Curiosity: Incarnate!




I am curious, how will you explain Incarnate-ship for your character(s)?

I have a few toons I'll be 'incarnating' in I19.

Shadeknight - Hes mastered his magic and his new 'fusion' with the spirit that once guided him. Hes essentially just the strongest he'll ever reach. I'll be going with the damage Alpha Slot for this.

Legionbreaker - His full power has been unsealed, he is now much stronger upon the mortal plane (Damage Alpha Slot).

Those are the main two, so far. Basic ideas, but I'm interested in seeing if anyone is going to stray off the story path of the story arc, etc.



For Lady Arete.
Well she is sort of linked or have tapped into some kind of mythical power already. Early in her life she tapped into the power of a phoenix (through magic... one reason of Rise of the Phoenix ) So she is just simply solidifying or getting more connected with it. I would imagine this to be somewhat of incarnate already.
Power wise, due to IO's well she is a powerhouse already so the alpha slot will not benefit her that much
Else I imagine she will go through the in-game story as it is. Atleast as an introduction to become an incarnate proper.

Her mutant body is changing and she has already gotten in touch with her more inner "mythical" self. However it depends upon what kind of powersets we get through out the issues.
Else I plan it to be that she too follows the in-game story arc as it is.
(I actually look forward to play her and fight the first mission in Remiels arc solo... I might be a little sadistic to myself there, if it was not for the solo boost defenders gets)

So looking forward for more info about the next slots that are not alpha slots

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That would be a secret.

None of them will be following the established story arc, I think. I've only got one really worked out and she isn't.

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I doubt there'll be many RPers who follow the given story arc... It's just too limiting for most folks, especially those who don't have magic based characters.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Rushmore: Will gain the status of Ambassador to the Spirit of America when he happens across a Praetorian strike team. This will let him use the power of America overseas and in other dimensions, and results in a plentiful, potent patriotic powerhouse.

Cindersnap: Will have a short story adventure that results in him learning a martial art designed for mutants, that helps them channel their chi to bolster their metahuman ability. He'll then be able to teach two other of my characters, Quickfrost and Fusebox, for when they hit 50.

Others I am less decided on so far.



...I wish I was on the EU servers, sometimes.

But neat.

My scrapper, Shade, will also be able to harnass a bit more magic (I like to have multiple versions of my characters, atleast 2 ._.) which will be played off when I can get his other three versions up to 50 x_x.



The character most likely to be building Incarnate slots next, Gunwitch, will probably not justify the Alpha slot at all. It's basically just a super enhancement, she builds better gadgets all the time and this is nothing different.

There's actually not much I've seen so far which would indicate a need to get any more complex than that.

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True, Raven.

I won't do anything beyond Alpha Slot until we get to the real higher sets. Which will probably be I21 - I30 spaced. Lol



I have something vaguely planned for Tam, since he's most likely to hit 50 in time for the higher level stuff to be released whilst the rest of my characters wallow in their own misfortune at being slightly less interesting to play (forgive me, but SMASHY SMASHY scrank-ness is fun (okay so it's Shield Charge)). Closely followed by Mar, since he improves upon Tam's fun by adding Electrifying Bad-guys' Vital Organs When They Touch Him to the mix. But Tam has a headstart.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



Wrench Wench: Even more mindbending than usual Magi-Tech, she's been giving magic a poke for a little while now and the mad scientist in her can't really stop there now.

Emma Sparks: Harnessing the same energy Kheldians do for her lightning in a more permanent fashion. It's a Wrench Wench gadget, so it's a bit risky but she's not all brains.

Wish Bone: Being a Spirit of Adventure, she'll likely have to do something a little ridiculous. Well more ridiculous than usual.

Fanservice Girl: She might go back home only to find a lightning breathing Kaiju monster attacking the city. Both beating and befriending the strange beast, she'll learn how to harness the power within her to shoot lightning out of her face in an 80's training montage. With a giant monster.

Or something. I'm not really sure.



