Curiosity: Incarnate!




M'kay, at first this was just someone's curiosity, but now that it's mutated into this, I have to wonder: is it really that important to explain IC why/where/how your character got more powerful in-game? Do you do the same when you slot new enhancements? Mind yalls, everyone's free to do what they want, but it seems needlessly complicated to me.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




It's the new shiney. Everytime there's a new issue, people want to use the new shiney in RP. It's only natural, really.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Without wanting to move the discussion into dodgy territory but the question over whether a character believes another person to be an Incarnate or not reminds me a lot of when deists see the hand of some other almighty power at work, whether that person believes it or not. The Well is clearly doing something and some people will believe that, others won't.

IIRC, Stephan Richter was always skeptical about the Well and after his exposure to it, went on to try and create the perfect technology based society. I don't think he ever once acknowledged that his new insights and abilities were based on some magic mumbo jumbo. So inevitably, the mad scientist that comes up with a way to create an orbital cannon is unlikely to think that maybe some mystical well is manipulating him. He'll just figure he got lucky or his own incredible genius led him to it. Whereas those who know of an 'believe' in the Well could point at his achievements and cry "Ah ha! Incarnate!" (At which point they'd probably get a funny look from the scientist before being incinerated by said orbital array.)

In short, people will RP the Incarnate powers however the hell they like. We already twist and bend game lore all over the place (as is our want). My demon character doesn't use Radiation Emission, it's recoloured to be spells and curses for her. Likewise none of my magic users call on the entities named on the SO enhancements. What counts is the character, game mechanics be damned.

The only thing we need to be aware of is that the Well is now entering current game lore and so people will talk about it, just as conversations turned to Praetoria when Going Rogue launched. Whether people seek the Well IC or just find new ways to explore their powers (as I've already said I will be) is entirely up to them. Whether they're Incarnate or not is about as important as what the Origin above their head says.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by DeviousMe View Post
M'kay, at first this was just someone's curiosity, but now that it's mutated into this, I have to wonder: is it really that important to explain IC why/where/how your character got more powerful in-game? Do you do the same when you slot new enhancements? Mind yalls, everyone's free to do what they want, but it seems needlessly complicated to me.
Unionites. We like things to tie up. Happens every time something new comes out.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Hmm. Now you've got me curious: what'd you guys do when they came out with Hami-Os?

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Way before my time.

Part of the purpose of discussions like this is to figure out whether the new mechanic is even suitable to acknowledge IC. The entire enhancement system is, in my experience, mostly ignored for IC purposes. I'd have no problem with someone saying they learned a new sniping technique from Manticore or a new healing spell from Numina, but I'd also have no problem with them not saying those things. If someone said IC that they'd found documents on a defeated Hydra blob detailing Manticore's sniping techniques, and mastered them with the aid of some weapons-grade uranium and a cybernetic arm, my character would be inclined to be sceptical.

In the case of Incarnates, I don't see any problem acknowledging the Incarnate phenomenon IC, but it's there for people to use, or not, IC and OOC.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Originally Posted by DeviousMe View Post
Hmm. Now you've got me curious: what'd you guys do when they came out with Hami-Os?
People actually use them?

(Yes, I do, Alpha has a few of them in stuff like web grenade. Wether they stay there is another matter)

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
IIRC, Stephan Richter was always skeptical about the Well and after his exposure to it, went on to try and create the perfect technology based society. I don't think he ever once acknowledged that his new insights and abilities were based on some magic mumbo jumbo. So inevitably, the mad scientist that comes up with a way to create an orbital cannon is unlikely to think that maybe some mystical well is manipulating him. He'll just figure he got lucky or his own incredible genius led him to it. Whereas those who know of an 'believe' in the Well could point at his achievements and cry "Ah ha! Incarnate!" (At which point they'd probably get a funny look from the scientist before being incinerated by said orbital array.)
Again, until I see the in-game lore and missions and such, I'm not passing judgement.

