What do you look for in an SG / VG?
1.Theme: I prefer science fiction over fantasy.
2.Accessability(guh cant spell)
but yes, easy to get involved in is more important than large activity.
4.being just as fun ooc as ic.
5.Doing more than just standing in a circle in the base talking.
1.Theme: I prefer science fiction over fantasy.
2.Accessability(guh cant spell) but yes, easy to get involved in is more important than large activity. 3.Activity 4.being just as fun ooc as ic. 5.Doing more than just standing in a circle in the base talking. |
OOC as well as IC fun, Whole Heartedly agree here. I'm still friends with many people I was in former Guilds before, some have become like my extended family. Having fun and sharing Jokes while spending so much time together is a real must.
Action, not just "standing around in a circle talking at each other" another very good point, I am a firm believer that a real team dynamic can only be built by doing things as a group, like raiding or doing missions / TF's together.
Thanks for your input!
1) An unlocked fridge.
2) Baked goods on the kitchen counter.
3) A large doggy door.
4) A chunk of old carpet by the water heater.
5) A bath tub.
From most to least important:
1. Accessibility: Agreeing with Vyver on this one. If you can't easily get involved with whatever the group is doing/does, there really isn't any point to being there. Long standing SG/VGs (of the Roleplay variety) tend to have well established cliques, which makes it very difficult and in some cases downright impossible to join in on the fun, so I tend to look at lesser known or newer SG/VGs first.
2. Activity: Personally, I don't care what the primary activity of the group is. It could be always running missions/TFs/whatever to always standing around in the base RP'ing. As long as they are consistently active is what matters to me. I don't join an SG/VG so I can play by myself. It rather defeats the point.
3. Consistency: While I understand change is necessary, constant and dramatic change is annoying and makes me begin to question the leadership's grasp of their own group. A few examples: The base that gets changed around every week. The theme behind the SG changing or wavering (though Theme itself is next on the list). Officers changing with frequency, and so on.
4. Theme: I love themes. To a point. For me, as long as it isn't so inclusive that it effectively shuts out players. Again a few examples:
Good Examples: Patriotic (Any origin, power and play style can join as long as they are Patriotic!). Mercenary (Any origin, power and play style can join as long as they enjoy being hired out to do good/bad deeds!).
Bad examples: Specific Origins (ONLY magic, science, mutant, etc). The specific origin to me is the worst, simply because eventually all the stories/plots end up feeling very one-noted. Another bad example is the Specific Type groups (ONLY robots, vampires, ghosts, etc). Granted, origin doesn't play a part (mostly) on these kinds of groups, but again, they tend to become rather stale, very quickly.
5. Requirements: Any group who has a list of 'requirements', sets my teeth on edge. And I'm talking above and beyond what would be expected. For instance, I wholly expect a group to require me to run in SG mode. In fact, I hate -not- running in SG mode because I feel like I'm wasting an opportunity to passively help the SG. While uniforms makes me kind of cringe, I'm not wholly against them.
No, what I'm talking about are things like: You MUST post on our forums daily. You MUST use <insert popular voice chat program>. You MUST use <insert popular text chat program here>. You MUST do this <insert TF/SF here> at least once a week.
I play to have fun people. Saying I MUST do this extra stuff OUTSIDE of the game, is not fun.
Anyways, that's my list.
