Curiosity: Incarnate!




Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
The opening of the box brings about a new age of superheroes ala Greek/Roman times which is when it was last opened and there were a LOT of heroes kicking around (seriously how many Greek heroes are there, heck Jason had a damn boat filled with them).
As I remember it, the lore has it that the box has been opened many times before, and each time results in a surge in superpowers for a few generations before it dies back, but that there are ALWAYS a few exceptions. Beings with powers beyond those of normal men, so that handily explains Nemesis.

Though TBH, I think he's another Incarnate.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
I will point out that there are a few known heroes that existed before the box opened.

Nemesis is the big one and so far is the most stand out of the 'no known supers' problem.

Giovanna Scaldi was around a couple of hundred years before the well as was Lady Grey apparently.

Though to be fair the history of Giovanna Scaldi points out that back then they weren't considered Super Powered but Blessed by God (and they weren't around in as bigger numbers as they were after the box was opened) so...Nemesis pretty much is the only fly in that ointment, besides if you were around during the Great Inquisition or when Witch Hunting was a legititmate'd probably do your best to hide powers too still kind of makes sense.

The opening of the box brings about a new age of superheroes ala Greek/Roman times which is when it was last opened and there were a LOT of heroes kicking around (seriously how many Greek heroes are there, heck Jason had a damn boat filled with them).

Personal view on the idea is that with the box unopened, the previous heroes were less 'shiny'.

You get a Robin Hood instead of a Manticore, a Miyamoto Musashi instead of a Dual Blades Tanker/Scrapper/Brute/Stalker, a Doc holiday instead of Maelstrom.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
I don't see anyone claiming they're better than the NPC'd incarnates. I don't even see anyone claiming they're better than AV's. You're imagining stuff again.

AV's can't one hit kill a GM FFM, hint, hint.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Personal view on the idea is that with the box unopened, the previous heroes were less 'shiny'.

You get a Robin Hood instead of a Manticore, a Miyamoto Musashi instead of a Dual Blades Tanker/Scrapper/Brute/Stalker, a Doc holiday instead of Maelstrom.
Ooh I hadn't thought it like that.

That is actually quite nifty, the power is there it's just less...uber...kind of like the power is seeping out so it doesn't reach the not full blown 'everyone can be awesome' level when open

Miyamoto Mushai was totally a scrapper.

Hmm an interesting theory, now the box is not only open but open all the way, you could play it as an increase in the background levels of 'awesomeosity' allowing your character to access Incarnates, you've absorbed so much background awesomeosity that you are now even more awesome than you thought you were...



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
AV's can't one hit kill a GM FFM, hint, hint.
You mean Paladin? One hit, no.. But Paladin is a really weak GM and easy to solo.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Actually, I have a take on the well thing that's completely compatible with both the "well as source" and the "just our origins but deeper" thing.

The Well is a Destiny Engine.

How your powers and skills work, what you do, is determined by your origin, yes. You can be that gadgeteer genius or the deep mage. What happens when you encounter the Well, especially in our case of the longer, slower path, is it grants you a far stronger potential destiny. You can create better gadgets, tap deeper power levels, become a paragon of your species/mutant ability. The way in which the extra power the well's thrown into what I shall choose to call the Thread of Your Life expresses itself can be dependent on how your life already works (deeper insights into tech/magic/etc) or if you want it to, it can dump all of that into raw power (Statesman, etc.) Whichever way it works, the upshot is the same, your ability is improved. You have a greater potential for power and ability. The expression of that power is down to you. This is how I can reconcile the Well existing as a mystical power, and yet still have someone like Josie Ironside be improved by incarnatehood, as that extra push of Potential Destiny manifests itself in a stronger, deeper, more skillfull ability to crate machines, as well as cybernetic upgrades, et al. Damia deepens her connecttion to the place/idea she draws her powers from, etc.

As a matter of fact, this base concept was part of the background for Savage Angel from way back. An "unto every generation..." chosen one schtick, where the god that engineered it hadn't actually specified how the hero would get their power, leaving the universe to fill in the gaps (being a god means you're powerful. doesn't necessarily mean you're all that smart.) So the chosen one got her powers due to being a nano-aug which was to save her life after a building fell on her. Tech powers, mystical excuse.

The Well is Possibility. The Well is the Potential for Power. The Well is an ability to add "Roll twice, take your preferred result" to your characters skill roles (oh sorry, wrong game.)

