Bait and switch Aegis Mez protection.




Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I look at it this way: Melee ATs, for the most part, cannot mez their opponents reliably, and definitely not at range. Thus they cannot be mezzed. Support ATs, for the most part, CAN mez their opponents reliably, and at range. Thus they can be mezzed in return.
I don't know if I would use the term "reliably" to describe the ability of support toons to mez opponenents. Especially when soloing at higher levels or if running on a difficulty level above the default level. Then there are those opponents with mez protection. This includes some select enemy groups, as well as normal Bosses/Elite Bosses.

Kind of hard to protect yourself from incoming mez attacks if your opponent has mez protection.

Want to know how bad it is in regards to lack of mez protection/opponents with mez protection? Try reading the Dominator board and look up "PToD" or the Kheldian boards. The biggest Dominator gripe tends to be the opponents with mez protection (especially Elite Bosses). And the lack of Human form mez protection irks many Kheldian players. They suffer from "SIDs" (Stuck In Dwarf Syndrome) as a result of the overwhwelming amount of mez attacks level 35+.

But what you're asking for is to not only be able to reliably mez your opponents, but to be protected from any mez that might slip through. That is still like saying that because melee ATs can attack in melee range, their opponents should not be able to attack them back in melee range.

And as for the second part of this quote, your analogy is flawed. The complaint stems from being mezzed when you can't mez an opponent.

It would be like a melee toon fighting an opponent with ranged attacks that they could never close to melee range on, or fighting one that could bypass their defense/resistance powers. Try reading the Test Server board. The new Winter mission has all the Scrappers/Tanks ******** about the Winter Lady and her melee range -resist -defense debuff that stacks.

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Originally Posted by Savos View Post
I give up. Attempting to reason with you is just as productive as arguing with a brick wall.

Protection does not nor should it ever equal resistance (or shorter duration).

Understand that for once please!
I guess you completely missed the compromise I offered earlier in the thread. In fact I KNOW you missed it because you responded to the last sentence in the post and disregarded the rest.

I will repeat it, even though I shouldn't have to. Here is exactly what I said, quoted from my own post.

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I'm not entirely against the possibility of a compromise.

I wouldn't have a problem with, for example, increasing the hold protection in Acrobatics from Mag 2 to Mag 3. It's already there, so increasing the amount of protection by 1 wouldn't be a big deal.

I also wouldn't have a problem with increasing the amount of mez resistance IOs grant you to an amount actually worth slotting for. Currently, the 1-2% resistance you can get out of them isn't even worth the slots you spend on it. Increasing that to 5-6% for the majority and maybe 10-15% for the exceptionally rare ones shouldn't unbalance anything, and might make things a little easier for those who choose to play support characters.

I still don't think support characters should be given passive protection from everything, but there IS room for compromise.
You keep saying I'm being unreasonable. Yet you are the one who completely ignored my attempt at a compromise we could all live with. So, who's being unreasonable again?

Isn't the bolded/italicized part EXACTLY what you're asking for? And I said I wouldn't have a problem with it. But yet I'm somehow being unreasonable. Right.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Oh and to reply to an earlier point, every melee toon has the ability to take teleport and be in instant melee range of any enemy. Since many of them have stuns and other holds that should take care of their need for passive protection.

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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
So, in all this discussion about how unfair it is that support ATs have to depend on melee ATs, your suggestion to alleviate my frustration playing melee characters in support-heavy teams is to behave exactly like every bad scrapper anyone has ever complained about on a team? I mean, the most common complaint about bad scrappers is that they constantly run ahead of the team and agro stuff the team is not ready to fight yet. But you're saying that that is exactly what I should do.

That doesn't seem very fair to those support ATs that are so dependent on my melee character, does it?

Oh wait, I already covered that, they're NOT dependent on me. If your support characters can handle that spawn just fine without me, it kind of shoots the whole "they need melee to survive" argument in the foot, doesn't it?

Support ATs have been given multiple tools to deal with mez, between preventing it, removing it, and avoiding it. But that isn't good enough. In order for you to feel it is balanced, support ATs need to have passive protection from it.

I look at it this way: Melee ATs, for the most part, cannot mez their opponents reliably, and definitely not at range. Thus they cannot be mezzed. Support ATs, for the most part, CAN mez their opponents reliably, and at range. Thus they can be mezzed in return.

