Winter event up on test.




I beat it with both my stalkers Elec/nin and Spines/nin no inspirations.

But then again my stalkers are tougher than most tanks, so it might not be relevant.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
I beat it with both my stalkers Elec/nin and Spines/nin no inspirations.

But then again my stalkers are tougher than most tanks, so it might not be relevant.
If you can deliver the burst damage you can defeat her before the debuff gets a chance to stack too much and maybe even before she can land her big hit.




Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
I wonder if the aura is missing a "does not stack from same caster" flag...
Then it would only be -10% res and -5% def to all. That's really minor for a gimmick. IIRC, the wording of the power's description suggested to me that it was supposed to be more hazardous the longer you spent close to her, which suggests it's supposed to stack.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Maybe people don't like their AT (or kind of AT) being singled out to get shafted in several new content encounters by a designer just because?
You mean like CONTROLLERS against EBs/AVs with the PToD? Or how about Defenders faced with Mez attacks and debuff resistance? Guess what? Until now, Tankers have had it EASY while YOU PERSONALLY clamored for more damage, more awesomeness, more ability to do MORE. Your sense of Game Balance is being handed an "I WIN" button, so excuse me if i don't take your complaints seriously at ALL.

99% of the content in this game is "hold still and attack" if you want to play that instead.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I hanged out near the mission start for bit semi-afk, and I saw several NPC civilians wander by. They walked faded out a short distance away - very weird...



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
YOU PERSONALLY clamored for more damage, more awesomeness, more ability to do MORE
Actually, this mission is just more evidence to support everything I've ever said that Tanker defenses don't really benefit the Tanker. Tanker defenses will bottom out to this debuff the same as a Scrapper. Considering how fast the debuff stacks, and to such a degree, the difference doesn't really matter. Meanwhile, a Scrapper's superior damage will likely allow him to drop Lady Winter faster, thus decreasing the time in that a chance hard hit could land before she's dead and maybe even before the debuff can stack fully. I point you to Test_Rat's anecdote.

Meanwhile, I've admitted and pointed out that other ATs have gotten/still get screwed over by the devs too, and that it's unfair no matter who it's happening too. You say Tankers 'had it easy'. I say they put up with more crap than a lot of ATs and are probably the AT besides Blasters that suffers the most from overspecialization and redundancy issues.



WOW!!! I am at a loss for words for what she did to my level 50 Fire/Stone brute. All I can say is it involves some bending over and alot of serios fisting/pounding.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Actually, this mission is just more evidence to support everything I've ever said that Tanker defenses don't really benefit the Tanker. Tanker defenses will bottom out to this debuff the same as a Scrapper. Considering how fast the debuff stacks, and to such a degree, the difference doesn't really matter. Meanwhile, a Scrapper's superior damage will likely allow him to drop Lady Winter faster, thus decreasing the time in that a chance hard hit could land before she's dead and maybe even before the debuff can stack fully. I point you to Test_Rat's anecdote.

Meanwhile, I've admitted and pointed out that other ATs have gotten/still get screwed over by the devs too, and that it's unfair no matter who it's happening too. You say Tankers 'had it easy'. I say they put up with more crap than a lot of ATs and are probably the AT besides Blasters that suffers the most from overspecialization and redundancy issues.
Hey Johnny, I call ******** on what I bolded.

Trust me: Stalkers are that AT.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Maybe people rolled a melee AT because they like playing like that. Maybe they don't want yield like a weakling or fight like a coward (which hit and run tactics could be viewed as) or resort to cheating with temp power "toys" because a sadistic GM decided they should have to. Maybe they have an Ice Tanker and wonder why Lady Winter making them colder with [Crystallize] doesn't actually make them stronger (because you know, being cold is their thing)? Maybe people don't like their AT (or kind of AT) being singled out to get shafted in several new content encounters by a designer just because?
Are you serious?




Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Trust me: Stalkers are that AT.
I was only speaking of the original hero ATs there. Stalkers do indeed have overspecialization issues. Redundancy issues? Less so, IMO. Anecdote: One of the most fun teams I've ever been on was a four man Stalker squad. We'd each pick a Boss, get into position and AS them in unison. Great fun.




If you want to solo Lady Winter with a melee toon, you really need to pay attention to the mission dialogue.

