Winter event up on test.




Her Crystalize power also stacks up to 8 times, each with a -5% Defense on it.

I have to say that she was actually much easier on a level 20 Inv/SS than she was on a level 50 Inv/SS. I'm guessing that this has to do with how Elite Boss HP scale with level, or perhaps how her attacks scale up in damage.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



I fought her on my level 37 SS/WP brute; I won, but used most of a tray of Inspirations in the process.

I fought her on my level 50 Ill/Rad and ate her alive. As said, she's weak at ranged, and she doesn't like -regen at all. I also managed to successfully Hold her off and on.

I fought the AV version of her on a team with my Fortunata. We won repeatedly, but those nasty -def debuffs caused a few deaths. My Fortunata's Mindlinked defense values would crash to a few percent on a regular basis.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



On my 50 MA/Regen scrapper I used a combo of Blackwand, Nemesis Staff, and Jet Pack to (slowly) take her down. In melee, with MoG, IH, and DP all up she simply one shot me.

Heroes: Apogee | Bad Karma | Havocbolt | Novastar | Ranger | Wyvern |
Villains: Relic | Mad Havoc | Wreak Havoc |

... lurking since the beginning.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
So, explain to me how having more players there will enable me to magically survive more damage in one hit than I have total health? Healers can't help if I'm dead before they can cast anything. Bubblers are no help, I already had maximum Defense. Debuffing her might help, but not every group is going to have that going for them. Are you suggesting it's good design to require a specific power type to make it playable?

I was as tough and well defended as I could be, and did as much damage as I could have, and was still one shotted. No team would have prevented that (short of having a Tank to be two shotted first).

Oh, and this may be a shock to you, but players of ALL levels will want to play the winter content. When the game starts at L38 you can start using that lame argument.

It's poorly designed.
If your initial strategy doesn't work, you create a new one. Not everything can be a one and done.

If you're playing as a stalker, then act like one. Open with an Assassin Strike, placate, and repeat with necessary inspirations at hand. Hell, you could even do like the mission text, which I copy-pasted for you, and you could pull her to the Tuatha.

Games aren't broken when a player has no strategy to combat an adversary.