Anything our ATs can do to their opponents, their opponents can do right back. I'd call that both fair and balanced. But what you're asking for is to not only be able to reliably mez your opponents, but to be protected from any mez that might slip through. That is still like saying that because melee ATs can attack in melee range, their opponents should not be able to attack them back in melee range.

And if you want to say "But, we're superheroes!", flip through a comic book sometime, I'm sure you'll see a number of instances where a superhero gets mezzed. They aren't a hero because they can ignore mez effects, they are a hero because they succeed in spite of them.

Ok, enough of the BS factor here!

You keep saying support has tools, I been telling you over and over, yeah they got tools but they are questionably effective, shown you the numbers, can't you read? Or playing coy in a very self-serving manner?

You say Melee can not mez mobs reliably, ding, ding, nor can Support! But your protections are 100% reliable! And Melee do have ranged mez ability thru their epic choices, in fact just as strong as those owned by Support; the problem they have "is the same" problem support has with theirs, duh: "Its not reliable"

Love your comic book note, that is great, can you tell me any names of any hero that is automatically succumbed to the weakest foe in the field consitently? What is his name? Captain wooz?




Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
Ok, enough of the BS factor here!

You keep saying support has tools, I been telling you over and over, yeah they got tools but they are questionably effective, shown you the numbers, can't you read? Or playing coy in a very self-serving manner?
What numbers have you shown? Seriously. Where are the numbers that back up exactly what you say? Because the only ones that I've seen from you don't support the claim that you are trying to make about them. Their tools fall into a number of categories:

1) Always on mez protection (Force Field and Sonic)
2) Mostly always on mez protection (Traps)
3) Stealth, allowing you to get first shot (Dark, Cold, and Storm)
4) Buff/Debuff set controls (Dark, Storm, Radiation, Traps, Trick Arrow)
5) Accuracy Debuffs (Radiation, Dark, Trick Arrow, Traps)
6) Blast set control powers (all blast sets to some extent)

Now, the only sets that don't have SOMETHING to help you take out the enemy before you takes a shot at you are Thermal, Empathy and Kinetics. I have yet to see anybody seriously state that Kinetics is underpowered and needs a serious buff. Empathy can do some very nasty things on a team, and is very much a team-focuses set, and the same thing with Thermal. Those sets are designed with a teamer in mind. If you want to solo with them, you don't get much to help you, and that is by design because of how much they can help the whole team.

You say Melee can not mez mobs reliably, ding, ding, nor can Support! But your protections are 100% reliable! And Melee do have ranged mez ability thru their epic choices, in fact just as strong as those owned by Support; the problem they have "is the same" problem support has with theirs, duh: "Its not reliable"
So, again, you want your support characters, which act as large force multipliers on teams, to be able to have 100% reliable protection from Mez effects like melee does, even though melee characters cannot possibly buff the team/debuff the enemy anywhere near as effectively as your support characters. Is that right?

Love your comic book note, that is great, can you tell me any names of any hero that is automatically succumbed to the weakest foe in the field consitently? What is his name? Captain wooz?
Again, if you are consistently succumbing to the weakest mob in the field consistently, you are doing something wrong.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
So, again, you want your support characters, which act as large force multipliers on teams, to be able to have 100% reliable protection from Mez effects like melee does, even though melee characters cannot possibly buff the team/debuff the enemy anywhere near as effectively as your support characters. Is that right?
This is largely the point I have been making.

Support ATs can prevent mez reliably enough that they are indeed soloable.

Is it perfect 100% defense? No, it is not, I never said it was effective 100% of the time. "Reliable" doesn't necessarily mean "100% Effective", nor should it be considered to mean it.

Given a team situation, things go like this: The Controller locks down the spawn, the scrapper hits something in the face. The Defender buffs their teammates, the scrapper....hits something in the face. The Corruptor debuffs the enemy, the scrapper....yup, you guessed it.....hits something in the face.

My point? Scrappers are self contained because they are absolutely pathetic at supporting their teammates. Their response to everything is hit "something in the face". A tanker is rather the opposite, they tend to be hit in the face themselves instead.

Support ATs can do a wide variety of things. Debuffing, buffing, healing, controlling. Melee ATs basically just hit stuff.

So, when a melee AT becomes as versatile as a support AT, then the support AT can be as self-contained as the melee.