Shadeknight's spirit guide, Arete's phoenix magic, Rushmore's spirit of America, Shade's magic, Wish Bone's spirit of adventure... didn't realise the power of Guardians and Spirits were this popular. It's a path I too have chosen to explain the Alpha enhancements of the Priest character; attuning to the 'lessons' of his spirit guide, his father the angel Noktil. Similar (as all things superhero) to Superman and his teachings within the Fortress of Solitude. Bring on #19 I say.



There's no spirit or magical baloney in my main's become incarnate. Simply an evolution of her development which has been building for quite a few months and "broke out" a week or so ago as anyone at GG at the time would have noticed.

Yeah I got fed up with waiting, but as an RPer, I don't NEED to wait.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
an evolution of her development which has been building for quite a few months and "broke out" a week or so ago
Nice. I think that's just as interesting as magic though. And I guess the spirit thing could be classed as natural also.

The weird one would be technology or science Incarnates. I suppose in that sense, you just don't play it as an actual Incarnation of whatever other being.

PS. I'm now stuck with an image of Ellie doing a Pokemon-style evolve at the statue. o.O



Originally Posted by Pious View Post
Nice. I think that's just as interesting as magic though. And I guess the spirit thing could be classed as natural also.

The weird one would be technology or science Incarnates. I suppose in that sense, you just don't play it as an actual Incarnation of whatever other being.

PS. I'm now stuck with an image of Ellie doing a Pokemon-style evolve at the statue. o.O
It was a bit more explosive than that, but kinda, yeah. She was about 8 foot tall, heavily muscled and covered in razor sharp armour plates. Others generally described her as "scary", and she gave Gunwitch nightmares! :O Her initial transformation, though, held way too much power that her body wasn't ready for, so she went kaboom!

Good job is jolly hard to kill a Peacebringer without a Q-gun! She reformed and now is building back up to it. She's already transformed for a second time, during a sparring match with a superstrong tanker (Starborn), and went toe to toe with her. Technically, you COULD say she actually beat her, as she forced Star to trigger full rage and unstoppable, and STILL went toe to toe with her! She was still raring to go when Star powered down, though I'm more inclined to call it a stalemate.

Right now though, she's learning to control it better. Work out exactly when and why the change happens when it does, and what her capabilities are in that form.

As for method, I think we can all probably come up with great ways of explaining it for our chars. Science and tech is easy enough. Experimentation or gadgets giving extra abilities! Mutants can continue to mutate, naturals (if Batman type), can learn new skills or become better at what they do. The choices are limited only by our imagination, really.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Pious View Post
Shadeknight's spirit guide, Arete's phoenix magic, Rushmore's spirit of America, Shade's magic, Wish Bone's spirit of adventure... didn't realise the power of Guardians and Spirits were this popular.

Rushmore's a bit of a Captain Marvel homage in a way. To transform from Jamie Matthews into Rushmore, he currently has to be on American Soil. He raises his arm into the air and says 'America, give me strength!'

Sometimes, the Spirit of America talks to him. Once, it even took him over to warn a Praetorian. There are other avatars of country spirits out there, even of dead countries still remembered. Rushie has a nemesis in Confederacy Caroline, the spirit of the CSA still clinging on thanks to the presence of Confederate flags. He also once had a rock off against a demon with the Guitar of Liberty at the Statue of Liberty. The statue's torch burst into flames, and the pair grew in size to battle in the bay.

It's only natural that this is the source of his new abilities is the source of his old ability. With Praetorians invading, America giving one of it's champions the strength to fight on America's soil and elsewhere is a wise idea for it, instead of some piece of the Well.