If it tries the same railroading crap as they did with power diversification (whoever wrote that mission should be shot) then it can go die in a hole, and I will simply refuse to acknowledge it.
And if that doesn't work, it can say hello to Reason, same as everything else.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Wolfram View Post
If someone said IC that they'd found documents on a defeated Hydra blob detailing Manticore's sniping techniques, and mastered them with the aid of some weapons-grade uranium and a cybernetic arm, my character would be inclined to be sceptical.
And thus The Enhancer was born.

"Enhancer, what the hell is up with your face?"

"I have installed cybernetic eyes, to help me aim better!"

"Your face is -covered- in them!"


"And why do you have bandoliers strapped to your fists?"

"They contain explosive bullets, so that when I punch, my fists explode with righteous fury!"

"Won't that hurt?"

"That is why I have crammed all this sub-dermal underlay under my fists!"

"And where did those scars on your chest come from?"

"Cybernetic hearts! With ten of them beating inside me-"


"YES! Ten hearts, ten times the endurance and fitness!"

"You should be -dead-!"

"Ah, that is where these nano-regenerators come in!"

"I'm not even going to ask about the mound of-"

"Hamidon Goo."

"I can't hear you."

"infused with strange particles to help me go quicker."

"I -can't- hear you!"

"And with these pages of the Malleus Mundi stuffed in my boots, no one will EVER knock me down."


"Want to see my Inanimate Carbon Rod? It helps me work longer."





I am a Virtueite, but a roleplayer none the less.

But I agree, Incarnatedom should not be detectable, for those that go that path.

...I'd type more but I'm tired. xD



My main, Doctor Scotts, is a rad/rad/power defender. He utilizes technology to enhance ambient mutant abilities or afflictions. For instance, he provided the biotechnical boost to my ill/rad, Hologram Girl. Before, she could only absorb light energy and glow a little; now, full fledged delusion of splendor.

I don't RP, but I like to have a good story in my head. Nominally, Doctor Scotts has nothing to do, ever, with magic. But, as I see it, he will become the forced vessel of the spirit of Hephaestus, which will pretty much just make him more genius and inventive.



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
The only thing we need to be aware of is that the Well is now entering current game lore and so people will talk about it, just as conversations turned to Praetoria when Going Rogue launched. Whether people seek the Well IC or just find new ways to explore their powers (as I've already said I will be) is entirely up to them. Whether they're Incarnate or not is about as important as what the Origin above their head says.

Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
Every single argument, on both sides of the divide, can be boiled down to one simple (hah!) factor:

Cause and Effect.

As Roleplayers, we constantly strive for individuality in our toons, and we effectively demand the right to define our own "Cause". The "Effect" is best written as "whatever the game mechanics say happens".

This happens with Origins, which are sufficiently broad that we can usually fudge one of the five "Causes" into the "Effect" of our powers.

The discussion here is essentially "do all characters that take advantage of the Incarnate System have to be empowered by The Well in character?"

The answer to that question, in the interests of the freedom of expression that RPers strive for, has to be a resounding "NO".
Utterly agree. But the effect that your cause must apply to is still the whole point. You've become more than the greatest non-Incarnates have ever been able to become. Pick any cause you like, but if you tell me you are still a 'street level hero', or as Mechano suggests, managed to get all the way to level 50, the supreme super-hero without learning that gun-sights exist, frankly it is reality breaking, and you aren't going to fit in other people's game realities at all well.

Originally Posted by Wolfram View Post
Upgrading your character is fine and you can explain it however you like, but if you're going to make a character who can solo Rularuu and want to acknowledge that IC, you have to be able to say how and why. And as the Incarnate system progresses, I have a feeling we'll end up facing challenges that only an Incarnate can handle.
Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
The means by which an individual character is (or is not) empowered by The Well is very much up to the individual player. The only thing that I think is required is that every player accepts what the Lore regarding Incarnates now says. This does not mean that every character must believe it, of course, but players need to agree that if someone says "I am an Incarnate", then that someone is receiving some form of empowerment from an as-yet poorly defined intelligence known as The Well of the Furies.