Again, if you are consistently succumbing to the weakest mob in the field consistently, you are doing something wrong.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



1. rad ...any hold/stun etc stops the debuffs and thats it for the rad. wait for them to recharge??you wont live that long. All blast sets do not have holds. looking at you fire. There are enough enemies that have status protection to make them very difficult. There are enough enemies that have +perception to make shadowfall and the like worthless.

2. ok, tanks need status protection to do their jobs. Why do scrappers need it? they are dps, just like a blaster. They can rely on their team mates. cm will keep them up. They dont need to solo any more than an emp.

3. blasters traded protection for more damage. what did scrappers trade for their high damage levels? nothing. If they take tp they can be in melee range of any mob in an instant.

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yes, because with things like Choking Cloud (Rad) or Opressive Gloom (Dark Armor) on NPCs, Scrappers can get into and stay in melee without status protection just fine... X.X

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
yes, because with things like Choking Cloud (Rad) or Opressive Gloom (Dark Armor) on NPCs, Scrappers can get into and stay in melee without status protection just fine... X.X
that is why a majority of an emps powers are team buffs/heals. so they can help their scrapper team mates.

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Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
There are three types of IOs.

Procs - the "Chance to's" - these are what have the short self-buffs.

120s - Activation follows the same rules as procs, always afect the user, and duration is either Perma (in auto powers), as long as the power is on (in toggles) or for 120 seconds after the power is used (in clicks) - these all say "for 120s".

Globals - they work as a set bonus, differentiated from 120s by the lack of a listed duration.

Aegis is a Global - listed in the WIKI you just linked to as a global, not "Special" or "See notes".

Based on THE REST OF THE GAME, it's bugged.
The Aegis has never been a pure Global. The Psi Res component has been, but the Mez Res has always been an oddity like the Force Feedback +Rech: a proc that grants a Set Bonus. Originally it was a +5% bonus that could stack up to 5 times and had an effectively infinite duration. So after 5 castings you would have 25% Mez Res until you zoned.

I bug reported that behavior (since it added up to 25% Mez Res instead of 20%, as well as the odd ramp up) back in the Beta, and in the issue or two after that. I hadn't tested it recently but vaguely remember noticing the Mez Res had been reduced to 20%; not just in the description, which hasn't changed, but in fact as well (must have been on an old toon in use in I18 beta, as I don't use that IO anywhere on live), but hadn't looked closely enough to see that it was bugged. And, like you say, lasting only 10s in a click has to be a bug.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Yeah, it would "proc" a set bonus - thus the need to use the power but the effectively unlimited duration.

It either needs to be changed over to a set bonus, or it needs to be a) adjusted so the duration is 120 seconds and b) the description adjusted.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
that is why a majority of an emps powers are team buffs/heals. so they can help their scrapper team mates.
Yes, brilliant idea. Make scrappers all but impossible to play without having an Empath in their back pocket all the time.

And no, support characters are NOT impossible to play without an Empath, myself and several thousand other people prove that on a daily basis.

If you strip away mez protection from scrappers, you will be relegating them to the "why would anyone play this AT?" category. Most have no way to reliably mez an opponent first, and even the ones who DO must be in melee range before they can. How exactly is that Broadsword/Shield/Body scrapper going to stop an opponent from mezzing them? Especially if it is a non-positional mez like Carnies and Rikti will throw at you.

It sounds very much like you don't play scrappers. If you do play them, try this: Log your scrapper in and run a Malta or Carnies mission with your mez protection turned off and see how long you live. Even if you're playing one of the sets with a mez in the primary, you still have to get into melee range first.

I have said it, and others have said it. Melee characters get mez protection because they have zero inherent ability to pre-empt a mezzing attack at range, and since they are forced into melee range, they will be getting hit with both melee and ranged mezzes. Support characters do not get mez protection because the majority of them do have the ability to pre-empt them in either their primary or secondary. Also, a support character can avoid melee mezzes completely and remain combat effective.

Granted, support ATs do not have 100% reliable mitigation, but if you slot some accuracy, your mitigation should be at 95% against LTs and lower. And yes, I know there are enemies above LT, but you can choose to not face bosses while solo, which is where the majority of the complaints seem to be coming from.

Complaints about fighting bosses with mez powers on support ATs was addressed when they gave us the ability to downgrade them to LTs. And for the record, yes, a Freak Tank or Fake Nemesis that is downgraded to an LT DOES count towards the badges, so getting the badges you need to kill bosses for is no excuse. I frequently downgrade bosses to LTs on my support characters, because A) If they have mez powers I can mez them first, and B) They die faster so I don't have to spend so long hitting one dude.

