Curiosity: Incarnate!




Ok now you're just being a ********* Ammon, sure I mispelled a word and then you jump all over me for it.

You know what, consider me done with this conversation, if all I'm going to get is be made out to be retarded for a slight misspelling than you can go [censored] yourself.

Me, Zortel and others will RP it the way we see fit, if you don't like it, as you said you can freely ignore it and us, more power to you.

God I can feel another couple of months of angst hitting the GG statue again over this, perhaps its time to find a new home.



Originally Posted by Ammon View Post
Mechano, this is precisely my point. This is NOT level 51. There is a serious reason that the Devs didn't just raise the level cap by 10 levels and have it unlock special powers and slots and not regular powers and slots. Right now, none of us may know what that reason is, but it has been stated. There is no raising of the level cap, only a special source to new Incarnate powers. Treating Incarnate levels as just another level is going to cause a clash between your reality and consensual reality.

The game lore is that level 50 is as super powered as anyone can get without some outside effect, called The Well of The Furies. Level 50 is where you can get to with super-scopes, training etc.

Sure, we can (and certainly will) fudge ways around this. And pray to heck that the next slot doesn't contradict our fudge, forcing not only us to a complete retcon for the character concerned, but also everyone that character convinced. Substitute the Well of the Furies for whatever external source of godlike powers works for you. Just make sure that your explanation will explain god-like powers.

Does anyone seriously imagine that future content won't be discovering more about what the Well actually is? Important too, because right now the game doesn't actually tell us what the Well is. Only that there is apparently some kind of intelligence to it.

The less far we stretch our 'bending' of the game cannon, the less chance of breaking. But that level 50 is as high as a hero can go without extradimensional, paranormal, supernatural, or whatever outside influence is Canon.
And I call utter BS on that one. 'You has to have the Magic Swordchucks of +3 to do this' excuse it the worst excuse for anything in the world ever.
Ok, so your a level 50 Hero? I'll bring a really big plasma rifle, then. Oh, and six other robots, carrying even bigger guns and missiles racks.
Whats that? Your an Incarnate now? With more powers and more resilence?
Fine. I'll bring an even BIGGER gun! And so will my minions! And some more high tech counter-measures as backup.

Some people will break that Canon, just as people always will, and for me, those will be the persons who are Incarnate without knowing it. Prevents me having to retcon for someone else's wish to be a special snowflake.

I'm all for people applying creativity. I'm really looking forward to some of the explanations people find for precisely where these new levels of power are coming from.

Techbot's answer is brilliant. His 'outside influence' is an offscreen army of high tech, scientists, computers, satelites, etc. Love it. It works perfectly, because we already know that groups of people can gang up on Incarnates to take them down even when the individuals are not incarnates. Tech is giving himself an off-screen team, pumping him with resources.

Of course, when some other RPer detects and destroys his satelite (Superman vs killsat is always going to end badly for the Satelite) and demands he unslot the power for at least a month while he builds a new Death Star, there may be tears, but it also adds exciting new RP opportunities.

Mind you, some may wonder exactly how NASA reacts to this orbiting killsat, which no matter what sort of cloaking it has is going to become visible the first time it fires by schoolboy telemetry... Well, that's up to Tech to find a reasonable explanation, and I trust he'll manage it.
It's not an army of scientists. Its A scientist; Alpha. Well, Alpha and Omega 1 and Gamma 1 and 2. Their robots; they dont need to eat, sleep, take breaks. They want or need something, they work until its been achieved. Alphas been around for years now, so he's built up a huge stockpile of resources and equipment. Ok, he does actually have a company of his own that he can call on if really needs be, Cortex Technologies, but their mostly just a big piggy bank that just keeps returning investment. Why trust humans being discreet and trustworthy when you can guarentee it by doing it yourself?

As for Reason, despite the picture it doesn't actually leave a big blue trail in the sky when its fired. It's a railcannon; boom, and the shots pretty much already hit. And then it's back to where it hides for the vast majority of the time; geo-synch orbit on the dark side of the Moon. Under a cloaking field.

And I pay mine. Don't break my reality if it can be avoided and we all get along. That's all I'm saying.

Be creative. (And creativity is usually at its finest when constrained by a medium or set of rules rather than totally free and uncontrolled)

Find whatever works for you.

Make sure you take reasonable care that it doesn't screw everyone else who might actually follow canon.

Be prepared for IC reactions to the explanation you choose if it is ... lets say incredulous.

Be prepared for possible OOC reactions, even to /ignore if it does break immersion for others.

