Winter event up on test.




I don't see the mission's current level of challenge to melee characters as a problem for at least a few reasons. The first is the one I alluded to earlier, and it ties directly to human nature: this mission could be the best thing since sliced bread adorned with my mom's homemade peach preserves (those are darn good preserves, believe me you), and most people wouldn't run it more than a handful of times over the event's course. That doesn't necessarily have to do with the mission's reward--or lack thereof--either. People just get tired of things pretty quickly.

But on the topic of rewards, there's my second reason I view any challenge disparity as a non-issue: the only thing gated behind this mission that can't be had any other way is a badge. As has been pointed out time and time again, badges aren't exactly high-value rewards. They may be highly sought after by some, but those same some will probably just throw together a team if it's needed.

The third reason I'm not at all worried about the [Crystallized] debuff is one that others have alluded to for me. This mission, the Vanguard Sword, Battle Maiden...the developers are looking at turning up the challenge on melee characters. That's probably for good reason: melee characters--except maybe Stalkers--and Masterminds had a reputation (deserved or not) for steamrolling missions before IOs were even added to the game. Maybe it's time we shared in the pain of our lower-HP, non-mez-protected friends.

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



Originally Posted by vulpish_one View Post
I don't see the mission's current level of challenge to melee characters as a problem
It's not ONE mission, it's a trend. This mission, the Apex finale, Protean, the Cimerorans depending on your power set, the Vanguard arc. I've seen this happening more and more and I don't like it at all.

But on the topic of rewards, there's my second reason I view any challenge disparity as a non-issue: the only thing gated behind this mission that can't be had any other way is a badge. As has been pointed out time and time again, badges aren't exactly high-value rewards. They may be highly sought after by some, but those same some will probably just throw together a team if it's needed.
Sorry, I don't accept that defense. Any time and resources put towards creating content few enjoy or want to do are resources not put to good use. Just because it's a one-off holiday mission doesn't excuse the devs from making something enjoyable for everyone.

The third reason I'm not at all worried about the [Crystallized] debuff is one that others have alluded to for me. This mission, the Vanguard Sword, Battle Maiden...the developers are looking at turning up the challenge on melee characters. That's probably for good reason: melee characters--except maybe Stalkers--and Masterminds had a reputation (deserved or not) for steamrolling missions before IOs were even added to the game. Maybe it's time we shared in the pain of our lower-HP, non-mez-protected friends.
Again no. Two wrongs don't make a right. Screwing over melee in new content doesn't balance out screwing over other ATs at other times. If the devs want to right the scales, they should be either looking at those ATs originally getting smashed or looking at the older content smashing them.

Also, look at this from my perspective as a guy who plays a lot of Tankers: I'm punished with lower damage every second I play because I get superior survivability. That's regardless of content. "Slow but safe", that's the Tanker's trade off and sacrifice. If the devs take away my survivability, or put me in a situation where it's meaningless, or even much less meaningful, what do I have left? Just crappy to mediocre damage. What does it matter if Frost 'Ho kills me in 5 seconds on a Tanker instead of 3 seconds on a Scrapper? She's a lot more dangerous to me than other EBs, but she's not a lot more fragile than them; I'm still just chip chip chipping at her like always. I'm still forced to make the trade off for superior survivability, but it doesn't do a heck of a lot.

Do you think that's fair? I don't. I also don't think it's fair that Blasters, the other end of the spectrum, are utter glass cannons and their damage doesn't always really help them that much. Remember what I said about two wrongs? Again, I don't think screwing melee ATs like Tankers because it was done to others is right or fun for anyone.




It's all a conspiracy! No one wants this game to be fun! Raaaagh!

Honestly, I haven't run it yet. Probably will a couple times when it goes live. Looking forward to new stuff, variety's always nice, and offering a challenge is always good for those that want a challenge. Not like this is the only content we're forced to run. Just an optional mission that rewards one little badge. Kinda like in other games where an optional boss is tossed in that's super tough just for the sake of providing challenge to those that want it. No biggie.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
This brings up another issue for me related to melee. For a lot of people, since IOs entered the scene, defensive T9s have been excised from their build, depending on the power set of course. We used to debate weather to have Unstoppable in builds because it was highly situational, the crash was harsh and people didn't like risk. Those debates stopped almost altogether since IO's and softcapping Def "solved" the issue and Unstoppable became even more situational and a lot stopped using /taking it.

As I said in another thread about the Apex TF, the situation is changing again. Gameplay is changing. The Apex TF finale can be really unfun for a Stoner. It's not easy to casually 'dodge' fire from the sky in Granite. It's downright cruel to ask someone to mange tanking, constantly teleporting, watching their teammates and attacking at the same time (because no one wants to spend the fight being on Taunt-bot).