What I do not believe the well is is a big fat "You're all magic now."

All that's left to say is Unmei kaihen!

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Ooh I hadn't thought it like that.

That is actually quite nifty, the power is there it's just less...uber...kind of like the power is seeping out so it doesn't reach the not full blown 'everyone can be awesome' level when open

Miyamoto Mushai was totally a scrapper.
Which is how I see the 'web' operating.

It influences everything the people of CoX Earth do, every inventive thought, every surge of willpower and so on.

So while the box is closed people might invent gun powder or a rifle, but the same person might of built a laser rifle if the box had been opened at the time.

Box is closed some one trains themselves to the point of dominating the MMA ring. box is opened they train themselves to the point where they can punch and kick through steel.

That's just how I read what the devs have given us anyway.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
You mean Paladin? One hit, no.. But Paladin is a really weak GM and easy to solo.
Then why write that Ellie (It might of been her sister actually) melted one in a single attack?

It's not something even level 53 (heck even good old 54) Statesman can do after all.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Random question!

Is anyone planning on going the 'with great power comes great insanity' for any of their characters.

I mean it would start off fairly subtle with just the Alpha slot.

"yes, yes I was always better than normal humans but now I'm better than even other heroes...but still I must remain steadfast in my duties."

To the full blown Omega level Incarnate.

"You came here expecting to fight a madman, instead you find yourself fighting A GOD!"

Complete with hovering and maniacal laughter.

I mean I'm not going to do it but I'm sure someone must be, especially now we have side switching in place.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Complete with hovering and maniacal laughter.

I mean I'm not going to do it but I'm sure someone must be, especially now we have side switching in place.

Possibly :P

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Gideon View Post
Actually, I have a take on the well thing that's completely compatible with both the "well as source" and the "just our origins but deeper" thing.

The Well is a Destiny Engine.
Nicely said.

Its exactly what I was trying to get at with the whole "the Well can be whatever you want" thing. Great example.

I think there will always be a certain amount of haziness to the definition of the Well, just to leave us RPers some wiggle-room, but I could be wrong. And I very much doubt it will remain as utterly undefined and hazy as it currently is. I'm sure there's more to come in that storyline.

We don't have to like the idea of the Well, but it is canon. It exists. How your characters react to its existance is going to be an issue, even if their reaction is to remain blissfully ignorant of it somehow. (But you'll have to avoid GG and Pocket D as both are likely to be as full of Incarnates as they were suddenly overrun with Time-travelers when Ouroboros came along).

God knows I really hate the entire Ouroboros storyline, and have several characters for whom Ouroboros is unknown and non-existing IC (even when they have the portal for OOC use). But I'd never be creating my own lore for Ouroboros that entirely goes against canon and then serving it up to others and expecting that character to be thought sane.

Much of my long-term planning for characters lately has been in determining how each will react to the known, proven, matter of fact existance of the Well as a means to godlike powers.

Only one so far would be likely to refuse to even explore it for curiousity. The one who came by her powers by accident, unasked for and unwanted, and had great trouble in accepting them.

Other characters may be cautious, but they would explore and investigate. They are heroes and villains after all. Not pensioners scared of learning how the sky-plus box programming works.

It is there, and others are using it. How do your characters react to those facts once discovered?



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Random question!

Is anyone planning on going the 'with great power comes great insanity' for any of their characters.

I mean it would start off fairly subtle with just the Alpha slot.

"yes, yes I was always better than normal humans but now I'm better than even other heroes...but still I must remain steadfast in my duties."

To the full blown Omega level Incarnate.

"You came here expecting to fight a madman, instead you find yourself fighting A GOD!"

Complete with hovering and maniacal laughter.

I mean I'm not going to do it but I'm sure someone must be, especially now we have side switching in place.
Hmm, that sounds like Lord Atom already. Not the power part, maybe, but the pants on head lunatic part is spot on
Really, he just wants to see how fast your eyeballs melt, its nothing personal >_>

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I think the thing I resent is the 'fact' being pushed that, without the Well, none of the stuff certain characters do would be possible. Like how Alpha would just be a normal robot, or some such junk like that. That is explicitly dictating my character and his actions, and I will continue to call bullshite on that, because its railroading, pure and simple. And I have no truck with that.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Okay, I got halfway through a long post at work, got on my lunch break, and found that two more pages of text had appeared.

And I just realised on reading one of the posts here that everyone is actually arguing the same thing, and it's hilarious.

