i18 Brutes the sad tale




Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
What kind of kin's have you been teaming with? The one I team with had me damage capped with the old brute cap, no sweat. Now it just takes a few less stacks of Fulcrum Shift to get there..

Anyway, the nerf is nothing crushing.. it's just a small defeat in the mind of a true brute player.

You speak of brutes as though they are objects, not people. As an avid brute player, I take offense to that!
Pffft. All you so-called humans are objects to me. Now go Smash something so I can stand behind and leech XP.

(AT != Player "driving" them, and I don't think digital code can count as a person, not even that creepy Xbox virtual boy).



850% to 775% is the only real nerf to brutes .
But understandable with cross over , who the heck wants a scrapper aside from BS/SD

Sorry that change is 100% understandable gives the scrapper there top damage back not based on luck .

The rest i only read buffs .
That some 5% knew how to maximise their fury , doesn´t mean its working as intended
It saying stalkers were fine cause 5% knew how to play them well .

Sorry brutes are now more then fine with bigger allowance for choices of first tier or 2nd tier powers . that coupled with brawl on auto .
Sorry the change makes shadow maul or other so called dump it powers on brute more viable.
So whats wrong with having more viable powers then straight forward you NEED this brute build nothing else !!



Originally Posted by carbo View Post
its not whinning, and i took the post right from the official, the brute nerf was not needed, i would regularly fill my meter full on my brutes, keep it going from mob to mob, that was the whole idea-sacrificing life for the fury of the battle-not trying to be a tank just a brute! The sary part for the devs was that scrappers would goto the scrap-heap....you would have no way for playing one other than "hey this is a scrapper, remember them"...they took more damage and dished out plenty more. So not whinning, its called voicing your opinion on the nerfing strategy, because we all know what a nerf is right and this was a nerf :d

*Wipes away the tears and catches his breath*

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



This is my first post in two years. I never post here, because if you are not in the click you just get shouted down.

But reading the comments on this thread upset me.

I liked Brutes because they were one of the few AT's in the game that felt "superheroish" because, lets face it... most AT's in this game are underpowered and horrible especially at low levels and especially if you have to solo them up because the population of this game is so very low (aside from the expansion ebb and flow).

I could actually solo to 50 in a reasonable amount of time... without pissing away a very unreasonable amount of my life online. If you have to play 10 hours a day for a month or two just to level one character you are SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME playing a video game.

The brute I am leveling now moves less than half as fast on the experience bar. I cannot max my fury bar even when I am taking on enough mobs to pound me into the dust. I die way more easily... so really now I am forced to take all my IO's off my Brutes and move them to Scrapper or Tank.

Really now a well built scrapper can tank as well a brute and do almost twice the damage, so how is that balance? I am sure the scrappers are happy but how exactly is that balance?

Tankers are still so poor that playing them is like watching paint dry on a wall, but again who benefits from that? Really do we make a class that boring and low damaging for the "benefit of the game". No we make it that way because a very small minority of opinions have a stranglehold over this community.

Do you notice that except for this new expansion NOBODY PLAYS THIS GAME! And in a few months it will be a ghost town again. Yet the same people are applauding how well the developers "balance". Are you kidding me? This is the very worst balanced MMO of them all, by a substantial margin.

The only reason I play this game is because you can create your own unique character. I love being able to be unique and not look like all the other characters who go to X dungeon and get the pink breastplate of uber shiny. But that's it, that's the only reason to play CoX because aside from being able to customize your character and create a unique identity. This is a terrible game as far as balance and playability for at least 60% of the power/class combo's.

Brutes were one of the things "not horrid" about City of Heroes and here you all sit celebrating their descent into "horrid". I cannot explain your acceptance of the )$@*# you are being forced to swallow. Do you all have Stockholm syndrome or are your noses just so brown you can't smell the stink?

I will go back to the shadows, and in a few weeks when I am tired of the emperors new clothes my subscription will be canceled again, just like so many others.

Meanwhile you can pat yourselves on the back and be satisfied that all the "whiners" are silenced.

Good job.

Bye again.



Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
This is my first post in two years. I never post here, because if you are not in the click you just get shouted down.
Sounds right.

Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
But reading the comments on this thread upset me.

Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
I liked Brutes because they were one of the few AT's in the game that felt "superheroish" because, lets face it... most AT's in this game are underpowered and horrible especially at low levels and especially if you have to solo them up because the population of this game is so very low (aside from the expansion ebb and flow).
What game are you playing, Champions Online?

Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
I could actually solo to 50 in a reasonable amount of time... without pissing away a very unreasonable amount of my life online. If you have to play 10 hours a day for a month or two just to level one character you are SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME playing a video game.
Clearly you've never played EVE.

Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
The brute I am leveling now moves less than half as fast on the experience bar. I cannot max my fury bar even when I am taking on enough mobs to pound me into the dust. I die way more easily... so really now I am forced to take all my IO's off my Brutes and move them to Scrapper or Tank.
You and I are obviously not playing the same AT. My brutes are leveling faster than ever, especially the low level ones.

Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
Really now a well built scrapper can tank as well a brute and do almost twice the damage, so how is that balance? I am sure the scrappers are happy but how exactly is that balance?
Again, what game are you playing? I've never met a Dark Melee/Dark Armor scrapper that can outperform my Dark Melee/Dark Armor brute in any aspect.

Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
Tankers are still so poor that playing them is like watching paint dry on a wall, but again who benefits from that? Really do we make a class that boring and low damaging for the "benefit of the game". No we make it that way because a very small minority of opinions have a stranglehold over this community.
Didn't read the patch notes, did you sparky?

Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
Do you notice that except for this new expansion NOBODY PLAYS THIS GAME! And in a few months it will be a ghost town again. Yet the same people are applauding how well the developers "balance". Are you kidding me? This is the very worst balanced MMO of them all, by a substantial margin.
You haven't played WoW, either. Try dealing with the imbalance there.

Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
The only reason I play this game is because you can create your own unique character. I love being able to be unique and not look like all the other characters who go to X dungeon and get the pink breastplate of uber shiny. But that's it, that's the only reason to play CoX because aside from being able to customize your character and create a unique identity. This is a terrible game as far as balance and playability for at least 60% of the power/class combo's.
I really have no idea how to counter this whole "imbalance" statement. When ALL of my melee characters are able to take on 10+ enemies of +1 level and take them on well your 'argument' just doesn't hold water.

Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
Brutes were one of the things "not horrid" about City of Heroes and here you all sit celebrating their descent into "horrid". I cannot explain your acceptance of the )$@*# you are being forced to swallow. Do you all have Stockholm syndrome or are your noses just so brown you can't smell the stink?
No, I believe you're the one with Stockholm syndrome, considering you offered a post so inflamed with rage and fallacy to a forum of people who honestly enjoy the game you're bashing. Nice poop joke, by the way.

Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
I will go back to the shadows, and in a few weeks when I am tired of the emperors new clothes my subscription will be canceled again, just like so many others.
Back to the shadows? Someone's playing a stalker. >.>

Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
Meanwhile you can pat yourselves on the back and be satisfied that all the "whiners" are silenced.
We missed one, apparently.

Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
Good job.

Bye again.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
The brute I am leveling now moves less than half as fast on the experience bar. I cannot max my fury bar even when I am taking on enough mobs to pound me into the dust. I die way more easily... so really now I am forced to take all my IO's off my Brutes and move them to Scrapper or Tank.
Sorry to hear you are doing it wrong.
Do you notice that except for this new expansion NOBODY PLAYS THIS GAME!
I've been queued to get in a couple nights now, and there are servers hitting yellow (and red) that haven't been out of the green for literally years. Logging on to some of the quieter servers has shown me that there are a ton of people playing in the old world and enjoying swapping sides, running tips, and having fun. Tell me more about how nobody is playing this game.
This is a terrible game as far as balance and playability for at least 60% of the power/class combo's.
And yet when the devs attempt to correct some minor imbalance, people get so infuriated that they can barely choke back their tears of nerdrage long enough type out a vitriolic rant. What do you think balance means?
Brutes were one of the things "not horrid" about City of Heroes and here you all sit celebrating their descent into "horrid".
What's horrid about brutes? I'm not even noticing the change. Literally not noticing it, on any character including a new brute. I'd bet there are a lot of folks who don't read the forums who haven't noticed it either.
Meanwhile you can pat yourselves on the back and be satisfied that all the "whiners" are silenced.
If only.



I love how people keep posting as if they're all knowing about some big conspiracy by the developers and that we, the "Loyalists" (*snrk*) are blind to everything that is so obviously wrong with this game.

It really is hilarious.



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
I love how people keep posting as if they're all knowing about some big conspiracy by the developers and that we, the "Loyalists" (*snrk*) are blind to everything that is so obviously wrong with this game.