IMO, the defensive T9s as a whole need to be re-examined if we're expected to depend on them again. The devs have been changing the way the game is to be played, and a lot of the T9s weren't even that optimized for the the way players were/are really playing the game.

The devs want us to start using these T9's again, I get that. But I maintain that a number of the T9s really need to be updated for today's and tomorrow's game; Granite and Unstoppable being two examples.


<unzips pants...pees on MoG> Like MoG will do anyone any good at 15 seconds uptime ROFL. ^_^

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Just tried this out myself on my Katana/SR Scrapper.

The Tuatha Hordes were a nice touch, but they barely made it past two groups of snowmen before they'd been chewed up and spat out. If you could reliably send them after the boss, they might provide good fodder, but their assigned routes don't seem to go anywhere near her if they DO get past the snowmen.

She definitely hits like a Mac Truck, and that aura of hers chewed through my defense AND my defense debuffs as though they weren't even there. I popped Elude, though, and she couldn't touch me. The debuffs couldn't get past -40% defense, which still left me at a good 70% - 80% defense to everything.

Without the tier 9, or a stack of purples, this would be all but impossble for a meleer, while with either of the above, it seemed kind of underwhelming. I have to wonder if this is the whole event, it seems to me that there should be more.

Still, with the Snappy mission available as well, it is a pretty decent event. I'm HOPING there's more since I don't think we've seen a formal announcement on this yet, but I won't be terribly broken up if not.

Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
Professor Bikini (50 Bots/Dark MM) Virtue
Dame Silver Fury (41 Peacebringer) Virtue
Operative Velvet (50 Fortunata) Virtue
Petal Dancer (35 Plant/Kin Contoller) Virtue
Tanegashima (Rapidly levelling DP/Ice Blaster) Virtue
(and more)



Played it with a SS/Inv brute. Didn't see what the fuss was about; I popped Unstoppable and a luck (just in case) and while I had to burn Dull Pain and a few green inspirations, nothing I consider unreasonable for an elite boss fight.

Mostly, I just wanted to know if Lady Winter's model means we might actually get the Sybil robes some day, and why can't *I* make a character that tall, huh huh?



Just redid this with my same MA/Regen scrapper but this time IO'ed out quite alot. Full sets everywhere though no purples. melee def at around 37%+recharge of +55 and a winters res vs slow. With this setup I was able to take her down solo without dying. I did have to use every power I had and one of my heals 2x.

The range was nice in that she did miss almost all of her sword attacks. The aoe slow still hit when she did the rain thing but the +55 helped mitigate that to only -80% or so on the second application of it.

Very tough fight for melees without a fair bit of defense.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
It's not ONE mission, it's a trend. This mission, the Apex finale, Protean, the Cimerorans depending on your power set, the Vanguard arc. I've seen this happening more and more and I don't like it at all.

<snip>If the devs want to right the scales, they should be either looking at those ATs originally getting smashed or looking at the older content smashing them.
I have one point to raise here, if I may. I wouldn't contest that Vanguard, Cimerora, Protean, &c &c are more difficult to melee characters than much of the previous content.

However, I have seen no small number of people posting on the message boards saying this is a good thing. This has, historically, been a very easy MMO. There isn't necessarily anything wrong with that, but a lack of challenge will result in some players becoming disinterested. I suspect it's those same players who like the new quirks in gameplay, and the same players that buy Demon' Soul...uh...Atlus' Western-style RPG or play 2-D fighters competitively online.

I'm not judging the trend as "good" or "bad" or "unfair to Archetype X" or "a boon to Archetype Y." I'm saying that some people are going to like it. Some won't. There are a lot of moving targets in the evolving world of MMO design, and "challenge" is one of the trickiest. I don't see the new mission in the Winter Event as a big deal one way or the other, though, because it's not connected to anything except the "Cold as Ice" badge, and there are much more annoying badges in the game. However, taking the conversation of challenge to more general terms would be, in my view, beyond the scope of this thread.

By the way, I looked it up. It's Demon's Souls. One demon, more than one soul.

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post

<unzips pants...pees on MoG> Like MoG will do anyone any good at 15 seconds uptime ROFL. ^_^
Yeah, we get it. You pine for the days of old Regen. That was fifteen issues ago. Time to move on.

(Old MoG was crap. I pee on that, not the new one.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by vulpish_one View Post
However, I have seen no small number of people posting on the message boards saying this is a good thing. This has, historically, been a very easy MMO. There isn't necessarily anything wrong with that, but a lack of challenge will result in some players becoming disinterested.
Those people who complain about the game being too easy tend to be min/maxer munchkins with purple IOs and the "right" power set combos. They do everything they can to make the game easy for themselves and then they complain there's no challenge.