It becomes important as we move forward and characters who have unlocked Incarnatedom become more and more powerful - the levels of power that Incarnates are able to achieve are supposed to exceed those that any non-Incarnate is capable of, in the Paragon Universe. So someone with a toon who has Omega Incarnate powers slotted up to the gills will either have an incredibly good explanation for their utterly non-Incarnate character (and I have to admit, it would have to be a doozy, OOC), or they will admit to being an Incarnate, or they will be an incarnate but the character might not know it.
Originally Posted by Wolfram View Post
Everything we know (ok, everything I know :P) tells us that Incarnates are a step above everyone else, as much IC and OOC. A non-Incarnate character equalling or bettering Incarnates... I'm not going to say it's impossible, but we're talking an extreme level of power. At that point, I'd be inclined to go with Ammon and say the character has become Incarnate unwittingly.
The Well does exist, and in the reality in which any character in the CoX universe exists, all around them are going to be people using it. Just like I was saying earlier about the adoption of the Internet.

I'm not quite sure why so many of you have characters that when the Internet was made available to all would refuse to use it and then seek to invent some other weird path to being able to look up information and send emails. Performing long-mind-melds because they are a naturalist who dislike's technology perhaps, or using arcane scrying spells and crystal balls to get the exact same effect as browsing the internet (including misinformation) without having to use that nasty technology stuff. Just seems a bit ... unnecessary and weird.

What I'm saying is that we are playing characters in a world with certain realities in the daily lives of our characters. That magic exists and is potent is so blatantly obvious that it can't have been ignored. It is as much a fact of life as the existence Satelite Television is to us. Why then are your character not equally accepting and blase about it?

Teleporters completely disassemble your body, turn it into some kind of broadcastable EMR, zap it off around the universe, and completely reassemble it, all in an instant... but your characters worry about touching magic?

You may be called upon to battle the Rikti, Behemoth Overlords, Adamastor, and eventually Rularu, but you have trouble accepting greater otherworldly entities?

Its just ... odd.

Now, if you were the player of a tech-based villain, saying that you refuse to accept the Well as some mythic magical god, but instead, you believe it to be some connection to your own far-future god-like self, Where your technology has become so advanced that you are indeed god-like, well now, that fits, works and is a pretty neat and tidy explanation.

The Well is a connection to some entity (whether you use the Well or not). Game fact. But what your character believes that entity to be ... Rularu's really nice cuddly but more powerful big brother, an ultra-advanced alien race, Skynet of the far future where a single AI has encompassed all recorded and recordable knowledge ... That all works fine. As does picking up items that allow you to compete with Incarnates.

Incarnatedom is undetectable IC.
Yes, because that is the Cause part of the power - the game mechanic. But what your character then does is the Effect part. And going toe to toe and keeping pace with an Incarnate would be notable. Whether those Incarnates are foes or allies.

What is notable, is detectable, obviously. So if IC you are not an Incarnate, then you are going to need a really good Cause/Reason for being able to compete head to head with those who are. Orbital space stations and an off-screen army of robots and personell? Yeah, fine. You just worked out what a gun sight is? No way. Seriously, Mechano?!? To have gotten to level 50 you are super-human, and can aim as accurately without a sight as with one. Unless it is a new advanced sight linked to ultra-technology so advanced that it might as well be powered by the Well.

Of course, there is an easy way to avoid even the ultimate Incarnate level powers from being detectable or noticeable:

Originally Posted by I, myself;
Of course, those who are happy to solo, and are not going to boast of doing whatever mission or task can only be done by Incarnates will be fine. Whatever doesn't break reality for others is always fine.



