Alpha Slot
I think that's the idea. I believe this is the Devs' attempt at the "Signature Power" idea (of which there's a very popular thread on the boards somewhere). You sort of have to choose where your specific character will exhibit Incarnate abilities. Example, slotting Cardiac: Perhaps you may not be the strongest character, but your Incarnate abilities allow you to continuously attack without every getting fatigued. Just decide what best fits your character.
Personally, on my Ice/Ice/Cold main, I'm eyeballing the Nerve Trees. Superior accuracy and tremendous boost to my Hold and Defense numbers fits him and his powers perfectly. (But I could not say the same of my Elec3, for example).
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

For my Rad/Elec/Soul im gonna go for Musculature and hopefully get to.....
Musculature Radial Paragon [Very Rare]
For all powers: Increases Damage, Immobilization Duration, Defense Debuff, Endurance Modification, and Run Speed effects by 33%, and To Hit Debuff effects by 20%.
damage increase is always a plus, defense debuff is perfect for rad blast, more end? hell ye! immob and to hit debuff bonus is perfect for the soul mastery.
Remember, you aren't limited to a single choice - you can exchange the enhancement in the Alpha slot. There is absolutely no reason why you couldn't build one for all four paths, if you wanted to.
-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-
Once I see which incarnate hands out defense buffs and how it works I can see. Nerve says 20% defense buff. I'm wondering if its 20% defense buff or does it improve your current defenses by 20%.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
I think I'll be going for Cardiac Core on my Blaster. Better End usage is always nice, and would let me use Hasten more often. Plus increased Range.
And if the Defense will boost powers like Combat Jumping, even better.
I'll be headed down the Nerve tree with my Electric (x2)/Scorpion Shield (Mace) Blaster.
You can unslot without losing what you put into it. The enhancement isn't locked in.
Quoting from the overview page:
Unlike Enhancements, crafted Incarnate abilities can be replaced or removed without destroying the ability |
-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-
The way I've been told it worked in GR Beta was, that it would add a bonus of 20% (in this case defense) to any, and all, powers you had that was slottable for defense. And depending on the level (common, uncommon, etc.) it ignored a portion of ED diminishing returns in those powers, so it would push beyond current limits. I cannot say if that has changed at this point.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
You can say that at this point. If you follow the OP's link, each level of enhancement can vary in how much it can go beyond the ED cap. At the highest levels, 2/3 of the buff can go beyond ED. At the start, it's about 1/6. That means Blasters can benefit from going for more damage, even though their attacks are probably already at the ED cap. If that benefit is worth it is up to the player.
Yeah, endurance, damage, are things I'm really going to look at. For defence softcapped builds, I am not sure what I'll gain beyond debuff insurance... though I could rework core builds to boost other things (regen, rech, etc) and count on def buffs from Incarnate slotting... Ugh, its gonna take me forever to figure all my various plans.

With the information here, I was wondering what people are planning.
I have a high recharge build for my Fire/Elec, so the Spiritual Tree is wasted due to the diminishing returns of recharge. I can make a case to slot the Cardiac, Musculature, or Nerve trees, so it's not looking like an easy decision. |
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

things like perma-pa and perma dom are going to become a lot more common now. power to the poor people who cant afford the good sets!
If you'll notice, the Alpha slot allows passage of Diminishing Returns.
It has been pointed out that there is no reason you can't make multiple, so having a Cariac Core Paragon for solo, and a Musculature Paragon (not sure which branch yet) for teaming seems like a good plan for me.
My Blaster is finishing up a perma-hasten build, so when I say diminishing returns for recharge I am referring to the recharge of powers not getting significantly shorter by adding more recharge to the build.
It has been pointed out that there is no reason you can't make multiple, so having a Cariac Core Paragon for solo, and a Musculature Paragon (not sure which branch yet) for teaming seems like a good plan for me. |
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

Oh really? You can swap them without losing them? Well then... *plots*
Now if they're not locked to a character, you could potentially e-mail some of these around between characters that you were playing. I have to imagine they would make that hard to do or not possible (maybe like build shifting, which is on a timer), but who knows... there are still 8 Very Rare levels, which I can only imagine would take an extremely long time to get.
I'm probably going to have to choose on Tank to do this for, one Scrapper, one Blaster, and my one Controller at 50. Still debating if Musculature or Spiritual are going to be better for my Blasters. None of them have Perma Hasten, and most have Aid Self, so Spiritual could be nice. But going well beyond the damage cap on all my attacks (on a Blaster) just sounds crazy good as well.
After reading some of the I18 stuff more in depth, it sounds like the alpha boosts wouldn't shift around at all (you can slot or unslot them, but not change what character they are with). So no one get your hopes up from me getting my hopes up slightly. Heh.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Yeah, but... this stuff is going to be fairly hard and long to get. I think uncommons had a lot of salvage requirements, so I can only imagine Rare and Very Rare are going to take quite a long time to get.
Now if they're not locked to a character, you could potentially e-mail some of these around between characters that you were playing. I have to imagine they would make that hard to do or not possible (maybe like build shifting, which is on a timer), but who knows... there are still 8 Very Rare levels, which I can only imagine would take an extremely long time to get. I'm probably going to have to choose on Tank to do this for, one Scrapper, one Blaster, and my one Controller at 50. Still debating if Musculature or Spiritual are going to be better for my Blasters. None of them have Perma Hasten, and most have Aid Self, so Spiritual could be nice. But going well beyond the damage cap on all my attacks (on a Blaster) just sounds crazy good as well. *added* After reading some of the I18 stuff more in depth, it sounds like the alpha boosts wouldn't shift around at all (you can slot or unslot them, but not change what character they are with). So no one get your hopes up from me getting my hopes up slightly. Heh. |
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

Now if they're not locked to a character, you could potentially e-mail some of these around between characters that you were playing. I have to imagine they would make that hard to do or not possible (maybe like build shifting, which is on a timer), but who knows... there are still 8 Very Rare levels, which I can only imagine would take an extremely long time to get.
Defintely LOCKED to one character. No emailing, trading, selling, etc.
Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued
"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque
Once I see which incarnate hands out defense buffs and how it works I can see. Nerve says 20% defense buff. I'm wondering if its 20% defense buff or does it improve your current defenses by 20%.
The way I've been told it worked in GR Beta was, that it would add a bonus of 20% (in this case defense) to any, and all, powers you had that was slottable for defense. And depending on the level (common, uncommon, etc.) it ignored a portion of ED diminishing returns in those powers, so it would push beyond current limits. I cannot say if that has changed at this point.
Before I realized that in beta, I was pretty much planning on Nerve for my Elec/Elec/Elec... I may still, but I am now thinking about going musculature.
Obviously, I'll play around with both and see.
Maybe two different builds, each designed around Nerve and Musculature, respectively.
I don't currently have any defense powers, but I might make a build specifically for that now, to play with the Nerve tree a bit and see if I like it.

Fun stuff!!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Probably go recharge or end redux since I'll have a range def capped blaster. More recharge would push my global to 110% + hasten, more end redux would allow me to attack more without breaking to use powersink.
Oh, more specifically... It looks like Musculature: the Radial branch For the (eventual) Endurance Modification on my E3!
Total Radial Revamp (rare) to Radial Paragon (very rare) when they are opened up.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Musculature for sure. More damage for my fire/fire.
With the information here, I was wondering what people are planning.
I have a high recharge build for my Fire/Elec, so the Spiritual Tree is wasted due to the diminishing returns of recharge. I can make a case to slot the Cardiac, Musculature, or Nerve trees, so it's not looking like an easy decision.