Bait and switch Aegis Mez protection.




Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
You may not be aware, our characters do not start out at low levels with the full mez protection they enjoy at high levels. On a Posi TF your Tanker would have had less than 10 mez protection.

I can't seem to find a reference for how the protection varies with level.
I never knew that. I just went onto Red Tomax to check and at level 15 unyeilding provides:

-7.725 Stun, Held, Sleep, Immobilize for 0.75s If NOT on a PvP map
Effect does not stack from same caster
and at level 50 is provides:

-12.975 Stun, Held, Sleep, Immobilize for 0.75s If NOT on a PvP map
Effect does not stack from same caster
So you are right but still having nearly 8 mags worth of protection at level 15 (which is what I would have been) is still quite high.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Here's a challenge for you: Name one thing a well built melee AT (of any powerset combination) can do that not a single equally well built support AT (of any powerset combination) can do. This assumes equal skill, and equal budgets for the builds. Just one thing that a tank, scrapper, brute or stalker can do that a controller, defender, corruptor, or mastermind can't.
Hit 60% Fury? >.>

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
The only way a Controller will have full time mez protection is with enough recharge to make Indomitable Will permanent. And let's face it, if you have a build with that much recharge (which pretty much requires purples) probably aren't going to be having too many problems with mez.

And besides....Fissure is a better AoE than Fireball anyway
It's expensive to perma, true - but right now I think my Ill/Rad only has 2 purple sets with perma IW (hold + confuse). It didn't seem all that expensive, but I also had a lot of merits lying around and the confuse set was waiting since before she hit 50.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Hit 60% Fury? >.>
If you want to play by those rules....let's see that brute Scourge.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Here's a challenge for you: Name one thing a well built melee AT (of any powerset combination) can do that not a single equally well built support AT (of any powerset combination) can do. This assumes equal skill, and equal budgets for the builds. Just one thing that a tank, scrapper, brute or stalker can do that a controller, defender, corruptor, or mastermind can't.
Umm, solo +2/x6 with only SOs with zero risk of dying (not "most of the time this works") pretty much no matter how bad of a player you are?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Umm, solo +2/x6 with only SOs with zero risk of dying (not "most of the time this works") pretty much no matter how bad of a player you are?
A Traps/Dark Defender with the Fighting Pool, CJ, Maneuvers, Stealth and Charged Armor (the Mu Mastery Version).

Soft Capped all 10 Defenses, mez protection, ~65% S/L Resistance, ~42% Energy Resistance amd a self heal. Slightly more vulnerable to spike damage than some melee toons but with Triage Beacon and Life Drain it should be ok. I think it would be hard to make a tougher character on SOs alone.

EDIT: Just to clarify, this post is mostly tongue in cheek. I'm not actually following the argument I just figured I'd post it for amusement purposes.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
A Traps Defender with the Fighting Pool, CJ, Maneuvers, Stealth and Charged Armor (the Mu Mastery Version).

Soft Capped all 10 Defenses, mez protection, ~65% S/L Resistance, ~42% Energy Resistance. Slightly more vulnerable to spike damage than some melee toons but with Triage Beacon up it should be ok. I think it would be hard to make a tougher character on SOs alone.
Even if you slotted all those powers to 99% you wouldn't be soft-capped (it's about 40%). The low damage, low HP, and sleep hole would be risky. But you're probably right that it could work.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Even if you slotted all those powers to 99% you wouldn't be soft-capped (it's about 40%). The low damage, low HP, and sleep hole would be risky. But you're probably right that it could work.
For a defender:
FFG: 13.3%
CJ: 2.5%
Maneuvers: 3.5%
Stealth: 2.5% Suppressed
Weave: 5%

If you slot them all for +56% defense (i.e. ED capped) you get a total of 45.7% Defense.

The low damage is technically not a concern except that it increase the change of the RNG killing you. The sleep hole is also not a huge risk, half of your defense comes from the FFG which is a pet and as such is not suppressed when you get mezzed.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
For a defender:
FFG: 13.3%
CJ: 2.5%
Maneuvers: 3.5%
Stealth: 2.5% Suppressed
Weave: 5%

If you slot them all for +56% defense (i.e. ED capped) you get a total of 45.7% Defense.

The low damage is technically not a concern except that it increase the change of the RNG killing you. The sleep hole is also not a huge risk, half of your defense comes from the FFG which is a pet and as such is not suppressed when you get mezzed.
Are you yanking my chain?

(13.3 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 5 + 3.5) * 1.56 = 41.808

Also, being soft-capped by itself is dangerous if you can't kill quickly. Being soft-capped helps, but the reason Elec/Shield is such a good farmer is because you kill things really fast. If you just stand around in a spawn or don't kill them very fast it's easy to be killed by them. My widow is soft-capped and it only takes a few seconds for her to die if I jump into a large spawn of +2s and don't kill them.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Are you yanking my chain?

(13.3 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 5 + 3.5) * 1.56 = 41.808
No, I'm just being misremembering what I did. I was mucking about in Mids a few days ago working this out and forgot what I did. You need a Steadfast IO and slightly overslotted FFG to hit the softcap. Sorry for the confusion.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
For a defender:
FFG: 13.3%
CJ: 2.5%
Maneuvers: 3.5%
Stealth: 2.5% Suppressed
Weave: 5%

If you slot them all for +56% defense (i.e. ED capped) you get a total of 45.7% Defense.