The tools for players to challenge themselves are in the game and have been for some time. If they find TFs and arcs too easy they can force a debuff on themselves, deactivate their enhancers and restrict themselves to just Primary and Secondary power sets. Run a STF like that and it's plenty challenging.

But those people don't take advantage of those tools and still complain the game is too easy. That's because it's not about personal challenge to them, it's about E-peen. It's about them showing off their min-maxed builds and said build's capability to do content others can't or struggle with and feeling superior. Catering to these people is always a bad idea unless the devs want to further stratify the player base.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Catering to these people is always a bad idea unless the devs want to further stratify the player base.
Well, I don't want to derail the current thread, and I don't want to go near player psychology with a ten-foot pole (at least, not publicly). You obviously feel intensely about this, and I don't lurk many sections of the boards, so I'll ask: have you started a new thread, perhaps in in a more general section, for discussing your opinions about alleged "difficulty creep"? The section I've quoted above wouldn't be a bad thesis for a civil discussion about the nature of challenge in video games in general and MMOs in particular.

Of course, this being the internet, "civil" has a loose definition.

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



My level 50 Dark/Dark Defender had no problems with Lady Winter going toe-to-toe with her (that's Melee range).

I hit the Defense Accolade and used three defense inspirations later on. I didn't even use any other insps than that, not even the usual 6 reds to do uber damage. I eventually whitled her down (D3s don't have big damage like a Melee-er does).

I found her easier than Snaptooth, for whom I always stay out of melee range if I want to live.

IMO, she doesn't need to be nerfed based on a level 50 fight. I'll try lower level toons, tho...

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Originally Posted by vulpish_one View Post
Well, I don't want to derail the current thread, and I don't want to go near player psychology with a ten-foot pole (at least, not publicly). You obviously feel intensely about this, and I don't lurk many sections of the boards, so I'll ask: have you started a new thread, perhaps in in a more general section, for discussing your opinions about alleged "difficulty creep"? The section I've quoted above wouldn't be a bad thesis for a civil discussion about the nature of challenge in video games in general and MMOs in particular.

Of course, this being the internet, "civil" has a loose definition.
In the interest of not derailing this thread further (the feedback here on Lady Winter to get seen the the devs) I propose we agree to end this branch of discussion about the game's overall difficulty at this post.

That being said, no I have not/will not start a thread about difficulty creep because I see it as mostly pointless. There's been a number of complaints by others that the devs have snubbed "casual" players with i19 and those voices get shouted down, usually getting ganged up on by the "power players" I spoke of in my previous post. The devs have chosen their course. They've never listened to my feedback, suggestions or complaints in the past, they aren't going to start now.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
That being said, no I have not/will not start a thread about difficulty creep because I see it as mostly pointless. There's been a number of complaints by others that the devs have snubbed "casual" players with i19 and those voices get shouted down, usually getting ganged up on by the "power players" I spoke of in my previous post. The devs have chosen their course. They've never listened to my feedback, suggestions or complaints in the past, they aren't going to start now.
Also not to be rude, but Issue 19 is the first time they're really throwing a bone to the power gamers (not counting perhaps the Master TF badges). They've been saying for a while now that a big point the Incarnate system was to bring new challenges for the upper tier players.

Now look back over much of the course of the game previously... XP smoothing, patrol experience and Day Jobs, starting debt at level 10 instead of 5, making Brawl cost no endurance, reducing the debt cap (significantly), speeding up the base speeds of Sprint and the Flight powers... and now Inherent Fitness? All of those were designed to make the game more palatable for the casual gamers to the point where the hardcore players were complaining that the game was too easy all the time. Several power gamers have threatened to quit (and possibly have... I haven't heard too much from them in the last couple months) after the promise for harder end-game content wasn't delivered with i18.

Not everyone is going to like everything that goes in the game. I like badging, but I hate PVP (... and I think Day Jobs are the worst idea ever). But I deal with the stuff I don't like to focus on what I do.

If you want to do this mission solo, then you're going to have to man up and play the hand you're dealt. Grab some temp powers, stock up on insps and take the Lady down.

If you don't care whether you do it solo or not, then what's the big friggin deal? Grab a Blaster friend and assist them for a change.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Tested this event twice.

First time I left I set the Tuatha to running around helping me clear out the winterlings. A few of them survived the assault, then I left them to take down Lady Winter. After a few inspirations and Demonic, I took her down without much trouble.

