I hate every Praetorian




Originally Posted by Hammerstar View Post
Especially when you think that the Resistance player gets the same badge as the Loyalist. What does it say? That the Resistance is just as much founded on lies as Cole's empire.
No, it means that you've discovered all the lies of the dictatorship while you've been fighting them - Resistance players start off in the same state as the loyalists - they don't know the full horror of Praetoria

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
The Sonic Barriers aren't -just- to keep out Hamidon
Correct - they also do a very good job of keeping the slaves in

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Divus View Post
If there is one thing the Dev's have done for GR is that they made the mission text murky and grey and the badge text are the "concrete" clues about the true nature of Praetoria's government. It actually takes effort to get the "Knows the Truth" badge and even then there should be a sub badge, "Knows the Truth and Does Not Care."

Or "Knows the Truth, and Likes what She/He Sees", for those with a stromtrooper mentality

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
How can you hate Noble Savage, or Tunnel Rat, or Kang or McKnight? Or Jessica Flores?
You're joking about, Kang, right? He's the scum of the earth for what he did to his daughter.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by The_Dude73 View Post

Yeah, if Stalin and Pol Pot had been capitalists, then they could have really done some damage!
The Civil War started over Capitalism. The North wanted higher tariffs on cotton, wheat, textile/food exports with lower tariffs on machinery or other goods. The south (while larger) was less populated by the north and felt threatened by the democratic superiority of the Northern states. Secession was the alternative. The Abolition of Slavery was a minor issue in the greater scheme of the war.

World War 2 was inspired by Capitalism. After WW1 Germany was in the greatest economic depression it's ever seen. Hitler and his national Socialist Party came into power because people wanted better money-handling methods and practices. However, Hitler's "Socialist" regime was hardly socialism. All it did was give him greater power after he eliminated all other political threats and started consolidating power as the Chancellor of Germany. Greed and Capitalism lead to his rise, since most people couldn't get -jobs- outside of Germany if they had german blood.

Every War Britain has Ever gotten into has been based on Capitalistic greed. Whether it's taking over the Ivory Coast or trying to reclaim the American Colonies due to the large amounts of cash they and the companies under the monarchy were raking in from the goods shipped in.

Yeah... pol pot and Stalin weren't capitalists. But they also weren't Socialists, according to the original meaning and intent of the word.

The best example of true Socialism in action would be the Native Americans and other tribal people throughout history. The Hunters hunt, the Gatherers Gather, everyone works and everyone is better off for it. If someone is sick or injured they are tended while the work goes on around them. In a Capitalist Society the injured or ill just don't earn any cash during the time they're not working.




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
The Colonies of Virginia, Georgia, and the Carolinas -REFUSED- to vote for revolution at the Continental Congress until the Prohibition of Slavery was removed from the Declaration of Independence.
Not to nitpick, but you're a bit off on that sister. Virginia after the Revolution was very abolition minded. Virginia delegates, actually tried to have slavery outlawed. South Carolina put up the biggest fight, and the Northern colonies were happy to sit back and not argue the issue.

I also don't know that I'd call democracy evil. As a wiser fella than myself once said, it's a terrible form of government, but it beats the alternatives.

Learn modesty, if you desire knowledge. A highland would never be irrigated by river." (Kanz ol-Haghayegh)



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
The Civil War started over Capitalism. The North wanted higher tariffs on cotton, wheat, textile/food exports with lower tariffs on machinery or other goods. The south (while larger) was less populated by the north and felt threatened by the democratic superiority of the Northern states. Secession was the alternative. The Abolition of Slavery was a minor issue in the greater scheme of the war.

World War 2 was inspired by Capitalism. After WW1 Germany was in the greatest economic depression it's ever seen. Hitler and his national Socialist Party came into power because people wanted better money-handling methods and practices. However, Hitler's "Socialist" regime was hardly socialism. All it did was give him greater power after he eliminated all other political threats and started consolidating power as the Chancellor of Germany. Greed and Capitalism lead to his rise, since most people couldn't get -jobs- outside of Germany if they had german blood.

Every War Britain has Ever gotten into has been based on Capitalistic greed. Whether it's taking over the Ivory Coast or trying to reclaim the American Colonies due to the large amounts of cash they and the companies under the monarchy were raking in from the goods shipped in.

Yeah... pol pot and Stalin weren't capitalists. But they also weren't Socialists, according to the original meaning and intent of the word.

