Why A Blaster?
They are still high damage relative to everyone else, but the low survivability can make it difficult to deliver that damage. On the plus side, Energy blast has a lot of mitigation thanks to the knockback.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
I've not found the game to get significantly harder for Blasters post-30. But it does require being on your toes more. It also helps to take those controls that they put in the Blaster sets.
For example, my Ice/Energy Blaster had a very smooth ride to 50 and this was in the bad old days pre-IOs when ED hurt. But having holds and stuns and KB helped a lot.
By contrast, I have a Fire/Fire who is sitting at 26 because while the damage is frightening, there's nothing to stop mobs from beating the character down.
My last Blaster, a DP/Elec is doing well because like the Ice/Energy there are enough controls to back up the damage to prevent mobs from doing too much damage too quickly.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
Is this really the case? Does the Blaster AT literally become mediocre damage and low survivability?
They're clearly the worst AT in the game. But they've always been that, so it's sort of like a golden cow; it's not really going to change unless without a significant paradigm shift.
OK so I read the first two replies then read DarknessEternal's, and now I think I have whiplash. Ouch, my neck!
EvilGeko, StratoNexus, I get what you're saying. My first 50 was a Dom so being squishy and relying on control powers to stay alive is not a new concept to me. I just was curious how the damage scaled, which I think you've answered for me. Thanks for the replies.
DarknessEternal, I think you're just pulling my leg. Especially the part about Blasters being the worst AT in the game....

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
DarknessEternal, I think you're just pulling my leg. Especially the part about Blasters being the worst AT in the game....
Blasters are categorically outclassed. What can they do? Damage and maybe some control. Surely they do the most damage then, since they only really have the one thing? This would be wrong, and Scrappers far and away exceed any Blasters' damage; Brutes too. And then we even have types of Corrupters and Defenders outdamaging Blasters at high levels since they are damage multipliers instead of damage adders.
So those 4 must be worse in defense since they do more damage, right? Also no. The same ones can stay indefinitely aggroed to AVs or GMs.
Go look in any of those AT forums. It's widely talked about.
With all this being the case, what role does a Blaster serve at high levels? None.
If you play an aggressive blapper well, you probably can play every other AT in this game save masterminds just as well, or even better.
You can softcap defense on a blaster as well, it's not impossible to survive against AVs when you have softcapped defense. EZ mode is EZ mode regardless of AT.
I've not found the game to get significantly harder for Blasters post-30. But it does require being on your toes more. It also helps to take those controls that they put in the Blaster sets.
Yes, that is really the case. Blasters have always been outdamaged by other ATs at higher levels, and they're defenses are basically non-existant.
They're clearly the worst AT in the game. But they've always been that, so it's sort of like a golden cow; it's not really going to change unless without a significant paradigm shift. |
Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break
The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens
I'm not.
Blasters are categorically outclassed. What can they do? Damage and maybe some control. Surely they do the most damage then, since they only really have the one thing? This would be wrong, and Scrappers far and away exceed any Blasters' damage; Brutes too. And then we even have types of Corrupters and Defenders outdamaging Blasters at high levels since they are damage multipliers instead of damage adders. So those 4 must be worse in defense since they do more damage, right? Also no. The same ones can stay indefinitely aggroed to AVs or GMs. Go look in any of those AT forums. It's widely talked about. With all this being the case, what role does a Blaster serve at high levels? None. |
Blaster's ranged damage modifier = Scrapper melee modifier.
The circumstances where a Brute do more damage than a Scrapper (over time, not in the instant that its fury taps out) are slim and very late game. Brutes also have a lower modifier and lower bonus from Build Up and similiar powers, and neither of them get Aim. Scrappers can almost compete with burst damage, Brute's don't stand a chance however.
The moral of that short story? Those ATs don't out damage blasters out of the box.
Scrappers have a less than 10% gain over Blasters in terms of hit points. That's the same ratio difference from Scrappers to Brutes, and half of Brutes to Tankers.
A Blaster with softcapped S/L against anything *doing* S/L (a ton of content is like this) is only 10% short the survivability that a softcapped SR Scrapper is, and the Blaster will roll out a ton more damage because their sets have (a) longer range, (b) more AoEs, (c) more coverage on the AoEs.
Certain Corruptors will out damage certain Blasters. Certain Defenders will outdamage certain Corruptors. If you rolled out every single combination that did the most damage, the Blaster might not quite be in first... but you're going to have to do better than broad strokes and "some Corruptors" to prove that point.
