A way to offset Fitness (for thematic RP characters)




Okay, with Issue 19, the Fitness pool is going to be inherent. And this is, understandably, upsetting some people who want their characters to be... shall we say, down-to-earth. Not everybody wants to leap over speeding bullets in a locomotive, after all.

So I have a solution, one that will satisfy everybody (except people wanting free slots, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.)

Put a vendor in Nova Praetoria, Atlas Park, and Mercy. These people would have four Enhancements, all free. -Health, -Stamina, -Swift, and -Hurdle. These Enhancements would have one ability: they would exactly offset the gains that the appropriate Fitness power would give. Any -Fitness Enhancement would, therefore, make the character that slots them behave as if they didn't have it at all. Even better, if it were decided that they wanted that Fitness, they'd just have to overwrite the -Fitness Enhancement with whatever they wanted.

Each -Fitness would only go into that exact power, and it would be the only Enhancement that could be slotted there. Simple, elegant, and easy.



Even without Fitness your character still performs feats that no real human could ever perform. I consider the damage done.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



/unsigned to this idea.



Honestly, if any of the changes affect your immersion in any way, you have bigger issues.



Originally Posted by senseiblur View Post
honestly, if any of the changes affect your immersion in any way, you have bigger issues.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Natural heroes can already survive being hit in the face with guns and rockets - I don't think a few extra feet on their jumps really matters that much

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



The only way I'd even consider giving away inherent fitness (which is pretty much what you're doing here) is if I could trade it for another pool to be inherent (like inherent Leadership or Inherent teleporation).

There's no real reason for this. You might as well ask for an option to *stop* your base regen and recovery too as being 'natural', there's no way you'd recover from a bullet wound or a fire blast to the face by waiting around for a few minutes.



Hey, I want all four fitness powers forever and ever amen. This was just my idea about how to satisfy those people who, for roleplay reasons, don't want them. And only those people... as this would be, by necessity, 100% opt-in (you actually have to drop an Enhancement into a slot to do it). People who want Fitness powers: win. People who don't: win. People who want extra slots... well, two out of three ain't bad.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Even without Fitness your character still performs feats that no real human could ever perform. I consider the damage done.

Honestly, if someone wanted a "natural" human character - even a "fit, natural human character?" They're in the wrong game if they think Fitness is "too much" or "immersion breaking."

A "Fit, natural human" character - let's even be kind and give them some kevlar - isn't going to make it to level 2 without exceptionally careful, slow playing. Sprint's endurance cost would have to be increased - no travel powers, after all. Fighting Hellions? They've got bats and pistols. That bulletproof armor is *still* going to make every shot that hits hurt. And it won't protect against a broken arm from that baseball bat, or a concussion. Regeneration rate would have to be slowed incredibly. Level 3 will be an accomplishment. Meet someone throwing a molotov - or get frozen in a block of ice? Character sits in the hospital for a few weeks....

And if you're (generic you) reading this and going "But they have a chemical to do xyz" so you can handwave away why you're keeping up with the mutant superspeeder, alien, robot portable battlefield assault system, etc... then why would that person be griping about *fitness?*



**IF** the Fitness Pool had an aura you couldn't turn off, I'd be on their side.

But as long as there's Walk, I have no sympathy for the RPers who just stand around and chat.

And for the RPers who can solo Elite Bosses with their 'regular' and 'natural' powers, any arguments that 'Fitness' is too 'super' is ridiculous, ludicrous, and laughable.

You see what you made me do there? A triple redundancy? Are you happy now? Are. You. HAPPY?!!!

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From an RP stand-point, an "unfit" character would simply not slot or enhance their fitness inherent while a "fit" character would. The difference between this and a fitnessless character will be negligible.



Disregarding whether or not it's a good idea, is this even necessary? The way it was described, it sounded like we can choose not to have the fitness powers if we don't want them.



