A way to offset Fitness (for thematic RP characters)




Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
I have alternative suggestion is to allow slot swift and hurdle with "slows" for these players who cannot or don't want to handle increased speed and jump. *shrug*
See, this is slightly more reasonable. I still don't see it happening, but it's better than creating a whole new type of enhancement for a tiny fraction of the playerbase.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
There are times when the slow "trot" is a good effect. If I wanted to go faster I'd turn on Sprint or the travel power.
Old Sprint, before it got its recent buff and unenhanced would make you go from 14 mph to 21 mph.

Unenhanced Swift will make you go 19 mph instead of 14 mph.

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Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Uh, that's actually my entire suggestion, right there. -Hurdle would provide a -jump effect *exactly* equal to the positive jump an unenhanced Hurdle gives you, thus negating it precisely.
My suggestion doesn't require creating new enhancements. I was talking regarding existing "Snare" (Slow) IO/SO



It wouldn't work anyway as an enhancement can only boost existing effects. There's no slow debuff in Swift so adding a slow enhancement would do nothing.



Well it might be implemented as 2 opposing slow effects with only 1 enhanceable, but that means sending extra 2 buffs to every character in the game.

Or perhaps they could do like hover and TP with a mix of enhanceable and unenhanceable values going both ways.

Note that this is implementation speculation not an endorsement of the idea.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
It wouldn't work anyway as an enhancement can only boost existing effects. There's no slow debuff in Swift so adding a slow enhancement would do nothing.
But you can add entirely new effects to enhancements. There is, for example, no stealth effect to hover or fly, unless you use Freebird: Stealth. That's why it would require a whole new type of enhancement.



Ye Gods this thread (and entire line of thought) makes my head hurt.

Just IGNORE the damn in-game effects if its an RP issue! Hell, if any of my natural characters fell off the tallest buildings in-game, they'd die! Not have 1 HP left, they'd die. Splat! Street freaking pizza!

Just...please. Stop. My cerebral core is fragging out on this one.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Ye Gods this thread (and entire line of thought) makes my head hurt.

Just IGNORE the damn in-game effects if its an RP issue! Hell, if any of my natural characters fell off the tallest buildings in-game, they'd die! Not have 1 HP left, they'd die. Splat! Street freaking pizza!

Just...please. Stop. My cerebral core is fragging out on this one.

I don't give damn regarding RP aspects of inherent fitness (or RP aspects of the game altogether). I'm totally for inherent fitness.

But, there can be problem for players who don't have necessary twiching reflexes, playing the game on outdated hardware or any combination of both.

As for myself, all my toons have SS and either swift or hurdle. I'm always playing with SS + sprint on. That combo puts me at or near run speed cap (depending on character). So, as you can see, that inherent fitness isn't going to affect me at all. But potential problem for player with old hardware and/or poor movement control skills should be recognized and addressed IMO.



Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
I don't give damn regarding RP aspects of inherent fitness (or RP aspects of the game altogether). I'm totally for inherent fitness.

But, there can be problem for players who don't have necessary twiching reflexes, playing the game on outdated hardware or any combination of both.

As for myself, all my toons have SS and either swift or hurdle. I'm always playing with SS + sprint on. That combo puts me at or near run speed cap (depending on character). So, as you can see, that inherent fitness isn't going to affect me at all. But potential problem for player with old hardware and/or poor movement control skills should be recognized and addressed IMO.
I really don't see that big of a difference with Swift/Hurdle. Yes, they add a bit of a bit, but I wouldn't call them so noticable to make a game breaking change to anyone's play experience when it comes to added speed.

Swift is not like SB, and while I've seen people ask not to be SBed because of the added +SPD effect, I've never seen someone asked not to be AMed because of the added speed (note: I'm sure someone will now say "I have", but that would be such a tiny bit of the player base, I'm sure they'd adapt).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Does anyone in this thread ACTUALLY oppose the change themselves?



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Okay, with Issue 19, the Fitness pool is going to be inherent. And this is, understandably, upsetting some people who want their characters to be... shall we say, down-to-earth. Not everybody wants to leap over speeding bullets in a locomotive, after all.
The nicest way I can respond is that they are playing the wrong game.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The nicest way I can respond is that they are playing the wrong game.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



No accommodation need be made for RP in this instance. If you believe you are too super, pretend you're not. That's what RP is, pretending to be something else. RP better.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Okay, with Issue 19, the Fitness pool is going to be inherent. And this is, understandably, upsetting.....
upsetting, obviously since some people are complaining.
understandably? no.

they're playing City of Heroes, not City of Feebs.