From most to least important:
1. Accessibility: Agreeing with Vyver on this one. If you can't easily get involved with whatever the group is doing/does, there really isn't any point to being there. Long standing SG/VGs (of the Roleplay variety) tend to have well established cliques, which makes it very difficult and in some cases downright impossible to join in on the fun, so I tend to look at lesser known or newer SG/VGs first. 2. Activity: Personally, I don't care what the primary activity of the group is. It could be always running missions/TFs/whatever to always standing around in the base RP'ing. As long as they are consistently active is what matters to me. I don't join an SG/VG so I can play by myself. It rather defeats the point. 3. Consistency: While I understand change is necessary, constant and dramatic change is annoying and makes me begin to question the leadership's grasp of their own group. A few examples: The base that gets changed around every week. The theme behind the SG changing or wavering (though Theme itself is next on the list). Officers changing with frequency, and so on. 4. Theme: I love themes. To a point. For me, as long as it isn't so inclusive that it effectively shuts out players. Again a few examples: Good Examples: Patriotic (Any origin, power and play style can join as long as they are Patriotic!). Mercenary (Any origin, power and play style can join as long as they enjoy being hired out to do good/bad deeds!). Bad examples: Specific Origins (ONLY magic, science, mutant, etc). The specific origin to me is the worst, simply because eventually all the stories/plots end up feeling very one-noted. Another bad example is the Specific Type groups (ONLY robots, vampires, ghosts, etc). Granted, origin doesn't play a part (mostly) on these kinds of groups, but again, they tend to become rather stale, very quickly. 5. Requirements: Any group who has a list of 'requirements', sets my teeth on edge. And I'm talking above and beyond what would be expected. For instance, I wholly expect a group to require me to run in SG mode. In fact, I hate -not- running in SG mode because I feel like I'm wasting an opportunity to passively help the SG. While uniforms makes me kind of cringe, I'm not wholly against them. No, what I'm talking about are things like: You MUST post on our forums daily. You MUST use <insert popular voice chat program>. You MUST use <insert popular text chat program here>. You MUST do this <insert TF/SF here> at least once a week. I play to have fun people. Saying I MUST do this extra stuff OUTSIDE of the game, is not fun. Anyways, that's my list. |
Very well said on all points. What you want is a sense of belonging to a community not just another face in a crowd. This does happen,, I have had this happen to me on numerous occasions. You want to feel included and like your involvement matters. This is why I am stringent supporter of the Mentor system in my Guilds. Let the old guard buddy up with the new guys and gals and show them the ropes, bring them to guild and server events.
I also try to stay away from the "MUST" category as much as possible. I have chat programs and forums and vent servers and even plan meet and greets, but above all people must respect someones real life comfortability level or else its just not going to work.
However on the point of group involvement my favorite saying goes "If you dont care I could care less."
If you are willing and make an effort to interact with your SG/VG then it shows to me that you arent going to skip out on the group or the character, that you take your involvement as an experience to enrich your game experience rather than just a slot to stick your alt until you find something better.
In short, I think it works both ways, both for the SG to take the time to get to know its players and for the individual to get to know the SG. It must be a give and take experience for both parties in order for it to be a beneficial experience for all concerned.
1.) Friends
2.) People I can make friends with.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
1) Basically people I can have a good time with
2) People who try to get the RP to make sense within the group, even if it does fail (just going to happen when your have 15-30 regulars in a SG).
This is why I prefere to RP more with my SG than with random PuGs (though it's funny, I switched to virtue purely ont he thought of running in character missions with my heroes...only to find that fails a lot more than it succeeds...no offense to any I team with on Virtue though...some concepts just don't mesh with other concepts, same with playstyles)
Quite frankly, I think I've found great RP with the Teen Phalanx, and is why I've yet to stick with any alts I put outside of them, also I love my main and namesake.
3) Avoid as much OOC Drama as possible. It's going to happen, but the point is to not bring it 24/7 or evenly regularly.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
1) Basically people I can have a good time with
![]() 2) People who try to get the RP to make sense within the group, even if it does fail (just going to happen when your have 15-30 regulars in a SG). This is why I prefere to RP more with my SG than with random PuGs (though it's funny, I switched to virtue purely ont he thought of running in character missions with my heroes...only to find that fails a lot more than it succeeds...no offense to any I team with on Virtue though...some concepts just don't mesh with other concepts, same with playstyles) Quite frankly, I think I've found great RP with the Teen Phalanx, and is why I've yet to stick with any alts I put outside of them, also I love my main and namesake. ![]() 3) Avoid as much OOC Drama as possible. It's going to happen, but the point is to not bring it 24/7 or evenly regularly. |
To my way of thinking Drama is not a spectator sport. My Friends know enough not to whine to me about their significant others foibles, and my SG's know enough that if you have a problem with so and so, you and that person will handle it as adults because it does not belong to the SG's portion of BS that we should deal with.
