Voltron Movie Being Pitched, Along With Concept Art




Here's a quote from Shadowrush.com

A couple of concept art being used by Atlas Entertainment to pitch a Voltron movie to studios have hit the web. JoBlo received the two images below featuring Voltron and a Robeast. The screenwriting team of Thomas Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer have been hired to adapt the 80′s animated series to the big screen. The duo also wrote the upcoming Conan film and are writing the adaptation for Doctor Strange.

See the concept art below (via JoBlo). You can click the images for larger versions:

Here's the link to the article, which also has the clickable images for a bigger version as well as the reference link to JoBlo where they were found.

I'm really excited about this, although I am a little iffy on it looking a little like the Transformers movie design. It is still just concept art though. Hopefully this turns out well.



Not crazy about the random bits of metal look either.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



This is gonna be Cloverfield 2, right?

I like that they are at least considering putting the battlefield on Earth instead of wherever the TV show was set at.



you mean Planet Arus?



and I'll form...the head!



I like the look of the joined robots, but as individuals they look like lions with some sort of wasting disease or extreme anorexia.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online

nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch



F***, not in NYC! WTH?



*bangs head on desk*



Why is it that people can't go with what is iconic and make it work?

Gawd those look awful!

If that is the style intended, I'm gonna start having nightmares like the Tri-Star Godzilla did for me...

And what's the point of Setting Voltron on Earth? IIRC, the original Japanese series was. If the film is based on the changes made to create Voltron though, then no it shouldn't be done on earth.


Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



concept art people...concept art



Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
Why is it that people can't go with what is iconic and make it work?

Gawd those look awful!
I've always thought that Voltron looked way to bulky and rigid for a fighting robot (and I have the same opinion about the Power Rangers' various Megazords), so I have no objection to slimming it down and making it look more streamlined. Plus, there's also a Star Trek effect going on, where something that looked high-tech to its original audience looks like crap to newer audiences, thus requiring an update.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online

nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
concept art people...concept art

yes...concept art...

btw.. those are FF concept art. the first is FF7 and the second is FF9

Sometimes I really wonder how Yoshitaka Amano keeps getting work >.>



reminiscent of old Japanese art? *shrug*



Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
I've always thought that Voltron looked way to bulky and rigid for a fighting robot (and I have the same opinion about the Power Rangers' various Megazords), so I have no objection to slimming it down and making it look more streamlined. Plus, there's also a Star Trek effect going on, where something that looked high-tech to its original audience looks like crap to newer audiences, thus requiring an update.
I think these are awesome! I look at this in this light, if this was just artwork made by say Alex Ross, or really any other artist, it would be praised to no end even some wishing a movie would look like that. Actually, I've already seen artwork of robots like this elsewhere for arts sake that were praised to no end.



Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
I've always thought that Voltron looked way to bulky and rigid for a fighting robot (and I have the same opinion about the Power Rangers' various Megazords), so I have no objection to slimming it down and making it look more streamlined. Plus, there's also a Star Trek effect going on, where something that looked high-tech to its original audience looks like crap to newer audiences, thus requiring an update.
Well excuse me for being an old-school Giant Robot fan who grew up on this stuff!!

Though your Power Rangers comment isn't that far off from the mark. Cause shows like both Voltron Groups were basically animated versions of the 5-man team formula. And that's apart of the whole spiel of those kind of shows, in a way.

I'm not against some tweaking of the basic design, but what's shown in those concept pics is too much. Too bio-tech, not robotic, IMHO. And don't get me started on the Bay-formers either...

@Mr. DJ
Your right, it is concept art. Thing is though, your gonna have to figure most of the actual Lion/Voltron/Robeast stuff is gonna be full CGI. I would tend to think it won't be too much of a stretch to develop off of the art here.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
I think these are awesome! I look at this in this light, if this was just artwork made by say Alex Ross, or really any other artist, it would be praised to no end even some wishing a movie would look like that. Actually, I've already seen artwork of robots like this elsewhere for arts sake that were praised to no end.
The trouble is that what works in a piece of static art does not always work as well when in motion.

The designs for the Transformers movies weren't really bad, but in motion were just too confusing. Plus I just don't think Voltron should look so..... cobbled together. More Iron Man, less Blade Runner.



Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
I think these are awesome! I look at this in this light, if this was just artwork made by say Alex Ross, or really any other artist, it would be praised to no end even some wishing a movie would look like that. Actually, I've already seen artwork of robots like this elsewhere for arts sake that were praised to no end.
Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
I've always thought that Voltron looked way to bulky and rigid for a fighting robot (and I have the same opinion about the Power Rangers' various Megazords), so I have no objection to slimming it down and making it look more streamlined. Plus, there's also a Star Trek effect going on, where something that looked high-tech to its original audience looks like crap to newer audiences, thus requiring an update.
Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
Well excuse me for being an old-school Giant Robot fan who grew up on this stuff!!

Though your Power Rangers comment isn't that far off from the mark. Cause shows like both Voltron Groups were basically animated versions of the 5-man team formula. And that's apart of the whole spiel of those kind of shows, in a way.

I'm not against some tweaking of the basic design, but what's shown in those concept pics is too much. Too bio-tech, not robotic, IMHO. And don't get me started on the Bay-formers either...

@Mr. DJ
Your right, it is concept art. Thing is though, your gonna have to figure most of the actual Lion/Voltron/Robeast stuff is gonna be full CGI. I would tend to think it won't be too much of a stretch to develop off of the art here.

Thank you for the time...
Well like you said, you grew up with this stuff, and if this movie comes out it's main market will probably be the kids who are growing up watching the Transformers movies, so why not go with the aesthetic that they are used to.

Now personally I love this sort of aesthetic, because to me a robot is an incredibly complex piece of machinery, and the visual complexity should reflect that. It also probably helps that the main giant robot series I grew up with as a kid was Mechwarrior, which always treated the robots like practical weapons of war, and wasn't afraid to use less humanoid appearances if they acted better on the battlefield.

What it all boils down to is what your target audience is used to.



Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
The trouble is that what works in a piece of static art does not always work as well when in motion.

The designs for the Transformers movies weren't really bad, but in motion were just too confusing. Plus I just don't think Voltron should look so..... cobbled together. More Iron Man, less Blade Runner.
Yeah, I think there should be more simplicity in the designs. The stuff in the Voltron concept art looks way too busy, there's no obvious focal point for the viewer. Also, the lions need some meat on their bones, so to speak. The rib cage look doesn't look good on anything.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online

nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
Now personally I love this sort of aesthetic, because to me a robot is an incredibly complex piece of machinery, and the visual complexity should reflect that. It also probably helps that the main giant robot series I grew up with as a kid was Mechwarrior, which always treated the robots like practical weapons of war, and wasn't afraid to use less humanoid appearances if they acted better on the battlefield.
So how is whirls, spikes, and holes "complex" or "humanoid"

The thing is ugly

And complex tech never looks complex. Look at your cel-phone. That is pretty much the pinacle of modern technology save for a fusion/fission reactor and the most complex ones look like thin smooth stone that serve no purpose what so ever.



Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
Now personally I love this sort of aesthetic, because to me a robot is an incredibly complex piece of machinery, and the visual complexity should reflect that. It also probably helps that the main giant robot series I grew up with as a kid was Mechwarrior, which always treated the robots like practical weapons of war, and wasn't afraid to use less humanoid appearances if they acted better on the battlefield.
Which makes perfect sense in that setting. Transformers are mechanical organisms. Voltron is nearly magical in nature. I don't think they SHOULD look like practical machines. They should look fantastical and alien.

Now the point about appealing to the larger audience carries more weight (as disappointing as it is). Though I WILL point out that you don't HAVE to use the popular style. It's riskier not to, sure, but look at games like Bioshock.



But more importantly, who's hot enough to play the Princess.



I totally grew up on Voltron, but with that said I have mixed feeling about the way the concept are looks. The pics showing the cats, that I like they do look cool, not classic but cool, now the one with Voltron himself in it...I don't think I am liking it, it doesn't look bad, but it don't look good either.



Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
But more importantly, who's hot enough to play the Princess.
If they pick Megan Fox I'm gonna laugh. And then cry a little inside.

OG Voltron looked bulky because they wanted it to look like the toys they were selling, just like Transformers did back then. I don't have a problem with the look of the lions, nor of Voltron in this art, however I agree with the weirdness of him being on Earth.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



They got the arms and legs backwards. Or is that whole picture reversed?

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

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