It really is hilarious.
Freedom is slavery. >_>

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
The brute I am leveling now moves less than half as fast on the experience bar. I cannot max my fury bar even when I am taking on enough mobs to pound me into the dust. I die way more easily... so really now I am forced to take all my IO's off my Brutes and move them to Scrapper or Tank.
You really are doing it wrong. The fury changes actually helps Brutes leveling up. Only at the high-end spectrum you will see a small nerf. You die because your max fury is 10% less than it used to be? It sounds like you would die either way.




Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
Really now a well built scrapper can tank as well a brute and do almost twice the damage, so how is that balance? I am sure the scrappers are happy but how exactly is that balance?
They can do neither of those things.

A Brute with 0% Fury and not using BU is still dealing ~61.2% the damage of a Scrapper with a 10% crit rate (non-minions) and using BU. Or to put it another way, the Scrapper is dealing ~163.38% the Brute's damage, still less than twice.

A Brute is always more survivable than a Scrapper because they have 12% more hp. They also have higher res/hp caps, so sets like Elec, Invuln, etc really benefit. Finally, Scrappers can't "tank" as well as Brutes because Brutes have far more taunt capabilities (taunt auras on all sets sans EA, Gauntlet-lite, and Taunt instead of [edit: Challenge]).

Note: I'm not saying you have to like the change, just what you're saying is wild hyperbole.



Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
The brute I am leveling now moves less than half as fast on the experience bar. I cannot max my fury bar even when I am taking on enough mobs to pound me into the dust. I die way more easily... so really now I am forced to take all my IO's off my Brutes and move them to Scrapper or Tank.
Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously when you're claiming that the Brute changes caused you to now level more than twice as slowly? There's no way the small changes in Going Rogue could possibly do that.

I know everyone plays differently and circumstances can be radically different and yada yada, but this is just blatantly impossible. If you're leveling less than half as fast as before, then somehow you got slower or you've fallen into a localized temporal anomaly. The absolute fastest solo brutes from I17 might now be 10%-15% slower, maybe. Some really unlucky guy that happened to be doing the worst possible thing might be leveling 20% slower, although that is really unlikely. Most Brutes are going to see single-digit difference, some of them faster than before. Nobody is going to have their performance cut in half. Nobody is going to have their performance cut so low that it could look subjectively like its cut in half.

I find it impossible to reconcile your observations with the requirements of observational reality, even under the most generous circumstances possible that don't involve mind-altered states.

I will go back to the shadows, and in a few weeks when I am tired of the emperors new clothes my subscription will be canceled again, just like so many others.
This is really an empty threat. You're not the first to make it. You won't be the last to make it. They are always seen as transparent attempts at a grand gesture of indignation, and come off as something far less.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
This is how I see it, Brutes were normalized rather than nerfed, which needed to happen to slot them neatly where they belong between Scrappers and Tanks.
Remember everyone needs to feel special and unique...I'll be over at the "I solo'd my frist AV" thread in the scrapper board



Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
This is my first post in two years. I never post here
I'm not even going to waste time responding to this drivel, other than to say how glad I am that you don't post here. There are enough trolls as it is.



To Q_Candy .

Sorry but Pretoria is way tougher to level solo then anything i have played before .
Its not that brute is flawed , it seems like they just want you to start using IO DO when they become available .
TO hardly cut it anymore at level 12+ still doable , but the incoming damage is way higher then old classic COH or COV .
Most of the oppenents use fully powers that are anoying if you dont have status protection.
Stuns Knockback/Down , endurance drain , Pyschic attacks are more normal .

This has nothing to do with the brute class it self , yes partly it feels slower the brutes but its cause of the mobs changes are a lot tougher then classic .
But fury able to be maintained at 100-150% without the bigger decay . means you dont need to see a full bar .
The decay rate slow down means you are almost always operating at 50% damage in no time .

The rest of the post sadly yes , once i am done with the story arcs (and they are really wonderfull written) i will see again drop in people .
So just enjoy the months , the arcs are really nice written and mature choices i didn´t expect before .
Kill somebody really Kill somebody just to maintain your cover or gain power .
No longer arrest nonesense . infact Pretoria is the darkest of the world , its the world that should have been city of villains .
Well yes most people dont even think about that , they just level onwards missing the wonderfull choice in can make in the game .