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
Okay, with Issue 19, the Fitness pool is going to be inherent. And this is, understandably, upsetting some people who want their characters to be... shall we say, down-to-earth. Not everybody wants to leap over speeding bullets in a locomotive, after all.
This is complete nonsense, not to put too fine a point on it. Your "natural" characters are able to survive a mile high drop, take repeated shotgun blasts to the back of the head, walk through fire, shrug off missile-rockets and jump higher than they are tall. All "Fitness" does is make them extra physically fit. In a world of super heroes, the very definition of a Natural SUPER Hero is that he or she would be more fit - or have better "fitness," if you will - than a regular human. Requesting that your characters are unfit in order to match the Natural concept is absurd, especially considering practically every Natural hero ever made used Fitness in place of more over super powers like flight and teleportation.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by TwilightPhoenix View Post
From an RP stand-point, an "unfit" character would simply not slot or enhance their fitness inherent while a "fit" character would. The difference between this and a fitnessless character will be negligible.
Perhaps. But my beef with the new inherent fitness is kind of the opposite. I have a character who isn't as fit as some of my really athletic characters so currently doesn't have that pool. He's getting fitness which like you say won't affect him in a major way. He'll probably even use the base slots.

But I have a character who is 'Super Fit'. Currently, he has every power in the pool with 3 or more slots in each. Now that we're getting the pool naturally, the difference between an 'unfit' and a 'super fit' character won't be as drastic. I lament there being nothing to simulate more feats of athleticism that isn't 'unnatural' like running at max speed or leaping over entire buildings in one bound or regening your HP bar in a blink.

Originally Posted by firespray View Post
Disregarding whether or not it's a good idea, is this even necessary? The way it was described, it sounded like we can choose not to have the fitness powers if we don't want them.
And it's unneeded, IMO. Personally, I would have rather the devs gave us the option to choose a basic pool upon character creation that would then become 'inherent'. At least then, you can simulate someone who is naturally super fit vs someone who is a natural leader or inherently skilled in first aid.

But you can't have everything, I suppose.



This is like looking for a freckle on the Mona Lisa. Theres already alot of immersion breaking for natural characters in the game. Maybe alot you've already reasoned around, and heres one more for you... too much hassle for too little gain.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Perhaps. But my beef with the new inherent fitness is kind of the opposite. I have a character who isn't as fit as some of my really athletic characters so currently doesn't have that pool. He's getting fitness which like you say won't affect him in a major way. He'll probably even use the base slots.
I suppose I'm probably alone in this, but "fitness" as a concept for super heroes (and villains) always seemed... Inapplicable to me. Yes, for HUMAN characters, fitness is essential, but for others... This is where it gets iffy for me. OK, maybe you trained your mutant ability a lot and so can use it without wearing yourself out. OK, tenuous, but it works. What about your magic wand which recharges on a static timer? What about the robot over there who simply doesn't get tired? What about the ghost who's dead to begin with?

"Well, just say you got better batteries," once told me a particularly inept powergamer, and I... Really don't see that. After a simple point, the idea of training your body just loses its meaning, especially when you don't HAVE a body, and as such Fitness itself becomes... I don't know what to say. Either implied or inapplicable.

To me, what inherent Fitness does is it gives us a few base stats where before we had none. We can now improve our recovery through the character itself, rather than by seeking a specific power. It's a lot like the Strength/Dexterity/Vitality/Magic of the original Diablo, in some regards.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Perhaps. But my beef with the new inherent fitness is kind of the opposite. I have a character who isn't as fit as some of my really athletic characters so currently doesn't have that pool. He's getting fitness which like you say won't affect him in a major way. He'll probably even use the base slots.

But I have a character who is 'Super Fit'. Currently, he has every power in the pool with 3 or more slots in each. Now that we're getting the pool naturally, the difference between an 'unfit' and a 'super fit' character won't be as drastic. I lament there being nothing to simulate more feats of athleticism that isn't 'unnatural' like running at max speed or leaping over entire buildings in one bound or regening your HP bar in a blink.

Well, there's still IOs to help in those regards. Though, outside of the Gift of the Ancients unique, I'm not sure how practical slotting for run/jump bonuses is. I've only seen one person do it and that was a Stone Armor tank who got himself moving faster than Sprint.