Allow me to explain: Incarnate, even in the context of canon material, is not a noun. It is an adjective.

Here's the thing:

Opening Pandora's Box is what allowed superpowers to become prevalent. If it had remained closed, you'd pretty much have our world. The few super-powered individuals would keep quiet and not get up to much and that would be that.

The five so-called Origins are labels. They are a part of humanity's attempts to codify and classify the source of powers. They're pretty broad, so we, as RPers, find it relatively easy to squeeze our homebrewed character concepts into one or another of them.

Now comes the hilarious part. There is actually no such thing as "An Incarnate". Anywhere. Not in canon, not in Mender Ramiel's arc, nowhere.

Statesman is not described as "An Incarnate". Sorry, folks, but he's not.

Recluse is not described as "An Incarnate", either.

Statesman is "Zeus Incarnate" (usually written as "Incarnate of Zeus" in a demonstration of truly abominable English - it should be "Incarnation of Zeus"), and it really does mean what it says on the tin. He is a real-world embodiment of the power of Zeus.

On its own "An Incarnate" is completely meaningless. It is impossible to create a character in CoH that is just "An Incarnate". They will always have an origin, too.
The effect is "unlocked Alpha (or whatever) slot and slotted a boost (or whatever) into it". The cause for that, in the context of the CoH universe, is that the character is an Incarnate of their origin - a hyper-powered example of that origin, if you will.

This does not have to have anything at all to do with The Well of The Furies.

Prior to issue 19, the Well was assumed to just be the "energy field" that allows super-empowerment to exist, and that opening Pandora's box allowed that "energy field" to encompass the world. With Issue 19 we have instead learned that The Well is some sort of semi-intelligent entity that is able to empower characters to levels that are currently only seen in the likes of Statesman and Lord Recluse.

I could be wrong, but I don't strictly recall if canon says that The Well is the only way to become an Incarnate of your origin, but for the purposes of this discussion, EVERYONE is saying that it shouldn't be.

If "Incarnatedom" is divorced from The Well, then it doesn't matter. Unlocking the Incarnate Slot theoretically means that your character is an "Incarnate of their Origin", even if they never use that label for themselves. Even if the player behind it says "Nope, she does not exemplify the levels of power that her Origin can achieve"... yes, they do. There's nothing mystical about it. Techbot Alpha can have those levels of power because he's just an awesome robot (he's Technology Incarnate). Shadowe can have those powers because he works out how to access more of the energy that surrounds the black hole in his head (he's Science Incarnate).

Saying, IC, that your character is or is not an Incarnate is ultimately meaningless, because at the end of the day simple access to the levels of power that the Incarnate slots have actually defines if the character is an incarnate. But it's a purely OOC label, in this context. IC, I expect most people to only say that they are "An Incarnate" if they have treated Ramiel's arc as an IC event.

I am not forcing anyone to accept my viewpoint. In fact, I couldn't care less if anyone thinks what I've written is a load of tosh. The only thing that actually "matters" is what the characters believe.

And if anyone says that they think I'm somehow trying to "force" their character into being an Incarnate powered by some weird mystical being, then you really didn't read what I wrote.

tl;dr: Incarnate is a label to describe extreme cases of a particular Origin. Nothing more.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
tl;dr: Incarnate is a label to describe extreme cases of a particular Origin. Nothing more.
I think Shadowe is becoming Wise Incarnate. That made a lot more sense than anything that came before.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I think the thing I resent is the 'fact' being pushed that, without the Well, none of the stuff certain characters do would be possible. Like how Alpha would just be a normal robot, or some such junk like that. That is explicitly dictating my character and his actions, and I will continue to call bullshite on that, because its railroading, pure and simple. And I have no truck with that.
Sorry, Al, gonna have to disagree with you on this one, at least to some extent.

Canon fact: Without The Well, superpowers would not exist on Primal Earth.

The opening of Pandora's Box distributed The Well's influence to a much wider audience, but without it, you get the REAL WORLD. We do not have hyper-intelligent robot engineers with orbital facilities in the real world. If Techbot Alpha could not exist in the real world, but can exist on Primal Earth, then that is the influence of The Well. Core canon, not debatable.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I think the thing I resent is the 'fact' being pushed that, without the Well, none of the stuff certain characters do would be possible. Like how Alpha would just be a normal robot, or some such junk like that. That is explicitly dictating my character and his actions, and I will continue to call bullshite on that, because its railroading, pure and simple. And I have no truck with that.

It's not rail roading Tech, if its a fact of the game universe, part of the setting, part of the lore.

You play RP in WoW or the WoW PnP you have to accept there is a universal good and evil.

You play a home brew system? You accept the world works how it was created?

You play DnD 3.5? You have to accept that your paladin, can lose his powers if he breaks his vows/faith, you don't like it? Well you can always play 4ed.

I'm trying to put this as inoffensively as I can, but you pay your sub to the devs, you should accept their game/universe/settings.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post

To the full blown Omega level Incarnate.

"You came here expecting to fight a madman, instead you find yourself fighting A GOD!"

Complete with hovering and maniacal laughter.
What do you mean ..A..!?

*giggles like a true loony



I think, and sorry for getting this offtrack a bit, that some breathers need to be taken.

I like the discussion, but some things are getting a bit too...I dunno. But rather have things calm rather then this thread locked.

But back on topic:

...I love this thread because there are some good arguments. It may be me, but when I saw that the Well could possess you, I said no to following the storyline. Well, not possess us...yet.



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
Sorry, Al, gonna have to disagree with you on this one, at least to some extent.

Canon fact: Without The Well, superpowers would not exist on Primal Earth.

The opening of Pandora's Box distributed The Well's influence to a much wider audience, but without it, you get the REAL WORLD. We do not have hyper-intelligent robot engineers with orbital facilities in the real world. If Techbot Alpha could not exist in the real world, but can exist on Primal Earth, then that is the influence of The Well. Core canon, not debatable.
Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
It's not rail roading Tech, if its a fact of the game universe, part of the setting, part of the lore.

You play RP in WoW or the WoW PnP you have to accept there is a universal good and evil.

You play a home brew system? You accept the world works how it was created?

You play DnD 3.5? You have to accept that your paladin, can lose his powers if he breaks his vows/faith, you don't like it? Well you can always play 4ed.

I'm trying to put this as inoffensively as I can, but you pay your sub to the devs, you should accept their game/universe/settings.
Yes, having read Shadowe's post it actually makes a lot more sense than other ways it was described. Before it was made out to be...I dunno exactly what, but it made me recoil instinctively.

The 'paragon of the origin' arguement sits MUCH better with me. With that I have no truck.
No truck....truck not monkey?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
Okay, I got halfway through a long post at work, got on my lunch break, and found that two more pages of text had appeared.

And I just realised on reading one of the posts here that everyone is actually arguing the same thing, and it's hilarious.

Allow me to explain: Incarnate, even in the context of canon material, is not a noun. It is an adjective.

Here's the thing:

Opening Pandora's Box is what allowed superpowers to become prevalent. If it had remained closed, you'd pretty much have our world. The few super-powered individuals would keep quiet and not get up to much and that would be that.

The five so-called Origins are labels. They are a part of humanity's attempts to codify and classify the source of powers. They're pretty broad, so we, as RPers, find it relatively easy to squeeze our homebrewed character concepts into one or another of them.

Now comes the hilarious part. There is actually no such thing as "An Incarnate". Anywhere. Not in canon, not in Mender Ramiel's arc, nowhere.

Statesman is not described as "An Incarnate". Sorry, folks, but he's not.

Recluse is not described as "An Incarnate", either.

Statesman is "Zeus Incarnate" (usually written as "Incarnate of Zeus" in a demonstration of truly abominable English - it should be "Incarnation of Zeus"), and it really does mean what it says on the tin. He is a real-world embodiment of the power of Zeus.

On its own "An Incarnate" is completely meaningless. It is impossible to create a character in CoH that is just "An Incarnate". They will always have an origin, too.
The effect is "unlocked Alpha (or whatever) slot and slotted a boost (or whatever) into it". The cause for that, in the context of the CoH universe, is that the character is an Incarnate of their origin - a hyper-powered example of that origin, if you will.

This does not have to have anything at all to do with The Well of The Furies.

Prior to issue 19, the Well was assumed to just be the "energy field" that allows super-empowerment to exist, and that opening Pandora's box allowed that "energy field" to encompass the world. With Issue 19 we have instead learned that The Well is some sort of semi-intelligent entity that is able to empower characters to levels that are currently only seen in the likes of Statesman and Lord Recluse.

