i18 Brutes the sad tale




Here is the Patch Notes on new, nerfy BRUTES


Fiery Aura/Fiery Embrace - The Brute version of this power had a 30 second duration on the Fire Damage buff. This was inconsistent with the Tanker and Scrapper versions and has been reduced to 20 seconds. Note with the changes above, this only applies in PVP.

Dark Armor/Aura of Fear - The Brute version of this power has a magnitude was set to 3. This was inconsistent with the Tanker and Scrapper versions and has been reduced to 2.

Decreased Brute Damage Cap from 850% to 775%.

Modified the Brute Fury Formula so that there is a more gradual degradation of Fury Build Up while attacking/being attacked instead of a sharp fall off at 80%. The fall off begins at 30%.

Reduced Fury Decay Rate from 2 points per second to 0.75 points per second.

The overall result of these two changes to Fury Generation is that it will be easier to maintain low levels of Fury, while gaining very high levels of Fury will be more difficult.

Fixed a bug which prevented bonus Fury generation when attacking other players or very difficult targets such as Archvillains. The bonus is a flat 5 points per qualifying target hit by the attack, up to 70% Fury. Note that unlike standard Fury generation, this bonus only applies if the attack hits the target.



I have to say... I am not a huge fan the fury cap reduction, but you have overlooked some of the good changes happening. Your post is quite limited in scope and borders on troll worthy. You should read more about some of the changes happening before deciding it is all bad.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



In practice, I haven't felt much of a reduction in damage. What I have noticed is that Fury is much easier to maintain between spawns.


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They nerfed shield charge, and unnerfed burn.... What else did he miss? Not a whole lot of love for brutes in those patch notes.



Did you thing that brutes needed any love? They solo faster from 1 to 50 than any other AT. They're now in perfect balance between tanks and scrappers. Stronger than the first and tougher than the second.

So why the whining?

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
So why the whining?
A number was made smaller. It's the only excuse some people need.


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Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
I have to say... I am not a huge fan the fury cap reduction, but you have overlooked some of the good changes happening. Your post is quite limited in scope and borders on troll worthy. You should read more about some of the changes happening before deciding it is all bad.
My post was a response to this Bill, didn't really say one way or the other what I thought about the notes. Don't really care one way or the other TBH. Fury nerf sucks... kinda. Low enough dmg mod the the % won't kill me though. The post doesn't seem "troll worthy" to me. He left out a nerf, and an unnerf. Or did I actually miss a change?



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
A number was made smaller. It's the only excuse some people need.
It makes me sad that people get so worked up over game balance and adjustments. Is it so hard to grasp the simple fact that ADJUSTMENTS (not nerfs) are needed for a balanced game, and that a balanced game is needed to satisfy its ultimate goal: Letting players have fun?

Without the changes to Brutes, Tankers and Scrapper would become nearly obsolete with side-switching.

Sure, I may be sad that my Brute can't do as much damage now, but now I actually have a reason to try playing a Tanker.

Not only that, but I also found the changes very nice. I could just take a short AFK break on my Brute without worrying about my Fury to drop down to zero by the time I come back.



thi may be stupid but i rarely find myself above 80 fury, i doubt ill be seeing myself with 35 fury in 4 hours when this download finishes.



Its not whinning, and I took the post right from the official, the BRUTE nerf was not needed, I would regularly fill my meter full on my brutes, keep it going from mob to mob, that was the whole idea-sacrificing life for the fury of the battle-not trying to be a tank just a Brute! The sary part for the Devs was that Scrappers would goto the Scrap-heap....you would have no way for playing one other than "hey this is a scrapper, remember them"...they took more damage and dished out plenty more. So not whinning, its called voicing your opinion on the NERFING strategy, because we all know what a nerf is right and this was a NERF



Fiery Aura/Fiery Embrace - The Brute version of this power had a 30 second duration on the Fire Damage buff. This was inconsistent with the Tanker and Scrapper versions and has been reduced to 20 seconds. Note with the changes above, this only applies in PVP.
Sounds like someone only read half the patch notes/changelog history.