Sure. So long as people don;t start harping on that 'Oh, Technology can't do that, it's the Well of Furies!' like its some insta-power thing, then I don't see how we'd have had a problem in the first place.

They get more super powers, I respond with increased armour plating and really BIG guns. Also simples.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Sure. So long as people don;t start harping on that 'Oh, Technology can't do that, it's the Well of Furies!' like its some insta-power thing, then I don't see how we'd have had a problem in the first place.
I'm hesitant to even go near this discussion right now, but... is it really a problem if people say this IC? Characters are entitled to believe whatever silly nonsense they want, right?

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Sure. So long as people don;t start harping on that 'Oh, Technology can't do that, it's the Well of Furies!' like its some insta-power thing, then I don't see how we'd have had a problem in the first place.

They get more super powers, I respond with increased armour plating and really BIG guns. Also simples.

From what I understand the whole pandoras box/well of the furies had to do with limiting potential, potentialy Alpha could build a space cannon, but then so potentially could of Leonardo da Vinci, but because the worlds potential was all bottled up he stuck to the painting and designing stuff.

Where as living in a world affected by the free flowing potential, Alpha is able to create things that are incredibly powerful. Likewise when affected by the incarnate status, what might of been a Laser Pistol, becomes a Phasic Tri-state Plasma Incinerator with auto-compensator and self feeding heat sinks.

That's just what I get from how the game describes the origins as being linked.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
From what I understand the whole pandoras box/well of the furies had to do with limiting potential, potentialy Alpha could build a space cannon, but then so potentially could of Leonardo da Vinci, but because the worlds potential was all bottled up he stuck to the painting and designing stuff.

Where as living in a world affected by the free flowing potential, Alpha is able to create things that are incredibly powerful. Likewise when affected by the incarnate status, what might of been a Laser Pistol, becomes a Phasic Tri-state Plasma Incinerator with auto-compensator and self feeding heat sinks.

That's just what I get from how the game describes the origins as being linked.
No, no, no, a million ****ing NO's.

Leonardo Da Vinci also wasnt a super intellect Robot with nigh unlimited resources, the internet at his fingertips, no need to sleep or eat and a vastly superior technological era complete with alien tech.
Saying 'You can only do that because of the Wells potential' is SO much bull crap I don't even know where to start!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Ammon, quit telling people how they play their characters. If you don't like how they're interpreting Incarnate, DON'T RP WITH THEM.

It's none of your business how people do things, so take your unwelcome god modding elsewhere.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Wolfram View Post
I'm hesitant to even go near this discussion right now, but... is it really a problem if people say this IC? Characters are entitled to believe whatever silly nonsense they want, right? isn't a problem with someone saying this IC.

It is a fair point, if someone wants their character to believe that they can. It's the purely OOC thing that is getting peoples backs up here. Just expect for the people who say differently IC to meet them with a bit an eyeroll when they say it.



Aye, IC I can deal with. That's fine and dandy. Its the OOC insistence that 'It has to be so' thats getting me narked.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
No, no, no, a million ****ing NO's.

Leonardo Da Vinci also wasnt a super intellect Robot with nigh unlimited resources, the internet at his fingertips, no need to sleep or eat and a vastly superior technological era complete with alien tech.
Saying 'You can only do that because of the Wells potential' is SO much bull crap I don't even know where to start!
The answer to that is of course, without the Well being tapped, Alpha wouldn't be a super intellect robot, he'd be the none super version. The internet might not exist in the CoX verse without potential and we'd still be dithering around with WW1 era tech.

It may be bullcrap in your opinion, but if its how the Devs say the game universe works, well you have to lump it.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
And I call utter BS on that one. 'You has to have the Magic Swordchucks of +3 to do this' excuse it the worst excuse for anything in the world ever.
Now that is one hell of a twist of what was never said.

All along I've said define for yourself what your equivalent of the Well is. Define for yourself your 'outside influence' that lets you surpass the cap of what mortals can attain.

No comparison then to saying it must be some very precise and exact device.

Just don't make it something naff and incredulous that shatters reality for others.

Your 'Well' may be a team off-screen, finding some fancy unknown technology that you can backwards engineer, a super-intelligence contacting you, a whole load of new resources made available, orwhatever you like that takes you beyond what one mortal hero/villain can be. Whatever works and doesn't screw others.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Ok, so your a level 50 Hero? I'll bring a really big plasma rifle, then. Oh, and six other robots, carrying even bigger guns and missiles racks.
Whats that? Your an Incarnate now? With more powers and more resilence?
Fine. I'll bring an even BIGGER gun! And so will my minions! And some more high tech counter-measures as backup.
So, you're level 50, going on a mission such as the Lady Grey TF, and are taking the biggest possible guns. Cool. As a level 50, you may even be so darn awesome that your martial arts moves are more deadly than the biggest plasma gun around.