Based on my last two paragraphs, the quoted line of thinking would conclude that in fact the Scrapper is the worst AT in the game. Because certain Scrappers are worse off in every way than certain Blasters in certain circumstances. Also patently false. I'm just pointed out the error of this line of thinking.
For the OP: Blasters are GREAT AT for learning the game. They solo well, they don't become much more complicated to team, and down the road IOing one can make it an impressive beast.
The current whipping boy on the AT forums is Stalkers, btw, not Blasters.
The role of high level Blasters has the same conditions as every other AT: power sets, build, player skill, content being played. In most circumstances, the Blaster's role will be to out damage everyone. To take the biggest advantage of +damage buffs and -resist debuffs (with the highest modifier with tons of AoE), as well as drop single targets and runners extremely well.
I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.
I'm not.
Blasters are categorically outclassed. What can they do? Damage and maybe some control. Surely they do the most damage then, since they only really have the one thing? This would be wrong, and Scrappers far and away exceed any Blasters' damage; Brutes too. And then we even have types of Corrupters and Defenders outdamaging Blasters at high levels since they are damage multipliers instead of damage adders. So those 4 must be worse in defense since they do more damage, right? Also no. The same ones can stay indefinitely aggroed to AVs or GMs. Go look in any of those AT forums. It's widely talked about. With all this being the case, what role does a Blaster serve at high levels? None. |
As bitter as DarknessEternal sounds, he is, to an extent, correct.
Unfortunately, Blaster damage simply does not scale well enough or pack the same kind of punch that it does in the pre-30 levels, back when you felt your Blaster was awesomeness. Several things factor into this such as: increased mob HP, increased mob resistances, increased mob mez attacks, increased mob ranking, increase in EB's/AV's, etc. All of these add up to the poor squishy Blaster, who is relying almost soley on his damage to survive, which he barely does and by the skin of his teeth.
Blasters have some mezz's, but for the most part lack the type or power level of mez to really have substantial effect in his survivability on a team and even sometimes solo. Mez's are too short in duration and too low in mag to be hugely useful in later game. Blaster have no way to deal with large mob spawns. Sure, they have AoE's and decent damage for those AoE's, but not all primary blast sets have "enough damage" in their AoE's to actually use them to level a mob spawn and survive. Instead, you fire off your two AoE's and then die between the first attack to the massive "alpha" that's coming your way, sometimes before the healer, or even you, can react and heal. The damage a Blaster deals is good, but just not good enough to be the "crutch" that it's suppose to be in order to keep us alive. Again, in early game, this works out pretty decently...but in late game it drastically changes.
Stalkers had a problem with dieing anytime they entered melee and fired off AS in the middle of a mob to take out a boss. Very few were able to actually survive outside of a tier9 or billions of dollars in IO's after a move like that...and they have an actual DEFENSE secondary. So, to help fix this, the dev's gave them Demoralize, a power which effectively provides an AoE fear AND to-hit debuff to almost any critter around the Stalker after he AS's. This one small change help Stalkers out in a great and amazing way, allowing them to actually live long enough to deal some tremendous, and team HELPING, damage. Something that they "too" had a hard time doing in late game. Well...Blasters are currently in the same boat, only we've been in that boat for several years now.
I think that to help fix Blasters in late game PvE, the dev's should either consider increasing our damage output drastically (maybe make Defiance more powerful a damage buff the higher in level we get? For as much as a 20-25% damage buff per attack?..), or somehow balancing in a defensive type of power. I'm not sure what they need, but it is in my opinion that they need something more than they currently have.
To truely and effectively play on a Blaster and really contribute major damage for the team, you'll almost need to bring two of these AT's with you: A really good taunting and hardy Tanker, and a really good Defender (preferably empathy) who focuses mostly on you. Between those two, you can definitely deliver some massive damage without having to worry too much about face-planting every 3 minutes in late game. Unfortunately...you're one of the only and few toons that must rely on TWO other AT's in order to perform your one role...that to me...isn't right.
Anyways...that aside. If you have played Dominators, and like the way they play, then I'd suggest sticking with them. Their damage is almost (or more) devastating than a Blaster's in that they have awesome controls which allow them to easily and effectively deal that damage. They even get good pets and full mez protection when in domination (plus a free blue-bar with every domination pop)....buuuuuut...if you must try Blasters, lol, then try Sonic/Energy. It is one of the most survivable Blasters out there due to it's control ability. PowerBoost + Sirens Song and then PowerBoost + Screech on your target is pretty darn nice mitigation on a spawn to be quite honest. The -res stacking from Sonic will also help you to debuff those meaty foes in late game, and soften them up for a relatively easy kill.
