Worst A-Merit Roll Ever?
Finally bothered to get my first low-level A-Merit roll (all others 40+), and lemme tell you, that was 20 million well-spent.
2 Tempest Chance for End Drain 23 1 Aegis End/Rech 25 1 Ghost Widow's Acc/Rech/Hold 23 1 Impeded Swiftness End/Rech/Slow 23 Sure, I suppose I could've gotten Dark Watcher's Despair Rech/End, or either of the Debilitative Actions, but this is collectively the godawfulest roll I ever saw. Anyone got worse? |
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
the one A-merit I've managed to roll generated roughly 2 million in profit, and I had to craft the only halfway decent recipe to even get that.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Can't you just buy specific Recipies for 1 or 2 A-Merits?
I mean why roll 5 when you could buy 2 LOTG or Miracles and 1 Performance Shifter or Achilles Heel, or am I misunderstanding how they work?
Why would you roll them? Do they have a chance of giving purples via rolls?
Can't you just buy specific Recipies for 1 or 2 A-Merits?
I mean why roll 5 when you could buy 2 LOTG or Miracles and 1 Performance Shifter or Achilles Heel, or am I misunderstanding how they work? |
Do they have a chance of giving purples via rolls? |
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For those who roll, it's because you can get 5 randoms for 1 A-merit. The LotG 7.5's and the various uniques, plus a variety of other orange recipes, cost 2 A-merits each. Others just cost 1, but you can't get more than one thing of choice with a single A-merit. Rolling randomly, you have a chance at getting multiple good things. You also have a chance at getting the kind of dreck the OP found in his tray after rolling, though. It only takes one random roll with 2 LotG 7.5's and a Miracle: +recovery to make up for a lot of trash rolls, but that's the gambler's fallacy talking. You have a LOT more trash rolls than you do rolls with even one of the truly valuable recipes, let alone multiples - but that's what people are rolling for.
No, they do not. |
Ah, I see. That makes sense. I thought it was 1 roll per merit.
I suppose given the recipe exchange rate (50 merits + 20 million is it?) could kinda make sense, 20 million for 2.5 rolls.
For those who roll, it's because you can get 5 randoms for 1 A-merit. The LotG 7.5's and the various uniques, plus a variety of other orange recipes, cost 2 A-merits each. Others just cost 1, but you can't get more than one thing of choice with a single A-merit. Rolling randomly, you have a chance at getting multiple good things. You also have a chance at getting the kind of dreck the OP found in his tray after rolling, though. It only takes one random roll with 2 LotG 7.5's and a Miracle: +recovery to make up for a lot of trash rolls, but that's the gambler's fallacy talking. You have a LOT more trash rolls than you do rolls with even one of the truly valuable recipes, let alone multiples - but that's what people are rolling for.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
I think rolling strategy also has to take into account whether you are rolling for straight marketing or are only marketing what you can't use.
Rampant alt-itis means I have a lot of needs in a lot of sets so many things are of use that might be vendor trash to a straight market roll.
And with the rolls weighted now, the chances of getting the good stuff are better. If LotGs had stayed at their pre-i18 prices, I wouldn't have hesitated to cash in for one of them instead of 10 random rolls, but as it is, I think the rolls give better cash on average. (Doesn't help that I'm thoroughly bored with the level 50 villain alignment missions, so the chances of me doing four days of them instead of two are slim.) I can't prove that, it's just my gut feeling plus general opinions that I've seen. I'd be interested to see some hard data.
I've been looking for hard data since the new issue dropped, and haven't had any luck.
The question you have to answer is, "If I roll randomly twice, do the 10 recipes I get sell on average for more than I could get for one minimum level LotG/minimum level Miracle/max level Kinetic Combat triple," or whatever the single most expensive recipe you can buy and sell on the market is. That seems to make the "break-point" somewhere in the 10-15 million per recipe range. I've not averaged 10-15 million per recipe when rolling with my 50s (I just vendored a stack of 4 Scirocco procs...), so I stopped. Without knowing the precise weightings for the premium recipes, I don't know for sure that it's the right decision.
I can see the follow-up point about rolling randomly to supply alts. However, I'd also point out that if you're supplying them with level 50 recipes, for a lot of Pool C the non-premium recipes can be had for a pittance at 50. So there's still more long-term benefit in buying a single guaranteed item, selling it for a lot of inf, and then buying all the things your alts need on the cheap.
Edited to add link to rare recipe weight project thread:
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I think rolling strategy also has to take into account whether you are rolling for straight marketing or are only marketing what you can't use.
