Wolverine's True Mutant Power




It's true and he's so modest about his multitasking because he didn't even mention he's also the leader of the new X-Force.

...Hmmm I think that'd be kind of funny if the Avengers ended up running into X-Force during one of their assassination missions.



Originally Posted by Talia_Rayvyn View Post
It's true and he's so modest about his multitasking because he didn't even mention he's also the leader of the new X-Force.

...Hmmm I think that'd be kind of funny if the Avengers ended up running into X-Force during one of their assassination missions.
Ah, but he's totally got an out now.

"What? No, I'm not Wolverine. I'm.... um..... Daken! Yeah, that's the ticket!"



Love to see Wolverine just disappear one day and we get a year or two of a What Happened to Wolverine story line as people search for him endlessly.

So sick of that overhyped and overused character.

Now look out! The X-men in ish 4 must face the fury of.....Vampireine!



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Love to see Wolverine just disappear one day and we get a year or two of a What Happened to Wolverine story line as people search for him endlessly.

So sick of that overhyped and overused character.

Now look out! The X-men in ish 4 must face the fury of.....Vampireine!
sounds like a perfect story arc...for Deadpool!



I think it would be hilarious if they one month they put Wolverine in every single book they published, just to tweak people who don't like him.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



I seem to recall there was a point where it was rumored that if you had a new series at Marvel, it wouldn't succeed unless you had either the Hulk or Wolverine make a guest-appearance by the second issue.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Originally Posted by Kasoh View Post
I think it would be hilarious if they one month they put Wolverine in every single book they published, just to tweak people who don't like him.
...and in the following month remove him from all 90 books he is in and we can see how much better the storys and other characters become without him...and yes i still have my Wolvie paperweight beside my monitor...he needs a loooong vacation!



Isn't he the Oldest living Character for Marvel?



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
sounds like a perfect story arc...for Deadpool!
Speaking of overhyped, overused characters...

"They've got us surrounded again, the poor bastards." - General Creighton W. Abrams




Do you all really read so many comics to the point that you're annoyed about seeing the same character in so many different comics?




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Originally Posted by Vitality View Post

Do you all really read so many comics to the point that you're annoyed about seeing the same character in so many different comics?
Personally, no.

Do I agree that some characters like Deadpool and Wolverine are a bit overused?

Yes. (And Wolvie is one of my favorite characters)

Does it bother me?

Not really.

Wolverine DOES seem to attract more ire about his multiple appearances than, say, Batman. Of course, it doesn't help that he is so often written poorly.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post

Do you all really read so many comics to the point that you're annoyed about seeing the same character in so many different comics?
I only read a few comics and Wolverine has a tendency to turn up in all of them. I have no objection to him if he's well-written and it's logical for him to show up, but a lot of times it feels like he's been shoehorned in by editorial dictum.

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***We interrupt this thread to bring you this breaking news story***

A historic agreement has been reached between comic book giants Marvel and DC in regard to the popular 'Wolverine' character. Full details have not yet been released, but the gist of it is this: from now on, Wolverine will appear in every title published by both companies. At an informal news conference earlier today, a DC spokesperson told reporters that this so-called 'Wolverinization' deal would likely 'save comics!' Still unconfirmed: a thus far undenied rumor that in the near future the pages of all Marvel and DC comics will be held together by adamantium-plated staples that will produce a 'snikt' sound every time a page is turned.

Sources at various and sundry comic book specialty shops around the world are reporting that many customers are gathering together and simultaneously shouting 'Noooooooooo!' except for a few who, for reasons unknown, are instead shouting 'Do not want!' Whether this is related to the Marvel/DC 'Wolverinization' deal or the announcement earlier today that George Lucas will direct every episode of the hit TV series 'Glee' this season is yet to be determined.

In other news, Godzilla and the Blair Witch have announced their engagement. We'll have more as details emerge.

We now return you to your thread.



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post

In other news, Godzilla and the Blair Witch have announced their engagement. We'll have more as details emerge.
Eh, I give 'em six months.

Then he'll probably go crawling back to Mothra.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post

Do you all really read so many comics to the point that you're annoyed about seeing the same character in so many different comics?
No, but Wolverine is a sterling example of a character that has been over used and POORLY used for the past several years. Some of the recent storylines in his own book have been poor to say the least especially recent "revelation" that he and sabretooth are mutant/descendants of some lycan race of beings......or the story line about "where does wolverine's soul go when he is "killed/burnt down to the bone and regenerating", or how allegedly some mystical force hyper-charged his healing powers to Highlander Beyond levels so that he could be shot into the sun and survive and be burnt down to the bone by Nitro and still regenerate and now that he's rid of it the next time he meets such catastrophic damage he isn't coming back......ugh.

Plus his own series, plus the assorted X-men titles, plus I think two avengers titles, and now he's Vampireine, super mutant vampire of the Marvel Universe......

Yeah Marvel, a touch of over-saturation and overkill.



Originally Posted by Hazmatter View Post
I seem to recall there was a point where it was rumored that if you had a new series at Marvel, it wouldn't succeed unless you had either the Hulk or Wolverine make a guest-appearance by the second issue.
Now there is a legendary clash of characters that has also been redone to death. Hulk vs. Wolverine.

All because that is where Wolverine first appeared. Then eventually the inevitable rematch. Then comes Grey Hulk vs Wolverine which was cool. Then we get all these other inane rematches that basically like how Shakespeare put it "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."



Originally Posted by Kasoh View Post
I think it would be hilarious if they one month they put Wolverine in every single book they published, just to tweak people who don't like him.
Wouldn't tweak me at all as I barely read any Marvel books these days.

But the point still stands that Wolverine is over used and poorly used.



I thought Skrull Kill Krew had one of the funniest Wolverine gags. Everytime they showed up to off some skrulls one of the Skrulls would turn into Wolverine and start helping them because everyone just accepts it as fact that Wolverine is everywhere.



Originally Posted by OzzieArcane View Post
I thought Skrull Kill Krew had one of the funniest Wolverine gags. Everytime they showed up to off some skrulls one of the Skrulls would turn into Wolverine and start helping them because everyone just accepts it as fact that Wolverine is everywhere.
Now that is funny.

Wouldn't surprise me if they pull some retcon junk that Wolverine has been working with Nick Fury all these years and that he appears everywhere due to mass production of LMD's....



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Now that is funny.

Wouldn't surprise me if they pull some retcon junk that Wolverine has been working with Nick Fury all these years and that he appears everywhere due to mass production of LMD's....
Nah. Everytime Wolverine gets torn up too bad, the lost blood and flesh regrow into a new Wolverine.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



I remember a gag line a few years ago where Wolverine was in Cyclops's office and was all like, "Dude, you can't put me on EVERY team!" and Cyclops was all like, "Why not?".


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

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Wolverine is still the best written X-men character.