Discussion: Dev Diary on Issue 19 Task Forces on Massively.com




Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
I do not appreciate the theme that this phrase engenders. Or the visual.

I, and my Rad defender, and my Ill/Rad controller, and my sonic/pain Corruptor, and my elec/rad controller... we are all totally against this concept, as it is eevil and totally AT-ist.
Every other MMO already does this. To me it makes the game more balanced keeps things some what interesting. As it stands now if the tank goes in first and if they arent dead within the first 3 seconds then that entire mob isnt going to look at anyone else engaging them up to the aggro cap. Too boring in my opinion.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I agree with most of this. There is a right way to do challenge and a wrong way. Also making the enemies focus on debuffers and buffers wouldn't make sense when the ones doing the most damage (read blasters and AOE scrappers, brutes) are unloading on them.
Ok but what about when are fighting them? Dont we take out the debuffs/buffers/healers first? So how can you say it doesnt make sense when we do this already? I think part of why they wont ever change things to be this way is due to buffers not being able to self buff like you can in other MMOs. If they were to allow self buffing like the way the npcs can even if it was at say half strength that would be reason enough to change the AI to go after them.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
I think the Hydra trial is the best use of temp powers, ever.

I fracking despise the use of temp powers the way they were applied in the Barracuda TF. On the up side, it sounds like Aeon probably gets that, as he explicitly mentioned not waiting on Archetype X to join the team. That comment covers a lot more than the temp power situation, but I take it as inclusive.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Another goal that I wanted to hit was the length of the Task Forces. Ideally, I wanted both of them to be about an hour long.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU.

That's the main reason I run ITFs as opposed to other TFs; they're simply easier to squeeze in because the time demands are so reasonable.

So looking to i19!

In the Incarnate system, players will embark on the path that will end with them being seen as more powerful than the current iconic figures in the game.
Many have commented already on this quote, and not only is it smart from the angle of listening to player feedback, but it's a great preemptive strike against DCUO. After all, there's no way a player is going to be able to end up superior to the signature DC characters, so that's an aspect of CoH that DCUO won't be able to match.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Hey if im going to be more powerfull than the main characters, then i want to be the one on the loading screen when i load up the game !
You know, this sounds facetious, and, well, you can always use some program to replace the loading screen or something, but if there was an image generator in the game that did this for you, using your character model, that would be kind of cool...

Probably a silly thing to spend time on, but a cool QoL feature. I mean, you can always set up a screenshot, but if there was some way to have a screenshot set up for you...



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Every other MMO already does this. To me it makes the game more balanced keeps things some what interesting. As it stands now if the tank goes in first and if they arent dead within the first 3 seconds then that entire mob isnt going to look at anyone else engaging them up to the aggro cap. Too boring in my opinion.
But then fights go like this:
1) Battle begins.
2) Everything that isn't a tank or scrapper dies as bad guys focus their fire on each squishy in succession

You know how much it sucks when the AV runs away from you despite being hit with Taunt a dozen times? Sucks, don't it?

Now imagine it's like that, only instead of ignoring you and running away... he's ignoring you and killing your controllers, blasters, corruptors, defenders, and dominators. You can't defend them with all your powers, because you're ignored. They die. You can't stop it. You're not as high a threat. Now the AV turns on you, and you're out of support. You're fighting it. A defender rezes... the AV spins around, runs halfway across the battle area, and smacks it down all while you're pounding on it with Knockout Blows and everything to no avail.

Not really fun.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



Also I will point out the 'get the squishy healer/buffer/debuffer' only ever happens in the big MMO (Wickedly Online Weirdos) if the Tank doesn't keep their threat up or suddenly goes 'smoosh!', most good Tanks will have a truly MASSIVE threat lead and the DPS classes really have to go all out in order to push past it.

There are I believe two encounters in that MMO where the Aggro is actually designed to be more like the Players (in both cases it is to mirror a PvP team fight but in a PvE enviroment) and even then the crowd control elements are used to lockdown an enemy attacking the healer (traps, stuns etc.)

I honestly can't think of an MMO where in PvE the designated Tanking class can't cause mobs to stick to them like glue and has many tools at their disposal to pull it off.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
This is where someone says.... "It's over nine thousand!"
And then later as an Incarnate gains more power they can transform and become a Super Incarnate Three.......

and then two Incarnates can do the Fusion Dance and merge in an S.I. 4



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
But then fights go like this:
1) Battle begins.
2) Everything that isn't a tank or scrapper dies as bad guys focus their fire on each squishy in succession

You know how much it sucks when the AV runs away from you despite being hit with Taunt a dozen times? Sucks, don't it?