If someone has a beef with me, you come to me, you have a Beef with my Husband or My Friends, that's between you and them. You have a problem with Guild Policy, Show me a better way to do it, I'm an artist I can take criticism, but the LAST thing I want to and will ever hear from one of my guild mates is he said she said.
I wont listen, I wont sympathize, in short the only thing I will do is get the story from both sides and probably end up kicking you both for being children about it in the first place. Its a game not life spend more time worrying about your family, your health, the economy, not on who does or doesn't like you.
As the saying goes,
“Why do people in ship mutinies always ask for "better treatment"? I'd ask for a pinball machine, because with all that rocking back and forth you'd probably be able to get a lot of free games.”
Primarily just people I can BS and have fun with.
The most important part I see is activity. If there's no one on the supergroup roster who has logged on within 7 days it becomes hard to justify staying in the group. In the same vein, it's even more difficult to play to a group who are active, but on other characters who are in other SGs; if the SG doesn't consist of the main characters of the players then activity's going to be minimal and drive off the people with their main characters in the SG.
The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue
The most important part I see is activity. If there's no one on the supergroup roster who has logged on within 7 days it becomes hard to justify staying in the group. In the same vein, it's even more difficult to play to a group who are active, but on other characters who are in other SGs; if the SG doesn't consist of the main characters of the players then activity's going to be minimal and drive off the people with their main characters in the SG.
"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"
1. Low expectations of me. I can only play 2 or 3 days a week, and it may not be the optimum times to participate in SG activities. And I'm a severe altaholic, so I may want to play characters not in the SG at a time when the SG wants to do stuff.
2. Fun players. I like good RP as much as anyone else, but I don't want to get so bogged down in it that I can't get to any of the other stuff I enjoy in the game. And then there's the drama factor... that can really suck the fun out of playing.
3. Food. Yummy.
4. Thematically, the SG should suit my character or why would my character want to join? And nothing bothers me more about an SG than a group with a good theme behind it but is full of characters that don't fit that theme because the players want to bring their alts in to boost prestige.
5. Sexy parties. I think Stewie is right on the money about those.
Okay here's my list.
- Role play, it doesn't need to be 24/7, but a strong amount of RP is very nice. I enjoy getting into character and although I suffer from severe alt-aitus I find that its more that I keep looking for good, consistent RP.. Once I start to get RP on a toon, that particular toon gets waaaay more playtime.
Active, this isn't usually a big thing of mine. But, since I play after midnight EST except for my days off, the more active the better the chance I'll get some RP in as well. I am willing to join a SG and let it develop some more activity, as long as when I am around on my days off, there are those around to RP with. I have quit a couple of SG s due to a lack of activity even on Saturday (which is one of my two days I don't work)
Lack of strict rules. Yeah playing in SG mode is cool by me, but a MUST do this TF or log into forms, etc.
Amusing enough this is slightly contradictory, but active forms. If someone is going to create forms for the SG and I do go sign up, and I post things, I like to see other postings there as well. Especially the person who created the group. In a very fledgling SG at the moment and the leader has not posted for over a week now.
I'll go with the default of no drama, I have had the misfortune to be forced to deal with it and when I did, I was gone. This is my fun time, I do customer service work for our local cable company, and my life is stressful enough. So, if it effects my game play, then I make sure it doesn't.
1)Group dynamic. How does the existing group player wise get along? How do they react to new people? How is the ooc chatter? People have to be welcoming and have fun or whatever the group is about is moot.
2)RP. It has to be there because OOC is boring to me but it doesn't have to be constant. Not all RP is great....when you spend more time RPing one on one to further plot that running things open to groups, bad. When everything has to be huge and epic and everyone has to be the biggest baddest richest most dangerous famous person out there affecting the whole world or something, bad. When missing a night causes you to be completely shut out of RP in a plot, bad.
3)Requirements. I don't use voice chat. I don't want to wear an SG uniform unless the character was designed with that in mind. I can't promise a minimum per week activity level.
4)Not full of 'an SG for every alt' players. I have a few, but if you just want a thematic home and don't really participate...
5)Not run on the 20/80 rule. One or two people in the SG don't do all the work of keeping things active and fun, people who expect SGs to provide everything to them on demand without contributing anything irk me.
Okay here's my list.