The low damage is technically not a concern except that it increase the change of the RNG killing you. The sleep hole is also not a huge risk, half of your defense comes from the FFG which is a pet and as such is not suppressed when you get mezzed.
That's right, isn't it? The mez supression is a per power setting.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
So, if 8x spawns aren't a big deal at +4 without a tank, why do support ATs need mez protection again? You kinda shot your own argument in the foot here. If your support ATs can run on a team of 8 at +4 without a tank.....arguing that they still need mez protection is kind of ridiculous.
Mez still exists and it still sucks regardless of there being someone with protection on the team or not. 45 second and longer mezes have no reason to exist on players. If you have protection you never worry about them, even when diving into carnies or malta. End drain sure, that's a real problem, but not mez.

Except it's NOT unbeatable. If you've ever fought Carnies on a full team, you have seen situations where a tank, scrapper, or brute will get held. If a spawn shows up with a Master Illusionist and 2 regular Illusionists in it (which happens quite frequently), you have a lot of non-positional psionic mez right there already. Add to that the fact that Master Illusionists will spawn 3 more Illusionists and you have SIX mag 2 holds coming in at you that almost no one will be able to avoid (since I can't think of a whole lot of builds that can achieve large amounts of Psi defense), and if the Dark Servant the MI also spawns happens to tag you with Petrifying Gaze, you will be held through any amount of hold protection you have.
I've played a WP brute to 50 in enough situations to see that I never care about mez. Even vs. carnies or malta. They certainly can overwhelm status protection, however, they do not in practice enough of the time to ever be concerned with. Unless you solo at x8. Then it's your own fault.

2 Malta Hercules Titans can hold a tank quite easily. They have a missile that leaves a patch of basically autohit hold. If a tank stands in that patch for too long, it will quickly overpower hold protection.

I don't know if I'm just that good, or if the people complaining are either that bad or just unlucky, but I haven't felt like lack of mez protection was really that big of a disadvantage to my support characters. Yes, I DO play more than just melee characters. If I get mezzed, the first thing *I* think is "Damn, I should have been paying closer attention and got him first" instead of "What? I got held? That is SO UNFAIR!"
Attempt playing a class that pulls a lot of aggro not related to damage but has no native defense or -tohit like Kinetics. Dive in and boost the melee or not, ranged mez like Longbow Nullifiers (god I hate them) just wreck your day. Or just an aoe happy blaster. See how much you get mezed even with a tank/brute/scrapper.

You're basically trying to convince me that it's a good idea to reduce the amount of mez protection that melee ATs get. And it's not going to work. They need enough mez protection to do their job, and I already gave a couple examples of situations that will overpower their current level of mez protection. If you reduce it a tank, brute, or scrapper will need to have an Empath babysitting them at all times to be at all useful on a team. People are finally getting that the "pure healer" isn't any more necessary than a pure meatshield, why do you want to change it so it is?
You have a serious bias towards solo play thinking that scrapper/brute/tank should and need to be able to solo x8 spawns otherwise they just die. Work in a team and this ceases to occur, even if it's only 4 people or whatever. You can still get mezed of course, but with the additional help they can't kill you quickly enough generally.

I don't know if you came from a game where the tank/healer/dps trinity is in full swing (doesn't seem like it since you're advocating relying less on the tank), but your idea of reducing mez protection for melee ATs will make that playstyle necessary here as well. The fact that it ISN'T necessary is one of the best things about this game.
I like red side far more then blue because of the lack of a tank. There just is no need to be completely immune unless absolute catastrophic failure occurs and you can't disable one mob enough. Often times it isn't even needed.

So, wait...let me make sure I have this straight.

You're suggesting that the devs completely revamp mez protection/resistance for player characters, change the duration of every single mez in the game, and reduce the number of enemies that have mez powers....just to solve a problem you have with a single IO?

Or are you asking so your defender can solo at the same difficulty as your scrapper with the same ease?
Mez as it is now is just stupid. At 50 NPC mez lasts for ages, far longer then it takes to annihilate a spawn on a team. Melee has absolutely no regard for mez. None. Even your contrived situation provides limited actual mez during gameplay based on experience. Providing a bit less protection and this changes a bit and reduces solo at x8 potential, both good things in my opinion. Additionally, now that melee are no longer gods perhaps the base duration and mechanics of mez will get looked at to attempt and fix the absurd scaling that goes on because melee have too much defenses against the new more powerful mez that keeps getting introduced!

You may not be aware of this....but the ATs are not designed to be equally proficient at everything in the game. They never were, nor should they be. Every AT has something it does better than another AT, and that other AT has something it does better as well.

If you really want everything to be equal, I can go along with that. I want my tank to be able to buff his teammates to godlike status. I want my scrapper to be able to completely neuter 8 man spawns. Give me those things and you can have your equal mez protection.

Here's a challenge for you: Name one thing a well built melee AT (of any powerset combination) can do that not a single equally well built support AT (of any powerset combination) can do. This assumes equal skill, and equal budgets for the builds. Just one thing that a tank, scrapper, brute or stalker can do that a controller, defender, corruptor, or mastermind can't.
Solo +0/xX/boss packs with X being bigger then 3. WP with common IOs can do it no problem. Corruptor, at least the Sonic/Kinetic one I have, certainly couldn't if there was a boss without taking 10 minutes per pack. Solo an elite boss. Outside MM, those are pretty hard without /Dark or /Rad. There is just too much incoming damage and mez to handle.

I don't really care about equal. I like the support classes like Corruptors. Other people like melee because they just solo at x8 and make scads of influence and get huge numbers of drops. The only thing I care about is running teams really. I'd like to actually make use of my abilities without getting punished ridiculously so because I don't have the uber sets. To that end I choose to pick up powers and IOs that have defenses in them to assist, but it still isn't enough, and in some cases doesn't actually provide any minuscule benefit despite the naming of the IO.