That's just it though, the Alpha slot is basically the same game equivilent as an SO applied to all your powers (33%) in the long run the Alpha slot is the easiest to handwave away as having nothing to do with being an Incarnate becuase it is nothing obvious, there is no real obvious indication EVEN IN COMBAT that you are an Incarnate.

It is downright as simple as getting a really good scope complete with night vision and distance meter for those longer ranged hits, yes you were good but with that scope on your rifle/Pistols, you're now even more awesome or widening your ammo choices (hollowpoint and armour piercing rounds used on the correct targets etc.), it is when we get to the later stages that you're going to hit a problem.

So it is not that you've just discovered gunsights exist (I never said that so stop putting freaking words in my mouth Ammon!) but you've found a piece of equipment that improves that aspect, be it a scope OR after extensive testing you've realised the gunsight was eversoslightly off and made the tweaks in order to improve your aim.

True I have no Natural characters (my Pistols/Traps defender is techbased gadgeteer) but for the Alpha slot which is just a numerical increase and nothing showy like the later ones will be you CAN handwave it and people will, so get use to it.

The Judgement slot is where Natural human orgins will simply have to be augmented with Tech in order to explain can't call a Killsat attack something you can do naturally, the is no 'summon orbital killsat' move in Martial arts.

Though saying that if you're a natural Alien where you are scout and part of a hivemind with the rest of the hive is up in orbit, having sent you down to explore. You could explain the Judgement power as the Hive providing a collective bio-plasma blast from orbit should you be in trouble, heck you could probably explain away any of the Incarnate powers with that origin since you can simply claim that the hivemind is unlocking abilities as you further progress due to being seen as more and more useful beyond the average drone.

BAM! Nothing to do with the Well in that one and purely natural too.

Just because YOU want to have everything somehow inspired by the Well Ammon doesn't mean everyone else does. Techbot, as mentioned, will have sweet bupkiss to do with the well, his power will come from his own evil genuis. That works, there is no connection to a higher power, no connection to some future godlike self, it is him and him alone which creates these things and Dr Mechano would be the same.

He would have simply augemented himself with more cybernetics or AIs would have upgraded themselves to be more efficient, discovered they could push the power in their lasers a little more or worked out the kinks in their targetting matrix.

For all origins but natural it is incredibly easy to ignore the whole thing to do with the Well, it is only the natural (human, a Natural Alien can still handwave as above) origin that suffers when we get into the later stages where to do that kind of crap you simply HAVE to be an Incarnate, the Alpha slot isn't anything obvious but by heck the other ones will be.


I will also point out the sole reason the Incarnate Taskforces give a level debuff was to actually make the Alpha slot useful as confirmed by Black Scorpion, otherwise people would be blitzing through it without a care. In other words its not so much a lore limitation as it is the devs striving to make the Alpha slot more relevant than it needs to be.

2nd Edit:

Basically the Incarnate system is pushing us closer to Superman levels of power, if Batman, a highly trained, highly intelligent natural/tech origin character can go toe to toe with Superman through use of a Battlesuit and kryptonite then it stands to reason that a Natural human with additional tech can go toe to toe with an Incarnate, sure you're nolonger using just your natural abilities and you are using a battlesuit (good use for a costume slot there) but you could RP that by having your gadgeteering compatriot design the stuff for you.



Just a question, which will probably not come out right, but I'll ask it any way.

If the devs say these slots work this way, what gives you the right to break canon and be a special snow flake and say 'actually mine work this way!' ?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



They don't really give enough details as to be clear just how the damn thing works plus I'd rather not have my character linked to some rather stupid 'mystical power of the multiverse' (god that is both the source of the problem and the stupidest idea, why they couldn't have simply left it as a 'congradulations you've done something awesome, you've unlocked the Incarnate slot' like it was in GR Beta I don't know).

Most tech based characters simply don't NEED that, they're clever enough to be able to invent gadgets that could replicate anything the Well could produce by being infused with it.