2nd time I cleared out the Winterlings without the help of the Tuatha, then set them to running around. I taunted Lady Winter into the Tuatha, and they killed her almost without any of my help, I just had to run in and perform the killing blow. No inspiration or temp power use.

A non-solo toon like a Defender or Controller could essentially use the Tuatha as their party, keeping them alive through clearing out the map and fighting Lady Winter.

The point here seems to be strategy rather than running in blindly.

"I accidently killed Synapse, do we need to restart the mission?" - The Oldest One on Lord Recluses Strike Force



Really wanted to see snow in paragon city this year. sigh...

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Just wiped the floor with the ice lady using my Mind/Kin. Borr-iiing!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
... this is just further evidence of the devs giving the shaft to melee classes...

After hating on dominators for so long, they needed a new red-headed stepchild.

Please buff Ice Control.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Just wiped the floor with the ice lady using my Mind/Kin. Borr-iiing!
The "Crystalize" power is a great big "&(%*$ YOU" to everyone who fights in melee range: it's an unresistable 5% defense debuff and unresistable 10% resistance debuff autohit PBAoE with a 30-foot radius; it typically stacks about eight-fold.

To put that in perspective, my Granite tank bottomed out at 3% cold resistance/9% cold defense and went through a half-tray of medium greens while soloing her. My SR scrapper was sitting at 5% defense to all until I fired Elude.

A level 39 un-IOd AR/Dev blaster I haven't played in a year used four inspirations: a small purple, a medium green, and two small blues. It would have gone even easier if I'd thought to set up a minefield before opening fire.



Not a big surprise since they seem to be intent on screwing over defense based characters nowdays with most of the new npcs having accuracy/to hit bonuses or extreme debuffs (don't even get me started on the imbalanced Rularuu eyeballs). Its even more punishing on a super reflexes character when your only type of mitigation is not getting hit.... No +hit points, no self heals, no resistance.

Always thought it to be stupid that SR would be punished in the same way. Debuffs and acc/to hit bonuses shouldn't affect super reflexes as much as it currently does. I know that if soft capped players are having trouble then the non softcapped must be going through absolute hell sometimes.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I don't think they're trying to "screw over" melee characters.... however, if they're trying to balance out Melee vs Ranged, they got it bass akwards.

Besides, this is the TEST server. There's a chance that there's, i dunno, a BUG, or ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT before it goes live. So everyone's "Whah my tank isn't invicible" feedback is valuable in trying to get a better baseline.

PS for melee characters: Temp powers, APP ranged attacks, hover (or a jetpack)... you have tools to defeat a foes such as this. Or, if you don't wana go that route, joust the witch. Or eat inspirations. Or bring a team. Don't whine that you don't have the capacity to do anything but hold still and push the same 3 buttons over and over. Try something DIFFERENT!

I mean, when was the last time you heard of a controller complaining about the PToD? You know, that EB/AV ability that makes a controller's entire aresenel useless? We've learned to live with it, so you can live with this!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
-Also the fact of the matter is, for an Incarnate, I don't consider the mission being potentially shorter a plus. Speed runs are hopefully going to be a thing of the past because people will want more opportunities for a Shard to drop.
Hopefully you're wrong. I think at first people will take their time but boredom will set in as it always does and we'll go back to speed runs. Works for me, I think speed runs are the fastest way to slot out your incarnates anyway. Just do the one that gives you the specific component that you need. You'll still get a few shard drops in the process too. Less crafting = more time to play the game.



Originally Posted by GhoulSlayer View Post
Less crafting = more time to play the game.
This^ just made me laugh, because I love crafting and always wish there was more in the game. For me, crafting is a lot of the game.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
PS for melee characters: Temp powers, APP ranged attacks, hover (or a jetpack)... you have tools to defeat a foes such as this. Or, if you don't wana go that route, joust the witch. Or eat inspirations. Or bring a team. Don't whine that you don't have the capacity to do anything but hold still and push the same 3 buttons over and over. Try something DIFFERENT!
Seriously, this. My mains are a Scrapper, a Stalker and a Brute. It's not all "Hulk SMASH!" all the time, people. Sometimes, you have to let out the Grey Hulk and actually think a problem through.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Don't whine that you don't have the capacity to do anything but hold still and push the same 3 buttons over and over.
Maybe people rolled a melee AT because they like playing like that. Maybe they don't want yield like a weakling or fight like a coward (which hit and run tactics could be viewed as) or resort to cheating with temp power "toys" because a sadistic GM decided they should have to. Maybe they have an Ice Tanker and wonder why Lady Winter making them colder with [Crystallize] doesn't actually make them stronger (because you know, being cold is their thing)? Maybe people don't like their AT (or kind of AT) being singled out to get shafted in several new content encounters by a designer just because?