Now imagine it's like that, only instead of ignoring you and running away... he's ignoring you and killing your controllers, blasters, corruptors, defenders, and dominators. You can't defend them with all your powers, because you're ignored. They die. You can't stop it. You're not as high a threat. Now the AV turns on you, and you're out of support. You're fighting it. A defender rezes... the AV spins around, runs halfway across the battle area, and smacks it down all while you're pounding on it with Knockout Blows and everything to no avail.

Not really fun.
Already happens in Aion. And you know what, we deal with it just fine. Usually once the boss gets down to 33% hp aggro does this weird shift thing were they randomly attack who ever. Even prior to that if your tank isnt building threat then anytime you heal everyone tons to look at you. We deal with that just fine in Aion. Considering the tanks/scrappers/brutes/stalkers are more durable than the same counterparts in Aion, and the Aion players handle it just fine then I see no reason why we couldnt handle it in CoH.

I guess my point in all of this is this, tanks have gotten lazy since all they have to do is dive in and everything sticks to them like glue. Aside from maybe the STF or Hami holding aggro just isnt a real issue in CoH. Everyone is so used to not dying and not feeling a real threat since we got capped hps, massive regeneration, softcapped defense or capped resists. I want a real challenge without the npcs having to cheat to win.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
And then later as an Incarnate gains more power they can transform and become a Super Incarnate Three.......

and then two Incarnates can do the Fusion Dance and merge in an S.I. 4
Someone has been watching too much DBZ. and/or DBGT



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
I'm not surprised Lady Grey was omitted. It doesn't really have anything remarkable about it. No special mechanics or uber hard final battle. It's gimmick is that it's co-op.
Well, the mitos have varying defenses/resistances based upon melee/range. Plus, it has at least one "mistake" to learn from by requiring 8 players.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Is there a taunt resis power ingame? Cant log in so cant really check.
At the very least, Vengeance.

Castle has noted that there is the ability to flag healing for aggro. It makes tons of sense for support classes to draw more aggro than they currently do. It would lend more weight to a Tanker's worth since drawing attention away would be more greatly needed in situations where support is actually targeted.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
I honestly can't think of an MMO where in PvE the designated Tanking class can't cause mobs to stick to them like glue and has many tools at their disposal to pull it off.
Google "Throat Stab". There's a major MMO that's been out longer than CoH and is roughly ten times as popular, that has an enemy class with a power that reduces the target's HP to 5%, *and* completely resets all accumulated hate on that target. Curing also creates major hate in that MMO, so you've got a situation where your main tank is critically injured but being ignored, with the enemy probably going after whoever is the top damage dealers, frequently with far lower defenses and HP. If the tank grabs hate too quickly, they'll get taken down by one of the foe's more mundane but still dangerous attacks; if the healer cures either the tank or the unfortunate DD too heavily (especially with AoE cures, which generate far more hate per HP cured) they'll end up with too much hate and be the new priority target themselves (and they're usually quite squishy), and the DDs are dying under the onslaught. Oh, and if you are KO'd there's a 5-minute window where you're basically useless, and most of the actually difficult boss fights are timed.

Yet this isn't considered a terribly big deal; the team has to pay basic attention, use their abilities wisely rather than just banging on keys as things recharge, and in general actually be a team. Tactics used include such things as having a backup tank (or more commonly a DD that can tank for short periods), use of disposable pets as fake tanks / damage soaks that can be recast far quicker than a fallen PC can be brought back in, careful hate juggling so that the foe wastes time switching targets amongst PCs that can take a few hits but not the full attention of the foe, strategic use of limited-use, limited-time special abilities (the Tier 9 "god mode" equivalent sorts of powers only recharge every 2 hours, so you have to be very sure when you want to use them), battle space management (some DDs can run away very effectively, causing the foe to waste time or actually fail attacks), and so on.

This is just one tiny example of the sort of more interesting fight that other MMOs have. I enjoy CoH for a lot of reasons, but the very small number of interesting fights that go differently than all the other fights is one of its bigger disadvantages IMO.

Miuramir, Windchime, Sariel the Golden, Scarlet Antinomist...
Casino Extortion #4031: Neutral, Council+Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/CFMA]
Bad Candy #87938: Neutral, Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/HFMA]
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Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
I guess my point in all of this is this, tanks have gotten lazy since all they have to do is dive in and everything sticks to them like glue.
That's a just syptom of the real problem; designing an AT solely around something as limited and and artificial as aggro control was a mistake.

Honestly, if enemies didn't stick to Tankers like glue, what would be the point of them? The fact that aggro control is so easy and automatic is frankly the only saving grace for Tankers, because they have little else to offer (lolBruising).

