Discussion: Snow and Fireflies Auras on Live




Originally Posted by Goblin_Queen View Post
Agreed. Storm Cloud would benefit the most out of having a secondary color option. I've often wished that all auras would have that option.


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Originally Posted by Goblin_Queen View Post
Agreed. Storm Cloud would benefit the most out of having a secondary color option. I've often wished that all auras would have that option.
I'd prefer the ability to use 2 auras at once, but that would be nice too.



Hey Folks,

Well it seems like the leak was slightly larger than we thought, if it weren’t for those meddling Soldiers of Arachnos! While the Snow and Firefly Auras were for a future issue (and are now being included as part of Issue 19), the Storm Cloud Aura is for a completely different initiative and will be removed from availability in the live environment.




Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Hey Folks,

Well it seems like the leak was slightly larger than we thought, if it weren’t for those meddling Soldiers of Arachnos! While the Snow and Firefly Auras were for a future issue (and are now being included as part of Issue 19), the Storm Cloud Aura is for a completely different initiative and will be removed from availability in the live environment.
Ok... now I'm curious.

And perhaps a bit disappointed, as I was hoping that Storm aura would also make it into i19 (I know, I know... give us an inch...).

One thing that seems clear is that there is a good bit a-brewin in CoX behind the scenes. Now, I really need to have Black Pebble... uhm... disappear from the M&G so I can interro... err... engage David in a friendly conversation, without the marketing gag hovering over his head.





Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Hey Folks,

Well it seems like the leak was slightly larger than we thought, if it weren’t for those meddling Soldiers of Arachnos! While the Snow and Firefly Auras were for a future issue (and are now being included as part of Issue 19), the Storm Cloud Aura is for a completely different initiative and will be removed from availability in the live environment.

i think this is the most underwhelming interpretation of 'the coming storm' yet...

/low hanging fruit and all that

Kittens give Morbo gas.



Guess they just don't feel like talking...

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Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Hey Folks,

Well it seems like the leak was slightly larger than we thought, if it weren’t for those meddling Soldiers of Arachnos! While the Snow and Firefly Auras were for a future issue (and are now being included as part of Issue 19), the Storm Cloud Aura is for a completely different initiative and will be removed from availability in the live environment.

And here I was starting to get encouraged. This however is not a good sign in my opinion. Oh well, guess we'll have to wait and see.



I suspect, with all due respect to theOcho, that all (yes I said ALL) of these auras were being developed for the inclusion into some kind of future booster pack.

When the Devs realized two of them (Snow and Firefly) leaked they made a quick command decision to let them become part of the upcoming Issue as a concession to all the complaints about the emote Party Pack. But once they realized yet a third aura (Storm) also leaked they knew they couldn't just keep letting all of these go for free because that'd leave them nothing left to SELL in a booster pack.

We will probably be getting a future booster pack that'll include the Storm aura as well as maybe other auras we haven't seen (leaked) yet. If that happens then I'll be reasonably suspicious that Snow and Firefly were likely supposed to be part of that pack too.

It's all good either way. It's just an interesting insight as to how the Devs react to ongoing situations like this.

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"leaked", lol, it's a concession.

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LOL, Lothic. Did you slot Jump in your Conclusion power because DANG. That was quite a large assumption you just made there on no evidence at all.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
Ok... now I'm curious.

And perhaps a bit disappointed, as I was hoping that Storm aura would also make it into i19 (I know, I know... give us an inch...).

One thing that seems clear is that there is a good bit a-brewin in CoX behind the scenes. Now, I really need to have Black Pebble... uhm... disappear from the M&G so I can interro... err... engage David in a friendly conversation, without the marketing gag hovering over his head.


Isn't David like, a giant lion-thing with mech-armour and a lazer cannon? Good luck on that interrogation thing...



Hmmm, an Aura pack might actually be well received by the CoX community. Let us assume that they are developing an aura pack.

Let us also assume that it will have approximately 8 auras in it. I would most likely purchase this pack (I'm a sucker for costume pieces). Especially if said aura's would be available right from level 1 (which, if I'm paying for them, I would want them to be).

This said, I think the dev's will understand that it would be more economical to try for value for dollar. The Party Pack in that regard was a failure, as $1 per emote was percieved as way to high.

Is $1/aura too high? How about if said aura was available at level 1? Let marketing explore for a bit. Now that GR is out, micro transactions will be their main cash injections. (subscriptions being their bread and butter).

Just some thoughts.

Oh, and the Three aura's are freaking awesome!!!!



Originally Posted by Gothenem View Post
Hmmm, an Aura pack might actually be well received by the CoX community. Let us assume that they are developing an aura pack.

Let us also assume that it will have approximately 8 auras in it. I would most likely purchase this pack (I'm a sucker for costume pieces). Especially if said aura's would be available right from level 1 (which, if I'm paying for them, I would want them to be).