I could be wrong, but I don't strictly recall if canon says that The Well is the only way to become an Incarnate of your origin, but for the purposes of this discussion, EVERYONE is saying that it shouldn't be.

If "Incarnatedom" is divorced from The Well, then it doesn't matter. Unlocking the Incarnate Slot theoretically means that your character is an "Incarnate of their Origin", even if they never use that label for themselves. Even if the player behind it says "Nope, she does not exemplify the levels of power that her Origin can achieve"... yes, they do. There's nothing mystical about it. Techbot Alpha can have those levels of power because he's just an awesome robot (he's Technology Incarnate). Shadowe can have those powers because he works out how to access more of the energy that surrounds the black hole in his head (he's Science Incarnate).

Saying, IC, that your character is or is not an Incarnate is ultimately meaningless, because at the end of the day simple access to the levels of power that the Incarnate slots have actually defines if the character is an incarnate. But it's a purely OOC label, in this context. IC, I expect most people to only say that they are "An Incarnate" if they have treated Ramiel's arc as an IC event.

I am not forcing anyone to accept my viewpoint. In fact, I couldn't care less if anyone thinks what I've written is a load of tosh. The only thing that actually "matters" is what the characters believe.

And if anyone says that they think I'm somehow trying to "force" their character into being an Incarnate powered by some weird mystical being, then you really didn't read what I wrote.

tl;dr: Incarnate is a label to describe extreme cases of a particular Origin. Nothing more.
to misquote ..when i grow up i want to be Shadowe..

in this case Shadowe is wisdom incarnate ...nuff said

(( and yes i did mean to quote all of Shad's post , its worth reading at least twice ..))



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Yes, having read Shadowe's post it actually makes a lot more sense than other ways it was described. Before it was made out to be...I dunno exactly what, but it made me recoil instinctively.

The 'paragon of the origin' arguement sits MUCH better with me. With that I have no truck.
No truck....truck not monkey?

I think its one of the better explanations that can be given as the source of super powers.

Well its a thousand times better than the X gene anyway.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Shadowe is indeed wise and that explanations puts me at ease a hell of a lot better than anyone elses.

Thanks Shadowe...Thandowe!



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
Sorry, Al, gonna have to disagree with you on this one, at least to some extent.

Canon fact: Without The Well, superpowers would not exist on Primal Earth.

The opening of Pandora's Box distributed The Well's influence to a much wider audience, but without it, you get the REAL WORLD. We do not have hyper-intelligent robot engineers with orbital facilities in the real world. If Techbot Alpha could not exist in the real world, but can exist on Primal Earth, then that is the influence of The Well. Core canon, not debatable.
Yeah. Which is where I get my Destiny Engine idea from. The Well makes them possible, it does not directly cause them.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



As I recall from the 'Web of Arachnos' novel, Marcus and Stefan drank from the Well of the Furies and gained their respective powers.

The rest of us were affected when Pandora's Box was reopened. That is when the physics of Primal Earth (and its permutations) was changed and potentiality was increased many-fold. It is what Statesman described in the lore as 'unlocking (one's) Inner Will'

This Event applies across all origins. Magic has returned. The bounds of Science have been pushed back. Mutations have become more prevalent and elevated some sentients to the next stage of evolution. 'Buck Rogers' technologies are now commonplace. Natural potential may be pushed beyond its previous norm.

Not all of the world's potential recessed into Pandora's Box, although the Dark Ages certainly marked its nadir.

Let us consider that -- between ancient and modern times -- the power of potential not returned to Pandora's Box was the cause of marked leaps in Human thinking and understanding, thus explaining how both Leonardo and Nemesis could realize their potential before the renewed power was magnified to the Nth degree.

I do not know what the Devs are going to do to shoehorn the Well of the Furies into the Incarnate lore, nor do I know what 'The Coming Storm' will mean for the game.

What I *do* know is that the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines 'Incarnate' thusly:

adj \in-ˈkär-nət, -ˌnāt\

a : invested with bodily and especially human nature and form

b : made manifest or comprehensible : embodied
Thus, it would appear that anyone who strives to become the embodiment of their character concept -- the 'paragon' if you will -- may be considered to be that concept personified.

How else might you explain a mild-mannered kitten becoming the most powerful feline on Earth?

Granted, the Amerikatt tale *does* span over six millenia, and *does* involve Divine Intervention, but the important thing to remember is that our collective potentials have opened before us and we may now strive to reach the upper limit of that potential.

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
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