You're told you can get help from the Tuatha. You can use them against her. Just lure her to the beach with the Tautha and trigger the patrols just before she gets there. They'll start fighting her if they run into her.

Makes it so much easier.

If Brevity is the Soul of Wit, Why are You Reading This?



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
EDIT: I'd love to see a L20 go against her....she'll **** them to death. Poorly slotted defense or poorly slotted attacks or meh slotting to both = very dead.
I just took a level 20 Inv/SS up against her during the Dev test session. This Tanker had level 20 DOs in all slots. I used 8 small red inspirations and no temp or vet powers. I soloed her just fine. I did die the first time, but then I remembered that I had Hasten to help out with her slows for the second run.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



ok tin foil hat time, i wonder if in addition to winter event, this might be a test of future mobs, one of the problems with boosting our powers with incarnates, is that they have to either boost the mobs or debuff us,or a combo (tin man).reminds me of diablo2 with the normal,nightmare,hell modes. ok now its time for me Meds.

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



How do I get the Lady Winter mission? I only saw Father Time and no other contacts.........

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I did that...he want me to save Baby Uggers, just like last few years.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by Healix View Post
I did that...he want me to save Baby Uggers, just like last few years.
I just tested.

It seems my level 6 and 10 toons only got the BNY mission.

Toons 21 and up got the choice between BNY and LW.

So, I'm guessing that you don't get the mission until you're level 15 or 20.

Also, make sure you're on the US Test Server. It's not on the Beta Server. Not sure about the EU Test Server.

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Thanks Zombie Man. I was on test...I deleted my Beta folder.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I just tested.

It seems my level 6 and 10 toons only got the BNY mission.

Toons 21 and up got the choice between BNY and LW.

So, I'm guessing that you don't get the mission until you're level 15 or 20.

Also, make sure you're on the US Test Server. It's not on the Beta Server. Not sure about the EU Test Server.
It's 20.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



So, based on the discussion in this thread, I decided to head on out to Test to see what the hubub was about. I used a lvl 50 WP/DM tank, IO'd out to soft-cap defense (except for Psi), with a rank II Spiritual Alpha slot. So - a good primary, a not-so-common secondary, and a useful Alpha. The actual Alpha slot only caps three of my powers: Hasten on Recharge, and Rise to the Challenge + Fast Healing on Healing - all others are barely pushed into ED-land. Nothing in the IO's are rare, although I do have some expensvie ones in there (simply due to the popularity of Kinetic combat).

Anyway - for the base test, I played on 0x1, just to see what the base fight was like. After wandering around for 10 minutes, looking for the pilliars, I finally found all three and smashed 'em. Then, I found the Winter Lady, popped two red, hit her with Touch of Fear, and went to town. It took about a minute to defeat her, and I didn't bother to use my tier-9 or any other insps.

The strategy was completely basic: I just stood there and hit her. However, that includes
Touch of Fear (-20% to-hit) and Drain Life (+250 hit points every 7 or so seconds), as well as all the other -toHit secondary effects that come from Dark Melee. She was probably at or near -40% to-hit for most of the fight. However, she did hit me with massive, 1/2 of my health bar attacks on a fairly regular basis.

In looking back, it was actually pretty close at times; I think my health may have gotten down to 20%. at one point, before Drain Life kicked in again. Had I not popped those reds in the beginning, it would have been a lot closer.

However - at the end of the day, I beat her using a mindless technique. This probably tells me more about the utility of /DM as a single-target tanking set, than anything else.

For me? This was actually an interesting fight: although I beat it the conventional (ie, stupidly easy) way, it was actually more challenging than any other non-AV boss fight I've been in, except maybe that one time I agroed two x8 Longbox spawns, and got wailed on by their bosses.

(Just to confirm: I went and grabbed the Baby New Year mission, and tested out the EB in there - I think maybe he hit me once.)

And to chime in on "tankers and melee characters being targeted for difficulty" - I've leveled up two instances of each of the five core hero AT's. Scrappers and tankers were actually the last I went through - and when I did, I marvelled about how easy they made the game. As such, I have no problem with content like this: specifically designed to be more challenging for melee, and easier for ranged combat.