Incidentally, I've been working out what the characters get. Rushie is going for Endurance/Res, as America's power lets him fight longer and boosts his ability to shrug off damage. Quickfrost gets End/Range, once he's 50 and been taught by Cindersnap, as his ice abilities are easier to channel and send further. Zahir Rolando will probably upgrade his fabricators to enable him to build more devices quicker to deploy (/Traps) and increase the repair and rejuvenation tech he has. (Going for Rech/Heal) while Zortel will upgrade her power systems and work in changes to her stun capacitors in her gloves (Recharge/Stun). Though her IO's are also part of her character, once she has the Kinetic Combat sets, she'll be using the stun capacitor fields in the gloves to block melee attacks. Her five Thunderstrike sets are a series of upgrades that conserve energy (+recovery), channel into her thrusters and energy shields to protect and avoid (+Travel Speed, +Ranged/Energy/Negative Defence) and give her beam attacks more penetrative power, as well as allowing more computing time for her targetting systems (+Acc). Consequentially, the system is powered by the Thunderstrike Chip.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
Sometimes, the Spirit of America talks to him. Once, it even took him over to warn a Praetorian.
Which just so happened to be my Praetorian, Gunwitch...

Originally Posted by Pious View Post
The weird one would be technology or science Incarnates. I suppose in that sense, you just don't play it as an actual Incarnation of whatever other being.
Who is likely to be hitting 50 and going Incarnate sometime later this year, and is a Technology origin. It won't be weird in the least, she simply won't be doing anything more than she normally does, building better gadgets.

Thing to remember, I think, is that one of the devs (I believe it was War Witch, could be wrong, she stuck her oar in) has already pointed out that the player Incarnates are not the same as the existing ones. They are not incarnations of some being (or need not be).

Going for massive personal speculation...
I think, essentially, that Incarnates tap directly into the Well, rather than accessing it indirectly through the Origins. This is why I have trouble with the argument that "I'm not using the established arc because my Origin isn't Magic." I could happily have Gunwitch develop ultimate cosmic gadget powers by coming to understand a magical ritual or artefact. The Origins are just lenses we view the Well through.

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Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
Going for massive personal speculation...
I think, essentially, that Incarnates tap directly into the Well, rather than accessing it indirectly through the Origins. This is why I have trouble with the argument that "I'm not using the established arc because my Origin isn't Magic." I could happily have Gunwitch develop ultimate cosmic gadget powers by coming to understand a magical ritual or artefact. The Origins are just lenses we view the Well through.
Now that i19 is in open beta, we can talk about how its implemented, story wise.


Last chance to skip to the previous page!

Basically, there are two types of incarnate. There are those who gain all the Well's power in one go, such as Statesman and Recluse. These types are "owned" by the power though, and are subject to its control. They essentially lose a measure of their free will.

Then there's the type we end up getting. The slowly slowly catchee monkey type. We tap into the well over a long period of time, through use of the Shards. These unlock the potential within us and grant almost the same level of power, but it takes much much longer AND we retain our free will.

So we will not be as powerful as the NPC incarnates. The mission you run at the start of the arc merely shows you a possible future where you likely took the fast route rather than the one you get pushed down.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Well from an IC perspective nothings going to change in regards to my characters, they're as powerful (Or not) as I want them to be! I see no reason why I -have- to make those at 50 suddenly have to make a power leap for whatever reason.

But then I'm the strange breed of RPer who doesn't think OOC level should dictate the power of our characters.

Like my lvl 20 somthing scrapper who's only IC super power is turning invisible/phasing! Those lvl 1 hellions are a massive threat to her IC wise!



Alpha's merely going to be plugging in more high-end components, taking and adapting whatever he damn well wants from the Praetorians after stampi- ok, after Omega 1 has stamped their faces in with his size 32 metal boot. The enemy is now better and bigger; Alpha will respond with better and more destructive weaponary.

Science wise? Nightwalker is going to be edging closer to his 'higher evolution' and 'salvation', likely now aided by one Umbral Tombstrider

Others I have yet to work out. But ones like Vix are going to be fun. I have plans for that girl

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
But then I'm the strange breed of RPer who doesn't think OOC level should dictate the power of our characters.
Actually, from my experience, that breed of RPer is fairly common if not the majority.



We’ve been discussing the Incarnate issue over on the Militia boards for a while and the conclusion I’ve come to is that there are some characters for whom ‘Incarnate-hood’ just does not suit. I feel that for a few of my characters, even though they are ‘at their peak’ at level 50, they’re simply not power hungry enough to seek more. That said, if all of their foes started becoming that powerful… well, that’s another issue.