Plus how the hell does 'being infused with the power of the Well' allow me to call down an Orbital Killsat...that makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever or Summon Praetorian Clockwork to help me.

That's the thing I'm going on what has been leaked ingame currently as well as what was leaked on test, so far only two of the slots actually make some vague sense (Alpha and Interface) with regards being empowered by the Well, everything else I've seen its just used as a game mechanic for things which...well anybody could replicate, you don't have to be an Incarnate to summon Praetorian PPD, you just have to be a Police Sergeant in Praetoria to do that!


Agree with Zortel below, I'd rather have it actually fit my characters since the Devs attempts at stuff like this so far (as show in the Origin of Power/Power Proliferation) is downright nonsensical at the best of times or just plain idiotic at the worst of times (lore already ingame contradicts a lot of the stuff in the Power of Origin arc and the Power Proliferation wasn't needed) and I think pretty much all the RPers I know ignore both of those bits because they're so stupid.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Just a question, which will probably not come out right, but I'll ask it any way.

If the devs say these slots work this way, what gives you the right to break canon and be a special snow flake and say 'actually mine work this way!' ?
*Looks at the Origin of Power/Power Proliferation Lore*

Mostly because when it is either ham fisted or nonsensical, it's better to go with what you know and what fits in with your characters?

In my case:

Rushmore gaining more power from the Spirit of America
Number Nine unlocking limiters on her singularity engine to enable her to use her powers better
Cindersnap boosting his pyrokinesis with martial arts techniques
Zortel upgrading her suit with brand new, cutting edge technology
Nachtbrecher tapping into and discovering more of Thule's techno-magical power

You know what? I kind of wish that the Alpha Slot was in it's i18 version now, where you unlocked it by either doing a high end task force, paying with reward merits, paying with an alignment merit, or paying with vanguard merits.

Tying Incarnates into one power source lorewise, the Well, was a mistake.

I know they have to provide some story, but if the story provided doesn't mesh well with our characters, should we hamstring them? Or should we use our imagination, a fundamental part of roleplaying, to say "Hey, this is how my character is stepping up to the game."

If wanting my characters abilities to fit with their power, backstory and theme is snowflake in it's specialness, rather than relying on a huge chunk of Phlebotinum that is the Well of the Furies? Then this is me:



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Just a question, which will probably not come out right, but I'll ask it any way.

If the devs say these slots work this way, what gives you the right to break canon and be a special snow flake and say 'actually mine work this way!' ?
Because last time I checked, *I* was the one paying my damn sub, not anyone else.
I'm not being told 'Actually, your character works this way, because we say so.' By anyone. They can go right to hell. End of.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Ammon View Post

The Well does exist, and in the reality in which any character in the CoX universe exists, all around them are going to be people using it. Just like I was saying earlier about the adoption of the Internet.

I'm not quite sure why so many of you have characters that when the Internet was made available to all would refuse to use it and then seek to invent some other weird path to being able to look up information and send emails. Performing long-mind-melds because they are a naturalist who dislike's technology perhaps, or using arcane scrying spells and crystal balls to get the exact same effect as browsing the internet (including misinformation) without having to use that nasty technology stuff. Just seems a bit ... unnecessary and weird.

What I'm saying is that we are playing characters in a world with certain realities in the daily lives of our characters. That magic exists and is potent is so blatantly obvious that it can't have been ignored. It is as much a fact of life as the existence Satelite Television is to us. Why then are your character not equally accepting and blase about it?

Teleporters completely disassemble your body, turn it into some kind of broadcastable EMR, zap it off around the universe, and completely reassemble it, all in an instant... but your characters worry about touching magic?

You may be called upon to battle the Rikti, Behemoth Overlords, Adamastor, and eventually Rularu, but you have trouble accepting greater otherworldly entities?

Its just ... odd.