Thanks. |
A Note on RP;
There are so many different avenues and types of RP its surprising to me that there is a lack of it.
Forum RP: This can be an interactive story told from your characters perspective and allowing others the time to respond, as well as things like the RP prompts, individual unconnect RP posts. Theres so much you can give vent to and togetherness which can occure from these posts that I'm surprised we dont have more of them around anymore.
Social RP: I'm going to say it I'm a realistic role player, that means my rp has the high tempo action as well as the mundane. I include violence, romance, philosophy, sorrow, and the insane into my RP and I dont see why there should be any kind of snobbery going on between those who are only fluff role players, text fighters (even though I dont do so regularly I have been known to RP out a fight sequence or two), relationship RP or serious business plotline styles. We are all role players, get over yourself and just do it!
In Game / Mission RP: With the story archs going on in the game proper, as well as dealing with how your character responds to dealing with the information they receive and how they chose to deal with it there is enough rp going on in game and missions that it just makes sense to RP all about it either during, before or after the mission.
AE RP: That's right I said it, the AE is not just for Farm Missions. Use it to tell a story! Treat the AE the same way you would as a table top GM, its a largely untapped RP tool just waiting to be used. I personally will be looking into finding someone who is really into creating these sorts of stories and begging them on bended knee to join my new SG.
Event RP: Go to some parties and meetings people! Show up once in a while to a Cape or SG event. Get your toon out there and mingle, so much can happen at an event let your hair down a little and have fun. Dont think that the SG hall and the D is the end all be all of places to RP, get to know other groups!
1)Group dynamic. How does the existing group player wise get along? How do they react to new people? How is the ooc chatter? People have to be welcoming and have fun or whatever the group is about is moot.
2)RP. It has to be there because OOC is boring to me but it doesn't have to be constant. Not all RP is great....when you spend more time RPing one on one to further plot that running things open to groups, bad. When everything has to be huge and epic and everyone has to be the biggest baddest richest most dangerous famous person out there affecting the whole world or something, bad. When missing a night causes you to be completely shut out of RP in a plot, bad. 3)Requirements. I don't use voice chat. I don't want to wear an SG uniform unless the character was designed with that in mind. I can't promise a minimum per week activity level. 4)Not full of 'an SG for every alt' players. I have a few, but if you just want a thematic home and don't really participate... 5)Not run on the 20/80 rule. One or two people in the SG don't do all the work of keeping things active and fun, people who expect SGs to provide everything to them on demand without contributing anything irk me. |
False Advertising.
As it happens 9 out of 10 guilds I have ever joined whom say they are "Active Active Active! There is always something going on all the time!" are usually lieing or are hopeful that you will be that one person who is not them organizing events, role playing all over the place and generally getting all the silent inactive people involved again.
SG Activity is EVERYONE's responsibility.I mean whats the point of joining a group if you aren't going to act as if you are apart of it? Talk, show up, have an idea for a story? Write it out! Want to throw a dinner party, do it! But if you want to sit in a dark corner and not talk to anyone, no matter how much you might WANT to participate if you dont then there is no real point in joining in the first place.
I dont expect all my SG mates to forgo real life obligations or heck to even play on a regular daily/ weekly basis, but I do expect activity. I've always thought a good way to do this is to hold numerous SG events, both for the SG only, and also for coalition mates and for the whole server. Hold a handfull of these every month maybe 4 a week and I simply ask is that you show up for one. One event a month to mingle with your SG mates, do some rp, get the latest news on whats going on and to have fun.
I understand some people are shy, and as the other thread pointed out some people have a hard time striking up conversation or putting themselves in the mix, all I ask of my SG'ers is that you show up, that you try, because if you asked to be in the SG then you wanted to spend your in game time interacting with the community, not sitting in a dark corner by yourself.
Well...from a non-rp point of view I tend to value sgs for the same reason I value people in real life (aside from #5 which I apply to leaders)..Here's the questions that go through my head when I'm getting to know a sg/vg:
1. Are they available? Got to have someone to team with or at least chat with in sg.
2. Are they accessible? Easy to talk to, willing to help/listen, non-degrading. Leader's that insult, look down on, or otherwise ignore lowbie toons and/or noobs just don't know how to lead.