I've recently been thinking about trying out a Blaster as this is the only AT I have never played much. However, I keep seeing people talk about Blasters as having severe issues soloing beginning around level 30. Apparently this is due to mob hit point scaling and blaster damage just not keeping pace.
Is this really the case? Does the Blaster AT literally become mediocre damage and low survivability? That just....doesn't make sense. And if that really does happen, maybe someone needs to smack Castle in the back of the head until he fixes it. ![]() So how about it folks? Are people over-exaggerating the situation? (In case it matters, I would prefer to play an Energy blaster for concept purposes.) |
/Ice and /Dev (/dev plays quite slowly, it's not everyone's cup of tea) are pretty high for mitigation.
Combine that with a primary that has alot of AoEs and cones (Fire, Archery, Assault Rifle) and you have a high damage output relatively survivable blaster.
You can also pair up with a high mitigation primary Ice/, Sonic/, Energy/ provide lots of mitigation. So any of the mitigation sets will survive well.
You can also (once you have gained a bit of familiarity with the blaster AT) pair a high mitigation primary with a high damage secondary.
Ice/Elec is very nice for going into melee range and doing lots of single target damage. Ice/Fire is good for melee range AoEs.
The problem with the AT is the blaster credo is defeat before you are defeated. In actual play it doesn't work that way for most players though with experience it can. The reason that this is so is that blaster damage output is limited by activation times. Even though your powers may do crap tons of damage you won't survive long enough to apply that damage.
High damage output/low mitigation combinations (which is the majority of blaster pairings) really need an alpha absorber. This is why so many players are slotting up blasters with defense bonuses from IO sets.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
To truely and effectively play on a Blaster and really contribute major damage for the team, you'll almost need to bring two of these AT's with you: A really good taunting and hardy Tanker, and a really good Defender (preferably empathy) who focuses mostly on you. Between those two, you can definitely deliver some massive damage without having to worry too much about face-planting every 3 minutes in late game. Unfortunately...you're one of the only and few toons that must rely on TWO other AT's in order to perform your one role...that to me...isn't right.
This isn't WoW or some other MMO-trinity game. There's never a case where you need a Tanker. There's never a case where you need a Defender. Never ever. That's one way to build a team. However, all Blaster TFs are done from time to time without issue.
Blaster's damage modifier taps out early, that's why the damage seems so much higher early on. However, if are in ANY circumstance where you survive, you will out damage shot for shot every one else. Controllers / Dominators can keep you alive just like Tankers/Defenders can, by the way.
Some would argue that Corruptors with debuffs can keep par, but let's imagine YOU are the Blaster and your teammate does all those debuffs they would do to try to keep up with your damage. Well, then all of a sudden YOU are doing that much more damage. Tada!
I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.
This isn't WoW or some other MMO-trinity game. There's never a case where you need a Tanker. There's never a case where you need a Defender. Never ever. That's one way to build a team. However, all Blaster TFs are done from time to time without issue. Blaster's damage modifier taps out early, that's why the damage seems so much higher early on. However, if are in ANY circumstance where you survive, you will out damage shot for shot every one else. Controllers / Dominators can keep you alive just like Tankers/Defenders can, by the way. Some would argue that Corruptors with debuffs can keep par, but let's imagine YOU are the Blaster and your teammate does all those debuffs they would do to try to keep up with your damage. Well, then all of a sudden YOU are doing that much more damage. Tada! |
Sure, in an all out "who can deal the MOST damage the FASTEREST ready set GO!!!" war, the Blaster will most likely win...however, the Corruptor or Dominator will most likely still be standing and dealing solid damage WITHOUT a bunch of outside support long after the Blaster has already blown his load and hit the hospital for round 2....winner....Corruptor/Dominator.
This isn't to say I don't like Blasters, I love them and the fragile style in which mine live, but I'm also wise enough, and not too proud, to acknowledge and recognize their glaring deficiencies.
I'm not.
Blasters are categorically outclassed. What can they do? Damage and maybe some control. Surely they do the most damage then, since they only really have the one thing? This would be wrong, and Scrappers far and away exceed any Blasters' damage; Brutes too. And then we even have types of Corrupters and Defenders outdamaging Blasters at high levels since they are damage multipliers instead of damage adders. So those 4 must be worse in defense since they do more damage, right? Also no. The same ones can stay indefinitely aggroed to AVs or GMs. Go look in any of those AT forums. It's widely talked about. With all this being the case, what role does a Blaster serve at high levels? None. |
I have a Fire/Nrg and a Rad/Fire blaster. I have a Stone/Inv brute, a Claws/WP brute, and a SS/Fire Brute, as well as a BS/Regen Scrap and a Spines/Dark scrap.
