being hard. She drops freakin' CANDY CANES, not PvP IOs. It's supposed to be a fun part of the Winter Event. We have difficulty settings for people who want a harder fight, it shouldn't be forced on everybody, and having a disclaimer in the flavor text doesn't excuse it.

I don't like the trend I'm seeing here: missions that dump all over melee ATs, are hard for the sake of being hard (while we have difficulty settings for that) and that don't have rewards proportionate to the increased effort.

Captain, I'm forced to agree with the Dr....

I think Johnny has a valid point here. She's only dropping 5 candy canes not some leet skeet oober IO. She'd wipe the floor with snaptooth without breaking a sweat and he's not a pushover.

While I understand that some AVs should be easier for ranged people then melee she goes beyond that in a "fun" event. I'd suggest toning her down a bit in the melee department. Her ranged will do enough damage to any squishy it hits to keep her challenging and most squishies don't benefit from max defense I'm positive my electric tank would just get stomped on without any trouble by her as I'd always get hit by her attacks and slowed incredibly.

Her LEWT should be upped too, 25 candy canes or so if she stays in her current iteration.

Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
I just ran it on my level 25 copy of my Claws/WP Scrapper and managed to take her down without dying. I used some insps and hit and ran. Staying in melee with her is a bad idea. I can't muster up a lot of outrage over this since AT neutering effects like purple triangles have been in this game since Issue 1.

I wanted to try it out on an even lower level character, but it wasn't available to my level 14, much to my surprise. If the copy tool is working, I'll try on something between 15 and 20, and maybe something between 20 and 24. My initial assumption is that it's a level 20+ option only.

Edit: I tried it on a level 17, and it wasn't available, then on a 22 it was. That pretty much confirms level 20+ for the new mission. Looks like my lowbies can sit this event out, since I had all of the old stuff, save for Lord Winter's realm, on them all.
I'd also like to say for the record that I always thought purple triangles that neutered specific ATs (read control types) was cheezy, understandable why needed but cheezy and there have been other suggestions in that arena that have been good and would have been just as viable as the ptod.

EDIT: I'd love to see a L20 go against her....she'll **** them to death. Poorly slotted defense or poorly slotted attacks or meh slotting to both = very dead.

I always thought the slotting in this game was backwards. You should be getting 3/level in the earlier levels then slow down to 2 per after that, basically swapping the way it's done now. or perhaps a merge so that some levels it's 2 slots and others it's 3.


L03 = 2 slots
L05 = 2 slots
L07 = 2 slots to 3 slots
L09 = 2 slots
L11 = 2 slots
L13 = 2 slots to 3 slots
L15 = 2 slots
L17 = 2 slots
L19 = 2 slots to 3 slots
L21 = 2 slots
L23 = 2 slots
L25 = 2 slots to 3 slots
L27 = 2 slots
L29 = 2 slots
L31 = 3 slots
L33 = 3 slots to 2 slots
L34 = 3 slots
L36 = 3 slots to 2 slots
L37 = 3 slots
L39 = 3 slots to 2 slots
L40 = 3 slots
L42 = 3 slots to 2 slots
L43 = 3 slots
L45 = 3 slots
L46 = 3 slots
L48 = 3 slots
L50 = 3 slots

that would give you a few more slots earlier on to help make you more solid in att/def/utility before L30.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



A little advice for Scrappers and Tankers, if you are Invulnerablity and you have Unstoppable, USE IT! My level 50 SO'ed Scrapper had practically no issues (Only 1 death) with her. Snaptooth is still the Evil Grinch of the Holiday Events, for the record.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
So sounds like the only new Winter Event badge is Cold as Ice?
That's fine - I have a feeling I'll be too busy with Incarnate stuff in the next few months to worry about a huge update to this year's Winter Event.

I was half expecting to get a special tip mish for beating Snaptooth that would lead to a new winter mish that offered 5 new badges. Glad there isn't such a thing, yet.

Bring on the incarnates!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
A little advice for Scrappers and Tankers, if you are Invulnerablity and you have Unstoppable, USE IT! My level 50 SO'ed Scrapper had practically no issues (Only 1 death) with her. Snaptooth is still the Evil Grinch of the Holiday Events, for the record.
This brings up another issue for me related to melee. For a lot of people, since IOs entered the scene, defensive T9s have been excised from their build, depending on the power set of course. We used to debate weather to have Unstoppable in builds because it was highly situational, the crash was harsh and people didn't like risk. Those debates stopped almost altogether since IO's and softcapping Def "solved" the issue and Unstoppable became even more situational and a lot stopped using /taking it.

As I said in another thread about the Apex TF, the situation is changing again. Gameplay is changing. The Apex TF finale can be really unfun for a Stoner. It's not easy to casually 'dodge' fire from the sky in Granite. It's downright cruel to ask someone to mange tanking, constantly teleporting, watching their teammates and attacking at the same time (because no one wants to spend the fight being on Taunt-bot).

IMO, the defensive T9s as a whole need to be re-examined if we're expected to depend on them again. The devs have been changing the way the game is to be played, and a lot of the T9s weren't even that optimized for the the way players were/are really playing the game.

The devs want us to start using these T9's again, I get that. But I maintain that a number of the T9s really need to be updated for today's and tomorrow's game; Granite and Unstoppable being two examples.