You could also try perma-Sprint if you already don't and/or, if the air control isn't concept breaking, perma-Combat Jumping.



wow.. for people who cry "we want options" you all sure rag on people that propose such.

My only issue for inherent Fitness is Swift. There are times when the slow "trot" is a good effect. If I wanted to go faster I'd turn on Sprint or the travel power. But my main thing against the active Swift Power is for my melee characters trying to line up the mobs for what few limited AOE attacks it may have, one tap of a sideways movement key works fine without Swift but many times with it the character moves too far. I'm not going to spend a lot of time lining things up, but if I can do it with 1 or 2 key taps I will. Swift ruins that for me.

So yeah, for Swift I'd like that enhancement for some of my characters, but for the other Fitness powers I wouldn't use their negative enhancements. (Hurdle is so much fun!)

It's a decent suggestion. I'd go for it. Maybe the Devs have an alternative solution planned already?



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
wow.. for people who cry "we want options" you all sure rag on people that propose such.

My only issue for inherent Fitness is Swift. There are times when the slow "trot" is a good effect. If I wanted to go faster I'd turn on Sprint or the travel power. But my main thing against the active Swift Power is for my melee characters trying to line up the mobs for what few limited AOE attacks it may have, one tap of a sideways movement key works fine without Swift but many times with it the character moves too far. I'm not going to spend a lot of time lining things up, but if I can do it with 1 or 2 key taps I will. Swift ruins that for me.

So yeah, for Swift I'd like that enhancement for some of my characters, but for the other Fitness powers I wouldn't use their negative enhancements. (Hurdle is so much fun!)

It's a decent suggestion. I'd go for it. Maybe the Devs have an alternative solution planned already?

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
wow.. for people who cry "we want options" you all sure rag on people that propose such.

My only issue for inherent Fitness is Swift. There are times when the slow "trot" is a good effect. If I wanted to go faster I'd turn on Sprint or the travel power. But my main thing against the active Swift Power is for my melee characters trying to line up the mobs for what few limited AOE attacks it may have, one tap of a sideways movement key works fine without Swift but many times with it the character moves too far. I'm not going to spend a lot of time lining things up, but if I can do it with 1 or 2 key taps I will. Swift ruins that for me.

So yeah, for Swift I'd like that enhancement for some of my characters, but for the other Fitness powers I wouldn't use their negative enhancements. (Hurdle is so much fun!)

It's a decent suggestion. I'd go for it. Maybe the Devs have an alternative solution planned already?
I have alternative suggestion is to allow slot swift and hurdle with "slows" for these players who cannot or don't want to handle increased speed and jump. *shrug*



Just to further play the devils advocate. Fitness becoming inherent effectively means that there is no such thing as fitness anymore.

The way I see it, for those of you that absolutely can't get over the horrible atrocity that your character can jump a foot higher or run 1mph faster, the lore of the game is being ret-conned in one tiny aspect. EVERYONE in the world now naturally runs that fast and jumps that high as if it were so from day one. ICly you would not RP this change, as there is ICly no guy living in a van down by the river giving everyone shots of steroids to buff you.

Let me repeat, ICly, this change does not exist plain and simple.

There's a huge difference between "We want options" and "We want things that a massive majority of people will never use".



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
wow.. for people who cry "we want options" you all sure rag on people that propose such.

My only issue for inherent Fitness is Swift. There are times when the slow "trot" is a good effect. If I wanted to go faster I'd turn on Sprint or the travel power. But my main thing against the active Swift Power is for my melee characters trying to line up the mobs for what few limited AOE attacks it may have, one tap of a sideways movement key works fine without Swift but many times with it the character moves too far. I'm not going to spend a lot of time lining things up, but if I can do it with 1 or 2 key taps I will. Swift ruins that for me.

So yeah, for Swift I'd like that enhancement for some of my characters, but for the other Fitness powers I wouldn't use their negative enhancements. (Hurdle is so much fun!)