With five or six A-Merit rolls so far--I've been far less obsessed with it than I would've predicted--I've scored 2 LotG +rech (both low 40s), so theoretically I've done better than break-even, though I have not added it up.
My alignment merit rolls have been colossal fail lately. One LotG in the last few weeks, and quite a few vendor trash procs or recipes that just aren't worth their crafting costs.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I am not rolling with my 50. I just buy as you are doing on that toon. (Although I am currently saving them up to buy super pricey stuff at specific levels for my alts)
I am rolling on my level locked 25,30 and 35. This yeilds a fair amount of choice items and quite a few things to slot with. Triples in melee and ranged for Frankenslotting, A few good market pieces that can take a while to sell, but an army of alts may as well vendor off that extra tri-aspect Trap of the Hunter. Took about 2 weeks but it sold for like 5 million I think. I put up the recipes for things that I can't make profit on unles it is totally valueless or there is 15 for sale already.
I didn't make a huge profit on it, it did make some profit.
Also, I actually enjoy the crafting process of putting all the pieces together and I like the idea that there are people who want those lower level IO's and can get them.
But that was a pretty bad roll. I would probably craft the Aegis if I could do it cheaply. A few of the others might sell better at 25 than 23 but all in all, not a great roll.
I bought 12 rolls from Minotaur once. He warned me in advance, "I get terrible random rolls" and boy was he right. I don't believe I have a record of it, but It Can Be Worse.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Is anyone still rolling regular merits or is it just a waste of recipes?
Enjoy your day please.
Well, it's like paying 20 million to get 5 rolls at half price. So I guess for most of those who work the market, that could be a worthwhile investment.
I roll because I don't need influence. If I get unlucky and get complete trash, it doesn't really affect me in any way. If I get lucky and score 5x LotG +rech on each roll, I'll just be really happy.
I'm still debating whether I should start up a character and level it by doing TFs and tips only, though. I should have a nice stash of A and R merits when I hit 50, so I could probably outright buy a PvP 3% Def IO and even then have merits to roll.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
You may have gotten one of the worst A-Merit Rolls Ever, but my very first A-Merit Roll got me 3 LotG: 7.5% and two negligible recipes. It was enough to bias me towards rolling for all of my characters under level 35. Whatever isn't worth keeping can at least help fill the Mid-level market with goods.
Veridian Dynamics. Mistakes. We all make them. But sometimes mistakes lead to great discoveries. Mistakes are how we learn and grow... so we can do amazing things.
When you think about it, shouldn't you be thanking us for making mistakes? Veridian Dynamics. We're sorry. You're welcome.
Can't you just buy specific Recipies for 1 or 2 A-Merits?
I mean why roll 5 when you could buy 2 LOTG or Miracles and 1 Performance Shifter or Achilles Heel, or am I misunderstanding how they work? Why would you roll them? Do they have a chance of giving purples via rolls? |
I did a few random rolls and got pretty much trash, so last week I decided to just spend 2 a-merits to get a LotG recipe.
yesterday, decided to try another random roll - I spent 1 a-merit and got a LotG and a Miracle proc in the 5 recipes

It's very simple. Once your character gets to the level you want to use for the random rolls, you turn off earning XP so the character stays that level forever. I have a blaster 'locked' at level 37.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Question asked at 1:35 and answers posted at 1:37 and 1:38.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I've seen "level locking" mentioned in a number of threads, but I've been unable to find out how to do it, or why to do it. Anyone with more detail?
As to why one would do it the main reason is to have a toon at a particular so that the recipes he randomly generates through merit rolls, Alignment rolls and just as drops during a mission are all that level.
Many players like to slot I/Os at level 30 or so because when they exempt down for a task force they will still have the set bonuses for the powers they have. Unfortunately, level 25 to 40 recipes are not very plentiful. So generating recipes in this range is desirable for marketing or slotting your own toons.
There are other reasons of course. Some people like to play a toon at certain level, you don't want to out level a story arc, roleplay, etc.
Finally bothered to get my first low-level A-Merit roll (all others 40+), and lemme tell you, that was 20 million well-spent.
2 Tempest Chance for End Drain 23
1 Aegis End/Rech 25
1 Ghost Widow's Acc/Rech/Hold 23
1 Impeded Swiftness End/Rech/Slow 23
Sure, I suppose I could've gotten Dark Watcher's Despair Rech/End, or either of the Debilitative Actions, but this is collectively the godawfulest roll I ever saw.
Anyone got worse?