You don't have to fight those mezzing bosses while solo, and on a team they shouldn't be a problem.

How exactly is stripping the mez protection from scrappers addressing your problem at all? It really doesn't, because scrappers need it to function properly, and support ATs have been getting along just fine for 6+ years without it. You're also failing to take into account the likelyhood that if support ATs are given passive mez protection, the amount of mez being thrown around in the game will increase dramatically, and no one wants that, not even me.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Yes, brilliant idea. Make scrappers all but impossible to play without having an Empath in their back pocket all the time.

And no, support characters are NOT impossible to play without an Empath, myself and several thousand other people prove that on a daily basis.

If you strip away mez protection from scrappers, you will be relegating them to the "why would anyone play this AT?" category. Most have no way to reliably mez an opponent first, and even the ones who DO must be in melee range before they can. How exactly is that Broadsword/Shield/Body scrapper going to stop an opponent from mezzing them? Especially if it is a non-positional mez like Carnies and Rikti will throw at you.

It sounds very much like you don't play scrappers. If you do play them, try this: Log your scrapper in and run a Malta or Carnies mission with your mez protection turned off and see how long you live. Even if you're playing one of the sets with a mez in the primary, you still have to get into melee range first.

I have said it, and others have said it. Melee characters get mez protection because they have zero inherent ability to pre-empt a mezzing attack at range, and since they are forced into melee range, they will be getting hit with both melee and ranged mezzes. Support characters do not get mez protection because the majority of them do have the ability to pre-empt them in either their primary or secondary. Also, a support character can avoid melee mezzes completely and remain combat effective.

Granted, support ATs do not have 100% reliable mitigation, but if you slot some accuracy, your mitigation should be at 95% against LTs and lower. And yes, I know there are enemies above LT, but you can choose to not face bosses while solo, which is where the majority of the complaints seem to be coming from.

Complaints about fighting bosses with mez powers on support ATs was addressed when they gave us the ability to downgrade them to LTs. And for the record, yes, a Freak Tank or Fake Nemesis that is downgraded to an LT DOES count towards the badges, so getting the badges you need to kill bosses for is no excuse. I frequently downgrade bosses to LTs on my support characters, because A) If they have mez powers I can mez them first, and B) They die faster so I don't have to spend so long hitting one dude.

You don't have to fight those mezzing bosses while solo, and on a team they shouldn't be a problem.

How exactly is stripping the mez protection from scrappers addressing your problem at all? It really doesn't, because scrappers need it to function properly, and support ATs have been getting along just fine for 6+ years without it. You're also failing to take into account the likelyhood that if support ATs are given passive mez protection, the amount of mez being thrown around in the game will increase dramatically, and no one wants that, not even me.
Scrappers dont need mez protection any more than blasters or defenders do. You can team and get buffed. You can take TP and be in melee range instantly. You have high defense to prevent a lot of it from hitting you. You shouldnt be taking the alpha strike, that is the tanks job. He/she need mez prot, not the scrapper. Oh yeah, you can always pop breakfrees. Your defensive toggles wont even drop. Why is it the rationalization for squishies not having any mez protection no matter how minor doesnt apply to scrappers? Scrappers are DPS. they are not and should never be tanks. If they do have a tanking role their damage should be lowered. Blasters gained damage to make up for no defense. Scrappers have high damage and good defense. What exactly did they give up to maintain balance?

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
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High defense? Really, scrapers do have? My dark, fire, and willpower scrappers would like to have a talk with you.

In an alley - preferably dark. Why yes, the are all are a bit more vigilante than hero.

One major thing squishes don't have to deal with that melée does - the aura mezzes I already mentioned. Which as it is frequenly cause me issues before I get my mez protection - and yet my ranged characters rarely are bothered by the mezzes. Look, the old range is adefense does have some meaning