The only way a Controller will have full time mez protection is with enough recharge to make Indomitable Will permanent. And let's face it, if you have a build with that much recharge (which pretty much requires purples) probably aren't going to be having too many problems with mez.

And besides....Fissure is a better AoE than Fireball anyway
Ok...? I don't care that mez exists or doesn't. I care about the duration. 45 seconds is a long time to be doing nothing. And it doesn't disappear solo either with smaller spawns. The minions and lieutenants have them above 40. I like to press buttons to get digital rewards. Not pressing buttons and watching digital lights go off isn't as impressive.



bring break frees and eat them....



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
bring break frees and eat them....
^ This.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Savos View Post
You have a serious bias towards solo play thinking that scrapper/brute/tank should and need to be able to solo x8 spawns otherwise they just die. Work in a team and this ceases to occur, even if it's only 4 people or whatever. You can still get mezed of course, but with the additional help they can't kill you quickly enough generally.
*I* have a bias toward solo play? Where did I say anywhere in this thread that a melee toon needs to be able to solo at x8?

What I said was:

You're basically trying to convince me that it's a good idea to reduce the amount of mez protection that melee ATs get. And it's not going to work. They need enough mez protection to do their job, and I already gave a couple examples of situations that will overpower their current level of mez protection. If you reduce it a tank, brute, or scrapper will need to have an Empath babysitting them at all times to be at all useful on a team. People are finally getting that the "pure healer" isn't any more necessary than a pure meatshield, why do you want to change it so it is?
Where did I say in that quote that a melee AT should solo at x8? I don't see that anywhere. I was referring to team play. I don't believe a team should require a tank, but if I invite one, I expect them to do their job, which is holding agro. If they have lower mez protection than they currently have, they will get continually mezzed because everything is aiming at them instead of the rest of the team. Only Invulnerability has a taunt aura that remains on when mezzed, every other set's aura shuts off. When that aura shuts off because it's mezzed, that tank loses agro. Tanks need the protection they have to do their job, which is taking agro for a team. I didn't say anything at all about solo play.

Mez as it is now is just stupid. At 50 NPC mez lasts for ages, far longer then it takes to annihilate a spawn on a team. Melee has absolutely no regard for mez. None. Even your contrived situation provides limited actual mez during gameplay based on experience. Providing a bit less protection and this changes a bit and reduces solo at x8 potential, both good things in my opinion. Additionally, now that melee are no longer gods perhaps the base duration and mechanics of mez will get looked at to attempt and fix the absurd scaling that goes on because melee have too much defenses against the new more powerful mez that keeps getting introduced!
So, instead of using the tools you are given (breakfrees, proactive mez defense), you are saying the devs need to change the game to suit you.


When someone builds a building with metal studs, you don't demand that they tear it down and rebuild it with wood so you can use a hammer instead of the screwdriver they gave you. Refusal to use what you are given does not equal a design flaw.

Solo +0/xX/boss packs with X being bigger then 3. WP with common IOs can do it no problem. Corruptor, at least the Sonic/Kinetic one I have, certainly couldn't if there was a boss without taking 10 minutes per pack.
Okay, so you have the best AoE mez in the game available to a non-Controller, non-Dominator character, and apparently are refusing to use it. I'm talking about Siren's Song. It is permanent with just SOs. You can sleep entire spawns, leaving you free to kill any bosses that may be there without the minions and LTs bothering you. When it wears off you can do it again because it is recharged already (I have 2 level 50 Sonic characters, I know exactly how effective this is).

Another little tidbit: Fulcrum Shift deals no damage, so it won't wake them up. You can FS and kill them much faster with your buffed damage output, and they will sleep right through it. You're a Sonic/Kin, so you should have no problem sleeping them, Fulcrum Shifting, killing bosses first and stunning them awake one at a time with Screech. With the buffed damage on your ST blasts, and high recharge you doubtlessly have, you should tear through that spawn in short order in relative safety.

Now, if you skipped Siren's Song and Screech, you have basically set yourself in a situation where mez is unpreventable by you. That isn't the games fault. Refusal to take and use powers that would be useful in that situation does not equal a design flaw.

Solo an elite boss. Outside MM, those are pretty hard without /Dark or /Rad. There is just too much incoming damage and mez to handle.
Any AT with any powersets can solo an Elite Boss. Sure, it's easier for some than others, but anyone can do it. If an Empathy defender can solo one (which has been proven before), anyone can.

I don't really care about equal.
Obviously. What you want is for the devs to gimp melee classes and force them to ask support classes for help.

That is clearly a much better solution than using the tools at your disposal to make things easier on you.


Ok...? I don't care that mez exists or doesn't. I care about the duration. 45 seconds is a long time to be doing nothing. And it doesn't disappear solo either with smaller spawns. The minions and lieutenants have them above 40. I like to press buttons to get digital rewards. Not pressing buttons and watching digital lights go off isn't as impressive.
Minions and lieutenants have mezzes above 40? Yeah, I am well aware of that.

Wow. You get Siren's Song at level 18, 22 levels to get it slotted and learn how to use it effectively. That takes care of mezzing minions and LTs while solo. It baffles me that you're running a character that can handle minion and LT mez better than most and are still having problems.

And I find it exceptionally hard to believe that you run on teams and not a single member of the team can do anything about mezzes at all. Sounds like you need to run on better teams, to be perfectly honest.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Hmm. Just pointing out an incongruity I noticed. The support player complains about mez mucking with his ability to do his job, and the answer is, "Bring breakfrees and eat them." Yet the melee (tank) player says he needs -10 mez protection to do his job. Couldn't the same logic hold? -3 mez protection, perhaps, and bring breakfrees and eat them?

Incongruity #2.
"Melee types don't get mezes, so support types shouldn't get mez protection."
Except that a lot (maybe even most) melee APP and PPP have mezzes, and I can only think 1 support AT APP or PPP that offer mez protection. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the complaints would be far less if some mez protection were available in most APP/PPPs for the support ATs.



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
Hmm. Just pointing out an incongruity I noticed. The support player complains about mez mucking with his ability to do his job, and the answer is, "Bring breakfrees and eat them." Yet the melee (tank) player says he needs -10 mez protection to do his job. Couldn't the same logic hold? -3 mez protection, perhaps, and bring breakfrees and eat them?
Not really. A tank needs to have consistent mez protection, because there is very little he can do to prevent mezzes coming in from outside melee range. If their mez protection were reduced to -3, they would run out of breakfrees after the first few fights.

Think about it. A tank's job is to redirect enemy attacks onto himself to protect his teammates from them. That includes any mez effects they may have. If he jumps into a spawn that has multiple mezzers in it with only -3 protection, he will be quickly overwhelmed by the mez and he will lose the agro of the enemies he is fighting.

As I mentioned, there is only ONE set with a taunt aura that remains active when mezzed. All others either deal damage, or affect the enemy in some way (RttC's to-hit debuff, AAO's damage debuff, the various damage auras). Only Invincibility does not toggle off when you are mezzed, because it only affects you. If a mez breaks through for even a second, that taunt aura drops and there is a very good chance the enemies will peel right off of him, especially if there is a character on the team doing a lot of AoE damage.

Incongruity #2.
"Melee types don't get mezes, so support types shouldn't get mez protection."
Except that a lot (maybe even most) melee APP and PPP have mezzes, and I can only think 1 support AT APP or PPP that offer mez protection. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the complaints would be far less if some mez protection were available in most APP/PPPs for the support ATs.
I was referring only to primary and secondary powersets, because APPs/PPPs are completely optional. Before level 41 no melee character even has the option of a ranged mez power. And even after level 41, a tank only has the option of a single target mez. That would be fine for one mezzing enemy, but what about the other 5? (Note: This is assuming that a tank is tanking for a team and has no say in how many enemies he will be fighting at once)

If every melee character were forced to take an APP your point would be more valid, but you don't have to take one at all if you don't want to.

If you decide to roll a Claws/Regen/Body scrapper like the one I have, you have zero means of reliably preventing a mez. If I didn't have any mez protection, or if it were reduced to -3, I would be hard pressed to finish a mission that contained any mezzing foes at all.

On the other side of things, there are very, very few support powersets that don't have some form of mez ability available to them. Off the top of my head, only Fire Blast and Energy Blast don't have a reliable mez power, everything else does.

It's a simple case of Active Protection versus Passive Protection.

Support ATs have Active Protection, meaning they have the ability to stop the mez from ever being cast in the first place. If that mezzing foe is mezzed themselves, they cannot mez you. And if your mez misses, you have breakfrees.

Also, and this is something people either don't know or keep forgetting, a breakfree will prevent mezzes if it is used pre-emptively. It is not just a reactive measure, it can be used proactively as well. A breakfree frees you from mez by granting you protection from it. The mez is still there, but the protection granted by the breakfree counteracts it. All 3 sizes give you the same protection (IIRC), it's just the duration of that protection that differs. A small one gives you mez protection for 30 seconds, a medium for 60 seconds, and a large for 120 seconds (that's why when you level the breakfree takes longer to wear off than the rest of the inspirations that are cast on you)

A melee AT, on the other hand, has Passive Protection. They don't have any inherent ability to prevent a ranged mez from occurring, so they need passive protection from it. Without passive protection, a level 35 tank/scrapper/brute is a sitting duck to an enemy with a ranged mez. And even after level 41 (if they chose to take the mez in an APP), they will be a sitting duck to more than one at a time (which will happen quite frequently on a team)

A number of melee sets have melee range mez powers, but that doesn't help them when the problem mob is 60 feet away. Since the game engine cannot differentiate between a ranged mez and a melee mez (as far as the mez effect itself is concerned, the game doesn't see "melee hold" or "ranged hold", it just sees "hold") , they have to be given protection to it regardless of where it's coming from*.

(*This is common sense based on the fact that mez protection toggles and click powers make no mention of the location of the mez they are protecting from. I don't actually have verifiable knowledge of the game engine's capabilities)

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Not really. A tank needs to have consistent mez protection, because there is very little he can do to prevent mezzes coming in from outside melee range. If their mez protection were reduced to -3, they would run out of breakfrees after the first few fights.

Think about it. A tank's job is to redirect enemy attacks onto himself to protect his teammates from them. That includes any mez effects they may have. If he jumps into a spawn that has multiple mezzers in it with only -3 protection, he will be quickly overwhelmed by the mez and he will lose the agro of the enemies he is fighting.

As I mentioned, there is only ONE set with a taunt aura that remains active when mezzed. All others either deal damage, or affect the enemy in some way (RttC's to-hit debuff, AAO's damage debuff, the various damage auras). Only Invincibility does not toggle off when you are mezzed, because it only affects you. If a mez breaks through for even a second, that taunt aura drops and there is a very good chance the enemies will peel right off of him, especially if there is a character on the team doing a lot of AoE damage.

