Rate my eeeebil
Cant be eeeebil, thats alot of what I do. And I go to church, I know.
Here is a list of things I've done on the market this week.
I've become disoriented by massive profits and can no longer distinguish degrees of EEEEBIL. Please help me regain my equilibrium by ranking my schemes from MOST to LEAST eeebil, preferably with a short explanation of your logic.
TIA! |
- Placing a bunch of lowball bids on a recipe I'm flipping to soak up all the cheap incoming supply and encourage players to pay my premium.
- Buying and destroying all of the Nevermelting Ice listed for less than 50,000 inf every night before bed.
- Buying Positron's Blast dam/end recipes for 100k, selling the crafted enhancements for 10 million.
- Buying assorted Large inspirations for 10k and combining them to make Large Defense inspirations which I sell for 500k.
- Buying LotGs for 50-60 million, flipping them for 100 million.
- Finding a bunch of crafted Armageddons and Gravitic Anchors stored in a long disused base, selling them for enough to get a broke character to the inf cap.
- Overpaying for junk salvage because I'm too impatient for bid creeping.
Destroying salvage underpriced: Quite ebil
Making 100x Profit! Quite Ebil
making 50x profit: quite ebil
Making LoTGs sell for what they're worth. Not very ebil
Selling things for prieces people are willing to pay: Not ebil
Overpaying for things others are selling: Nice.
My turn!
Rate MY Ebil:
- Bought and deleted several dozen sleep purples recipes.
- Overpaid on all my salvage to get it NOW
- Invaded the Reactive Armor market and bought higher than the flipper and resold lower than them.
- Put out dozens of lowball bids on various uniques and laughed when some filled.
- Wrote a thread turning the bible into the market bible
- Gave away 20 million to people for making me laugh.
Here is a list of things I've done on the market this week.
I've become disoriented by massive profits and can no longer distinguish degrees of EEEEBIL. Please help me regain my equilibrium by ranking my schemes from MOST to LEAST eeebil, preferably with a short explanation of your logic.
TIA! |
- Buying and destroying all of the Nevermelting Ice listed for less than 50,000 inf every night before bed.
- Buying Positron's Blast dam/end recipes for 100k, selling the crafted enhancements for 10 million.
- Buying assorted Large inspirations for 10k and combining them to make Large Defense inspirations which I sell for 500k.
- Placing a bunch of lowball bids on a recipe I'm flipping to soak up all the cheap incoming supply and encourage players to pay my premium.
- Buying LotGs for 50-60 million, flipping them for 100 million.
- Overpaying for junk salvage because I'm too impatient for bid creeping.
- Finding a bunch of crafted Armageddons and Gravitic Anchors stored in a long disused base, selling them for enough to get a broke character to the inf cap.
- Buying and destroying "cause you can" is fairly evil. I rate this a 7 out of 10.
- Cheap recipes to expensive enhancements. Not horribly evil, maybe a 5 out of 10? Nothing that can't be done by anyone who takes 1 min to look.
- This I will give you 5 out of 10 on the evil scale. Not because of what you're doing, but because it seems to be mostly a waste for you. Kind of like tossing a pebble into the grand canyon.
- Eating the lowball bids is evil, but only a 4 out of 10 here. You're only catching the lazy with this one. Catching lazy people is inherently easy.
- Flipping a LotG is meh at best. 3 out of 10 for evilness. A "sure thing" has very little evil associated with it.
- Paying too much for junk. 1/10? Maybe 2/10? Bid creeping from what... 11 to 111 to 1111 - just bid 111,111 and be done with it imo
- I'm sorry, but this is not evil at all. 0 out of 10. You sold off stock. Now... if it was someone else's base...

My turn!
Rate MY Ebil:
What hurt you here is giving money to people who would not have otherwise gotten money. You bought (and deleted) purples that would not have sold in any reasonable time. You did a good thing here. Bummer

Misaligned did commit heresy and/or blasphemy. That's ebil.
Persecuting the gullible with lowball bids: Actively ebil.
Cranking the low end up and the high end down on Reactive Armor, not so ebil.
Burning money and purples at the same time is THROWING MONEY AROUND and that's what is WRONG WITH AMERICA. Venial ebil.
Giving away money? THROWING MONEY AROUND.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
He's got the right, I claimed all the eebil he was trying to generate with his purple deleting thread. |
Had you claimed the ebilness of deleting the purples, you would have gotten -1 instead.
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...t-sarcasm.html
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
hahahaha, awesome!
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...t-sarcasm.html
Ive been buying lotg 7.5's for 111mil crafting and selling for 175-200... That good?
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
- Buying and destroying all of the Nevermelting Ice listed for less than 50,000 inf every night before bed.
- Buying LotGs for 50-60 million, flipping them for 100 million.
- Buying Positron's Blast dam/end recipes for 100k, selling the crafted enhancements for 10 million.
- Finding a bunch of crafted Armageddons and Gravitic Anchors stored in a long disused base, selling them for enough to get a broke character to the inf cap.
- Placing a bunch of lowball bids on a recipe I'm flipping to soak up all the cheap incoming supply and encourage players to pay my premium.
- Buying assorted Large inspirations for 10k and combining them to make Large Defense inspirations which I sell for 500k.
- Overpaying for junk salvage because I'm too impatient for bid creeping.
6, 1, 5, 2... That's right... 3,4,7 have minimal detectable Ebil Quotient at all...
6 - this sends a delightful, ebil chill to my heart. First, you're removing
supply in one niche (at a bargain price too), to 1/3 of that supply in a
different niche -- at a 5000% Markup ... Now that, is a thing of Ebil beauty.