3. Do they have a sense of humor? This is huge for me. I play a game to have fun, not to forge and establish my personal identity or to flash my e-peen.
4. Are they cooperative/flexible? versus unyielding or outright dictatorships. Willing to take suggestions, to learn and to do what's best for the sg, not just for their prestige and uber base.
5. Can they (leaders) actually lead? Do they run tfs, pugs, farms, costume contests, raids, or w/e...and not only that, but more importantly, do they train up and coming leaders in how to recruit/explain/and help others out? What fail there is in promoted up and comers being consumed with *power* and *rank*, and flexing those things to new recruits. Leaders have to model how they want their lieutenants and generals to act towards lowbies. Respect is a big thing here. Leader's shouldn't demand it, but apply it.
Heck, I'll take 3 out of 5 and be happy....I can even deal with *fail* on 4 and 5 if leaders have a sense of humor and tend to get along with everyone...sure they may be manipulative sucky leaders, but if I can have fun with them I give em a pass...at least for a little while.
Just wanted to say something about Activity Here; this is a real pet peeve of mine and one I find most often in all MMO guilds. False Advertising. As it happens 9 out of 10 guilds I have ever joined whom say they are "Active Active Active! There is always something going on all the time!" are usually lieing or are hopeful that you will be that one person who is not them organizing events, role playing all over the place and generally getting all the silent inactive people involved again. SG Activity is EVERYONE's responsibility.I mean whats the point of joining a group if you aren't going to act as if you are apart of it? Talk, show up, have an idea for a story? Write it out! Want to throw a dinner party, do it! But if you want to sit in a dark corner and not talk to anyone, no matter how much you might WANT to participate if you dont then there is no real point in joining in the first place. I dont expect all my SG mates to forgo real life obligations or heck to even play on a regular daily/ weekly basis, but I do expect activity. I've always thought a good way to do this is to hold numerous SG events, both for the SG only, and also for coalition mates and for the whole server. Hold a handfull of these every month maybe 4 a week and I simply ask is that you show up for one. One event a month to mingle with your SG mates, do some rp, get the latest news on whats going on and to have fun. I understand some people are shy, and as the other thread pointed out some people have a hard time striking up conversation or putting themselves in the mix, all I ask of my SG'ers is that you show up, that you try, because if you asked to be in the SG then you wanted to spend your in game time interacting with the community, not sitting in a dark corner by yourself. |
one of my pet peaves is in my sig...seems to be a problem on Pinnacle with people being completely disconnected with the extent of their own accomplishments. Hubris is the word of the day.
Well...from a non-rp point of view I tend to value sgs for the same reason I value people in real life (aside from #5 which I apply to leaders)..Here's the questions that go through my head when I'm getting to know a sg/vg:
1. Are they available? Got to have someone to team with or at least chat with in sg. 2. Are they accessible? Easy to talk to, willing to help/listen, non-degrading. Leader's that insult, look down on, or otherwise ignore lowbie toons and/or noobs just don't know how to lead. 3. Do they have a sense of humor? This is huge for me. I play a game to have fun, not to forge and establish my personal identity or to flash my e-peen. 4. Are they cooperative/flexible? versus unyielding or outright dictatorships. Willing to take suggestions, to learn and to do what's best for the sg, not just for their prestige and uber base. 5. Can they (leaders) actually lead? Do they run tfs, pugs, farms, costume contests, raids, or w/e...and not only that, but more importantly, do they train up and coming leaders in how to recruit/explain/and help others out? What fail there is in promoted up and comers being consumed with *power* and *rank*, and flexing those things to new recruits. Leaders have to model how they want their lieutenants and generals to act towards lowbies. Respect is a big thing here. Leader's shouldn't demand it, but apply it. Heck, I'll take 3 out of 5 and be happy....I can even deal with *fail* on 4 and 5 if leaders have a sense of humor and tend to get along with everyone...sure they may be manipulative sucky leaders, but if I can have fun with them I give em a pass...at least for a little while. |
I may not be the chattiest of people in my group but I try my best to talk to everyone at least once a day, and I never ask any of my SG'ers to do something I'm not willing to do myself, because that's what it means to be a leader. Be active, be patient, be hard working, don't be afraid to delegate or take the entire load onto yourself, don't be afraid to make the hard decisions, and lastly don't forget to have fun.