Would requiring them to work harder just to maintain aggro make them more fun? I doubt most people would think so. Gauntlet allowing people to focus on attacking (and generating threat as a by-product) is really the only thing that's kept the AT going. Aggro control is already such a niche, making it more demanding or requiring more focus on it wont make it more appealing.

Aside from maybe the STF or Hami holding aggro just isnt a real issue in CoH.
Hami is one of the biggest insults to Tankers I can think of. "Your critical role in fighting this massive threat to humanity is to cycle Taunt over and over and maybe occasionally use an inspiration or heal."

Because that feels just like being a super hero. I'm reminded of the non-existant issue of The Mighty Thor where he fought Galactus by saying "Urrh!" over and over while smacking his palm and fist together for ten pages straight while other people did cool stuff.

Everyone is so used to not dying and not feeling a real threat since we got capped hps, massive regeneration, softcapped defense or capped resists.
I'm tired of people who min/max, outfit their character with tons of IOs and do everything they can to make the game easier on themselves and then complain the game is too easy to play. If they want challenge, they can unslot all enhancements and run a STF with the debuff options turned on and enemies set to +4. If that's still too easy, maybe this isn't the game they're looking for.




Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
Many have commented already on this quote, and not only is it smart from the angle of listening to player feedback, but it's a great preemptive strike against DCUO. After all, there's no way a player is going to be able to end up superior to the signature DC characters, so that's an aspect of CoH that DCUO won't be able to match.
This was my first thought as well - for them to play, they will, by definition, be "less than" those signature heroes. And DC has to protect the integrity of their heroes...

I mean, who's going to drop $15 to see the next Batman movie if he just made him his Batbi*** on a TF?

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Already happens in Aion. And you know what, we deal with it just fine. Usually once the boss gets down to 33% hp aggro does this weird shift thing were they randomly attack who ever. Even prior to that if your tank isnt building threat then anytime you heal everyone tons to look at you. We deal with that just fine in Aion. Considering the tanks/scrappers/brutes/stalkers are more durable than the same counterparts in Aion, and the Aion players handle it just fine then I see no reason why we couldnt handle it in CoH.

I guess my point in all of this is this, tanks have gotten lazy since all they have to do is dive in and everything sticks to them like glue. Aside from maybe the STF or Hami holding aggro just isnt a real issue in CoH. Everyone is so used to not dying and not feeling a real threat since we got capped hps, massive regeneration, softcapped defense or capped resists. I want a real challenge without the npcs having to cheat to win.
It's part of why I like fighting Praetorians. They don't feel like they've got cheap moves like, say, Sapper beams, but they've got counters for everything. You can mitigate those counters. Kill the combat orbs fast. Watch out for the Victorias. Have the scrappers cover the tankers' flanks to maul the more troublesome enemies like... whatever those Boss level Seers are. But they've got every kind of buff and debuff in the book, and each enemy contributes to a sphere of pain. I have great fun fighting them in groups, just because it turns into these raging battles. Sure, we had some people go down. But it felt more like a serious fight than eight guys in funny tights jumping a series of platoons that don't radio their commanders for backup.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



That's one reason I feel that franchise-less MMOs have more potential than MMOs based on a pre-established ID.

Like, if you buy Franchise Online, you will always do so because you expect to see Franchise Character. This puts us in the situation where, if Franchise Character just stands on the sidelines all the time, we feel cheated out of our money with false promises, and if Franchise Character is a constant spotlight-thief it'll feel like we're just being the side-line characters and who wants to play a game where we're just an accessoir to major Franchise Characters?

And even if it's possible strike a balance, as Galadiman already said, Franchise Owner will love Franchise Character and its Franchise too much to let any random player be greater than Franchise Character. On the other hand, people who don't care for MMOs and don't play Franchise Online will feel cheated if their beloved Franchise Character is bested by PC #295277.

That's why not being tied to a franchise has a bit more potential. We can join this game not knowing who Statesman and Lord Recluse are. When we finally learn they're the big daddies of the game, we can fight them, surpass them, and there won't be any hardcore Statesman and Recluse fanboys who will feel cheated because their most favorite character ever got bested because, more likely than not, they're too busy celebrating their own victory over them.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Hami is one of the biggest insults to Tankers I can think of.
Only because Tanks have trouble thinking

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dante View Post

Oh and hats off to them for putting the player centre stage. I never like playing second fiddle to NPCs so knowing that we will become more powerful than they are is quite exciting.

I think this is a reaction to a certain other game that is releasing next year. And it is certainly not a bad thing, in fact it is a great move because it turns what could be seen as a drawback (Game world lacking world famous characters) into a strength (in said other game you can never be better than those world famous other characters, here you can!).