FE is vicious on Brutes now, whereas before it was alright but not great because Fury eclipsed it.

Before it added 100% base damage to any fire attacks you might have had for 30 seconds. Given that Brutes have low base damage it wasn't that great really and only really a must-pick for a Fire/Fire Brute.

Now it adds 45% enhanced Fire damage (in other words 45% of your final damage figure) to ANY attack for 20 seconds. So it plays well with Fury.*

Even the Fury changes actually suit my Stone/Fire Brute a tad better which is a bit mad since he always struggled to maintain Fury. The slower decay works better for him. I'm almost tempted to reopen my EU account just to see the changes on him. It would have a more negative effect on my Dark/WP and Claws/Elec though, but they are ridiculously awesome anyway.



Hey doomcriers, could you keep it down? I'm trying to have fun with my new powersets and zones.



Hmmm? A fury change? Sorry didn't notice. To busy smashing stuff.



Originally Posted by carbo View Post
Here is the Patch Notes on new, nerfy BRUTES


Fiery Aura/Fiery Embrace - The Brute version of this power had a 30 second duration on the Fire Damage buff. This was inconsistent with the Tanker and Scrapper versions and has been reduced to 20 seconds. Note with the changes above, this only applies in PVP.

Modified the Brute Fury Formula so that there is a more gradual degradation of Fury Build Up while attacking/being attacked instead of a sharp fall off at 80%. The fall off begins at 30%.

Reduced Fury Decay Rate from 2 points per second to 0.75 points per second.

The overall result of these two changes to Fury Generation is that it will be easier to maintain low levels of Fury, while gaining very high levels of Fury will be more difficult.

Fiery Aura has been BUFFED IMO. Now the damage modifier applies to mostly all damage for 20 seconds, that's a huge buff.

The fury "nerf" as you call it can be seen as a buff as well. At lvl 8 my KM/FA runs around with 200-300% Fury no problem....

"PvP Messiah"



Originally Posted by carbo View Post
Here is the Patch Notes on new, nerfy BRUTES
My main at Issue 18's release is a Brute, and I'm very happy to see some adjustments on them. As if it weren't bad enough that they out damage and survive scrappers, they also take it upon themselves to replace stalkers and tankers in team dynamics. If so many people weren't chattering on the forums that tankers were going to be replaced, and if it weren't for what seems more obvious but less talked about, that scrappers would be replaced, then perhaps brutes would have stayed the same.

As it is, mixing all the ATs, I'm really glad to see Brutes toned down a bit. A lower but easier to maintain fury bar was a perfect idea. It helps to make their role more unique without changing the flavor of their inherent.

Aura of Fear was mag 3? I'm just disappointed it took them so long to fix that...

I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.



Originally Posted by Cold_X View Post
Fiery Aura has been BUFFED IMO. Now the damage modifier applies to mostly all damage for 20 seconds, that's a huge buff.

The fury "nerf" as you call it can be seen as a buff as well. At lvl 8 my KM/FA runs around with 200-300% Fury no problem....
Pardon my ignorance.... but you're running around at how much fury?

'Cause I thought the bar thingie filled up at 100%

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Pardon my ignorance.... but you're running around at how much fury?

'Cause I thought the bar thingie filled up at 100%
Some people really do give 110%



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Pardon my ignorance.... but you're running around at how much fury?

'Cause I thought the bar thingie filled up at 100%
He's most likely meaning his total damage bonus from fury, not the fury percentage itself.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



Originally Posted by carbo View Post
The sary part for the Devs was that Scrappers would goto the Scrap-heap....you would have no way for playing one other than "hey this is a scrapper, remember them"..
I feel inspired by the new clockwork.

If PLA.Pst:AT=DEAD than Pla.ID=10t.



The new Fiery Embrace is anything but a nerf for Brutes, as has been pointed out.



My stalkers weep for brutes.

Yeah, right.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




I soloed 5 tip missions last night at +0/+8 (my typical setting).

I didn't change my playstyle or speed at all and I noticed No Difference in my effectiveness.

Yeah, I know there was a minor difference but if I can't even notice it, how big a deal is it?

I'm fine with these new 'nerfs'