It's a decent suggestion. I'd go for it. Maybe the Devs have an alternative solution planned already?
There's a difference between wanting options, and implementing a feature that very few people will actually utilize. That all the posters here, including the OP, admit to having no use for this feature, with the exception of you, should indicate how under utilized this feature will wind up being.

Swift is a fairly crappy power anyway. Most people who argue against it seem to be under the impression that it will suddenly have them blazing around town like if they had gotten hit with Speed Boost from the Kinetics powerset. Unslotted, Swift grants about +5mph. Assuming no other movement power is in effect, that will take you from a base 14.3 mph, to 19.3 mph. That's slower than you're allowed to drive in most neighborhoods.


I usually rationalize stamina on Robots/Power Armour as having a more efficient cooling system. Low endurance would indicate that the internal systems are too hot from using energy too rapidly, and even though some powers might be charged and ready, continual use of them might cause the system to automatically shut off in order to maintain system stability.

It does get a bit more hazy when I'm being shot at with FIRE, or playing hopscotch in a volcano.



Just don't slot the powers?

Really? When I see this request, I have to ask, do you even read the genre inwhich you play?

Captain America is at the peak human (not superhuman) in the areas of physical fitness, and he's jumping onto Jets.

From an RP stance, one could just as easily quit making super lazy, over weight, wouldn't have the energy to actually get to level 50, but some how do?

Really, it's not bad. Rp them running out of breath, like a lot of RPers already do, yet take fitness, because they don't want to run out of END during a mission?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I suppose I'm probably alone in this, but "fitness" as a concept for super heroes (and villains) always seemed... Inapplicable to me. Yes, for HUMAN characters, fitness is essential, but for others... This is where it gets iffy for me. OK, maybe you trained your mutant ability a lot and so can use it without wearing yourself out. OK, tenuous, but it works. What about your magic wand which recharges on a static timer? What about the robot over there who simply doesn't get tired? What about the ghost who's dead to begin with?
For me, 'fitness' is a level achievable through varying means. As a concept for supers, it's not limited to human characters nor simple training. Fitness isn't even about never tiring or wearing out. IMO, fitness is what you can do *even though* you're worn out or you've exhausted your reserves.

To me, what inherent Fitness does is it gives us a few base stats where before we had none. We can now improve our recovery through the character itself, rather than by seeking a specific power. It's a lot like the Strength/Dexterity/Vitality/Magic of the original Diablo, in some regards.
And that's really my only beef. Before, this is where a person could choose their 'fit' level by choice. Now it's just stats, really. No problem there...but now, I can't choose powers to simulate a higher fitness level.

If I were making a new 'Fitness' pool, it probably wouldn't be just static stat improvements, but maybe dynamic meta-buffs that could be useful in other aspects of play, like the ability for toggles to stay on but surpressed when there's not enough endurance to run them or 'protection' from -movement effects (pertaining to stuff like -fly, -jump, not -jumpspeed). I dunno, I'd have to put more thought into it.

Originally Posted by TwilightPhoenix View Post
Well, there's still IOs to help in those regards. Though, outside of the Gift of the Ancients unique, I'm not sure how practical slotting for run/jump bonuses is. I've only seen one person do it and that was a Stone Armor tank who got himself moving faster than Sprint.

You could also try perma-Sprint if you already don't and/or, if the air control isn't concept breaking, perma-Combat Jumping.
On my super fit, and 'perfected form' characters, I actually *do* use GotA +runspeed IOs. And I actually did build for movement bonuses as one of their focuses (+def as well for the super fit and +rech for the perfected one). I'm currently finishing one of the builds for perma-NinjaRun (NR with a katana looks pretty cool, btw), as he needs some more recovery to make up for it being on the majority of the time. A static improvement to inherent/temp abilities like reducing their cost without slotting would be an interesting angle.



Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
I have alternative suggestion is to allow slot swift and hurdle with "slows" for these players who cannot or don't want to handle increased speed and jump. *shrug*
Uh, that's actually my entire suggestion, right there. -Hurdle would provide a -jump effect *exactly* equal to the positive jump an unenhanced Hurdle gives you, thus negating it precisely.