The best example of true Socialism in action would be the Native Americans and other tribal people throughout history. The Hunters hunt, the Gatherers Gather, everyone works and everyone is better off for it. If someone is sick or injured they are tended while the work goes on around them. In a Capitalist Society the injured or ill just don't earn any cash during the time they're not working.

Wars are typically fought over resources. Politics, religion, culture, etc. are just window dressing, and those are mostly external motivations.

Many of Stalin's greatest atrocities occured due to his forced collectivization and were done to his own people over his political ideology. This is not unique to other communist strongmen.

Learn modesty, if you desire knowledge. A highland would never be irrigated by river." (Kanz ol-Haghayegh)



By the way, I think Golden Girl is just trolling you guys, at least on some level.

Learn modesty, if you desire knowledge. A highland would never be irrigated by river." (Kanz ol-Haghayegh)



Originally Posted by The_Dude73 View Post
By the way, I think Golden Girl is just trolling you guys, at least on some level.
Like how she takes a single line out of a large post with various points and paragraphs of explanation, then tosses off a "Cutesy" one-liner with an infuriating smiley face at the end to show her superiority complex?





Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Like how she takes a single line out of a large post with various points and paragraphs of explanation, then tosses off a "Cutesy" one-liner with an infuriating smiley face at the end to show her superiority complex?
Just like a certain Mister Phelps! You'll have to guess which one.



With the Hamidon wars and all, are Praetorian vegetarians considered carnivores of the enemy?


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Like how she takes a single line out of a large post with various points and paragraphs of explanation, then tosses off a "Cutesy" one-liner with an infuriating smiley face at the end to show her superiority complex?



just ignore?

It's a troll. It's autistic.

what alternatives do you have?

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
just ignore?

It's a troll. It's autistic.

what alternatives do you have?
I've got her on ignore... But everyone freaking QUOTES her... So even on Ignore it's right -theeeeeeeeeere-




I just like the idea of a catfight between the two of you.

Learn modesty, if you desire knowledge. A highland would never be irrigated by river." (Kanz ol-Haghayegh)



Originally Posted by The_Dude73 View Post
I just like the idea of a catfight between the two of you.
Sadly, I'm incapable of Catfighting. =-(

My father was a Drill Sergeant and taught me how to fight early on, in case some boy got me alone somewhere... Plus I'm 6'3" tall. >.>




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
I'm 6'3" tall. >.>

That's not tall.
I win.


[CENTER][B]Radix malorum est cupiditas[/B][/CENTER]



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
The Civil War started over Capitalism. The North wanted higher tariffs on cotton, wheat, textile/food exports with lower tariffs on machinery or other goods. The south (while larger) was less populated by the north and felt threatened by the democratic superiority of the Northern states. Secession was the alternative. The Abolition of Slavery was a minor issue in the greater scheme of the war.

World War 2 was inspired by Capitalism. After WW1 Germany was in the greatest economic depression it's ever seen. Hitler and his national Socialist Party came into power because people wanted better money-handling methods and practices. However, Hitler's "Socialist" regime was hardly socialism. All it did was give him greater power after he eliminated all other political threats and started consolidating power as the Chancellor of Germany. Greed and Capitalism lead to his rise, since most people couldn't get -jobs- outside of Germany if they had german blood.

Every War Britain has Ever gotten into has been based on Capitalistic greed. Whether it's taking over the Ivory Coast or trying to reclaim the American Colonies due to the large amounts of cash they and the companies under the monarchy were raking in from the goods shipped in.

Yeah... pol pot and Stalin weren't capitalists. But they also weren't Socialists, according to the original meaning and intent of the word.

The best example of true Socialism in action would be the Native Americans and other tribal people throughout history. The Hunters hunt, the Gatherers Gather, everyone works and everyone is better off for it. If someone is sick or injured they are tended while the work goes on around them. In a Capitalist Society the injured or ill just don't earn any cash during the time they're not working.

Oof... oh man...

I'm just gonna sit this one out. :\

It's really difficult, though.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Sadly, I'm incapable of Catfighting. =-(

My father was a Drill Sergeant and taught me how to fight early on, in case some boy got me alone somewhere... Plus I'm 6'3" tall. >.>

Give me six months to work with Golden Girl and we could really have an event.

Learn modesty, if you desire knowledge. A highland would never be irrigated by river." (Kanz ol-Haghayegh)



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Just like a certain Mister Phelps! You'll have to guess which one.
More like a certain Palin imho.

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.