And yes, scrappers can off-tank, or built right tank. But they do trade defenses - both in base amounts and in caps - and if they lost too much more damage then regular tanks would outdamage scrappers.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
Scrappers dont need mez protection any more than blasters or defenders do.
Blasters have Defiance and Defenders are back-line support and a lot of them do have mez protection or mezzes of their own. Scrappers have to be right in the middle of everything all the time, even if they aren't taking alpha. This is a dumb argument. Unless you also intend to make all Scrapper attacks have an 80 foot range.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
Scrappers dont need mez protection any more than blasters or defenders do. You can team and get buffed. You can take TP and be in melee range instantly. You have high defense to prevent a lot of it from hitting you. You shouldnt be taking the alpha strike, that is the tanks job. He/she need mez prot, not the scrapper. Oh yeah, you can always pop breakfrees. Your defensive toggles wont even drop. Why is it the rationalization for squishies not having any mez protection no matter how minor doesnt apply to scrappers? Scrappers are DPS. they are not and should never be tanks. If they do have a tanking role their damage should be lowered. Blasters gained damage to make up for no defense. Scrappers have high damage and good defense. What exactly did they give up to maintain balance?
So, screw those that want to solo on scraps? Yeah, dumb idea. And as for you saying they aren't and should never be tanks, I have a kat/sr that would love to debate with you about that since he has tanked many an ITF and other TF's.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
So, screw those that want to solo on scraps? Yeah, dumb idea. And as for you saying they aren't and should never be tanks, I have a kat/sr that would love to debate with you about that since he has tanked many an ITF and other TF's.
Funny the same people howling that scrappers should be able to solo are against squishies having any sort of passive mez protection. Why exactly should a scrapper be able to solo, yet a defender cannot. And no, scrappers are not tanks. if you want to tank, roll one. One of the nice things about COX is the bleedover between AT's. You can find exceptions for just about any role/rule. There are tools available that a scrapper can solo without mez protection, if he chooses to take them. It just wouldnt be a easy as it is now.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
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Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
Funny the same people howling that scrappers should be able to solo are against squishies having any sort of passive mez protection. Why exactly should a scrapper be able to solo, yet a defender cannot. And no, scrappers are not tanks. if you want to tank, roll one. One of the nice things about COX is the bleedover between AT's. You can find exceptions for just about any role/rule. There are tools available that a scrapper can solo without mez protection, if he chooses to take them. It just wouldnt be a easy as it is now.
Defenders can solo fine, just not at the speed and ease of a Scrapper. And if you want a reason, it's because Scrappers don't have Fulcrum Shift, Dispersion Bubble, and Fortitude. Some classes are built for soloing, and some for teaming. They fill different roles and perform in some areas better than others. That's basically the definition of a class system.

What you're asking for is for Defenders (and other non-melee ATs) to be tankmages who can solo like a Scrapper AND buff teams in ways that Scrappers can only dream of. Failing that, you want to nerf Scrappers out of spite.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Defenders can solo fine, just not at the speed and ease of a Scrapper. And if you want a reason, it's because Scrappers don't have Fulcrum Shift, Dispersion Bubble, and Fortitude. Some classes are built for soloing, and some for teaming. They fill different roles and perform in some areas better than others. That's basically the definition of a class system.

What you're asking for is for Defenders (and other non-melee ATs) to be tankmages who can solo like a Scrapper AND buff teams in ways that Scrappers can only dream of. Failing that, you want to nerf Scrappers out of spite.
2 points of passive protection=tank mage...riiiggghht. you like the present imbalance and want to keep it.

as for fortitude, you might have a point if fort could be self cast......

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
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Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
Funny the same people howling that scrappers should be able to solo are against squishies having any sort of passive mez protection. Why exactly should a scrapper be able to solo, yet a defender cannot.
My Rad/Sonic AV soloing defender would like to have a word with you about that. (for the record, once I solve his endurance issues he'll be soloing GMs too).

My Dark Miasma/Dual Pistols defender has a thing or two to say as well.

You act like just being a defender means you can't ever solo, and it just isn't true. Sure, my Dark and Rad defenders are among the better soloing sets, but if you're playing Empathy or Kinetics why are you so pressed about being able to solo them when they shine on a team?

If you can't effectively solo with a support character, the problem is with YOU, not the game. Myself and thousands of other people solo support characters all the time. Unless you think the people saying they solo fine are lying just to spite you, and I can assure you, I'm not lying about my ability to solo a defender.

And no, soloing does NOT mean running at x8. Soloing means running missions by yourself, the difficulty you are set at is completely irrelevant.

And no, scrappers are not tanks. if you want to tank, roll one. One of the nice things about COX is the bleedover between AT's. You can find exceptions for just about any role/rule. There are tools available that a scrapper can solo without mez protection, if he chooses to take them. It just wouldnt be a easy as it is now.
That's weird, my Broadsword/Shield scrapper tanks for small teams all the time. Sure, he's probably not going to be main-tanking an ITF or tanking Recluse on an STF, but he does just fine holding agro for 3-4 man teams. If he didn't have mez protection, that would be impossible for him to do.