1 - While many see this as the hands down winner, I disagree: While you
*are* depleting supply for a niche, which earns significant Ebil Points, you're
doing so at a premium AND a net loss. If the downtrodden ever cotton on
to this fact, they'd sell their NMI's on market and make 200X value over
the flat 250 vendor fee... Clearly, this could be a net benefit to the
casuals wanting cash for a purpled out warshade.
I had to resist the urge to dock Ebil Points for this. Where are the crushed
and dejected masses in this scenario? Fortunately, for the sake of Ebil,
there are some decent recipes using NMI (Adj Tgt, to name one) so the
supply reduction still keeps this in 2nd place.
5 - Very nice - cornering the market on a niche... I don't know what item
is involved (Alchemical Silver > Kinetic Weapon for instance) or to what
degree you've managed to achieve it, so that lessens the score a bit, but
tying it in with another recipe being Flipped boosts this to 3rd place

2 - Flipping is Ebil... The downtrodden masses tell us this often, and while
they're clueless about that, perception matters when we discuss Ebil. I
originally had this in 3rd place, but it slipped to honorable mention when I
realized that 5 and 2 are both flipping, but 5 also has the market cornering
as an additional Ebil twist.
3 - this is just Standard Business Practice... Ebil? What Ebil?
4 - A nice windfall, no doubt, but we don't know original purchase prices,
and, since they seem "free" at this point, we can't tell if these were
dumped a bargain, quick-sell prices (again, clearly beneficial to the
masses). For all I know, some of these recipes were ones Little Johnny
needed for his warshade...
7 - This has potential for some Ebil, I suppose, as a supply depletion
effort, and an "in your face, I'm rich and don't care about price" psychological
taunt, but again, raining free money on the masses, strikes me as a bit altruistic...
All in all, pretty good work, but surely, there is more Ebil to be perpetrated.
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
1. Buying and destroying all of the Nevermelting Ice listed for less than 50,000 inf every night before bed. (here you're being a dog in the manger, you are depriving others of something that you aren't even using yourself, just to be mean. Extremely Ebil!)
2 (Tie). Buying LotGs for 50-60 million, flipping them for 100 million. (here, you are profiteering. However, it's not as evil as what you're doing with nevermelting ice, since at least you are benefiting from it, still pretty Ebil!)
2 (Tie). Placing a bunch of lowball bids on a recipe I'm flipping to soak up all the cheap incoming supply and encourage players to pay my premium. (this is no more or less Ebil! than what you're doing above)
4. Buying assorted Large inspirations for 10k and combining them to make Large Defense inspirations which I sell for 500k. (this is providing a service at a markup. The fact that it's a completely useless service that costs you nothing makes it moderately Ebil!)
5. Buying Positron's Blast dam/end recipes for 100k, selling the crafted enhancements for 10 million. (this is providing a modestly useful service at a markup. This makes it slightly less Ebil! than the combining inspirations)
6 (tie). Overpaying for junk salvage because I'm too impatient for bid creeping. (this is not Ebil! in the slightest, just impatient)
6 (tie). Finding a bunch of crafted Armageddons and Gravitic Anchors stored in a long disused base, selling them for enough to get a broke character to the inf cap. (this depends on the circumstances. If the enhancements were yours to begin with, it's not Ebil! at all, just forgetful. If they belonged to someone else and you stole them, it's still not Ebil!, it just makes you a colossal ******).
In order of least ebil to most ebil.
1. All that stuff in the first post.
2. Posting about it on the forums to make all the casual players' heads explode.
holding a pvp tournament where i am giving away over 30billion away in prizes to the winner
all the stuff is stored in a one man base,
gained all the stuff on a lvl 37 PB camped at Steel canyon WW! for like a year or so haha
Buying cheap nevermelting ice and listing them for 49,999 because some idiot keeps overpaying
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
it too me surprisingly few stacks to burn through the protective layer underneath the kernel of 3 million+ listings. It's weird that there either A: aren't more NMI's listed, or B: they don't fetch a higher premium.
I wonder if the hundred-odd 'permanent residents' with their 3+ million price tags don't create the perception of supply where for practical purposes none exists.
Anyone who was looking to make money flipping commons would find fertile ground in the NMI fields, at least until people noticed they were worth selling and started piling on.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Depriving casuals of cheap junk: very ebil! ********
Destroying salvage underpriced: Quite ebil *******
Making 100x Profit! Quite Ebil ****
making 50x profit: quite ebil **
Making LoTGs sell for what they're worth. Not very ebil xxxx
Selling things for prieces people are willing to pay: Not ebil xxxxxx
Overpaying for things others are selling: Nice xxxxxxxxxx
You earned
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
But you got marked down by
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xx
So total evilness: *
Here is a list of things I've done on the market this week.
I've become disoriented by massive profits and can no longer distinguish degrees of EEEEBIL.
Please help me regain my equilibrium by ranking my schemes from MOST to LEAST eeebil, preferably with a short explanation of your logic.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone