The Death of Spider-man??
Just like Marvel killed Captain America a couple of years ago?
More like, "Please read Spider-Man again!"
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
This just in: The cover will feature a tattered web hanging on a piece of re-bar, and will be available in a limited edition laser-etched, fully scent-enableg "Reflectomagic" cover, embossed with a secret image of Goblinsday.
Dear Marvel... How 1992 of you. 8D
... Hit it ...

I'm so shocked. This news will undoubtly cause me to start buying Spider-Man to see what happens. Wait, did Magog just get killed in Justice League: Generation Lost? Cool! I'll buy that comic instead.
I might look into Marvel Comics again some day, after Queseda leaves.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
When it comes to killing off characters credibly, hack-auteur Joss Whedon understands that the audience doesn't care if redshirts die (because they're never coming back) and doesn't believe the deaths of the protagonists (because they have to come back or else there's no continuing story), so the logical targets are the secondary characters in whom the audience has some emotional investments. That's why the deaths of Uncle Ben and Gwen Stacy worked, and that's why this "event" issue is fundamentally meaningless.
(Whedon also understands that it's impossible to make the death of a superhero stick - e.g. resurrecting/bringing back Colossus in his X-Men run - but putting them in impossible situations is more effective - e.g. consigning Kitty Pride on a one-way rocket to outer space in the same series.)
With the whole death of a character, why not let people find that aspect out just reading it instead of putting the spoilers right on the dang cover. I mean wouldn't it be far more shocking to have some major chaarcter get taken out in some issue you never saw coming than to know...Spiderman's going to die months in advance. Sure supposed to get buzz...but this has been done to death...literally. We all know it won't stick anyways. So may be....just may be focus on writing a better story. Naah cheap gimicks sell more books I guess.
- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
- Freedom
Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.
With the whole death of a character, why not let people find that aspect out just reading it instead of putting the spoilers right on the dang cover. I mean wouldn't it be far more shocking to have some major chaarcter get taken out in some issue you never saw coming than to know...Spiderman's going to die months in advance. Sure supposed to get buzz...but this has been done to death...literally. We all know it won't stick anyways. So may be....just may be focus on writing a better story. Naah cheap gimicks sell more books I guess.
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

If Peter Parker dies will he go to hell for his deal with Mephisto?
Can Ben Reilly come back?
You're not super until you put on The Cape!
If Peter Parker dies will he go to hell for his deal with Mephisto?
Can Ben Reilly come back? |
Now if they find another clone and it was somehow programmed with Ben's memories then we have Ben 2.0 which would have to do.
Even more like, "Since you won't read Spider-Man anymore, we're just going to have to kill him!"
When it comes to killing off characters credibly, hack-auteur Joss Whedon understands that the audience doesn't care if redshirts die (because they're never coming back) and doesn't believe the deaths of the protagonists (because they have to come back or else there's no continuing story), so the logical targets are the secondary characters in whom the audience has some emotional investments. That's why the deaths of Uncle Ben and Gwen Stacy worked, and that's why this "event" issue is fundamentally meaningless. (Whedon also understands that it's impossible to make the death of a superhero stick - e.g. resurrecting/bringing back Colossus in his X-Men run - but putting them in impossible situations is more effective - e.g. consigning Kitty Pride on a one-way rocket to outer space in the same series.) |
It's actually possible that they may pull a hat trick on us and have it where Spider-Man FAKES his death so that he can disappear for awhile. Perhaps Mayor Jameson's Spider-Hunters finally corner him and he defeats them but in the process manages to fake his death on purpose or by accident and decides he just needs to go to ground for awhile.
So Kraven will appear to kill Spidey and then take his place...
"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot
So Kraven will appear to kill Spidey and then take his place...
Maybe we will get a teenaged pseudo-clone, a dude in a Spider-armor suit, a cyborg Spider-man and one that wears polarized goggles and kills criminals.........
They now show the cover to Amazing Spider-Man #655, shipping in February.
Maybe Spider-Man has new superpowers like that of Mysterion's on South Park and his death will once again reset the timeline!
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
It's actually possible that they may pull a hat trick on us and have it where Spider-Man FAKES his death so that he can disappear for awhile.
I prefer Alan Moore's method of killing off the protagonist and then speedily resurrecting him for a reboot of their eponymous series, viz. Swamp Thing and Captain Britain. Unfortunately, that works only for second-tier properties.
I wonder if they're doing this just to annoy Sony and their movie reboot?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
CBR News has obtained the cover for Marvel Comics' section of the February, 2011 "Previews," featuring an image boldly declaring "The Death of Spider-Man." No further information has been made available at this time as Marvel offered a firm "No comment" on the cover, but stay tuned to CBR for more information on the story as it becomes available.
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