One thought to consider though is whether this power will come at a price for some of our characters? Although player Incarnates are different to NPC Incarnates, I wonder what conditions the arc will try to place on people (not that I’ll pay them much attention mind you). For example, Statesman seems to have a bad case of immortality thanks to his brush with the Well, not necessarily always a good thing. And as for Recluse, I’m not sure I fancy the spider legs (although a spare arm might be handy occasionally…).

To my mind, roleplayers have already pushed the boundaries of the level cap with sometimes incredibly powerful IC abilities that would be game breaking if in game. So I don’t see the inclusion of a game related way of expressing that as necessarily being ‘a next step’. Dante has always used his arcane arts in ways that step outside of game boundaries so the pursuit of the Alpha Slot will simply be him investigating new magics but not necessarily ones that ‘make him more powerful’. All that will change for him will be that there will be more situations that require him to call on more extreme magics than before.

As a heads up, there will inevitably be an increase in the demand for high level TFs being run as a means to shard gathering and I’m currently working on an IC idea to pull together some of these individuals in their quest for power. More details to follow soon.

Oh and as a side note for those who don’t like the ‘mystic mumbo-jumbo’ side of Incarnates, one could always look at Stephan Richter’s response to his exposure to the Well. He never believed in the deity/magic side of it, seeing it more as a form of advanced power that unlocked human creativity and inspiration.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
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The first character I'll be taking to Incarnate levels actually could use the arc exactly as is. But of course, that may be because he sees the Well as being more than a stone shaft around a borehole that you draw water from. For him (and me too as a player for the moment) there is a Sentient power beyond our dimension, outside of our world. A source of power that has created 'Gods' in the past, and may do so again.

The Well may perhaps be described as the reality beyond our reality. It may turn out to be the true Creator of all, but is more likely just a step closer to that Creator than anything in our reality ever comes. The Well is simply one method to contact and channel power from a powerful, otherworldly entity.

The first Character who I'll be making Incarnate IC is my ancient mage, Powerstone. Already well aware of forces and entities beyond the strictly mortal realm, and incredibly familiar with the realities (of game cannon) that all Magic origin heroes were supposed to be descendants of Mu, fragments of leftovers from a war between godlike entities.

His personal mission has always been to attempt to prevent too much of this sort of 'Gods using our world as a chessboard' thing. Knowing that he cannot do a thing directly (since man versus God really doesn't go well, even when the man is a master of the Arcane arts), his mission has always been to deflect, to keep interference minimal, and allow no single side to triumph to the stage of 'owning' our realm completely and unchallenged.

The Well is a source of power that potentially allows mankind to evolve into greater power. Potentially, to become more than mortal, and able to challenge those meddling ancient spirits that play with our world as though all of us were but toys in a game. The Well is a telephone cable. It can be used directly to transfer power, to communicate, or it can be used subtly and carefully, tapping the line and learning the secrets of the reality beyond reality.



Once Amerikatt has become Incarnate Level 10, she will have realized her full potential and it will be the culmination of an epic storyline spanning over six millenia!

Sadly, Richard Chamberlain is not available for this epic mini-series!

Although her personal story has at times interwined with the backstory of City of Heroes, her tale is divergent.

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
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Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
Actually, from my experience, that breed of RPer is fairly common if not the majority.
It's just that all this incarnate stuff is rubbing me a bit the wrong way, it comes out and all of a sudden everyones characer are going on simultanious uests or whatever to gain power.

Whats wrong with the IC power level we had before? I just don't get why everyones suddenly decided to make all thier characters that much more powerful...



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
It's just that all this incarnate stuff is rubbing me a bit the wrong way, it comes out and all of a sudden everyones characer are going on simultanious uests or whatever to gain power.

Whats wrong with the IC power level we had before? I just don't get why everyones suddenly decided to make all thier characters that much more powerful...
Speaking only for myself, once Amerikatt becomes an Incarnate, she will have the combined power of all felines (big and small) who have ever lived!

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
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