This said, I think the dev's will understand that it would be more economical to try for value for dollar. The Party Pack in that regard was a failure, as $1 per emote was percieved as way to high.

Is $1/aura too high? How about if said aura was available at level 1? Let marketing explore for a bit. Now that GR is out, micro transactions will be their main cash injections. (subscriptions being their bread and butter).

Just some thoughts.

Oh, and the Three aura's are freaking awesome!!!!
I'd probably pay a dollar per costume aura. Obviously I'd rather it just be free though. I'm starting to get sick of having to BUY every single costume/aura/emote thingy, as though I'm playing some f2p game.

The reason I wasn't excited about the party pack Is that I don't use emotes enough to justify their cost. Honestly, I don't think there was a price they could have put on it that would have made me buy the party pack. Even if they gave it to me for free I wouldn't have wound up using it. Which isn't to say that I think the quality of the emotes are bad, or that the art team is horrible; I just don't use emotes.

I use auras though! I use the hell out of them.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I suspect, with all due respect to theOcho, that all (yes I said ALL) of these auras were being developed for the inclusion into some kind of future booster pack.

When the Devs realized two of them (Snow and Firefly) leaked they made a quick command decision to let them become part of the upcoming Issue as a concession to all the complaints about the emote Party Pack. But once they realized yet a third aura (Storm) also leaked they knew they couldn't just keep letting all of these go for free because that'd leave them nothing left to SELL in a booster pack.

We will probably be getting a future booster pack that'll include the Storm aura as well as maybe other auras we haven't seen (leaked) yet. If that happens then I'll be reasonably suspicious that Snow and Firefly were likely supposed to be part of that pack too.

It's all good either way. It's just an interesting insight as to how the Devs react to ongoing situations like this.

I suspect you're right.

Three auras show up, chances are as part of a build they're working on at the same time.

Fireflies: Free
Snow: Free
Storm: For something else

Does not compute.
The fact they're going to remove Storm strongly indicates whatever it's for is going to cost extra. If it was for i20, why wouldn't they just leave it like the other two?
Why one weather-themed aura and not another?

With that in mind:

-In light of the Party Pack and to a lesser extent the Mutant Pack before it being so overpriced and anemic...

-In light of Going Rogue being unpolished and underwhelming in a number of areas with parts being delayed and prepurchase customers being ripped off for value and content...

-And with the overall content of the past issues shrinking ever since these microtransactional packs were started...

I'm drawing a hard line and simply refusing to purchase any more packs or expansions, no matter what they contain, until the devs get their stuff together.

These booster packs have been a slippery slope and in my opinion, the quality and value levels of the main game have suffered for it. We now pay for stuff we used to get for free and the content in each issue paid for by subscription is, at present, inadequate for a pay to play title, in my opinion. I do not pay a monthly fee so I can continually have a hand outstretched to me asking for additional money. I may not have always agreed with the dev's design choices, but I have never felt I was being ripped off by them or the game...until now.




Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Hey Folks,

Well it seems like the leak was slightly larger than we thought, if it weren’t for those meddling Soldiers of Arachnos! While the Snow and Firefly Auras were for a future issue (and are now being included as part of Issue 19), the Storm Cloud Aura is for a completely different initiative and will be removed from availability in the live environment.

So the Coming Storm Cloud aura is for a completely different initiative?

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Originally Posted by Gothenem View Post
Hmmm, an Aura pack might actually be well received by the CoX community. Let us assume that they are developing an aura pack.

Let us also assume that it will have approximately 8 auras in it. I would most likely purchase this pack (I'm a sucker for costume pieces). Especially if said aura's would be available right from level 1 (which, if I'm paying for them, I would want them to be).

This said, I think the dev's will understand that it would be more economical to try for value for dollar. The Party Pack in that regard was a failure, as $1 per emote was percieved as way to high.

Is $1/aura too high? How about if said aura was available at level 1? Let marketing explore for a bit. Now that GR is out, micro transactions will be their main cash injections. (subscriptions being their bread and butter).

Just some thoughts.

Oh, and the Three aura's are freaking awesome!!!!
I would definitely pay for an Aura Pack. Somehow the party pack just did not seem worth the money to me. I don't emote much and what I do have suffices for my needs when I wish to.

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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I suspect you're right.

Three auras show up, chances are as part of a build they're working on at the same time.

Fireflies: Free
Snow: Free
Storm: For something else

Does not compute.
The fact they're going to remove Storm strongly indicates whatever it's for is going to cost extra. If it was for i20, why wouldn't they just leave it like the other two?
Why one weather-themed aura and not another?
Since this is all entirely speculation I'll throw in mine - it *could* be that they aren't releasing it because the UI doesn't support dual color selection for Auras yet and the Storm Aura in particular would benefit greatly by having that option. Yes, we have the ability to pick two colors in most everything else but Auras in particular aren't set up yet and perhaps wouldn't be set up yet in time for i19.

Or it could be for a specific unlock with a story line coming in the future.