Also, I brought it up before, but what about things like Tsoo Green Ink Men, who have 3 melee stun powers and spawn in groups of 8 to 10 in Talos. They can already stun a melee character through their mez protection. So, the answer is to force a scrapper to run in terror from those groups while a hovering support character can kill them all in perfect safety? (because Green Ink Men have zero ranged mezzing ability, their stuns are all melee range)

Scrappers hit things in melee range, and that is ALL they do. They cannot buff a teammate, or debuff the enemy, they do not have even close to the same amount of versatility that a support character can have. Various support powersets can do many different things, while scrapper powersets are nothing more than different flavors of hitting things.

I've said it before, and I suppose I'll say it one more time: When my scrapper has the same level of versatility as your support character, maybe then your support character can have the same level of self-sufficiency. If you have a support-heavy team, those scrappers that solo so well start to get less and less useful, especially the ones with mostly single target oriented sets like Dark Melee or Martial Arts.

What you are saying is that your defender needs to get the exact same soloing efficiency as a scrapper, without losing any of the team support versatility they are known for.

Scrappers are designed for solo efficiency because they lack any real team support ability. And you think they should lose that solo efficiency without gaining any additional team support ability.

But apparently the people telling you that is dumb are the ones being unreasonable.


There seems to be quite a bit about game balance you don't understand here. Scrappers are self sufficient because they add very little to a team. Defenders are more team reliant because they can make that team nearly invincible. Thus, defenders should not be as self sufficient as scrappers until scrappers add more to a team. That is known as balance.

But nooooooo. Defenders should be able to solo just as well as a scrapper AND team better, because that's the only way it would be fair. I find it hard to believe that you don't realize how ridiculous that argument is.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
2 points of passive protection=tank mage...riiiggghht. you like the present imbalance and want to keep it.

as for fortitude, you might have a point if fort could be self cast......
Two points wouldn't do anything. If you want that you can pick up Acrobatics which gives mag 2 for holds. But I don't think you'll find many enemies casting mag 2 holds. But even if you had mag 12,000,000 you still wouldn't be able to solo at the safety or speed of a Scrapper, so your entire "why can't Defenders solo" argument still wouldn't be satisfied.

And if you want Fortitude to be self-cast you still don't understand the class system concept. Defenders aren't there to take hits and kill things quickly. That's a Scrapper's job. Defenders are there to support and back up their allies. They're a team-oriented class. They aren't supposed to be solo experts and never will be designed that way. I'm sorry you consider that unfair somehow. You're literally asking for Defenders to be able to solo as well or as fast as Scrappers AND be able to do so from range AND be able to support a team exceptionally well. What would be the point of a Scrapper? Or half the ATs in the game at that point for that matter?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
My Rad/Sonic AV soloing defender would like to have a word with you about that. (for the record, once I solve his endurance issues he'll be soloing GMs too).

My Dark Miasma/Dual Pistols defender has a thing or two to say as well.

You act like just being a defender means you can't ever solo, and it just isn't true. Sure, my Dark and Rad defenders are among the better soloing sets, but if you're playing Empathy or Kinetics why are you so pressed about being able to solo them when they shine on a team?

If you can't effectively solo with a support character, the problem is with YOU, not the game. Myself and thousands of other people solo support characters all the time. Unless you think the people saying they solo fine are lying just to spite you, and I can assure you, I'm not lying about my ability to solo a defender.

And no, soloing does NOT mean running at x8. Soloing means running missions by yourself, the difficulty you are set at is completely irrelevant.

That's weird, my Broadsword/Shield scrapper tanks for small teams all the time. Sure, he's probably not going to be main-tanking an ITF or tanking Recluse on an STF, but he does just fine holding agro for 3-4 man teams. If he didn't have mez protection, that would be impossible for him to do.

Also, I brought it up before, but what about things like Tsoo Green Ink Men, who have 3 melee stun powers and spawn in groups of 8 to 10 in Talos. They can already stun a melee character through their mez protection. So, the answer is to force a scrapper to run in terror from those groups while a hovering support character can kill them all in perfect safety? (because Green Ink Men have zero ranged mezzing ability, their stuns are all melee range)

Scrappers hit things in melee range, and that is ALL they do. They cannot buff a teammate, or debuff the enemy, they do not have even close to the same amount of versatility that a support character can have. Various support powersets can do many different things, while scrapper powersets are nothing more than different flavors of hitting things.