As for hubris, I will quote my favorite philosopher here;
"We are rarely proud when we are alone. ~ Voltaire
How about responding to people attempting to join your Supergroup? I'm applying to a new one today, filled out their form in not quite such a humorous manner (My character's kinda silly...) and *HOPING* I can actually get a response. I don't mind having to post applications to sites, but posting one and not getting a reply *AT ALL* is kind of annoying. Worse when you track down their recruitment officer and send him a polite ingame tell and never getting a response.
Other than that I tend to look for a Supergroup that isn't bogged down with tons of unneccesary rules, and RP helps since that's what I'm looking for in a supergroup.
Having a disco room in the Supergroup Base is a plus.
How about responding to people attempting to join your Supergroup? I'm applying to a new one today, filled out their form in not quite such a humorous manner (My character's kinda silly...) and *HOPING* I can actually get a response. I don't mind having to post applications to sites, but posting one and not getting a reply *AT ALL* is kind of annoying. Worse when you track down their recruitment officer and send him a polite ingame tell and never getting a response.
Other than that I tend to look for a Supergroup that isn't bogged down with tons of unneccesary rules, and RP helps since that's what I'm looking for in a supergroup. Having a disco room in the Supergroup Base is a plus. |
"If you dont care, I could care less."
If they arent even able to reply back to you then they arent for you. They are either to busy to care or to low activity to answer you in which case you can gain nothing by joining. I would apply elsewhere.
1. Reliable activity. This is the big one that's made me pretty much stop joining SGs altogether--for pretty much every group I got involved with after the first 12 months or so of the game, I'd log in at primetime, and 3/4 of the time I'd find that there were maybe one or two other people on their SG'd characters, and all of those were just soloing or AFK. And about 3/4 of the characters on the SG screen hadn't been logged in in weeks. Or months. Or years. If I'm just going to be running around by myself anyway, I can do that without joining a SG.
I don't really consider having an active OOC channel or weekly SG nights to qualify a SG as active, which rules out... pretty much all of them I've ever tried. Maybe I'm spoiled, since the first SG I ever joined was way back in the days when most people had a single character, so I got introduced to SGs by having multiple concurrent SG teams running most nights.
2. No voice chat. Especially no mandatory voice chat. I want to listen to music while I play. If I wanted to chat aimlessly with people, I'd get together with my RL friends or use a global channel.
3. No mandatory events. This might seem to run counter to #1, but... I have a life. Sometimes, I need to buy groceries. Sometimes, I just want to hang out with my friends after work. Sometimes, I just don't feel like playing CoH. Sometimes, I have Exalted or D&D or Eclipse Phase games. Whatever the case, there's no way I'm ever joining your group if you're gonna harass me for missing your weekly SG meeting or whatever. This goes double if you're on the West Coast and schedule them to start around when I go to sleep.
4. Not just sitting around in the SG base. I like to RP! But I also like to kill stuff. I especially like to RP while killing stuff, which seems to practically be a lost art. A mix of the two is nice!
5. A recruitment policy that consists of more than broadcasting for warm bodies in Atlas/Pocket D.
For a bonus #6, not having a focus on forum RP is nice for personal circumstances I won't go into detail on.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
5. A recruitment policy that consists of more than broadcasting for warm bodies in Atlas/Pocket D. |
If you have ever run into me in game and I was a total witch to you its because you sent me a tell asking me to randomly join your SG.
I dont want to be another warm body and I can not respect anyone who is willing to recruit just anyone from off the street without an actual interview and application process.
As for the rest I can see your point in all 5 points as I share a few of them myself, but I think that being asked to attend one event out of at least 4 a month isn't asking to much. I mean SG get togethers is what separates an SG from a PUG.
Hi everyone,
So after looking around a while for a current SG, trolling and lurking on forums and generally doing my home work I have to ask the Virtue forum community at large.
"What are the 5 points you look for in an SG / VG?"
So tell me, what are your Top 5?
Much Love
~Lady C