The only brute that comes close to the level of damage that the blasters put out is my SS/Fire brute, and even then, the Rad/Fire still outdamages it.
My Fire/Nrg outdamages pretty much any AT in the single-target department, and still does fantastic AoE. My Rad/Fire outdamages everything for AoE.
Soooo basically, your full of it.
Dude do yourself a favor.. make a blaster and see how you like it. There is so much stuff that is full of wrong in this post its not even funny.
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
Hearsay is the biggest detriment to your gaming experience. If you wanna try a blaster, try one... and see for yourself. 90% of the crap people spew here is dead wrong for anyone other than themselves.
The difference is....the Corruptor or Dominator has the "survivability" to actually fully dispense their ordinance until every last baddie is dead...and that is the key difference here.
Sure, in an all out "who can deal the MOST damage the FASTEREST ready set GO!!!" war, the Blaster will most likely win...however, the Corruptor or Dominator will most likely still be standing and dealing solid damage WITHOUT a bunch of outside support long after the Blaster has already blown his load and hit the hospital for round 2....winner....Corruptor/Dominator. This isn't to say I don't like Blasters, I love them and the fragile style in which mine live, but I'm also wise enough, and not too proud, to acknowledge and recognize their glaring deficiencies. |
... and are you imagining a team where the Dominator mezzes enough to keep itself alive but not the Blaster? Or are you imagning a solo situation with large mobs? In that case, how is the Corruptor going to survive exactly? IOs? Then the Blaster gets them too. Do you realize how much longer it will take a Dominator to clear a large mob solo than a comparably leveled Blaster?
Managing aggro and using the terrain (player based) are going to have a bigger effect on survivability than the one or two powers that many Corruptor secondaries offer (edit: in a solo situation). Additionally, the reduced speed of killing (for many of them) is going to put them at higher risk as well.
I think there is a case for putting Blasters at the back of the line. It is not, however, making sweeping statements about ATs without describing the scenario whatsoever.
Also some powerset comparisons are going to be more or less "obvious." Most people wouldn't want a Psy/Dev Blaster over a Rad/Rad Corruptor. That doesn't mean Corruptors are automatically better all the time.
A Blaster who knows its limitations and operates within those for his or her team is going to out damage those other suckers. It doesn't come down to survivability unless the teammates are non-aggro holding toons with builds devoted to their own survivability only.
Don't play on those teams then. Voila!
I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.
The Blaster, at higher levels, is somewhat less forgiving, and is more challenged by things like mob mez that the easy-mode ATs (melee) don't even have to think about. However, they are still a viable AT.
If your Blaster at high levels is dropping dead as often as DarkMaster's apparently are, well, I don't think the Archetype is the issue there.
Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn
Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad
The Blaster, at higher levels, is somewhat less forgiving, and is more challenged by things like mob mez that the easy-mode ATs (melee) don't even have to think about. However, they are still a viable AT.
If your Blaster at high levels is dropping dead as often as DarkMaster's apparently are, well, I don't think the Archetype is the issue there. |
In your first sentence, you stated exactly what I have been stating from the start; Blasters at high levels are indeed "less forgiving" than just about ANY AT IN THIS GAME. Thanks for agreeing with me...lol..
I love how quickly AT "fanbois" leap head first and eyes shut into a thread to defend their oh-so-beloved toons, before they even pause to consider or to realize that the people expressing certain problems with an AT may only be advocating and rallying for a fix/buff for those shortcomings...lol...hilarious but idiotic...when those very people are on your own friggen side in the first place...lol...
The Blaster, at higher levels, is somewhat less forgiving, and is more challenged by things like mob mez that the easy-mode ATs (melee) don't even have to think about. However, they are still a viable AT.
Of course, this being the forum, virtually no one is playing at the defaults while solo and thinks that anything that can't handle +4/x8 with Bosses & AVs on isn't worth the time.

I've recently been thinking about trying out a Blaster as this is the only AT I have never played much. However, I keep seeing people talk about Blasters as having severe issues soloing beginning around level 30. Apparently this is due to mob hit point scaling and blaster damage just not keeping pace.

Is this really the case? Does the Blaster AT literally become mediocre damage and low survivability? That just....doesn't make sense. And if that really does happen, maybe someone needs to smack Castle in the back of the head until he fixes it.
So how about it folks? Are people over-exaggerating the situation?
(In case it matters, I would prefer to play an Energy blaster for concept purposes.)