Sadly limitation to the game system , and developers not willing to give in base fitness pool.
Moving powers to IO set to be uber .
Market is ruined for new people to even start using especially now since emails means , people like me dont even have to bother with the market .
Means very few of the new people will stick . even the old ones who return will be envious or feel way left behind .

The balance is simply set on keeping people playing like any other MMO time versus money issue . and hoping that there are more supporters of the game .
That just pay and not play .
Sorry if a server is already lagging so badly with 1000 people in europe .
I can´t imagine it being fun with 5000 people on the server .



Originally Posted by Exodus_V View Post
Remember everyone needs to feel special and unique...I'll be over at the "I solo'd my frist AV" thread in the scrapper board
Maybe now that Brutes have been normalized, scrapper fans will go back to their solo Plyon & AV hunting.

We have wounds to lick.



Originally Posted by Q_Candy View Post
Do you notice that except for this new expansion NOBODY PLAYS THIS GAME! And in a few months it will be a ghost town again. Yet the same people are applauding how well the developers "balance". Are you kidding me? This is the very worst balanced MMO of them all, by a substantial margin.
Hahahahaha! That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time. A 6 year old game rivaling the player base of many brand new games (See: Warhammer Online) has "nobody" playing. This is one of the oldest MMOs, with terabytes of data that can be mined for balance. If it feels like a ghost town, try another time of day or another server. I know Champion is dead from 2am-5am, so if I can't sleep and decide to get on, I get on Virtue. I've played many MMOs and done the same thing on those.

Again, if you or anyone else feels like their Brute was toned down then *good*. Too many people were saying Tankers would be replaced, and from a numbers stand point Scrappers would go, too. If we really want an MMO with 14 ATs, they need to be distinct AND balanced. That means pro's and con's. If you want an MMO that homogenizes survivability and damage, go check out WoW.

I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.



Originally Posted by Nano-Slayer View Post
Maybe now that Brutes have been normalized, scrapper fans will go back to their solo Plyon & AV hunting.

We have wounds to lick.
I have a mix of brutes and scrappers at 50, and I was one of the ones out heavily testing this in beta. Even with this change, my brutes do these two things better than my scrappers. Just sayin.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



son you need to learn how to troll.....mayhaps 4chan?



I was running some missions earlier on my 50 SS/Invul at +1x8. I had 80-85 fury most or the time. I'm really not noticing the change, with the exception that the fury stays up easier between spawns ...

Just saying.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



I`m having a blast in the New Zones. I`ve soloed the whole thing so far, & have only died once. Brute is now sitting at lvl 18 SS/WP, however been using hand grenades sparringly. Also only using DO`s enhancements.

Never have health issues, just ED little blue pills, & rest seem to fix that problem. Opening up on a mob with a few quick hits, & by the time on the second mob fury is about 50%.

Brutes are atleast easier to play out of the box. Unless, its just the power sets I picked, & following some time proven guides ^^



So I have been playing 3 brutes lately. My 50 SS/Fire brute, who is now godlike thanks to the Burn and FE changes, my 50 Stone/Inv, who is just as tough and awesome as he always has been, and my new 14 Claws/Fire, which I am leveling in Preatoria.

Overall notice of these changes? Well, my SS/Fire has gotten better at everything, but this is due to the changes of Fire Aura really. I never noticed fury in the first place with double stacked rage.

My Stone/Inv does feel the changes, but only a little bit. I notice that my damage is not *quite* as good as where it used to be, but again, only a very minor change to me. Because I use Fault on teams, I don't get quite the amount of incoming attacks that other brutes do, so again, a touch slower, but I still feel awesome.

My Claws/Fire is one of the easiest characters I have leveled. Soloing through Preatoria, and If there is an increased difficulty in Preatoria, I haven't noticed it.

Overall conclusions? The fury change is fine. Go QQ moar plz.



I just started playing a new brute today. Those who think Praetoria is hard are smoking crack, or just never learned to actually play the low level characters they've supposedly had.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
I just started playing a new brute today. Those who think Praetoria is hard are smoking crack, or just never learned to actually play the low level characters they've supposedly had.
Once you get to lvl 10 make some cheap Hand Grenades, & Stun Grenades you`ll never die. Nice little AoE till you can get one from your power set ^^



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
I just started playing a new brute today. Those who think Praetoria is hard are smoking crack, or just never learned to actually play the low level characters they've supposedly had.
Yeah, I kept hearing people saying how hard Praetoria is, and well.. I didn't get it. I've made about 3 characters in Prat, and I havn't had issues with any of the difficulty.