I've said it before, and I suppose I'll say it one more time: When my scrapper has the same level of versatility as your support character, maybe then your support character can have the same level of self-sufficiency. If you have a support-heavy team, those scrappers that solo so well start to get less and less useful, especially the ones with mostly single target oriented sets like Dark Melee or Martial Arts.

What you are saying is that your defender needs to get the exact same soloing efficiency as a scrapper, without losing any of the team support versatility they are known for.

Scrappers are designed for solo efficiency because they lack any real team support ability. And you think they should lose that solo efficiency without gaining any additional team support ability.

But apparently the people telling you that is dumb are the ones being unreasonable.


There seems to be quite a bit about game balance you don't understand here. Scrappers are self sufficient because they add very little to a team. Defenders are more team reliant because they can make that team nearly invincible. Thus, defenders should not be as self sufficient as scrappers until scrappers add more to a team. That is known as balance.

But nooooooo. Defenders should be able to solo just as well as a scrapper AND team better, because that's the only way it would be fair. I find it hard to believe that you don't realize how ridiculous that argument is.
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Two points wouldn't do anything. If you want that you can pick up Acrobatics which gives mag 2 for holds. But I don't think you'll find many enemies casting mag 2 holds. But even if you had mag 12,000,000 you still wouldn't be able to solo at the safety or speed of a Scrapper, so your entire "why can't Defenders solo" argument still wouldn't be satisfied.

And if you want Fortitude to be self-cast you still don't understand the class system concept. Defenders aren't there to take hits and kill things quickly. That's a Scrapper's job. Defenders are there to support and back up their allies. They're a team-oriented class. They aren't supposed to be solo experts and never will be designed that way. I'm sorry you consider that unfair somehow. You're literally asking for Defenders to be able to solo as well or as fast as Scrappers AND be able to do so from range AND be able to support a team exceptionally well. What would be the point of a Scrapper? Or half the ATs in the game at that point for that matter?



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
Scrappers dont need mez protection any more than blasters or defenders do. You can team and get buffed. You can take TP and be in melee range instantly. You have high defense to prevent a lot of it from hitting you. You shouldnt be taking the alpha strike, that is the tanks job. He/she need mez prot, not the scrapper. Oh yeah, you can always pop breakfrees. Your defensive toggles wont even drop. Why is it the rationalization for squishies not having any mez protection no matter how minor doesnt apply to scrappers? Scrappers are DPS. they are not and should never be tanks. If they do have a tanking role their damage should be lowered. Blasters gained damage to make up for no defense. Scrappers have high damage and good defense. What exactly did they give up to maintain balance?
The design reason for scrappers to have mez protection, which was discussed many times in the past, is because mez protection is intended to prevent personal defenses from being detoggled, and because scrappers would be under both a higher threat of mez being in melee range, and higher threat of aggro and damage from being in close proximity to the enemy. Solo, these are less of an issue than teamed, but solo Scrappers are intended to be more self-sufficient in general.

Basically, scrappers gave up range relative to blasters, damage mitigation relative to tankers, and team utility relative to other archetypes. If you think Scrappers got the much better trade, you're supposed to play scrappers and be happy. That's why there's more than one archetype in the game. The players playing defenders and controllers are doing likewise.

The design imperatives for the archetypes, by the way, are:

1. They should provide different game play experiences
2. They should excel in orthogonally different areas.
3. They should perform roughly the same in terms of overall average progress across the player base.

Nowhere on that list is the requirement that they meet some paper-balance metric, deliberately so. Those are distant very low priority requirements.

And by the way, the devs acknowledged that the mez vulnerability of blasters specifically was too high and affecting their performance in game as data mined. That admission is implicit in the devs allowing blasters to shoot while mezzed.. That's the mez "protection" blasters have: partial immunity to mez. Why didn't defenders and controllers get the same benefit? Because they aren't having the same problems blasters were having, period. One can claim defenders and controllers need or deserve it just as much, but the player base as a whole, as evidenced by their in-game performance, disagrees.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I looked up orthogonal and found many meanings but couldn't figure out just what you meant by it here, Arcanaville. Would you mind clarifying your use of that term?

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



I think she's showing off her love of math using a term that basically means (in this instance) different areas.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.