Now, if you were the player of a tech-based villain, saying that you refuse to accept the Well as some mythic magical god, but instead, you believe it to be some connection to your own far-future god-like self, Where your technology has become so advanced that you are indeed god-like, well now, that fits, works and is a pretty neat and tidy explanation.
I just fail to see why there has to be some connection to the Well. It sounds hamfistedly horrible right now, without any further knowledge (that I'll find out when I19 goes live)
Basically, anyone saying 'Your character is empowered by the Well of Furies one way or another, with or without them knowing' is basically railroading my character(s) and, on basic principle, can simply go to hell. I am the only person writing for my characters. No one else. It's a matter of principle. In the same way that "Ahaha my mad sciences has madez power proliferation, lololoz!!1" can also go die in a hole somewhere. I refuse to accept that bull as canon, because it's so utterly herp da derpingly terribad.


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Because last time I checked, *I* was the one paying my damn sub, not anyone else.
I'm not being told 'Actually, your character works this way, because we say so.' By anyone. They can go right to hell. End of.
Well you are playing within the dev's frame work.

Aka you are paying the devs to play in their RP setting with their rules, there are after all alternative settings you could pay your sub to.

Otherwise you are being 'that guy' the one who wants to play the space samurai cyborg ninja, from the year 2XXX in Lord of the Rings, or world of darkness, or any none future cyborg ninja pen and paper game.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Judging by the amount of people that have responded with 'meh...not following the lore on this one' with regards the Incarnate slots it seems that people following it to the letter are in the minority.

Though the besides none of the Incarnate only TFs really have the 'yeah I'm awesome I did this' so I beat Battle Maiden, like I already have done, twice (a hero's Hero and a Hero's Epic) that's not a stand out achievement. "I defeated a Goliath War Walker" they're just bigger versions of the already huge War Walkers availabe in 'a Hero's Epic' so again...nothing really stand out there.

Beside CB, since when have you EVER let lore get in the way of what you wanted to do, you tend to ignore it even more than the rest of us .



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post

Beside CB, since when have you EVER let lore get in the way of what you wanted to do, you tend to ignore it even more than the rest of us .

I try to follow the lore as close as I possibly can, hell I come up with workable reasons for each and everyone of my powers (Those not inherently explained by such things as 'I'm a kheldian/nictus all my powers are explained already.') while working to the constraints of origin and power set.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Hmm was sure you had been bending the lore for quite some time.

Bah you have me cornered, I'm sure Tech can provide an example.

Damn you CB...another time!



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Just a question, which will probably not come out right, but I'll ask it any way.

If the devs say these slots work this way, what gives you the right to break canon and be a special snow flake and say 'actually mine work this way!' ?
Never played a hero who wasn't registered, or a villain who wasn't airlifted out of the Zig as part of Project Destiny? Never played a Kheldian who wasn't quite a Kheldian, or a Soldier/Widow who wasn't trained and conditioned by Arachnos? Never used one powerset to "count as" something utterly different?

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



ok for those that want to insist incarnate powers have to, in some form, come from the Well of Furies......

That about all those player toons and NPCs that have a backstory pre dating States and Recluses and the Well event? does this mean none of these, can use the incarnate sytem ?? i mean Nemesis is going to be so pee'd off if he has no access to these new options.. hmm or is it this thread is a Nemeis plot to try to limit who picks up incsarnate powers .....

(( ducks for cover with a manic grin))



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
That's just it though, the Alpha slot is basically the same game equivilent as an SO applied to all your powers (33%) in the long run the Alpha slot is the easiest to handwave away as having nothing to do with being an Incarnate becuase it is nothing obvious, there is no real obvious indication EVEN IN COMBAT that you are an Incarnate.
Mechano, this is precisely my point. This is NOT level 51. There is a serious reason that the Devs didn't just raise the level cap by 10 levels and have it unlock special powers and slots and not regular powers and slots. Right now, none of us may know what that reason is, but it has been stated. There is no raising of the level cap, only a special source to new Incarnate powers. Treating Incarnate levels as just another level is going to cause a clash between your reality and consensual reality.