I want the default settings in a game to be challenging, but not overwhelming difficult, for me as a player. I only care about the play of others insomuch as it affects my ability to find someone to play with when I feel like teaming. Currently, the game doesn't actually provide that: it's too easy. Therefore, I'd like the default difficulty to be bumped up more in an interesting and creative way that requires I do more than just perform an attack pattern. Stuff like this is a good first step.



Originally Posted by AddamsFamily View Post
If you want to solo Lady Winter with a melee toon, you really need to pay attention to the mission dialogue.

You're told you can get help from the Tuatha. You can use them against her. Just lure her to the beach with the Tautha and trigger the patrols just before she gets there. They'll start fighting her if they run into her.

Makes it so much easier.
That's only useful if you can survive long enough to get her to go anywhere.

My experience was this...

My L27 Stalker, MA/Nin. I swallowed three large reds and three large purples, then approached and used build up and Assassin Strike. It did about a 20th of her health.

She used Freezing rain, I hit her with Crane Kick, doing no noticable damage (I don't recall the amount, but it didnt' seem to move the bar).

She then hit me with an Ice Sword that did around 900 damage (I have just over 700 at full health).

She's a oneshot machine. With the freezing rain, there was no way for me to avoid being oneshotted. My Defense was maxed out, between my Ninjitsu powers and the purples, yet she hit me on her first attack, every time.

I just gave up.

This is supposed to be fun?



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
This is supposed to be fun?
I'm sorry that the developers forgot to mention that this is an online game, and that teaming is generally encouraged. Perhaps there should be a public service announcement?

Oh wait, "You must be careful, as Lady Winter is dreadfully powerful. Take solace in the fact that you will not be alone. You will find strange allies in the Tuatha, who have arrived at the scene to stage an assault on the fortress Lady Winter has made for herself. Speak with the one named Nuada and he will help you with the siege of Agincourt." Maybe you should use the developer method of beating her on a toon that isn't capable of soloing her.

And just for the sake of being even more rude, maybe you're just not good a playing a stalker or you didn't slot it properly? Games aren't broken, players are.

Even though I don't like the teams direction of "You're not doing it our way, so we're nerfing your way," complaining about soloing on a low level character that hasn't even unlocked a T9 is laughable.



Originally Posted by Bringer_NA View Post
I'm sorry that the developers forgot to mention that this is an online game, and that teaming is generally encouraged. Perhaps there should be a public service announcement?

Oh wait, "You must be careful, as Lady Winter is dreadfully powerful. Take solace in the fact that you will not be alone. You will find strange allies in the Tuatha, who have arrived at the scene to stage an assault on the fortress Lady Winter has made for herself. Speak with the one named Nuada and he will help you with the siege of Agincourt." Maybe you should use the developer method of beating her on a toon that isn't capable of soloing her.

And just for the sake of being even more rude, maybe you're just not good a playing a stalker or you didn't slot it properly? Games aren't broken, players are.

Even though I don't like the teams direction of "You're not doing it our way, so we're nerfing your way," complaining about soloing on a low level character that hasn't even unlocked a T9 is laughable.
So, explain to me how having more players there will enable me to magically survive more damage in one hit than I have total health? Healers can't help if I'm dead before they can cast anything. Bubblers are no help, I already had maximum Defense. Debuffing her might help, but not every group is going to have that going for them. Are you suggesting it's good design to require a specific power type to make it playable?

I was as tough and well defended as I could be, and did as much damage as I could have, and was still one shotted. No team would have prevented that (short of having a Tank to be two shotted first).

Oh, and this may be a shock to you, but players of ALL levels will want to play the winter content. When the game starts at L38 you can start using that lame argument.

It's poorly designed.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
She used Freezing rain
I'm going to pause you there. Freezing rain has a pretty substantial -defense component, and she's an EB so probably has pretty effective debuffs. The first thing a defense-based melee toon should do, if she drops Freezing Rain, is move. Get out of it, and kite her until the -def wears off. I was on my soft-capped brute and watched my s/l defense go from 47% down to 9% or so before I dropped down the hill and out of her patch. Standing and slicing isn't going to work well with her.

She's tough, and for a lot of characters she's going to require different tactics than what we may have had to use in the past. I don't see that as a bad thing.

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