I was referring only to primary and secondary powersets, because APPs/PPPs are completely optional. Before level 41 no melee character even has the option of a ranged mez power. And even after level 41, a tank only has the option of a single target mez. That would be fine for one mezzing enemy, but what about the other 5? (Note: This is assuming that a tank is tanking for a team and has no say in how many enemies he will be fighting at once)

If every melee character were forced to take an APP your point would be more valid, but you don't have to take one at all if you don't want to.

If you decide to roll a Claws/Regen/Body scrapper like the one I have, you have zero means of reliably preventing a mez. If I didn't have any mez protection, or if it were reduced to -3, I would be hard pressed to finish a mission that contained any mezzing foes at all.

On the other side of things, there are very, very few support powersets that don't have some form of mez ability available to them. Off the top of my head, only Fire Blast and Energy Blast don't have a reliable mez power, everything else does.

It's a simple case of Active Protection versus Passive Protection.

Support ATs have Active Protection, meaning they have the ability to stop the mez from ever being cast in the first place. If that mezzing foe is mezzed themselves, they cannot mez you. And if your mez misses, you have breakfrees.

Also, and this is something people either don't know or keep forgetting, a breakfree will prevent mezzes if it is used pre-emptively. It is not just a reactive measure, it can be used proactively as well. A breakfree frees you from mez by granting you protection from it. The mez is still there, but the protection granted by the breakfree counteracts it. All 3 sizes give you the same protection (IIRC), it's just the duration of that protection that differs. A small one gives you mez protection for 30 seconds, a medium for 60 seconds, and a large for 120 seconds (that's why when you level the breakfree takes longer to wear off than the rest of the inspirations that are cast on you)

A melee AT, on the other hand, has Passive Protection. They don't have any inherent ability to prevent a ranged mez from occurring, so they need passive protection from it. Without passive protection, a level 35 tank/scrapper/brute is a sitting duck to an enemy with a ranged mez. And even after level 41 (if they chose to take the mez in an APP), they will be a sitting duck to more than one at a time (which will happen quite frequently on a team)

A number of melee sets have melee range mez powers, but that doesn't help them when the problem mob is 60 feet away. Since the game engine cannot differentiate between a ranged mez and a melee mez (as far as the mez effect itself is concerned, the game doesn't see "melee hold" or "ranged hold", it just sees "hold") , they have to be given protection to it regardless of where it's coming from*.

(*This is common sense based on the fact that mez protection toggles and click powers make no mention of the location of the mez they are protecting from. I don't actually have verifiable knowledge of the game engine's capabilities)
Very well stated, but I disagree with some of the value judgments you make. Also, as you pointed out, breakfrees can be used as passive protection, so your argument that they aren't good enough for a melee type because they aren't passive seems to have a hole. Also, all of your arguments seem to be from the perspective of, the main tank of a group must have x level of protection. And that I can almost see and agree with, but those arguments don't extend out to any other melee types. And yet other melee types get passive mez protection. So that really supports the argument that somewhere (even if only in most APPs/PPPs) support types ought have some passive mez redress.

Also, since you bring up the differences between passive and active defenses, the same hold true for melee types. I'll point out that the best way to deal with those pesky mezzers at range that melee types have to face, is to close before you get mezzed. Or taunt, which forces them to close by dropping their range. Granted, this can't be done if the melee-AT in question were already mezzed (unless he used a breakfree).

But, this brings me to the value judgment you made that I think most questionable. So what if the tank (or any melee alt) gets mezzed, and can't do their job, and doesn't have a breakfree along to get free. How is this different from any other AT (except to an extent Blasters). Nobody can do their job when mezzed and out of breakfrees (except maybe sorta blasters). So why is it SO much more critical that melee types never (or vary rarely) get mezzed and have to stop doing their job, but it is OK for every other AT?

I can attempt to answer that question myself. Because if the tank goes in first and takes all the mezes that are incoming, then everyone else is free to act. But this seems to be arguing the need to keep the mez situation as is only to protect the tanks' (/melee type in general) protected spot in the old trinity. And as you point out, this game prides itself on not catering to that standard trinity.



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
Also, all of your arguments seem to be from the perspective of, the main tank of a group must have x level of protection. And that I can almost see and agree with, but those arguments don't extend out to any other melee types. And yet other melee types get passive mez protection.
What happens if the main tank drops and a brute or scrapper is forced to take over the role? If they didn't have similar mez protection it would have a similar result as hiding behind a cardboard box to avoid gunfire.

What about those annoying enemy groups, like Carnies, that have many, many mezzers in them? The only sets that have significant Psionic defense are Stone Armor and Willpower. Anything else will have Illusionists hitting them with Blind pretty much at will.

Also, since you bring up the differences between passive and active defenses, the same hold true for melee types. I'll point out that the best way to deal with those pesky mezzers at range that melee types have to face, is to close before you get mezzed. Or taunt, which forces them to close by dropping their range. Granted, this can't be done if the melee-AT in question were already mezzed (unless he used a breakfree).
A huge problem with that, that involves one set in particular. How exactly is a Stone tank or brute that is in Granite form supposed to close with a ranged mezzer? Especially if they are also running Rooted.

Also, the vast majority of mezzing enemies will fire their mez attack the second they are agroed, unless they are mezzed first. If there is more than one in a spawn, your melee character is going to take 2 or more mezzes to the face before they can close the gap enough to do anything about it. Remember, melee ATs don't get reliable ranged mezzes until after level 41 (and they are optional). Without that mez protection, any 2 mezzing foes will stop you in your tracks before you get anywhere near them.