The game lore is that level 50 is as super powered as anyone can get without some outside effect, called The Well of The Furies. Level 50 is where you can get to with super-scopes, training etc.

Sure, we can (and certainly will) fudge ways around this. And pray to heck that the next slot doesn't contradict our fudge, forcing not only us to a complete retcon for the character concerned, but also everyone that character convinced. Substitute the Well of the Furies for whatever external source of godlike powers works for you. Just make sure that your explanation will explain god-like powers.

Does anyone seriously imagine that future content won't be discovering more about what the Well actually is? Important too, because right now the game doesn't actually tell us what the Well is. Only that there is apparently some kind of intelligence to it.

The less far we stretch our 'bending' of the game cannon, the less chance of breaking. But that level 50 is as high as a hero can go without extradimensional, paranormal, supernatural, or whatever outside influence is Canon.

Some people will break that Canon, just as people always will, and for me, those will be the persons who are Incarnate without knowing it. Prevents me having to retcon for someone else's wish to be a special snowflake.

I'm all for people applying creativity. I'm really looking forward to some of the explanations people find for precisely where these new levels of power are coming from.

Techbot's answer is brilliant. His 'outside influence' is an offscreen army of high tech, scientists, computers, satelites, etc. Love it. It works perfectly, because we already know that groups of people can gang up on Incarnates to take them down even when the individuals are not incarnates. Tech is giving himself an off-screen team, pumping him with resources.

Of course, when some other RPer detects and destroys his satelite (Superman vs killsat is always going to end badly for the Satelite) and demands he unslot the power for at least a month while he builds a new Death Star, there may be tears, but it also adds exciting new RP opportunities.

Mind you, some may wonder exactly how NASA reacts to this orbiting killsat, which no matter what sort of cloaking it has is going to become visible the first time it fires by schoolboy telemetry... Well, that's up to Tech to find a reasonable explanation, and I trust he'll manage it.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
They don't really give enough details as to be clear just how the damn thing works plus I'd rather not have my character linked to some rather stupid 'mystical power of the multiverse'
The reason for the lack of details is because its a plot. Duh! What is the Well? That's what I'm sure we'll be discovering? Why is it acting as it is? That too, impatient grasshopper. Who say's it is mystical beyond the part of mystical that is related to the word mysterious: unknown.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
why they couldn't have simply left it as a 'congradulations you've done something awesome, you've unlocked the Incarnate slot' like it was in GR Beta I don't know
Because they can spell 'congratulations'? No seriously, I'll tell you, along with Zortel in reply to:
Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
You know what? I kind of wish that the Alpha Slot was in it's i18 version now, where you unlocked it by either doing a high end task force, paying with reward merits, paying with an alignment merit, or paying with vanguard merits.
In case you missed it, there was never, ever, ever, any plan not to have a story behind the Well and Incarnate powers.

The Alpha Slot was unlocked by alternate means as a pure fudge for the BETA of i18 so that it would not spoil the plot. It was never, ever intended to go live unlocked by buying it. They were simply eager to let us play with it and see what we thought of the possibilities.

It was this divourcing of the slot from its content that the devs apologised for and admitted was a mistake, and thus held back until the plot was ready and had been adjusted for existing feedback.

Read the dev posts and see for yourself what is actually said.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Because last time I checked, *I* was the one paying my damn sub, not anyone else.
And I pay mine. Don't break my reality if it can be avoided and we all get along. That's all I'm saying.

Be creative. (And creativity is usually at its finest when constrained by a medium or set of rules rather than totally free and uncontrolled)

Find whatever works for you.

Make sure you take reasonable care that it doesn't screw everyone else who might actually follow canon.

Be prepared for IC reactions to the explanation you choose if it is ... lets say incredulous.

Be prepared for possible OOC reactions, even to /ignore if it does break immersion for others.