It isn't reasonable that someone can justify shooting fire from their hands but really, really, really has a problem with being able to do it *slightly more efficiently* because they've been given inherent Stamina.

If you don't like it, don't slot it. if you want to approximate not having it at all, slot heavily for recharge and ignore endredux.

Suck it up and deal.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



A thought just occured to me.

Are all those who are against inherent Fitness, because they think their shouldn't be fit, going to skip doing incarnate stuff? Because, wouldn't that unfit/down to earth character, not be an incarnate either?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
A thought just occured to me.

Are all those who are against inherent Fitness, because they think their shouldn't be fit, going to skip doing incarnate stuff? Because, wouldn't that unfit/down to earth character, not be an incarnate either?
Only if you're under the generalized assumption that all incarnates are of the categorization of 'fit'.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Only if you're under the generalized assumption that all incarnates are of the categorization of 'fit'.
I'm under the impression that I have yet to see an incarnate in the game that wasn't fit (great regeneration and recovery ie Health/Stamina).

I'm under the impression that I don't see a normal human maintaining an unfit lifestyle doing the activities one would need to do to reach level 50, without the side effect of getting into a fit shape.

I'm under the impression that I've seen a lot of "Oh my end issues! Lower the cost of powers! I always have to take Stamina, and I want to take other stuff!" now only to see the reverse of "Ack! You gave us what we wanted, and now we don't!"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'm under the impression that I don't see a normal human maintaining an unfit lifestyle doing the activities one would need to do to reach level 50, without the side effect of getting into a fit shape.
And you're also under the false impression that any of these characters are 'unfit'. Where is the 'unfit' power pool or power?

Just because someone doesn't have the 'fitness' pool doesn't automatically make them 'unfit'. Differentiate between 'unfit' and 'not fit'.

Hell, I try to fit in 2 or 3 days of jogging in the mornings every week and am a good deal below average weight for my height. But I'm not 'fit', nor 'unfit'. I probably couldn't go running marathons every other day, climb a few mountains then bike home and play 8+ hours of basketball to top it all off...no, only someone that's fit can do that.



There is a workaround for jumping already in game. Depending on how long you hold the spacebar will change the height you jump. So, very quickly tapping the spacebar will cause the character to do a little hoppy jump, holding down will extend the full height of the jump.

This also applies to characters without Hurdle/Combat Jumping/Super Jump/Ninja Run. And it's neat.

Sadly the same does not happen with Swift, but then whenever I switch from playing a 50 to a level 1-10, I find running terrible (slow terrible). Hence why I love Ninja Run, even on robots.

And I RP.

And I live with the fact that Hellions should be putting any of my characters in hospital or making them limp along whenever they use Pistol.

£8.99/month is too expensive to just RP.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Only if you're under the generalized assumption that all incarnates are of the categorization of 'fit'.
Here's an Incarnate who might not be seen as "fit".

Rub da belly!



Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
There is a workaround for jumping already in game. Depending on how long you hold the spacebar will change the height you jump. So, very quickly tapping the spacebar will cause the character to do a little hoppy jump, holding down will extend the full height of the jump.

This also applies to characters without Hurdle/Combat Jumping/Super Jump/Ninja Run. And it's neat.

Sadly the same does not happen with Swift, but then whenever I switch from playing a 50 to a level 1-10, I find running terrible (slow terrible). Hence why I love Ninja Run, even on robots.

And I RP.

And I live with the fact that Hellions should be putting any of my characters in hospital or making them limp along whenever they use Pistol.

£8.99/month is too expensive to just RP.
Sure there is. Tap on the run arrow, and you will keep stopping.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'm under the impression that I have yet to see an incarnate in the game that wasn't fit (great regeneration and recovery ie Health/Stamina).

I'm under the impression that I don't see a normal human maintaining an unfit lifestyle doing the activities one would need to do to reach level 50, without the side effect of getting into a fit shape.

I'm under the impression that I've seen a lot of "Oh my end issues! Lower the cost of powers! I always have to take Stamina, and I want to take other stuff!" now only to see the reverse of "Ack! You gave us what we wanted, and now we don't!"
True story; I Tried to play Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas as a fat CJ. It doesn't really work out too well. Given the amount of crazy athletics they require out of you, CJ always winds up being ridiculously buff and skinny. The best I could ever manage was just a really ripped, fat guy.