But, this brings me to the value judgment you made that I think most questionable. So what if the tank (or any melee alt) gets mezzed, and can't do their job, and doesn't have a breakfree along to get free. How is this different from any other AT (except to an extent Blasters). Nobody can do their job when mezzed and out of breakfrees (except maybe sorta blasters). So why is it SO much more critical that melee types never (or vary rarely) get mezzed and have to stop doing their job, but it is OK for every other AT?
Because part of a tank and brute's job is to keep their teammate's free of mez effects. It's no different than an Empath or Thermal giving them Clear Mind or Thaw, just a different method. Instead of granting their teammates protection from it, they redirect it to themselves. If they cannot take all those mezzes they are redirecting to themselves, it becomes an exercise in futility, because they now have to rely on the teammates they were protecting from the mez to save them from it.

A scrapper or stalker is a different animal altogether. They aren't designed to take agro for a large team. They have good survivability and mez protection in order to take some of the strain off the support ATs. Every scrapper you have on a team is one less person an Empath or other support character has to worry about, freeing them up to focus on the teammates that DO need their help.

Because if the tank goes in first and takes all the mezes that are incoming, then everyone else is free to act. But this seems to be arguing the need to keep the mez situation as is only to protect the tanks' (/melee type in general) protected spot in the old trinity. And as you point out, this game prides itself on not catering to that standard trinity.
It's not so much a matter of protecting the tank's spot in the old trinity. It's because tanks are a low damage, high defense AT. Without the role of agro soaker to play, they become completely redundant and easily replaced by an AT that deals more damage. Who invites a tank to a team for the damage they do? No one I know of, people invite tanks to teams to soak agro, which is what they are built to do. Take away their ability to do that and no one will have any reason to ever invite one to a team.

If every AT in the game were completely self-sufficient the tank would have no role to play at all on a team. In the age of IOs, where any AT can get defense and recharge bonuses up the wazoo, tanks are less relevant than they used to be, and not even necessary on most teams. The only thing they still do, and do well, is protect their non-protected teammates from being mezzed by eating all that mez themselves. If you were to give all ATs in the game mez protection tanks would be even less useful, and would quickly begin the slide toward complete extinction in the game.

I'd rather not see the tanker getting pity spots on task forces because no one needs the service he provides any more.

The funny thing is, I'm not even that much of a tanker player, I've never had one higher than level 30. But I appreciate what they contribute to a team, and I don't want to see what little relevance they still have taken away from them.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
No it isn't. If there is enough mez flying around to incapacitate the tank, how long do you think the rest of the team will last once he's out of commission? (having been in that situation before, I can assure you it is between 15 and 30 seconds, depending on how much damage is coming in along with those mezzes)

Melee ATs have such a high amount of mez protection because it is necessary for them to do their job. Unless you think a tank should NEED an Empath, Thermal, Sonic or Pain Dom along to stand a chance in hell of holding the agro of an enemy group that throws a lot of mez.

The only melee AT that a case can be made for getting less is stalkers, and they've been shafted so many times that would just be kicking them when they're down.
You make a point, but you said "If there is enough", do you realize how much, really how much it does take to be enough?

You said melee "needs it" mez protection, I can not disagree with you, but what makes you think support do not need it any at all as well? After all can't melee pop break-frees too? Please consider mez is now very far ranged, and players' ability to mitigate the use of such mez is hardly fool proof such as melee's unconditional protectin is.

A great point you made was why would a tank would have to depend on a defender at all for mez protection? Yet you are comfortable with a Defender having to depend on a Tank for everything? Is this concept of balance, acceptable to you?

You also made an interesting point, a group would not last long if the tank goes down. That is not entirely true either, tanks and melee are not indispensable; their presence do make life a lot easier though :<) Also it would be a weaker point if the mobs would not area, range, melee spam mez as well, or support were not 100% vulnerable, even minions are not 100% vulnerable.

With regards to Stalkers they need even more resistance, not less, besides their 1 big hit, after that they are wanna be Scrappers; when engaging large groups, its going to take them much longer than a Scrapper to deal with the group, and thus exposed to more mez attacks over time.

While I do not propose that ranged ATs have as good mez protection as melee, a zero protection is not right either. Please consider that melee's protection is high and unconditional, it always work they don't have to hit, and then hope to affect the target for some sort of protection, its there, it works, it does not matter if the attack was from an Av or minion. Contrast that with say a corruptor, they don't have holds, what is their mez mitigation ability? Range? a 5% acc debuff? Present minions have long range attacks with seconday effects that are mez attacks, at no protection for the support class, the minion is guaranteed 75% chance of success, if the attack came from a LT or Boss, the Corruptor is automatically defeated. Frankly I fail to see how a supoprt AT can be considered "heroic", when they are so vulnerable?




Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post

Contrast that with say a corruptor, they don't have holds, what is their mez mitigation ability?
You don't consider a stun to be effective at preventing a mezzer from mezzing you?

Every Corruptor primary except Fire Blast and Energy Blast has access to at least a stun, and many have holds available, some have more than one.

Ice and Electric Blasts have true holds in them, Ice has 2. Sonic has a large AoE sleep cone, and a stun, it also has a wide KB cone. Archery, Radiation, and Assault Rifle all have at least a stun in them. Dual Pistols has a stun that can be converted into a hold.

Energy Blast at least has KB on it's side, and at least one power is guaranteed KB.

Secondary wise, corruptors have a grab bag of tricks. Dark Miasma has a hold and a cone fear, not to mention Dark Servant, who also has a hold and a cone fear (and he can use them even if you are mezzed) Sonic and Traps actually DO get mez protection. Radiation can put their chance to hit so low you probably won't be hit by a mez in the first place.