Now explain how you go beyond that biggest gun possible to carry (orbital gun is fine, as said). Or how you carry more armour than was possible to you as a level 50 (unseen drones with field projectors? Sure). Or explain how your bigger gun makes someone more dead than a pinpoint accurate shot, through the eye and into the brain, with a needle-gun.

Heck, even don't explain at all and let each observer make up their own mythos for it. That's cool too.

The point is that in game lore, Level 50 is as high as you can get without that something (whatever you make it) that is beyond yourself. Its the point at which you have the biggest gun, the deadliest aim, the most defence possible for anyone but someone on the road to an Incarnate (whatever that may be, in your mind and others).

Sure, people can fudge with that, just be careful. And don't whinge if it goes wrong. And if it does go wrong, remember that it impacts other players who pay their subs too.

If your character is Desperate Dan, and he goes 'Incarnate' by discovering a recipe for cow-pie, created by great-grandma, and thought lost decades ago, well, that works in a Desperate Dan world. It may be fun and brilliant. Just don't intrude that character forcefully on people in a CoX world without their consent.



Originally Posted by Wolfram View Post
I'm hesitant to even go near this discussion right now, but... is it really a problem if people say this IC? Characters are entitled to believe whatever silly nonsense they want, right?
Hence my point about beliefs earlier. Anyway, I think I'm done with this discussion for now. At least until some folks go and cool off a bit. A shame as it was all rather interesting.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Ammon, quit being a jerk and telling people how they play their characters. If you don't like how they're interpreting Incarnate, DON'T RP WITH THEM.

It's none of your business how people do things, so take your unwelcome god modding elsewhere.

Okay, to paraphrase, Fatty, its none of your business how people do things, so take your unwelcome telling me what to do and what I may discuss elsewhere.

Quit telling me what I may suggest. If you don't like what I'm suggesting, don't do it, and don't debate with me. God knows I didn't ask you to.

And please, while Ellie exists, never call other people god-modders.



Originally Posted by Ammon View Post
Sure, people can fudge with that, just be careful. And don't whinge if it goes wrong. And if it does go wrong, remember that it impacts other players who pay their subs too.

If your character is Desperate Dan, and he goes 'Incarnate' by discovering a recipe for cow-pie, created by great-grandma, and thought lost decades ago, well, that works in a Desperate Dan world. It may be fun and brilliant. Just don't intrude that character forcefully on people in a CoX world without their consent.

Thank you Ammon, this is pretty much what I was trying to get at.

If the devs say something works like so or happens because of this or like this, don't decide that your own personal view overides theirs, if you do then you are in the wrong game. This isn't a PnP game where you are the GM and can write yourself a universe and rules, the rules and universe are written already.

The devs say all the origins are linked to some single source, don't like it? Tough its part of the CoX verse.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Ammon View Post
If your character is Desperate Dan, and he goes 'Incarnate' by discovering a recipe for cow-pie, created by great-grandma, and thought lost decades ago, well, that works in a Desperate Dan world. It may be fun and brilliant. Just don't intrude that character forcefully on people in a CoX world without their consent.
Fair enough.

Also, the above made me chuckle

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Ammon View Post
And please, while Ellie exists, never call other people god-modders.
Since when has anything I've ever done with Ellie, godmodded anyone?

You're just making stuff up, now.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Thank you Ammon, this is pretty much what I was trying to get at.

If the devs say something works like so or happens because of this or like this, don't decide that your own personal view overides theirs, if you do then you are in the wrong game. This isn't a PnP game where you are the GM and can write yourself a universe and rules, the rules and universe is written already.

The devs say all the origins are linked to some single source, don't like it? Tough its part of the CoX verse.
Just like no Heroes existing before Pandora's box was ope-

Oh, wait...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Just like no Heroes existing before Pandora's box was ope-

Oh, wait...

We just need more clarification from the devs about what makes a Hero? Do they mean costumed crime fighters? Or 'humans' with powers?

Is there as Sister Psyche claims another spieces of 'humans' with psychic powers, called Psionics?

Does each planet in the universe have their own source of potential/power?