Or it could be for a paid pack.

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Originally Posted by Gothenem View Post
Hmmm, an Aura pack might actually be well received by the CoX community. Let us assume that they are developing an aura pack.

Let us also assume that it will have approximately 8 auras in it. I would most likely purchase this pack (I'm a sucker for costume pieces). Especially if said aura's would be available right from level 1 (which, if I'm paying for them, I would want them to be).

This said, I think the dev's will understand that it would be more economical to try for value for dollar. The Party Pack in that regard was a failure, as $1 per emote was percieved as way to high.

Is $1/aura too high? How about if said aura was available at level 1? Let marketing explore for a bit. Now that GR is out, micro transactions will be their main cash injections. (subscriptions being their bread and butter).

Just some thoughts.

Oh, and the Three aura's are freaking awesome!!!!
I hear what you are saying, but I am just not sure I agree. An Aura Pack would probably be received better than the "Emote Pack" was, but not as well as most of the other packs were either.

To be honest, I am a completionist, I love costume pieces, and all that, but auras fall into that part of the game I just don't use much. I like the glowing eyes and most of the others look cool and all, but they also give me a headache when I'm traveling (literally a headache, right behind the eyes).

They also don't do anything for my toon, powers wise. They do help with some themes and all, but not enough to warrant paying for them. At least not for me. At this point, every time they do put out a paid for pack it is also going to be pushing me away from this game.

It would really suck to leave after more than six years, but I really do not like the direction this game is headed and if it continues, then I can't.



Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post
LOL, Lothic. Did you slot Jump in your Conclusion power because DANG. That was quite a large assumption you just made there on no evidence at all.
Wrong, there is evidence that you choose to ignore. The snow and firefly auras are specifically mentioned as being tied to an issue. The storm aura is menyptioned as being part of a"separate initiative". If it was meant for a future issue, he would likely have said so as he did for the other two. The carefully chosen word "initiative" is glaringly evident of a booster pack in the wake of the illconceived party pack. It was also the very first thing that came to my mind upon reading the post. And it seems that others arrived at the same conclusion.



I'd really hope that there is stuff planned as part of the 'free' issues, and not a trend towards pay-for inclusions. The odd booster is all well and good, but making everything new and shiny a pay-for? No. Not cool.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



If micro-trans is the only way to keep this game going then I'll be on board 100%. IF things are that dire.

However, if this is to be the deal going forward I think the company should be upfront about it. Instead of just slowly releasing them and hoping we don't notice.

The lack of response from OCR concerning this is starting to really get me worried. We're transitioning from a period of great interaction between the community and Mods/Devs to a more traditional annoucements only style of relationship. I still can't figure out why and that in turn leads to rampant speculation.

If the future of COX is to be micro-transaction based. Tell us now so we're prepared going forward. Rather than continue to hemorrhage existing subscribers out of fear of communication/ company commitment.

This is business 101 guys.

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Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
If micro-trans is the only way to keep this game going then I'll be on board 100%. IF things are that dire.

However, if this is to be the deal going forward I think the company should be upfront about it. Instead of just slowly releasing them and hoping we don't notice.

The lack of response from OCR concerning this is starting to really get me worried. We're transitioning from a period of great interaction between the community and Mods/Devs to a more traditional annoucements only style of relationship. I still can't figure out why and that in turn leads to rampant speculation.

If the future of COX is to be micro-transaction based. Tell us now so we're prepared going forward. Rather than continue to hemorrhage existing subscribers out of fear of communication/ company commitment.

This is business 101 guys.
If micro-transactions is the only way to keep this game afloat, then I will not be staying. I will be on the first wave out, as a matter of fact, and I think that IF they were to announce such a thing you would find a rather large portion of the player base would leave as well. I love this game, but not enough that I want to pay for the game every month and then pay again for every new piece of shiny they put out. That, MaestroMavius, is Business 101. That is why you will not see them make that kind of announcement AND why we have to keep our eyes open for what is going on. That is Smart Consumer 101.



I find this conversation interesting. Not so much because of the specific topic at hand, but that this thread has spontaneously moved into the area of micro transactions, and continued discussion of the Party Pack, well over a month after its announcement. Just goes to show the extent of ill will the PP has generated in and of itself, as well as over the general issue of MTs.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

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Originally Posted by Spatch View Post
I find this conversation interesting. Not so much because of the specific topic at hand, but that this thread has spontaneously moved into the area of micro transactions, and continued discussion of the Party Pack, well over a month after its announcement. Just goes to show the extent of ill will the PP has generated in and of itself, as well as over the general issue of MTs.
Look at what their response to the Party Pack backlash was: Distract everyone with a "party" that only served to promote sales of the pack and toss a couple freebies to quiet the rabble.

Those are not the actions of someone who's done wrong and is trying to make up for it. Those are more like the actions of someone who knows they're being greedy and is trying to minimize damage with trifles in time to make their next grab for cash.