But of course using those powers to prevent the mez from landing is apparently too much to ask. Do people really want the game dumbed down to the point that they don't even have to think about what they are doing?

When I play my support ATs, I keep an eye on what I'm fighting so I can be ready to pre-emptively mez whatever the biggest mezzing threat is in that particular spawn. Or if there is more than 1, I pop a breakfree before I go in.

Conversely, my main is a Claws/Regen/Body scrapper. He doesn't have the option to pre-emptively do anything at all to protect himself from mez, and has to trust that his mez protection toggle will see him through. Most of the time it is effective, but some things can punch through it, and fighting Malta or Arachnos are going to guarantee his toggles drop at least once or twice in the mission.

Question: If mez protection is so desired by support ATs, why is Psychic Mastery for Controllers not by far the most popular APP, since it has one of 3 sources of true mez protection available to Controllers in it?

Out of every 10 builds I see in the Controller forums, maybe 1 took Psychic Mastery, and maybe 1 or 2 took Cold Mastery. The rest of them all took Fire or Stone.

If mez protection for support ATs is so damned important, why is every controller in the game NOT using Psychic Mastery?

I'll answer the question with a question: Maybe because it's not as big of a deal as some people would like to make it out to be?

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



To add to what Claws said, most Support sets have either some way of lowering foe's Acc, or or providing their own Mez protection against most things.

Let's look at Defender primaries, Controller and Corruptor secondaries:

Active mez protection:

Force Field

Sets with decent - strong -ToHit debuffs:


Sets with some sort of Mez:

Trick Arrow
Force Field

Sets with little protection against Mezzes:


So, we've got 3/10 powersets with mez protection trouble, and 7/10 sets with some way of limiting or negating the ability of mobs to hit them with a Mez, and this isn't even getting into their other powerset, which should provide even more ability to handle mezzers.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
You don't consider a stun to be effective at preventing a mezzer from mezzing you?

Every Corruptor primary except Fire Blast and Energy Blast has access to at least a stun, and many have holds available, some have more than one.

Ice and Electric Blasts have true holds in them, Ice has 2. Sonic has a large AoE sleep cone, and a stun, it also has a wide KB cone. Archery, Radiation, and Assault Rifle all have at least a stun in them. Dual Pistols has a stun that can be converted into a hold.

Energy Blast at least has KB on it's side, and at least one power is guaranteed KB.

Secondary wise, corruptors have a grab bag of tricks. Dark Miasma has a hold and a cone fear, not to mention Dark Servant, who also has a hold and a cone fear (and he can use them even if you are mezzed) Sonic and Traps actually DO get mez protection. Radiation can put their chance to hit so low you probably won't be hit by a mez in the first place.

But of course using those powers to prevent the mez from landing is apparently too much to ask. Do people really want the game dumbed down to the point that they don't even have to think about what they are doing?

When I play my support ATs, I keep an eye on what I'm fighting so I can be ready to pre-emptively mez whatever the biggest mezzing threat is in that particular spawn. Or if there is more than 1, I pop a breakfree before I go in.

Conversely, my main is a Claws/Regen/Body scrapper. He doesn't have the option to pre-emptively do anything at all to protect himself from mez, and has to trust that his mez protection toggle will see him through. Most of the time it is effective, but some things can punch through it, and fighting Malta or Arachnos are going to guarantee his toggles drop at least once or twice in the mission.

Question: If mez protection is so desired by support ATs, why is Psychic Mastery for Controllers not by far the most popular APP, since it has one of 3 sources of true mez protection available to Controllers in it?

Out of every 10 builds I see in the Controller forums, maybe 1 took Psychic Mastery, and maybe 1 or 2 took Cold Mastery. The rest of them all took Fire or Stone.

If mez protection for support ATs is so damned important, why is every controller in the game NOT using Psychic Mastery?

I'll answer the question with a question: Maybe because it's not as big of a deal as some people would like to make it out to be?
I have Psi Mastery with one of my controllers incidentally, but it is not that effective a Rikti Boss stills takes me out in one mez shot, its very difficult to make it perma as it is for melee, etc; In short the powers sound better than what it truly is, the power is all bark and no bite.

You made good points with regards to secondary effects and powers corruptors get, but again they seem daunting on paper. Yet what are their MAG potencies? I bet they are lucky to be a 2 for a single target and a 1 for area; otherwise why have Dominators or Controllers? Given their area and single potency MAG values, what are their "real" chances to affect a Boss or above? What are their real chances to affect a minion or LT, all given in one application, after all it only takes one application from a minion to lay a support down.

You did spend a lot of time explaining how Controllers and Dominators, could use their powers to be protected from the abusive use of mez. I also appreciate your "pre-empt mez" concept (good concept incidentally), question how good did it work? I find my pre-emptive mez only works effectively about 25% of the time, and they are heavely slotted for the job with IOs no less (but IOs do not raise the mag potency of my attack, only duration or chances to hit). When looking at a player MAG potency attack and MAG resistance from mobs; If a Controller/Dominator your MAG 2 area pre-empt mez has at best a 25% chance to pre-empt a boss, so you may get lucky and mez him, the other 75% of the time, you are in trouble, the same area mez, does have a 50% chance to take a LT down, which means 50% of the time one of those LTs is not going to be impressed, and finally you do have a 75% chance to pre-empt a minion, if you have 4 of them, it is statistically likely one of them is gonna get lucky and roll under a 25% and resist your effort, I suspect the game fudges too :<).

Thus what are the statistical chances that on one MAG 2 area mez application: You are going to mez 1 Boss, +2 LTs, +4 Minions? Incidentally it does happen, I done it before, but all too seldom, frankly it was a feat of extraordinary luck.