Will they explain more as we delve deeper into the incarnate system?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
The devs say all the origins are linked to some single source, don't like it? Tough its part of the CoX verse.
I'm pretty certain that the Well being the single source of power only applies to Earth and heroes from there, in any of its realities. What about those who aren't from Earth at all? Plenty of those around, there's even some canonicly, too.

And as has been said time and time again. Just because a person is using the Incarnate system OOCly, doesn't mean they have to use it ICly in any way, shape or form if they don't want to. Hell, they might just be using the game mechanic to make their chars as strong as they've always been RP'd as.

I really don't see why certain people are having such a major spaz over what some other people want to do with their chars.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Since when has anything I've ever done with Ellie, godmodded anyone?

You're just making stuff up, now.


Maybe you are unaware of it but you do it all the time FFM, some one says something about Peacebringers IC, IC Ellie wades in saying how it works, people object OOC, OOC your response is 'Well Ellie should know how her powers work', hence you god mode the entire Kheldian race.

Then of course there is writing yourself into the backstory of a major NPC.

And rewritting how the devs have shown a canon group and several of the NPC's involved in that group, having them act in a totally out of character manner.

Maybe you are unaware that you are doing it, but god moding doesn't just mean typing

/e shoots $target. $target dies.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Just like no Heroes existing before Pandora's box was ope-

Oh, wait...
Actually, brilliant example.

I always got around that one by inserting the word 'Known', and that can as easily apply to Incarnate powers.

There were no known heroes existing before Pandora's box was opened.

But any hero or villain who kept a low profile, or who was never proved to have existed, fit in just fine with canon without breaking it. They were thought to be a myth or legend, if thought of at all.

I think saying that "there is no known path to become an 'Incarnate' (however you may define one) other than through the Well of the Furies" is equally applicable.

Let's all have fun creating the unknown paths and ways and means.

Originally Posted by Techbot
Also, the above made me chuckle
You're lucky. Just thinking of it made me actually want to create such a character, just for chuckles.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
I really don't see why certain people are having such a major spaz over what some other people want to do with their chars.
Because we currenly do have a maximum powerlevel that characters can be.

To be beyond security/threat level 50 you need to explain how suddenly you're better than almost every hero out there and suddenly the same level as Statesman/Reichsman/Recluse/Tyrant.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Ammon View Post
You're lucky. Just thinking of it made me actually want to create such a character, just for chuckles.
He should hang out with a fruit based hero, and have a sort of chummy rivalry going like they did in several comics.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



I will point out that there are a few known heroes that existed before the box opened.

Nemesis is the big one and so far is the most stand out of the 'no known supers' problem.

Giovanna Scaldi was around a couple of hundred years before the well as was Lady Grey apparently (obviously a female version of Dorian Grey, minus the painting).

Though to be fair the history of Giovanna Scaldi points out that back then they weren't considered Super Powered but Blessed by God (and they weren't around in as bigger numbers as they were after the box was opened) so...Nemesis pretty much is the only fly in that ointment, besides if you were around during the Great Inquisition or when Witch Hunting was a legititmate'd probably do your best to hide powers too still kind of makes sense. It is also to fairly easily push aside something like that in the modern age as 'ye olde Superstitions'.

The opening of the box brings about a new age of superheroes ala Greek/Roman times which is when it was last opened and there were a LOT of heroes kicking around (seriously how many Greek heroes are there, heck Jason had a damn boat filled with them).



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post

Maybe you are unaware of it but you do it all the time FFM, some one says something about Peacebringers IC, IC Ellie wades in saying how it works, people object OOC, OOC your response is 'Well Ellie should know how her powers work', hence you god mode the entire Kheldian race.
Difficult to godmod something when there IS no canon.

Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Then of course there is writing yourself into the backstory of a major NPC.

And rewritting how the devs have shown a canon group and several of the NPC's involved in that group, having them act in a totally out of character manner.

Maybe you are unaware that you are doing it, but god moding doesn't just mean typing

/e shoots $target. $target dies.
And you still completely miss the entire point of that story, despite having it explained. It was absolutely no different whatsoever to the myriad of other Orob missions in the game, and the thousands of AE missions available. Your failure to understand the intent isn't any fault of mine.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Because we currenly do have a maximum powerlevel that characters can be.

To be beyond security/threat level 50 you need to explain how suddenly you're better than almost every hero out there and suddenly the same level as Statesman/Reichsman/Recluse/Tyrant.
I don't see anyone claiming they're better than the NPC'd incarnates. I don't even see anyone claiming they're better than AV's. You're imagining stuff again.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.