Edit: oops others said what I said. I should have read through the whole thread



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
That's one reason I feel that franchise-less MMOs have more potential than MMOs based on a pre-established ID.

Like, if you buy Franchise Online, you will always do so because you expect to see Franchise Character. This puts us in the situation where, if Franchise Character just stands on the sidelines all the time, we feel cheated out of our money with false promises, and if Franchise Character is a constant spotlight-thief it'll feel like we're just being the side-line characters and who wants to play a game where we're just an accessoir to major Franchise Characters?

And even if it's possible strike a balance, as Galadiman already said, Franchise Owner will love Franchise Character and its Franchise too much to let any random player be greater than Franchise Character. On the other hand, people who don't care for MMOs and don't play Franchise Online will feel cheated if their beloved Franchise Character is bested by PC #295277.

That's why not being tied to a franchise has a bit more potential. We can join this game not knowing who Statesman and Lord Recluse are. When we finally learn they're the big daddies of the game, we can fight them, surpass them, and there won't be any hardcore Statesman and Recluse fanboys who will feel cheated because their most favorite character ever got bested because, more likely than not, they're too busy celebrating their own victory over them.

Thats a lot of franchise right there . . . . .

But i agree with you 100%, the main reason i love this game over the others is because it lets YOU become the hero. Regardless of what the other games try to do, you are just a sidekick to the main characters in any Franchise game.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Alright sure, there were some fights in the 'big gorilla of MMOs that had threat reset moves, you know what happened, they just threw in more tanks to deal with it.

All that requires to void is simple positioning, the healers would often stand at the back with the ranged DPS so that whenever the threat got reset there would be a ton of melee tanks and DPSers inbetween them and the boss and Ranged DPS could and would out-threat healers incredibly quickly. Infact most Ranged and Melee DPS have to throttle their own DPS to make sure the tank remains top of the threat list.

Also quite a few of the DPS classes had a way of dumping threat onto the Main Tank (Misdirection etc.) whereas we have...erm...nothing like that in CoH since it's not built around the entire mechanic of threat!

Face it, the way threat is used in other MMOs is a completely alien way to CoH and trying to shoehorn it in there now just doesn't make sense.



What I took away from that interview was the complete absence of mention of the Lady Grey TF.

Does that TF not count any longer? Surely that's one of the signature TFs for high level toons as things stand.

Is that TF going to be affected by the upcoming I19 and Incarnate changes?

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



As others have pointed out, the Lady Gray TF is the arguably least-unique endgame TF right now. The one thing that sets it apart from the others is the Weakened Hamidon, but that's a fight that actually encourages having the right mix of ATs to finish the TF (your Controller had to leave because she got an urgent phonecall? Good luck beating those green mitos). Meanwhile Doctor Aeon explicitly said in the interview that while he does want to encourage strategy and co-ordination with the two new TFs, he doesn't want that co-ordination to be in the form of needing one AT or the other.

With that in mind, it kinda makes sense the LGTF wasn't really mentioned.



The ITF is a very popular TF because it strikes a good balance between difficulty and fun. The large outdoor maps give players a lot of tactical freedom, the enemies aren't too difficult to wade through but cannot be totally skipped, nothing in the missions is trivial or ultra-hard for an average player and the final boss is tough but not annoyingly so - the standard method for reliably defeating him is quite intuitive plus doesn't require a predefined mix of characters.

The Cuda SF is unpopular because it is generally easier than the ITF but ends with a ridiculously boring fight against a buffed AV who takes forever to wittle down to zero health, while hordes of enemies ambush constantly. Also, certain ATs are essential to counter the AVs' gimmick "uber powers". People just don't generally have the time for it.

The LRSF is alright these days, with people mostly slotted a lot more cometently than they used to be. The final mission remains technically impossible to overcome, in a way that shocks many newbies into being terrified of attempting it a second time, but with either (i) temp powers and cheap tactics, (ii) a mind dom and cheap tactics, (iii) veteran players who know the few key tactics to beating it comfortably; it can be done.

The STF usually just requires perseverance. The final mission has a hospital in it and so long as you bring along someone who can tank a buffed Recluse for more than 10 seconds you are fine. It's like the LRSF, except the players have more control over how hard the overall challenge is.

The LGTF is somehow quite clautrophobic for the first few missions, causing people to grow bored and leave more often than in other TFs. If it wasn't for the cheap methods of skipping some parts, this TF would be a lot less popular than it is.

Kahn, Lady Grey and Cuda, ITF aren't really in the same league as the STF or LRSF.

I hope the new TFs are more like the ITF than the LRSF, except with difficulty increased by forcing players to think more, like when fighting Protean.

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