Trust me, as a player that plays support ATs as well as melee, there is much we can do to mitigate the obvious and designed vulnerabilities into support ATs to mez by devs; yet because we work hard at it and experience success the majority of the time, it does not mean there is not a problem with the class and the binary set up for mez (you have lots of protection or absolutely none), in fact could it be possible because we do have to work so hard, that it may be indicative of a problem as well.

I can agree with your point over the Scrapper's inability to pre-empt, on the other hand he does not need to do so at all, his unconditional protections will see to it (unless he set up at +4/x8/Y/Y Carnies or Rikti). While a support AT has to 100% succeed in the pre-empt or suffer the dire consequences, that means the one boss, 2 Lts and 4 minions have to be neutralized in the very first try, for in the next round, they will go first and they will mez you, after all what part of "zero" mag protection we don't get?

Its not like in the I3 days that only Bosses had mez and were limited to melee, today's mobs as lowly as minions has near sniper range attacks with mez side effects, so I agree with you that in most cases, you get to pre-empt, but player mez is hardly 100% effective. Also the player's mez range is in general inferior to the range attacks of mobs, which have secondary mez effects, that means a player has to get within mob "ranged attack" range, in order to try the the area or single mez; thus range is not quite the unconditional protection we may think it is advertised to be. Also consider, you can't pre-empt an ambush that insta-spawn on top of you, you are actually by mission design being pre-empted; how fair is that? a Melee is ok with this, after all their protections will work, but it goes so much harder on the conditionally protected ATs; it feels like support ATs are getting picked-on, and frankly no matter how good a player you may be, you got owned, and there was nothing you could have done; for it was a sucker punch by any other name by the devs.

I also want to make one observation, you say, if there is more than one mob to pre-empt, you pop a break-free in advance ( you already know, that the pre-empt attack is not going to work very well). You indicate you "have to" use an inspiration for a regular not stressing comfrontation! I don't think a melee has to pop a "luck" to engage a boss, 2 lts, and 4 minions in normal difficulty setting? Heck, when I go with my Elec/Shield Tanker, I take on +4/x8/Y/Y and never come close to even need an inspiration! That includes EBs as well! So why would one think it is ok, for a Controller to have to use a break free in advance to fight a regular group at standard setting?

Once again, I am asking for some unconditional mez protection for support ATs, MAG 3, the same as a boss. I do not think its dummying down the game at least not significantly. It is only making the dangerousness of mobs more in line, to what they should be. Why should a minion be given an "I Win" botton against Support ATs? Consider that 3 minions to Mez gang on the MAG 3 resistant Defender with ranged attacks' secondary effects, would have a 50% chance for the Defender to go down! Put the standard 4 which comes in the average mob size and the Defender's chances to resist the mez unslaught is only 25%, and that is normal group size at standard difficulty! It gets worse for the Defender if a single LT adds its MAG 2 or a Boss its MAG 3 potency. If you really do the statistical math, MAG 3 protection for Support is really not that much, and a good player such as yourself could use good practices to be able to overcome quite a great number of arbitrary attacks in which no amount of inspired playing could help you before.




Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
Hmm. Just pointing out an incongruity I noticed. The support player complains about mez mucking with his ability to do his job, and the answer is, "Bring breakfrees and eat them." Yet the melee (tank) player says he needs -10 mez protection to do his job. Couldn't the same logic hold? -3 mez protection, perhaps, and bring breakfrees and eat them?

Incongruity #2.
"Melee types don't get mezes, so support types shouldn't get mez protection."
Except that a lot (maybe even most) melee APP and PPP have mezzes, and I can only think 1 support AT APP or PPP that offer mez protection. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the complaints would be far less if some mez protection were available in most APP/PPPs for the support ATs.
You got that right!

I see Claws response, but a tank must have continuos protection, maybe he can eat a break free in advance too as he suggested for Controllers :<)





You made good points with regards to secondary effects and powers corruptors get, but again they seem daunting on paper. Yet what are their MAG potencies? I bet they are lucky to be a 2 for a single target and a 1 for area; otherwise why have Dominators or Controllers? Given their area and single potency MAG values, what are their "real" chances to affect a Boss or above? What are their real chances to affect a minion or LT, all given in one application, after all it only takes one application from a minion to lay a support down.
Mez effects for support ATs are almost universally MAG 3, the same as a Controller or Dominator's ST hold. In almost all cases they will affect a lieutenant in one application.

The only exception to that I can think of is Dark Pit from Dark Blast. It is a MAG 2 AoE stun. Which works nicely in combination with Oppressive Gloom from Dark Mastery. If you combine them you will stun bosses (as they are both MAG 2, they will combine to beat a boss's MAG 3.5 protection)

In response to your other question that I didn't quote: My success rate with pre-emptive mezzing is in the neighborhood of 60-70% if I'm paying attention. If I'm just sleepwalking through a mission it drops to about 30%. There aren't really that many enemy groups that will throw more than 1 or 2 mezzers at you at a time, and when you do run across them, you generally have more than one option to work with.

With the customizable difficulty settings, and the ability to pre-emptively mez that support ATs almost universally share, MAG 3 protection would be sufficent to eliminate the threat of mez completely. If 2 mezzers are in a group, you can mez one and safely ignore the other, and you won't usually find more than that until you start cranking up your difficulty to insane levels.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Conversely, my main is a Claws/Regen/Body scrapper. He doesn't have the option to pre-emptively do anything at all to protect himself from mez,
Shockwave and Focus say hi, and told me to tell you how hurt they were that you forgot all about them.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.